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1、1. The taxation of the government requires tax dollars from our pockets living us with less disposable dollars to spend on self severing uses.Against:1. Taxation has four main purposes or effects: Revenue, Redistribution2. The government will have no funds to spend on road, schools, hospitals and ot

2、her infrastructure; this situation will definitely lead to the disorder of our society eventually.3. The second has to do with the redistribution. Normally, this means transferring wealth from the richer sections of society to poorer sections. If no one pays tax, the rich keep getting richer and the

3、 poor poorer. Consequently, polarization will emerge. This situation will pose a threat to the stabilization of our society. The tax increases in the direct proportion to the amount you earn.2006/1/14There are social, medical, and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What for

4、ms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of the mobile phone?1. Mobile phones use electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range, and some investigation conducted via body research (include non-human animals and humans) believe this radiation is harmful to human health

5、.2. Some individuals talk with other people loudly through their mobile phone in public places, thereby disturbing other people who stay around them. 3. Some adolescents are mad about sending massages via mobile phones, the addiction which will definitely have negative effects on their performance i

6、n schools.1. Using cell phones enable individuals to contact with others immediately whenever they want.2006/1/21At present, science has been developing at a high speed, but people still have a high opinion of artists. What can the arts tell us of the life that science cannot? (GRE 337)Arts:1. The t

7、rue value of a civilized society is reflected in its artistic creations rather than in its scientific accomplishments.2. The function and ultimate objectives of art is that art serves to lift the human spirit and to put us more in touch with our feelings, foibles, and fate in short, with our own hum

8、anity.3. Great paintings, music and literature are able to exert great influence on people by showing them representations of good or bad in society, and helping them know and understand society clearly.4. An artists inspiration and creative works reflect the full history of human beings.Science:1.

9、Without science, we are like an eagle without wings: we have dreams and ambitions, but cannot realize them.2006/2/11In many countries, the proportion of older people is steadily increasing. Does this trend have more positive or negative effects on the society?Positive:1. In 21st century, with modern

10、 medical techniques advancing rapidly, numerous diseases which were considered as incurable several year ago can be conquered easily now. 2. The development of modern technology has been raising the living standards of the people of the whole world.3. The economic effects of an ageing population are

11、 considerable. Older people often have higher accumulated savings per head than younger people, but may be spending less on consumer goods. An ageing population may thus result in lower interest rates and the economic benefits of lower inflation.4. 随着现代医学的进步,以前被认为是不治之症的疾病现在也可以被治愈了。科技的发展,让人类生活的更轻松,舒适

12、和安全,人类的平均寿命比以前高出很多。Negative:1. We are now confronted with the problem of increasing ratio of senior citizens. 2. I concede that it is the obligation and duty of the government to support the old people of their nation. After all, citizens have paid taxes to the government. Yet, looking after an exce

13、ssive number of elderly people will cost exorbitant amount of money of public revenue, thereby in return burdening the people with heavy taxes.3. However population aging also increases some categories of expenditure, including some met from public finances. The largest area of expenditure in many c

14、ountries is now health care, whose cost is likely to increase dramatically as the population ages. This would present governments with hard choices between higher taxes, including a possible reweighing of tax from earnings to consumption, and a reduced government role in providing health care.4. Few

15、er young people would probably continue into higher education as they would be in demand as part of the work force, the trend which has detrimental influence upon the society as a whole.5. 人类活的更长,婴儿的存活率也更高。但是,越来越多的家庭不愿意生孩子,或是不愿意多生孩子。这导致了the problem of population ageing.6. 照顾更多的老人需要巨大的政府,这导致政府只能通过增加税

16、收来解决问题,但是加重的人们的经济负担。2006/2/18Some people believe that air travel should be restricted because it causes serious pollution and uses up the worlds fuel resources. To what extent do you agree or disagree?1. I do concede that air transportation produces pollutant to the environment and is a waste of nat

17、ural resources. After all, when fossil fuels are burned to produce energy, carbon dioxide is released. Carbon dioxide is one of the gases that cause the greenhouse effect. Furthermore, Most of our fossil fuel supply was created millions of years ago, and the earth has only a limited amount of these

18、fuels and humans are using them up very fast. However, it is not air travels that lead to severe environment problems and the crisis of resources. In fact, the causes of such pressing social problems vary. Compared with innumerous cars, power plants, and factories of heavy industry, the detrimental

19、influence upon the world caused by air vehicles can be ignored.1. On the other hand, air transportation has made our trip more comfortable and less time-consuming. 2. Additionally, with the modern technology advancing rapidly, our descendents will obtain the ability to cope with these enduring probl

20、ems, such as resources and water scarcity. Therefore, we have no choice but to leave for our offspring some trouble issues we could not handle.20080424Advertising reflects the high sales but not the real needs of the society. Do you agree or disagree to what extend?1. Nowadays, in our consumer-orien

21、ted and pragmatic society, advertisements are greatly commanding.2. The objective of many advertisements is to make consumers want to buy goods so that they will be like the person in the ad. This practice is always effective because it not only sales products but also helps people fell better about

22、 themselves. 3. 人们买产品,有时是因为看到广告上的该产品很精美,一时冲动就买了。1. 每个人都有判断能力。人们只有需要的时候才会把钱从口袋里掏出来,去买东西。2. 广告只是一种宣传的形式,它让人们更方便的了解到新产品的信息。新款的服装要比旧款的服装好看,人们穿新衣服可以获得幸福快感,这是人们的一种精神需求。Euphoria。20080329Some think the government should responsible for ensuring the people of the country that have healthy lifestyles. Others

23、think we should make our own living decisions. Discuss both opinions and give your opinion.Government:1. 保证公民的健康生活方式并不是政府当然的和必要的职责。Urging citizens to live in the healthy lifestyle is neither an appropriate nor a necessary function of government. 是公民自己,而并不是政府,决定了个人应该如何生活。如果政府制定法律法规来限制/干涉interfere wit

24、h公民的生活自由,那就是violate the human rights.2. 健康的生活方式很难定义。什么样的生活才是健康的?没有人能够确切的回答,因为人与人之间的差别很大。一种生活方式对一个人来说可能是健康的,但对另外一个人来说,可能就不是了。政府是没有能力确保为每个公民设计一个健康的生活方式。任何一个有文化的人如果不是这么想的话,那他就是在设想一个乌托邦式的社会。Utopian.Citizens:1. 每个人的生活习惯不一样。但是每个人都有判断能力,一个正常人知道如何才能让自己生活的更健康。即使是小孩子,也会有大人指导。不需要政府的帮助,如果需要,人们会自己提出来。20080308The

25、 number of cars keeps increasing, road systems should be expanded. Some people think the government should pay for it. Some people think the car owners should pay for it. What is your opinion?1. 修建、维护公共交通、医疗等基础设施,是政府当然和必要的职责。It is the appropriate and necessary function of government to construct and

26、 maintenance public transportation, medical facilities and other infrastructures. 2. 公民已经交过了税,政府不应该再次从他们口袋里掏钱去修路。Citizens have paid taxes to the government; therefore, the government funding should not require tax dollars from publics pockets to pave roads. Otherwise, tension and conflicts between c

27、itizens and authorities will be intensified, thereby endangering the stability and harmony of the society.Car owners:1. 是大量的私家车占用了车道和停车场。私家车主拥有了方便,但是产生了交通拥挤。选择公共交通出行的人忍受着恶劣的交通环境。所以,让有车的人为修路买单也是合理的。但是如果让他们一个群体单独承受费用,就像有些人声称的一样,是不明智的。Accordingly, it requires a major act of will to think of XXXXXX as b

28、oth normal and having a valuable economic function.20080301Most countries spend much money on education, as they start to realize the importance of education. In your opinion which two subjects do you think is more important and which one is less important. Please give your answers. Subjects:Literat

29、ure Sports Mathematics Economy Physics History Music GeographyFor Literature:1. Literature is the art of written works; it is the cream of human languages, which have served as the necessary foundations on which all other intellectual inquiry has rested. Hitherto, literature is related with almost a

30、ll areas of human endeavor. In fact, query whether a scientist who has never attended literature class and never learned how to express his ideals could write a successful scientific essay, or whether it can be considered “essay” at all.2. Literature is also the essence of cultures. 文化的表现方式很多,但是文学是文

31、化的重要表现形式之一。学习各个国家的文学不但可以broaden students horizons, but also help to maintain cultural diversity.Against sports:1. 和其他学科相比,sports 就不是那么重要了。第一,国家的教育资金预算有限,尤其是发展中国家,他们更应该把有限的资源利用到文化知识的教育上去。第二,I am not saying that sports are totally insignificant in terms of education. 学校可以为学生留出课余时间,让学生自己锻炼身体。20080223是说很多国家因为运输业的发展而从世界各地进口食物,问你这样的发展有好处还是坏处。1. 从其他国家进口食品。有利于本国食品工业的发展。随着运输业的发展,在国与国之间进行贸易运输的成本越来越低,进口的食品竞争力加大。促使本地的食品产业加快发展,以应对竞争。使整个行业受益。2. 有的食品本国无法生产。因为受各方面条件的制约,比如科技,气候

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