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1、CSomething.4What did the man suggest the woman do in the morning? ADo exercise. BGo outdoors. CStay indoors.5Whats the result of the womans lateness? ALosing some of her bonus.BLeaving people a bad impression.CMaking the boss angry.第二节(共15小题; 每题分,总分值分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项当选出最正确选项

2、,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时刻阅读各个小题,每题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时刻。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6What does the man suggest the woman do tonight? AGo to the party. BSee a film. CGo to a concert.7What does the woman have to do tonight? ATake care of her brother. BVisit her brother. CSee her brother off.听第7段材料,回

3、答第8至10题。8What does the woman want to buy? AA shirt for her daughter. BA hat for her doctor. CA hat for her daughter.9How much does it cost her? A$22. B$21. C$20.10Where will the woman go? AGo to the third floor to buy some clothes. BGo to the second floor to buy some food.CGo to the second floor to

4、buy some fruit.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11What kind of room does the woman recommend to the man? AOne room with a kitchen at side. BOne room without a kitchen.COne room with a kitchen at back.12Where does the room stand? AJust beside the underground station. BJust in downtown.CFar from the underground stati

5、on.13What can we infer from the dialogue? AIts far from what the man thinks of. BThe man thinks it too dear to rent.CThe man finds it fits his idea of the room.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14Where are they going? ATo a basketball game. BTo a football game. CTo a volleyball game.15Who will go there? AJack,John a

6、nd Bob. BJohn,Betty and Bob. CTom,John and Bob.16How does Bob speak English? AHe never speaks English very fast. BHe always speaks English very fast.CHe speaks English well.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17Where will the swimming competition be held? AAt the New Town Swimming Pool. BAt Jackson Sports Centre.CIn

7、a universitys swimming pool.18When will the students return to their school? AAt 3:10. BAt 3:15. CAt 2:45.19Who will gather at the front gate at 9:45 this morning? AStudents of years 7 to I0 and their teachers. BStudents of years 7 to 8 and their teachers.CStudents of years 7 to 9 and their teachers

8、.20Which is available at the sports centre? ACold drinks. BSoft drinks. CHot water.听力材料:Text 1W: How do you go to your office every day? Do you walk?M: Well,its too far to walk. I usually take the bus.Text 2 I never drink water without ice. Dont you think thats bad for your stomach? But Ive been doi

9、ng it for the whole summer,especially at lunchtime. There seems to be no problem.Text 3 Hi,Jenny. What are you looking for? I dont know what to buy for Toms birthday. Well,Ive bought him a pencilbox, so why dont you get him a book or something? Yes,thats a good idea I will.Text 4 Please turn on the

10、airconditioner. The temperature is 39 today. All right. But I think it might be cooler outside at this time of the day. Many people are doing their morning exercises outdoors now. What do you mean? I suggest you do the same.Text 5 Its ten to eight already. Ill be late for work.t worry. You can be a

11、little late. But that wont be good for me. Ill lose some of my bonus. Oh,dont let a couple of yuan get you down. Well, then.Text 6 How about going to listen to a concert tonight? Id love to,but Ive got to babysit my little brother, Richard. Do you really have to? Oh, yes, my parents will be out, and

12、 Ive promised them that Ill look after him.s a pity that you cant go with me.Text 7 Can I help you,Madam? I want to buy a hat for my daughter. Come here,please. Is this one fit for your daughter? It looks nice. I think its better. How much is it?s twentyfive dollars. Its good quality,ll buy it for t

13、wenty. OK, choose one, please. And I want to buy some food. The food counter is on the second floor. Thank you very much.Text 8 Hello. Is the apartment youre advertising still available? Yes,it is. Can you tell me a little about it?s a perfect apartment for one person. Its one room with a kitchen at

14、 the end. I see. And is it far away from the subway? Theres a subway station just down the street. Actually,the apartment is located right downtown, so you step out of the building and there are stores and restaurants everywhere. But its on a high floor, so you dont hear any street or traffic noise.

15、 It sounds like just the kind of place Im looking for. Id like to see it,please. Sure. Let me give you the address.Text 9 What are you going to do tomorrow,John?m going to the basketball game. I have three tickets. Can you go,Betty? Of course,who will use the third ticket?m going to ask Bob. He like

16、s basketball. We played basketball together yesterday. Will you and Bob play basketball? Yes,we are going to play at the back of his home. Can I play,too? Of course,you can. I will need your help. Why?t you understand Bobs English? Of course, I do. He never speaks English very fast, but he always pl

17、ays basketball very fast. Well play together, and we must have fun.Text 10 Can I have your attention,please? This is a message for years 7 to 10. The swimming competition will be held at the Jackson Sports Centre. Buses will be leaving school at 10:00 to take you to the centre. Its a 15minute ride.

18、Youll be returning to school at 3:15 in time to catch your usual buses home. Now here is the travelling arrangement for this morning. Years 7 and 8 and their home group teachers are together at the front gate at 9 : 45. You will go on the last three buses. Cold drinks will be available at the sports

19、 centre. Thats all. Thanks.答案:15BAABA610CACCB1115CBCAB1620ABBBA第二部份阅读明白得(共两节,总分值40分)第一节(共15小题;每题2分,总分值30分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最正确选项。AThe best diet for you is the one that you can follow for the rest of your life. Most diets can get you to your goal, if you do exactly what they say. The fir

20、st thing to do is to look at what youre doing now. If its easier for you to see where youre going wrong by writing down what you eat for the next week,then do that. When you become familiar with the foods you choose to eat every day,its easy to start to get used to healthier alternatives and make be

21、tter choices. Lets take a look at some common lifestyle choices that could help you lose weight easily. Got a soda habit? Drink a lot of soda or fruit juices? Substitute water and tea instead. Studies show that just this one substitution can help you drop 20 pounds in a year. Spending a lot of time

22、buying fast food? Avoid anything that you can get through a window. Bring your lunch instead. Home cooking almost automatically guarantees a meal thats lower in fat and calories than anything you could get through a window. Never finish a meal without grease(油脂) on your hands? Deepfried foods are lo

23、aded with calories and fat. Fry in a little olive oil,instead.Always having a lot of sauces? If youre ordering sandwiches with special sauce or mayo,then youre eating a lot more calories and fat grams than you think you are. Some sauces can add more than 20 grams of fat,and hundreds of calories to y

24、our lunch. Mustard (芥末) is a good alternative. Its flavorful, and has virtually no calories or fat. Take a look at what youre doing,and make changes you can live with.21According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? ATo make a list of the food you like best can lose weight. BTo get a good

25、 idea of different foods is necessary. CHome cooking is more delicious than snacks. DDropping 20 pounds in a year is difficult.22We can learn from the passage that _. Amayo is beneficial to peoples health Bmost people think that mustard tastes bad Ccooking is a waste of time Ddrinking water contribu

26、tes to weight loss23Which of the following is the best title for the passage? AThe Best Diet Is a Lifestyle Change BStop Buying Fast Food CWhat to Do for the Rest of Your Life DLead a Healthy Lifestyle答案与解析:21解析:细节明白得题。由第三段第一句“When you become familiar with the foods you choose to eat every day .heal

27、thier alternatives and make better choices.”可知,了解不同的食物对健康饮食来讲很必要。B22解析:推理判定题。依照常识及第四段“Got a soda habit?”中的“Substitute water and tea show that just this one substitution can help you drop 20 pounds in a year”可知,喝水有助于减肥。D23解析:主旨大意题。文章开头就谈到最好的饮食适应,接下来作者讲到哪些是健康的饮食适应,最后一段作者总结“Take a look at what youre do

28、ing。and make changes you can live with.”由此可知,只有A项能够准确地归纳全文。Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps admitted Sunday that he had engaged in“regrettable” behavior and “demonstrated bad judgment” after a photo was published that appeared to show him smoking cannabis(大麻) A British newspaper,the News of the World,

29、 published the photo showing Phelps, wearing a white Tshirt, holding the pipeknown as a bong to his lips and apparently inhaling(抽烟) “Im 23 years old,and despite the successes I have had in the pool, I acted in an inappropriate way,not in a manner that people have come to expect from me. For this, I am sorry. I promise my fans and the public it will not happen again.” The newspaper said the picture was taken on Nov

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