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1、C. I ts a twen ty-minute walk D . Half an hour 讦 we drive fas t7. Y ou needrft do the wo rk till af ter the Ne w YearA. No , you need rftB Oh, g ood! Thank you.C. Happy New Year t o youD. 1 li ke the wor k8. Have a nice ho liday, Ted A . Yes, you zre rightB. Tha ts all ri ghtC . Thank yo u, and you

2、tooD. Good ideaLondon? How was the journe y to?A. It went very wellB. It wa s a nine-h our plane journeyC. 1 fl ew thereD. 1 was v ery well10 Can yo u help me clear up t he mess?A. T ell me who made itB. No tro uble at al 1C.Yes, thafll be all rightD. N o problem1 1. Are y ou on holi day here?C No,w

3、e are nt We live here D. Y es, we liv e here12. Whats the fare to the mus eum?A. Five hours B. Five oclockC. Five miles D Fiv e dollars1 3. Is it going t o be warm next week?A. Yes, it j s B. I dont believe itC.No, it ha snt change s all the time14. What do yo u usually do in your spare tim e?A

4、. Yes, it s my favo rite time B. R eadingC. No, III never do that D . Do it by yourself1 5. Do you mind i f I read t he newspap er on the table?A. Goo d news for you B.Go ahead,pleaseC. Yes,sure D. No,I cant16 May I speak to P rof Li pie ase?A. No, y ou cant B. Theres no Prof L iCdorft kn ow whether

5、 hes out Dm afraid youve go t the wron g number1 7. Here you are, S ir.A . Yes, Km hereB.Yes, here we areC. All rightD. T hank you v ery much18 . So sor ry to trou ble you.A. 1 ts a plea sureB. 1 ts your f aultC. 1 dont think soD . Km sorr y, too19. Would yo u like a t ea?A. Yes, p leaseB. 1 lik e g

6、reen te aC.Yes, 1 pre fer coffeeD. No,l dont m ind20. W hat does y our Englis h teacher look like?A.She likes singingB. S he looks s adC.She likes to stay w ith usD She looks much like her motherItaly21. How long will you be away fr om?Italy A. Yes, 1 ll be inB. A bout a mon thItaly C.Yes, its a lon

7、g wa y toD.Since las t month22. Whats the weat her like i n this are a?A. Very we IIB. Its r ainyC. Yes, it I fines all righ t23. How are you f eeling now ?C. Thank you D. Hezs a II right24 . What t ime does t he train I eave?A. On T uesday B. In the morningC. At half past five D. At nightTokyo25Hav

8、e you ever been to?B. A. No, I didnt go there las t yearN o, but I h ope to go there next yearC. Tokyo is a busy city D.Yes, Ill do it next time第一部分:交际用语答案:1. B2.C3. A4.B5.C6.B7.B8.C9.A10.D11.C12. D13. A14.B15.B16.D17.D18.A19. A 20.D21.B22.B23.A24.C25.B第二部分:词汇与语法结构阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选

9、项,并在答 题纸上写出所选的字母符号。1 My w atch has b een losi ng time for the past w eek .It pr obably nee dsA cleaningB . to cleanC. c leanedD to b e cleaning2. We are going to h ave our of fice to ma ke room fo r a new en gineer.A. to rearran geB. rearr angeC. re arrangedD. re arranging3. Mary sa id to me/zlf I h

10、ad seen your bag, I it t o you.A. will retur nB. wou Id have re turnedC. could returnD. m ust return4. We sha II have an opportuni ty to exch ange tomorro w.A. sight sB. meanin gsC. viewsD. minds5. Si nee this r oad is wet and slipp ery this m oming, it last nig ht.A. mu st rainB. was rainin gC. mus

11、t h ave rainedD. may rai n6. You will get u sed to here when you have settl ed down.A. livi ngB. liveC. I ivesD. liv ed7. She i s very car eful. She ve ry few mis takes in h er work.A. doesB. takesC ma kesD gets8. Unfort unately th e poor gir I cant do anything but all her belonging s at a lowprice.

12、A . to sellB . sellC. s ellingD. s old9. Do you think Tommy is the t ruth?A. sayingB spe akingC. tellingD. tai king10. she co uldrft und erstand wa s why fewe r and fewe r went to him for heIp.A. ThatB. WhatC. WhenD . Wher e11. They were aske d to avoid a ny water w hich had n ot been bo iledA. dr i

13、nkingB. t o drinkC. havi ngD. n ot to be d runk12. Jo hn fell as leep he was listening to the mus ic.A. aft erB. befor eC. whileDas soon as13.1 ha ve taken m any photos . Km goin g to get t he film A. being dev elopedB. d evelopedC. developin gD. to be developed14. If th e weather had been g ood, th

14、e c hildren out for a wal k.A. h ad goneB. would goC. co uld have g oneD. went15. The c ar wont s tart becau se the bat tery has .A. run outB. run overC. run downD. r un off16. The hall w as almost empty. The re were peo pie in it.A. littleB a littleC. fewD. a few17. Be fore joini ng the arm y, he s

15、pen t a lot of time in t he village he belonge d.A. whic hB. to whi chC. to wh ereD. at w hich18. The doctor advised h er eno ugh re st before going back to work.A. getB. to getc. g etsD. got19. of them has a bedr oom and a studyA. E veryB. Bot hC. EachD. AII20. Th e workers are busy mod els for th

16、e exhibit! on.A. to makeB. wi th makingC being ma kingD. mak ing21. M y boss is holding po intless me etings. It really an noys me.A.never B. a Iways C. som etimes D sei dom22. Tha t dinner w as the mos t expensiv e meal we .A. wou Id have B. h ave had C h ave ever h ad D ha d ever had23. Rober t is

17、 said abroad, b ut I dorft know what country h e studied in.A. to h ave been s tudying B. to stud yC to be studying be stu died24 -1 f he , h e that food. Luckil y he was s ent to the hospital immediatel y.A. was w arned; wou Id not tak e B.had been w arned; wou Id not hav e takenC. would be w

18、arned; had not taken D. woul d have bee n warned;had not ta ken25.1 w as sick, b ut I it a t the week endA. got by B. go t over C got awa y atEngland26John was b ored, he I eft his li fe in.A. in ad dition B. s o C. how ever D.furthermo re27. The se new pro cesses .A. should be contro lied B s

19、hould controlC. should be controllin g D. s hould cont rolled28. This is ve ry imports nt. You r emember to shut down your comp uter everyeve ning.A ought B.must C. sh ould D can29John Walt ers claime d that thi s lack of informatio n in neg ative feel ingstowar ds the med ia.A. have resulted B. had

20、 re suited C .res ulted D res ults30. yo u change y our mindwor/t be able to h elp you.A.WhenB. UnlessC. Whi leD. A s31. It is one of th e best con certs I .A. we nt to B.go to C.h ave ever b een to D ha d gone to3 2. He his father for both of t hem love w alking in the countr ysideA. I ooks B. is l

21、i ke C. Io oks like D. like3 3. Then sh e cheered a I ot when th ey got the ta xi.A. upover B o finto C.of. over D. up. i nto34. Doe s this pat ients rec ord need now? No,you can fi nish it la ter.A. com plete B . to compl ete C. comp leting D. c ompleted35 . Could yo u tell me ?A how long you live

22、hereB . how long have you lived hereC. how Ion g you have lived her eD. ho w long did you live here36. Th ere are ma ny cities very fast.A. expand B.expanded expand D. e xpanding37 .Last year o f new book s were pub lished on environmen tai protection.A. hu ndreds B.a hundred C . the hund red D

23、. one hundred38 . Waste el ectrical g oods safely.A.must disp ose of B. must be disposed ofC.must be disposing of D mus t to be d isposed of39. There is a lot o f crime on televisio n. other i ssues are pushed no Io nger what it .A. us ed to be B.was used to beingC.used to be ing D .

24、was used to be41 reading t he novel b y the end of this we ekA. shal I finish B.shall be finish ed C.shall has finished D. sh all have f inished42. He didnt want anyt hing to ea t because he already ea ten.A. has B have C had D. h aving43. T he best th ing to slee p.A. to do is B. d oing is C. to do

25、 D is to do44. You had be tter a coat with you.A. - B. to take C. take D. ta king45. Th e food was good,but not g ood eno ugh for me to eat there again.A.very B. quite C.really D. absol utely46. He has th ree compan ies .A. emp loying 50 people eac h B. empl oying each 50 peopleC. each em ploy 50 pe

26、 ople D. employ ing 50 eac h people47 . She wa s late that she missed the last trai n.A. B . too C. so D. such48. Could you tell me ?A.where I c an find a toilet B. whe re can I f ind a toil etC where I have fo und a toil et D wher e have I f ound a toi let49. Th e new comp uter allow s me work more

27、 efficient ly.词汇与语法结构答案l.A3.B4.C6.A7 .C8.B9.C10.B11. A1 2. C13.B14.C15.A16. C17. B1 8. B19 .C20.D21. B22. D23.A 24. B26. B27. A2 & B 29. B30.B31. C32. B33.D 3 4. C35. C36.D37 .A38. B 39.A 4 0.A41. D42. C43. A4 4. C45.B46. A47. C48. A4 9. A50. C第三部分:完形填空阅读下面的短文,从短文后所给的爪B. C. D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上圈出所选的字母符号。Passage 1ThailandThe bigges t adventur e Ive eve r

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