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生活大爆炸The Big Bang Theory搞笑对白总汇更新S01E03持续更新Word下载.docx

1、 我们的精子并不能保证将来就能生出高智商的后代。(Theres no guarantee that our sperm is going to generate high-iqOffspring.)你想想,我姐姐和我的DNA结构相同,可她只是快餐店的女服务生。(Think about that.I have a sister with the same basic DNA mix.Who hostesses at fuddrukers.)谢尔顿,当初是你要来的。这点补贴能让我们在寓所里拥有分式T-1带宽 (Sheldon,this was you idea.A little extra mon

2、ey to get fractional t-1 bandwidth in the apartment.)我知道,我的确渴望更快的下载速度。 (I know,and I do yearn for faster downloads.) 但那些可怜的女人们会把寄托在我的精子上的。 (But theres some poor woman Whos gonna pin her hopes on my sperm.) 如果她最后发现那小不点连曲线下面积该用积分还是微分算都不知道,她会怎么想? (What if she winds up with a toddler who doesnt know if

3、he should use An integral or a differential to solve the area under a curve?我肯定她还是会爱他的。(Im sure shell still love him.):我不会。(I wouldnt.)对白三:Sheldon和Leonard在“精子库”逃跑后回家上楼梯时。你想不想听有关楼梯的有趣事情? (You want to hear an interesting thing about stairs?不太想。(Not really.)如果有一格阶梯的高度存在哪怕两毫米的微小差距,大多数人会被伴倒。 (If the heig

4、ht of a single step is off by as little as two millimeters most people will trip.)跟我无关。(I dont care.)L思考几秒后说:两毫。太可能吧。(Two millithat doesnt seem right.)不,是真的,我12岁时做过一系列试验,我爸爸还摔断了锁骨。 (No,its true,I did a series of experiments when I was 12 my father broke his clavicle.)你说是因为这个被他们送去寄宿学校的吗? (Is that why

5、 they sent you to boarding school?不是,是因为我那些关于激光的试验。(No,that was a result of my work with lasers.)对白四:S和L回到家见到新邻居时。这是新邻居?(New neighbor?很明显。(Evidently.)比起上一个的水准真有显著提高。(Significant improvement over the old neighbor.)那个体重200磅有皮肤问题的异装癖者? (200-pound transvestite with a skin condition? 那是,没错。(Yes,she is.)对

6、白五:在见到新邻居Penny后L问S是否邀请P吃饭。我们要不要请她来吃午饭?(Should we have invited her for lunch?不,我们要开始看太空堡垒卡拉狄加第二季(No,Were gonna start season two of battlestar galactica.)第二季的DVD我们已经看过了。(We already watched the season two dvds.)但评论音轨还没看。(Not with commentary.)对白六:Sheldon说自己的朋友圈子已经很大了。我们要扩大下我们的朋友圈子。(We need to widen our

7、circle.)我的朋友圈子已经很大了。(I have a very wide circle.) 我在空间上有212个好友。(I have 212 friends on myspace.)不错,可他们你一个也没见过。(Yes,and youve never met one of them.)这正是其美妙之处。(Thats the beauty of it.)我要请她过来(Im gonna invite her over.) 我们可以好好吃一顿,然后。聊天。(Well have a nice meal andchat.)聊天?我们平时不聊天,至少下了线不聊。(Chat?we dont chat,

8、at least not offine.)对白七:在L和S邀请P吃午饭成功后,P问两室友平时都玩些什么?P:你们平时都玩些什么?(So,whats do you guys do for fun around here?今天我们尝试过靠自慰来挣钱。(Today we tried masturbating for money.)对白八:P去L和S家赞叹S的公式板。不错,只是一些量子力学而已。(Yeah.well,its just some quantum mechanics.) 边上还随便写了一点点弦理论。(With a little string theory doodling around t

9、he edges.) 那部分,是我开的玩笑。(That part there ,thats just a joke.) 讽刺一下波恩-奥本海默近似。(Its a spoof of the born-oppenheimer approximation.)这和说,你就像“美丽心灵”里那种天才一样?(So youre like one of those beautiful mind genius guys.)是吧。(Yeah.)对白九:P第一次坐在S的专座上。潘妮。(Penny) 这是我的座位。(Thats where I sit.)那,你坐我旁边(做可爱状)。(So,sit next to me.

10、)不。我坐那里的(经过瞬间思考后摇头)。(NoI sit there.)有什么区别吗!(无奈。)。(Whats thd difference?什么区别?(理直气状的开始说。(Whats the difference?开始了。(无语。(Here we go.)在冬天,这个位子离暖气比较近所以比较暖和。 (In the winter,that seat is close enough to the radiator.) 但也不至于太近以至于引起出汗。 (To remain warm,and yet not so close as to cause perspiration.) 在夏天,通过窗子吹进

11、来的风直接在这里交叉, (In the summer,its directly in the path of a cross-breeze.) 就是这边和那边的窗户。 (Created by opening windows there and there.) 看电视正好有个角度,不会太正从而影响跟别人说话, (It faces the television at an angle。That is neither direct,thus discouraging conversation,) 也不会太斜,从而造成脖子酸疼。 (Nor so far wide as to create a para

12、llax distortion.) 我还能继续,不过我觉得你已经明白我的意思了。 (I could go on,but I think Ive made my point.)有Penny强势要坐“专座”后,Sheldon的找座位的动作:对白十:Penny自我介绍。你有什么工作吗? (Welldo you have some sort of job?有,我是家乳酪蛋糕店的服务生。(Yeah.Im a waitress at the cheesecake factory.)我很喜欢乳酪蛋糕。(I love chessecake.)你不是不能吃乳糖嘛。(Youre lactose-intoleran

13、t.)我是不吃。我只是觉得那东西不错。(I dont eat it I just think its a good idea.)还有,我正在写一个剧本。(Anyways,Im also writing a screenplay.) 讲一个多愁善感的女生从内布拉斯加州的林肯到了洛杉矶。 (Its about this sensitive girl who comes to L.A. from lincoln,nebraska,) 她本想当名演员,最终却在乳酪蛋糕蛋当了服务生。 (To be an actress and winds up a waitress at the cheesecake

14、factory.)看来这是根据你的经历写的。(小L你太单纯了。 (So ,its based on your life.)不,我是来自奥马哈。(狂笑 ) (No,Im from omaha.)对白十一:Sheldon调戏Leonard对Penny的意图。当她发现你的卢克 天行者(星球大战人物)不再落泪洗发水。 (Do you think this possibility will be helped or hindered) 你说这种可能性是会变大了呢还是变小了?(指S与P发生肉体关系。 (When she discovers your luke skywalker no-more-tears

15、 shampoo?那是达斯 维德(另一星战人物)牌洗发水。 (Its darth vader shampoo.) 卢克 天行者是护发素。 (Luke skywalkers the conditioner.)对白十二:Howard第一次搭讪Penny.H:Bonne douche.你说什么?(Im sorry?是法语里“洗个痛快澡”的意思。(Its french for “good shower.”) 是一句祝词,我能用六种语言来说。(Its a sentiment I can express in six languages.)还是留着写博客吧,霍华德。(Save it for your bl

16、og,Howard.)洗个痛快澡。(这个不笑死才怪。对白十三:L帮P找前男友要电视机,S在路上的车上分析L的动机。她请求我帮她个忙,谢尔顿。(She asked me to do her a favor,Sheldon.)是啊,这可能是我们这趟旅途最近似的原因了。 (Yes,well,that may be the proximal cause of our journey.) 但其只存在于更高层次的原因的对比之下。 (But we both know it only exists in contradistinction.) 这点我们都清楚 (To the higher level dist

17、al cause.)是什么?(单纯的L你怎么可能躲的开呢。)(Which is?你在用下半身在思考。(you think with your penis.)从生理上说这是不可能的。(你还要自取其辱,唉)(Thats a biological impossibility.)对白十四:在进P前男友公寓门时打不开门,S讽刺L。能目暏你大脑工作实在很荣幸。(Its just a privilege to watch your mind at work.)不会吧,我们的智商加起来有360呢。(Come on,we have a combined iq of 360.) 我们应该有办法想出如何进那该死的楼

18、。(We should be able to figure out how to get into a stupid building.)此时两个小孩进门。你认为她们的智商加起来有多少?(What do you think their combined iq is?对白十五:L和S两个到来P前男友门前理论。我们是科学家。(Were scientists.)告诉他我们的智商。(Tell him about our iq.)里奥纳德。(Leonard)怎么?(What?那裤子是我妈买给我的。(My mom bought me those pants.)对不起。(Im sorry.)你得打电话跟她说

19、一下。(Youre going to have to call her.)对白十六:H玩游戏调戏P。这是我搜寻猎物后最喜欢的交付地之一。 (This is one of my favorite places to kick back after a quest.) 这里的麦酒太棒了。(They have a great house ale.)好酷的老虎。(Cool tiger.)是的,我从第十级开始就有了。(Yeah,Ive had him since level ten.) 他叫菊花(这个地方翻译还解释出来了,我很无语,翻翻这样解释的:美俚语里指女人的G点。)(His name is but

20、tons.) 如果你有自己的游戏人物。(Anyway,if you had your own game character.) 也许我们可以一起,出去搜寻猎物。(We could hang out ,maybe go on a quest.)听上去很有意思。(想当年的P多么单纯啊。)(That sounds interesting.)你会考虑一下?(Youll think about it?我没办法不去想它。(无奈的应承,这很难再见了。)(I dont think Ill be able to stop thinking about it.)插几张P对被前男友脱去裤子的S和L的愧疚之抱:对白十

21、七:S在P请大家吃饭的车上对L追求P的最后无奈之语。(前景是,H在车上要求去卡拉OK,并唱起了令P非常无语的歌后。我不知道在整个世界范围内你的成功率有多少, (I dont know what your odds are in the world as a whole,) 不过就这辆车子里的人来说,你还是很有希望的。 (But as far as the population of this car goes,)S01E02Howard吃花生就会肿起来。给,泰国炒面,不加花生。(Here we go,pad that,no peanuts.)里面有花生油吗?(But does it have

22、peanut iol.?不太清楚。(Im not sure.) 大家都盯着点霍华德以防他肿起来。(Eeveryone keep an eye on Howard in case he starts to swell up.)既然现在没蜜蜂出没,你可以用我的肾上腺素。 (Since its not bee season,you can have my epinephrine.)关于S对泰国菜不能用筷子。R:有筷子吗?(Are there any chopsticks?不需要,这是泰国菜。(no need,this is thai fodd.)开始了(L还没意思到不能阻止S这一现实的)(Here

23、we go.)泰国在19世纪后半期才有叉子。(Thailand hashad the fork since the latter half of the 19th century.) 有趣的是他们不直接把叉子放在嘴里,而是用叉子来把食物放在勺子里然后用勺子放在嘴里。 (Interestingly they dont put the fork in their mouth.They use it to put the food on a spoon which then goes into their mouth.)跟他要个餐巾,我量你也不敢。(这关于餐巾的我还真不知道。 (Ask him fo

24、r a napkin.I dare you.)在L向P提出一起吃泰国菜看超人电影马拉松后的对白。马拉松?到底有多少部超人电影啊?(A marathon?How many superman movies are there?你是开玩笑的,对吗?(Youre kidding,right?我比较喜欢露易丝 莱恩从飞机上掉下来,超人俯冲下去接住她的那部,那是第几部? (I do like one where Iois Iane falls from the helicopter and superman swooshes down and catches her.Which one was that?

25、四个异口同声回答:第一部。(One.)你知道那个场景完全不符合科学吧。(You realize that scene was rife with scientific inaccuracy.)是的,我知道,人不能飞。(在S面前怎么可能只是如此而已呢。(Yes,I know,men cant fly.)不,不,假设人可以飞。(我不假设我怎么跟你解释我所知道的呢? (No.Lets assume that they can.) 露易丝 莱恩从高空往下掉,以每秒32英尺的初速度做自由落体加速。 (Lois Lane is falling,Accelerating at an initial rate

26、 of 32 feet per second per second.) 超人俯冲下来用两个钢筋一样的手臂想要接住她。 (Superman swoops down to save her by reaching out two arms of steel.) 此时莱恩小姐在以每小时120公里的速度往下掉。 (Miss Lane,who is now traveling At approximately 120 miles an hour) 碰到钢筋手臂,立马会被劈成三半。 (Hits them and is immediately sliced into three equal pieces.)但是如果超人也达到那个速度然后减速, (Unless superman matches her speed and decelerates.)还有时间吗?她离地面两尺高了。(In what space,sir?shes two feet above the ground.) 如果他真的爱她的话,他应该让她掉在马路上。( ) (Frankly,if he really loved her,hed let her him the pavement.) 那还比较仁慈。(Itd be a more merciful death.)你的全部认证都是建立在超人的飞行有惊人的冲

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