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1、7. The of drugs has increased significantly in spite of more severe penalties such as longer prisonsentences.8. Students should not try to write down everything they hear in a lecture, but just make aof the most important points.9. We use the term class to groups of people who share the same social

2、and economic backgrounds.10. In one case, a murderer may go to prison for life, while another may be set free: it all seems completely .11. The new journalist was to researching the election promises of the main political parties.12. Before we can judge a governments success, we have to decide the ,

3、 such as unemployment, defenceor taxation.13. One student failed because he completely the instructions on the paper, although they appeared at thetop of every page.14. Market researchers use such as peoples spending patterns as well as information about age andoccupation to decide on the most effec

4、tive marketing strategies.Choose the right wordIn each of the sentences below, decide which word in bold is more suitable.1. During the 1970s and 1980s, it became increasingly evident/visible that companies in the West wereuncompetitive.2. The United Kingdom makes/publishes more books than any other

5、 country.3. There has been a major road accident, involving/including 23 cars and 16 lorries.4. On the basis of the latest survey, we know that most people have a very negative/bleak view of politiciansand their parties.5. In many parts of the world, people are becoming more worried about the danger

6、 of pollution and its effect onthe environment/ecology.6. Education experts from France travelled to Japan to evaluate/judge the secondary school system there.7. Although it is not very big, the library has an excellent range/variety of books, journals and other resourcesfor study.8. Increasingly, t

7、he design of buildings is being adjusted/modified to allow easier access for disabled people.9. The lack of extra student accommodation restricted/narrowed the expansion in student numbers which theuniversity was planning.10. Many students acquire/derive a great deal of enjoyment and satisfaction fr

8、om their time at university.11. Although the world is getting warmer slowly, the increase in temperature varies/fluctuates from country tocountry.12. Following the bank raid, the police followed/pursued the robbers but were unable to catch them.13. Assessment on this course includes/consists of cour

9、sework (30%) and examinations (70%).Finish the sentenceChoose the best ending for each of the sentence extracts below from the list underneath:1. I like your essay, but I want you to illustrate 2. What will the res ult be if in the future we assume 3. Students may be asked to compare many alternativ

10、e 4. The Channel Tunnel between France and England was constructed Everyone wants to be happy, but we probably all define 15. Many universities now have language ce ntres to facilitate 16. Numbers and results are not particularly useful in themselves; we need to interpret 17. In spite of warnings ab

11、out cancer, many Westerners equate 18. Advertisers use a variety of techniques 19. At first, the police viewed the crime s as random 20. It may be the case that no solution is possible, given the magnitude 21. Although computers are becoming increasingly complex, 22. The investigation was stopped be

12、cause the witnesses could not identify -a theories, from which they have to select the most convincing.b happiness in many different ways.c that nearly everyone has access to a motor car?d the programs th ey use are becoming much easier to operate.e a sun tan with health and youthfulness.f the man t

13、hey had seen commit the robbery.g language learning for international students.h at a cost of over $8 billion.i of this problem.j them to understand what they actually mean.k events, but realised later that there was a pattern linking them.l to persuade consumers to buy products and services.m your

14、points by providing some supporting examples.Word substitutionFrom the list below, choose one word which could be used in place of the language shown inbold without changing the meaning of the sentence. Remember that you may need to changethe form or in some cases the grammatical class of the word:c

15、omply with (v) conclude (v) equivalent (adj) guarantee (n)imply (v) method (n) obvious (adj) presume (v)proceed (v) require (v) specify (v) sum (n)14. If a company does not observe health and safety laws, it may be fined very heavily if any of its workers areinjured.15. For many years, $4 was equal

16、to 1.16. University regulations state that students must pass 18 modules to graduate.17. Anybody driving a car is obliged by law to have insurance.18. On the basis of their examination results, it was clear that most students had completely misunderstood thefirst part of the paper.19. Many people th

17、ink that oil will run out in the next 100 years, but they are assuming that we will continue touse oil at the same rate as today.20. Most electrical products have a one- or two-year warranty in case something should go wrong.21. One problem facing overseas students is adapting to new teaching techni

18、ques._22. The fact that crime increases when unemployment goes up seems to suggest a link between thetwo._23. It will cost an overseas student at least 10,000 per year to live and study in Britain, which is a very largeamount of money.24. The lecturer gave the students a 10 minute break before conti

19、nuing with the rest of her lecture.25. At the end of her talk. the lecturer finished with a brief review of the main points.Choose the best wordFor each of the following sentences, choose the best word from a, b or c.5. In this first assignment, we will your work and then give you detailed feedback

20、on how to improve yourwriting.a. assess b. judge c. measure6. In a seminar or tutorial, everyone should take part rather than allow one person to the discussion.a. overwhelm b. dominate c. oppress7. Although it is impossible to give a age, we believe that the woman was between 25 and 30 when she die

21、d.a. definite b. certain c. absolute Rather than try to treat it, the best to the problem of poor public health may be to attempt to prevent it.a. way b. method c. approach23. Surprisingly perhaps, the biggest health risk for tourists travelling abroad is actually road trafficaccidents.a. potential

22、b. possible c. theoretical24. Water is made up of two , namely oxygen and hydrogen.a. sections b. aspects c. elements25. Computers can be difficult to repair because there may be hundreds of different inside.a. components b. pieces c. parts26. Because Paris is expensive, many organisations pay highe

23、r salaries to for the high cost of living there.a. compensate b. adjust c. redress27. Many people were killed instantly at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but thousands more died from radiationsickness.a. succeeding b. following c. subsequent28. The clothing of men and women used to be quite , whereas today

24、 women often wear trousers as wellas men.a. distinct b. diverse c. distinguished29. Research that customers want free car-parking when they go shopping.a. claims b. indicates c. points out30. In political terms, the Middle East is one of the most unstable of the world.a. locations b. places c. regio

25、ns31. The cause of death today in Britain is heart disease, with cancer in second place.a. first b. prime c. initialMake a collocationStart by reading through the sentences below. Then take one word from the box on the left and combine this withone from the box on the right to make a collocation. Fo

26、r example, valid can be joined with reason. (Note that morethan one pairing may be possible and also that some words appear more than once.) Then try to match yourcombinations with the spaces in the sentences below:put forward ultimate establishreverse initial analyse newvalid new tense leadingmarit

27、al minimum constant status concept responsibility resultsthe verdict role atmosphere reasontemperature the hypothesis a linkrequirement dimension results26. If you submit work late, you will lose marks and may even be given a fail grade, unless you have a_such as illness.27. One travel company is now advertising a completely in tourism: flights into outerspace by rocket.28. At the bottom of the ocean, the water remains at a _ irrespective of changing weatherconditions at the surface.29. The growth of China will add a to the economic and political situation in the Far East.30. Studen

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