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1、1.3 Types of interpreting (II)According to its task, it can be classified into: Conference Interpreting(会议口译)会议口译员以同声传译和交替传译两种口译模式工作,为国际组织会议、领导人会见、外交会晤、商务谈判以及各种研讨会等提供清晰、可靠的专业口译服务。 Ceremony interpretation (礼仪口译)礼仪性口译的内容多为宴会或大型会议前后的欢迎辞或致谢辞;开幕或闭幕辞。 Information interpretation(宣传口译) Negotiation interpret

2、ation(谈判口译)Legal and Court interpreting(法庭口译)或称为特殊口译(special-purpose interpretation),Public Service interpretingPersonal Interpreting / Escort interpreting /Liaison Interpreting (随行口译/联络口译)1.3 Types of interpreting (III)One-way interpretation(单向口译)Two-way interpretation(双向口译)1.4 Characteristic of in

3、terpretation Extemporaneous(即席性/即时性) Unpredictable(不可预测性) Independence(个体性操作) Stressful(现场气氛压力) Comprehensive(语言技能多样) Miscellaneous(信息内容广泛)1.5 Quality criteria of interpreting 准确流利:准确是灵魂;流利是保障。1.6 Basic qualities required of interpreters(口译员的基本要求) A strong sense of responsibility(强烈的责任感); A solid fo

4、undation of two languages(坚实的双语基础); Profound knowledge(渊博的知识); Good memory(良好的记忆能力) Quick thinking(敏捷的思维) Outstanding ability of understanding(超群的理解力) Fluent expression of ideas(流利的表达)P4 1. strong sense of duty;2. a high level of linguistic proficiency;3. wide encyclopedic knowledge;4. a good master

5、y of interpreting skills.Unit One Protocol Routine(礼宾程序)I. Interpreting SkillsTwo Types of Pre-interpreting Preparation(译前准备)1. Long-term Preparation2. Short-term PreparationWhat and How to Prepare in the Long Run1. What to Prepare?the mastery of broad general knowledge and a large glossary;to impro

6、ve their skills in decoding(解码), message recalling(信息的回忆) and reconstructing(重建);to listen actively;(积极地听入)memorize the information effectively;(有效地记忆)re-express the message smoothly;(流利地表达)2. How to Prepare?keep on practicing field interpreting;(现场口译练习)reading widely and learning to collect informa

7、tion;(广泛地阅读和搜集信息)do more interpreting exercises and grasp every chance to do field interpreting;(大量地练习)read widely to enlarge their vision and get more knowledge and information;II. Phrase Interpreting (短语口译)A. English to Chinese 1. recover from the jet lag 倒回时差 2. thoughtful Arrangement周到的安排3. hosp

8、itability 好客、热情 4. souvenir 纪念品5. accommodations 膳宿、接待 6.claim baggage 提取行李7. proceed through the customs 通关 8. itinerary 路线9. farewell speech 告别讲演、告别辞 10. adjust to the time difference调节时差B. Chinese to English1、为设宴洗尘:hold/give a dinner in honor of ; give a banquet; gave a dinner in honor of our gue

9、sts2、向告别:bid farewell to; part from sb.; leave sb. 3、不远万里来到come all the way from4、您先请: after you5、久仰大名:I have long been looking forward to meeting you.6、欢迎辞:a welcome speech or remarks7、赞美:pay tribute to 8、回顾过去:look back upon9、展望未来:prospect10、慢走:take careIII. Sentence Interpreting (句子口译)1. I would l

10、ike to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, our cordial greetings and best wishes to your people.我谨代表中国政府和人民,并以我个人的名义,向你国人民致以热情的问候和真诚的祝福。2. We are gathered here today with great pleasure to welcome Mr. Brown from ABC Company.今天,我们欢聚一堂,热烈欢迎ABC公司来的布朗先生。3. It provi

11、des me with an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones.非常荣幸借此机会再会老友并结识新朋友。4. We are sorry that we shall be leaving. It is really a most interesting and rewarding visit.非常遗憾,我们不得不离开了,但此次访问确实是非常有趣而值得。5. It was a real pleasure having you with us. We wish to thank you for coming.非常高兴

12、您的到来,非常感谢。1、斯密斯先生,欢迎您和代表团所有成员来我公司访问,愿你们访问愉快。Mr. Smith, I would like to extend our warm welcome to you and the members of your delegacy. Welcome your visit to our company, we wish you can have a good day.2、中国有句古话说:有朋自远方来不亦乐乎?There is an ancient Chinese greeting: “How delightful I am to have friends c

13、oming from afar!”3、请允许我向远道而来的贵宾们表示热烈的欢迎和亲切的问候。Please permit me to extend my cordial greetings and best wishes to our distinguished guests coming from afar.4、如果你们对这个日程草案有什么意见和建议,希望坦率地告诉我们,我们将尽量满足你们的愿望。If you have any comments and suggestions about this timetable, please will not hesitate to tell us,

14、we will try our best to satisfy you.5、欢迎你们随时再来,我们的门对朋友永远是敞开的。Welcome you visit here once again; our door is open to our friends forever.PerformingText A 参考译文尊敬的各位来宾,女士们、先生们:非常感谢你们热情友好的欢迎词。中国是最古老的文明发源地之一,访问这个文明古国是我多年的梦想。这次访问使我有机会重见老朋友,结交新朋友。我为自己能访问贵国和这座美丽的城市,再次表达我的愉快之情和荣幸之感。我对你们为我达到贵国后所做的安排深表谢意。作为在一家

15、中美合资企业工作了两年的美国经理,我认为中国人和美国人在经营管理中存在着差异。基于不同的文化传统,我们的美国同事比大部分中国同行来得直率。我无法断言我们的美国的经营方式就一定在中国之上。毕竟各有各的优势和弊病。近年来,越来越多的美国管理人员已经认识到中国人那种更具有人情味的管理方式的长处。很高兴我们能交换意见和信息,并达成共识。我希望在今后的日子里,我能有机会就此话题与各位交换自己的看法。谢谢!IV. CoordinatingField Interpreting (现场口译)Text BDavid: Hi! I am David Anderson, sales representative f

16、rom Willa Company. Are you the representative from Zhongan Technology Company?你好!我是戴维-安德森,Willa公司的销售代表。你是中安科技公司的代表吗?Li: 你好!是的,我是中安科技外贸部的李华,欢迎来深圳。Yes, I am the representative from Foreign Trade Department of Zhongan Technology Company. How do you do! Welcome you to Shenzhen.Hi, Mr. Anderson! Yes, I a

17、m. My name is Li Hua from the International Business Department of Zhongan. Welcome to Shenzhen.) Thanks.(谢谢!) 你的行李都取了吗?Have you taken your luggage? / Have you claimed your baggage.) Yes, I have.(是的。行李已提取。 那我们这边走吧。公司的车在马路对面的停车场,我们一起过去?OK. Then lets take this way, please. Our car is parked at the sto

18、pping place on the other side of the way. Lets go there together.Then this way please. My car is in the parking lot across the street. Shall we go there now? Sure.(好的。/ 没问题。 飞机旅途还好吗?是从温哥华直飞的航班吗?(Did you have a good flight travel? Is it a straight flight from Vancouver. ) Yes, Thank you. The flight w

19、as very good and the service on board was excellent. It took just over 13 hours non-stop from Vancouver. (还好!航班很好,机上服务棒极了。中途未做停留,从温哥华直接飞过来花了13个多小时。 真是路途遥远啊!What a long trip!(It is really far from here. / It is really a far cry! / It is really a distant journey.) I do not sleep well on planes;therefo

20、re I am a little tired and the jet lag will catch up with me tomorrow.我在飞机上睡得不好,因此有点累了,还有时差的困扰也可能要持续到明天。 咱们直接去酒店吧, 我们已经在花园酒店给你定了房间。How about going straight to the hotel? We have booked a room for you at the Garden Hotel.(Then, lets go to the hotel directly. We have booked a room for you at Garden Ho

21、tel.) Good. (好的。 第一次来中国?(Is it your first visit to China? Yes, Shenzhen is such a beautiful city.(是的。深圳是个美丽的城市。 这样一来,我们会尽量安排好你的中国之行,给你留下美好回忆。现在刚好是春季,深圳一年中最好的季节。Well, in that case, we shall try to make your visit as pleasant as possible, so that you will take home happy memories. Fortunately, we are

22、enjoying beautiful spring weather and spring is the best season in Shenzhen.(In that case, we will try our best to manage your journey to China, and hope this experience can give you a good impression. Now it is spring, the best season in Shenzhen.) I am so lucky. (我真幸运。 那我简单把你的时间安排说一下。明天没有什么安排,让你好好

23、休息一天,倒一下时差。(Well then, I give a brief introduction about you timetable. Tomorrow is free; you can have a good rest and recover from the jet lag.) Good idea. I really need some rest.(好主意。我真的需要休息休息。 明晚,我们安排了在粤唯鲜的晚宴,让你感受一下广东的饮食文化。(Tomorrow night, we will have a dinner in honor of you at the restaurant

24、of Yueweixian, it is a Cantonese style restaurant, and you can enjoy Cantonese food here.) Terrific. I like Chinese food very much. (太棒了。我非常喜欢中国菜。 后天上午到工厂参观,下午谈一下合作的事项。接下来是安排你去锦绣中华参观。(In the morning of the day after tomorrow, you have a visit to our factory, and in the afternoon, we have talk about

25、our corporation, and then you are invited to visit a theme parkSplendid China.) Will you give me a timetable? I would like to pay a visit to your factory to find out the possibility of importing automobile parts from you.(你能给我一份时间表吗?我非常愿意参观你们的厂房,看看能不能从你们那里进口一些汽车零部件。 会的,你如果有什么问题,生活和生意上的都可以直接找我。我会鼎力帮忙

26、。(Yes. I will give you a timetable. If you have any problems, life or business problem, dont hesitate to ask me, I will do my best to help you.) Thank you. (谢谢! 到了,我们上车吧! Well, we get to the car. Lets get up.Packaging 参考译文 Its very kind of you to come all the way to see me off, Mr. Li?(李先生,跑这么远来送我,你

27、真是太好了。 没有什么。很遗憾你要走了。(Nothing. I am sorry you have to leave now.) I am sorry to leave you too. (我也很遗憾不得不离开。 你办了登机手续了吗? (Have you checked in? No. Not yet. (没。还没了。 我们现在去办理海关手续吧。请这边走我送你一样东西作纪念。(Then lets proceed through the customs first. This way please, here is a present to you as a keepsake.) Thank y

28、ou. Ill open it. Oh!It is a Chinese painting. Its really marvelous. The horses are so nice.(谢谢!我打开了。哇!中国画。真漂亮!那些马棒极了。 很高兴你喜欢它,我希望它能让你想起我们的友谊。(I am very glad you like it. I wish it can help you to remember our friendship.) I dont know how to thank you for your kindness. Im so glad to have it to remember my time here. (真不知道如何谢谢你的好意。很高兴有它帮我记住在这里的美好时光。

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