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1、 2、篇章2: 3、篇章3: 4、篇章4:丽江古城英文导游词范文 5、篇章5: 6、篇章6: 丽江市位于云南省西北部云贵高原与青藏高原的连接部位。下面是为大家带来的丽江导游词,希望可以帮助大家。篇章1: 丽江是中国有名的旅游圣地,当地的少数民族是全国最多的,所以名胜古迹/民族风俗极其丰富,而且电视/电影等采景拍片丽江经常可以看见,出去游玩要的就是这种感觉。来丽江古城我有两个建议,一个就是不要跟团,一个就是不要住酒店,因为你是来旅游而不是休养,你是来体验纳西特色,而非上海某个高级酒店。 丽江周边主要的景区有被喻为冰川公园的玉龙雪山,无拘无束美丽原始的泸沽湖,湿地候鸟群聚的拉市海,穿越原始森林的茶

2、马古道,空旷草原的香格里拉,未被征服的神山梅里雪山,丹霞地貌的千龟山,丰富植被生态的老君山,徒步圣地的虎跳峡,祖祖辈辈生活在一块巨石的石头村等等。 丽江的文艺演出主要有鲁班鲁饶、丽水金沙、纳西古乐、印象丽江;纳西歌曲主要有打跳歌,东巴吉日经,纳西酒歌等等。 建议来丽江不要参加什么丽江X日游,那样会跟赶鸭子似的,一点都没有游玩的乐趣了,即使你第一次来丽江玩,只要找到信任得过的客栈老板提供游玩建议也足够了,既省钱又好玩。客栈可组织四日路线左右的拼团名额。 建议不要骑马上雪山,建议即使要去三千米以上的高海拔景点,也必须在丽江游玩修整几天以便适应高原反应的过渡期。不同季节适合玩不同的景点,我们客栈会给

3、你一些游玩建议的,丽江的自然风景很多,适合多次游玩,建议不要一次就想玩遍所有著名景点,一方面时间精力有限,另一方面如果遇到某个景点季节不对的时候去游玩它,反而会失去真正体验经典的乐趣,比如十月份的玉龙雪山经常被雾挡住,这时候你走马观花地玩一遍也照样没意思,那个季节需要天气大晴雪山才能玩得好。还不如先玩季节适合的景点,不适合的景点下次再来游玩。 需要提醒的一点是,请抱以宽容的心态理解当地相对简陋的生活设施,尊重少数民族的民俗习惯。丽江周边虽然自然风光比较迷人,但是出行游玩仍然受天气变化以及个人喜好等因素影响,请适度做好一些心理准备为妙。 去景区游玩,最好是找信任得过的客栈老板代为联系包车等事宜,

4、因为客栈是靠回头客和口碑来持续经营,所以会为客人负责到底,我们客栈强烈不建议在下雨期间出去玩,也不建议出来玩象赶鸭子似的把时间安排得太紧,比如这段时间雪山经常有雾挡着但却适合骑马,那就先去拉市海或香格里拉之类,下次再去看雪山呗,花四五百块钱看到一团雾岂不是照样没意思。丽江其实自然风景很多,选择季节适合的景点游玩才会开心,没必要太过于强求。篇章2:丽江导游词范文【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】 说到丽江古城,我至今都记忆犹新。古色古香的小城,热情淳朴的丽江人,让我难以忘怀今天我要带大家来到这里,和我一起领略丽江古城那独一无二的风采! 那是去年暑假,妈妈带我来到了丽江古城。一进门,一架古朴的木制风车

5、便映入我的眼帘。大风车缓缓地转着,发出悦耳动听的流水声,让我情不自禁地幻想自己是不是来到了童话世界里。往里走,我简直不敢相信自己的眼睛!所有的房子都是用木头架起来的,透露着浓浓的自然味道,完完全全没有一丝一毫现代钢筋水泥的气息。用粗大的木头架起来的房子,一栋连着一栋,树干上一圈又一圈的年轮,似乎见证了古城的沧桑。再往里走,一幢尖顶小木屋出现在我的眼前,显得格外别致,格外突出。走近一看,原来是一个制作纪念小挂件的小商铺。这家小商铺里面的小挂件可和别的小挂件不一样,这里的小挂件上可以刻上你的名字,而反面,是世界上最早的字东巴文字。哇!这么罕见的文字,我可一定要买一条留作纪念。 我爱的,不仅是古色古

6、香的丽江古城,还有热情淳朴的丽江人 中午,丽江人毫不吝啬地招待客人到自己家吃饭。圆桌上,是一道道具有当地特色的本地菜。他们投入百分之百的热情招待我们:他们连续不断地唱着云南当地的民歌,挥舞着手中的丝带,载歌载舞,热情似火!丽江人真是热情啊,至少在大都市,能歌善舞的人已经不多了。这次,我可要好好的“享受享受”! 傍晚时分,金色的夕阳更衬托出古城的美、古城的古老。古朴的小木屋,或是木制的大风车,古城的一切都变成金色的了,我又一次深深地陶醉在“童话世界”里了 难忘丽江,难忘丽江的古城,难忘丽江古城充满浓厚人情味的人,什么时候,我愿再次来到这里,再来看一看这古色古香的小城,这独一无二的小城篇章3: 丽


8、大多数,有30%的居民仍在从事以铜银器制作、皮毛皮革、纺织、酿造业为主的传统手工业和商业活动。 大研古城是一座没有城墙的古城,光滑洁净的青石板路、完全手工建造的土木结构的房屋、无处不在的小桥流水。大研古城是一座具有浓烈人文气息的小城,明亮的阳光下,总会有步履缓慢的上了年纪的纳西老人悠闲地踱步,他们身着藏满历史的靛蓝色衣服,头戴红军时期的八角帽,对眼前身后猎奇的目光视而不见、不屑一顾。 丽江古城内的街道依山傍水修建,铺的大多都是红色角砾岩,雨季不会泥泞、旱季也不会飞灰,石上花纹图案自然雅致,与整个古城环境相 得益彰。位于古城中心的四方街是丽江古城的中心,位于古城与新城交界处的大水车是丽江古城的标

9、志,古城大水车旁有一块大屏幕,每日播放的歌曲即是古城最受欢迎最有特色的歌曲,其中纳西净地是较为出名的歌曲之一。 在丽江古城区内的玉河水系上,修建有桥梁354座,其密度为平均每平方公里93座。桥梁的形制多种多样,较著名的有锁翠桥、大石桥、万千桥、南门桥、马鞍桥、仁寿桥,均修建于明清时期(公元1419世纪)。其中以位于四方街以东100米的大石桥最具特色。 古城内的木府原为丽江世袭土司木氏的衙署,始建于元代(公元12711368年),1998年重建后改为古城博物院。木府占地46亩,府内有大小房间共162间。其内还悬挂有历代皇帝钦赐的匾额十一块,它们见证了木氏家族的盛衰历史。 位于城内福国寺的五凤楼始

10、建于明代万历二十九年(公元1620xx年),楼高20米。因其建筑形制酷似五只飞来的彩凤,故名“五凤楼”。五凤楼融合了汉、藏、纳西等民族的建筑艺术风格,是中国古代建筑中的稀世珍宝和典型范例。 白沙民居建筑群位于丽江古城以北8公里处,这里曾是宋元时期(公元1014世纪)丽江地区政治、经济、文化的中心。白沙民居建筑群分布在一条南北走向的主轴上,中心为一梯形广场,一股泉水由北面引入广场,四条巷道从广场通向四方,极具特色。白沙民居建筑群的形成和发展为后来丽江古城的布局奠定了基础。 束河民居建筑群位于丽江古城西北4公里处,是丽江古城周边的一个小集市,建筑群内民居房舍错落有致,布局形制与丽江古城四方街相似。

11、青龙河自建筑群的中央穿过,建于明代(公元13681644年)的青龙桥横跨其上,青龙桥是丽江境内规模最大,历史最悠久的石拱桥。 丽江古城历史悠久,古朴自然。城市布局错落有致,既具有山城风貌,又富于水乡韵味。丽江民居既融和了汉、白、彝、藏各民族精华,又有纳西族的独特风采,是研究中国建筑史、文化史不可多得的重要遗产。丽江古城包容着丰富的民族传统文化,集中体现了纳西民族的兴旺与发展,是研究人类文化发展的重要史料。篇章4:丽江古城英文导游词范文【按住Ctrl键点此返回目录】 Dear visitors, everybody is good, very glad to be your tour guide

12、, my name is dai, you can call me wear guide, today were visiting place of lijiang. You come with me. Here is the old town of lijiang. Lijiang has the dual nature and culture charm known as forget time, also known as one of the most preserved ancient city of the big four. It is Chinas famous histori

13、cal and cultural city not only in the ancient city wall. Lijiang ancient city is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau, 2400 meters above sea level, the area of the city 3.8 square kilometers. Now we came to the tiger leaping gorge. There is a legend. Nu river, lancang river and jinsha river is the

14、three sisters, sister nujiang love angry, two elder sister love try so hard, the lancang river three younger sister jinshajiang wanxian. Parents would send three sisters marry to the west, jinsha river dark about two sisters fled to south. Came to the town of lijiang, shek kwu, two sisters would con

15、tinue to head south, jinsha river is determined to go to the east of the sun, just say goodbye to my sister, and turned toward the east, and formed the Yangtze river first bay. Parents send yulong, khabarov brothers pursuit of the three sisters. Sit face to face two brothers came to lijiang white sa

16、nds, blocking the way to the east. Run tired, two people take turns to wait agreement, who as French WenZhan let sisters. Turn khabarov waiting, yulong fell asleep. Jinsha river before, put light footsteps, singing beautiful hypnosis. Her a gift for 18 teams, khabarov listen also fell asleep. Jinsha

17、 river from their feet slipped between the past. Yulong wake up and see the jinsha river ran to the east, early and khabarov still in a deep sleep, so we have to according to the French cut down khabarov head, turns back and wept bitterly. Two brothers turned to jade dragon snow mountain and haba sn

18、ow mountain, khabarov head into a boulder fell into the river, tiger leaping gorge, and jinsha river sing eighteen song into 18 beach, tiger leaping gorge.篇章5: Everybody is good! I am a youth hostel Robert zou, you can call me small fang, but not the small fang in the village. Welcome to the world h

19、eritage of lijiang ancient city. Dear visitors, we have been in the beautiful ancient city, in front of the ancient city, you will see two large wind turbines turn happily in the water, the water inside will be measured, so please be careful. The windmill represents the symbol of the ancient city of

20、. Here, let me introduce the lijiang ancient city, lijiang ancient city, 2400 meters above sea level, is the center of the lijiang naxi autonomous county, city, city formed in the late southern song dynasty, has a history of eight hundred years, the area of 3.8 square kilometers, has about 30000 inh

21、abitants, was listed as a world heritage site in 1997. Is the center of the city square street, the ground is paved with multicolored, step will be clicked, no two sifang street inn central design is the same, you can also visit. Said so much, I still take you to a creek, everyone to see! This strea

22、m is put river lanterns. Put river lamp is a kind of old custom, it is said that every night dragon king to tour city, put a river light! However, please do not litter. The tourists, lijiang ancient city is filled with the beauty of the people linger, said also said not, I hope you come again next t

23、ime.篇章6: I am your tour of lijiang tour guide. I am very glad to be with you the happy time together! My name is zhang. You can call me a guide. Please come with me. Here is the old town of lijiang. Ill give you a brief introduction of lijiang. Lijiang also known as dayan town, is located in the mid

24、dle of lijiang dam, known as . It is the only ancient city without walls in Chinas famous historical and cultural city. Lijiang ancient city is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau, 2400 meters above sea level, the area of the city 3.8 square kilometers, the ancient times is known fairs and towns.

25、The ancient city of existing residents 6200 households, 25000 people. Among them, the naxi nationality for the vast majority of the population, 30% of the residents are still engaged in produced with copper, silver, fur, leather, textiles, brewing traditional handicraft industry and business activit

26、ies. Ok, now you give me into the city to see. Lijiang is an ancient city without walls, dayan ancient city is a strong cultural atmosphere of the town. Lijiang ancient and the street of the city of mountain was built, mostly covered with red breccia, the rainy season will not muddy, also wont fly ash of the dry season, the stone patterns of natural elegance. Look, smooth and clean green flag road, completely hand-built civil housing structure, ubiquitous Bridges.- Designed By JinTai College -

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