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1、BHot News 9月28日英语新闻Lunar mission due by years end嫦娥五号将于年底发射Change 5, the next mission in Chinas lunar exploration program, will demonstrate and test the countrys technological and engineering capabilities in space, according to a key figure in the project.中国探月工程副总设计师于登云9月20日表示,我国探月工程下一项任务嫦娥五号将展现和检验我

2、国的空间技术和工程能力。Yu Dengyun, deputy chief designer of Chinas lunar exploration program, said on Sunday that Change 5 will be launched by a Long March 5 heavy-lift carrier rocket at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in South Chinas Hainan province by the end of 2020. Chinas current lunar program involves t

3、hree phases: Orbiting, landing, and return. The first two phases have been completed successfully, Yu said.于登云说,我国将于2020年年底之前在海南文昌航天发射中心通过长征五号重型运载火箭发射探测器。于登云表示,我国当前开展的探月工程包括绕、落、回三个阶段,目前已成功完成前两个阶段的工作。The Change-5 probe is expected to realize lunar sample collection, takeoff from the moon,rendezvousan

4、d docking in lunar orbit and high-speed reentry into the Earths atmosphere, marking breakthroughs in Chinas aerospace history, Yu said.探测器预计将实现月球采样、月面起飞、绕月交会对接、地球大气高速再入返回等任务,这将是我国航天史上的重大突破。According to Yu, China is conducting a further verification study for the research and development of a space s

5、tation and manned lunar mission, and it plans to set up an unmanned lunar research station for manned landings on the moon.于登云表示,我国正开展空间站研制和载人登月深化论证,还计划建设无人月球科研站,开展载人登月工作。重点词汇:rendezvous英 rndvu; rndevu 美 rndvu,rndevun. 约会;约会地点;集结地vi. 会合;约会vt. 在指定地点与相会-英语新闻-Rail network preps for travel rush全国铁路出行高峰将

6、至A total of 108 million train trips are expected to be made during the travel rush from Monday through Oct 8, with a daily average of about 9.82 million trips, China State Railway Group said. 中国国家铁路集团有限公司表示,自9月28日至10月8日,全国铁路预计发送旅客1.08亿人次,日均982万人次。The company noted the peak of train transport is expe

7、cted to be registered on Wednesday, Oct 1 - the first day of the National Day holiday, with 13 million passenger trips. The figure will hit a record high for daily railway passenger trips after the outbreak. 国铁集团表示,国庆假期的第一天10月1日为客流最高峰,预计发送旅客1300万人次,将创新冠肺炎疫情发生以来铁路日均客流新高。To serve rising demand, 9,500

8、trains will be put into operation every day, an addition of 1,200 trains compared to a normal period, it added. 为了应对不断增加的出行需求,全国铁路预计日均开行旅客列车达到9500列,比节前日均增加1200列以上。Some 408 million road trips are expected to be made during the holiday, according to the Ministry of Transport. 交通运输部表示,国庆假期期间公路自驾游有望达到4.

9、08亿次。All expressways will be toll-free for passenger cars with seven seats or fewer from Thursday to Oct 8.10月1日至8日,全国高速公路对7座以下小型客车免收通行费。重点表达:hit a record high 创历史新高be put into operation 投入运行toll-free 免费通行Mooncake bakers break the mold传统月饼推出创新口味Mooncakes, the seasonal treat shared by families and fr

10、iends during Mid-Autumn Festival, have become a focus of competition among pastry makers, with the traditional holiday for family reunions less than a week away. 距中秋节还有不到一周时间,在这个象征团圆的节日里,月饼是家人朋友常分享的一种时令小吃,因此也成为了糕点厂商的必争之地。Traditional fillings such as lotus seed paste with egg yolk for popular Cantone

11、se-style mooncakes and other common fillings like sweet bean paste, jujube paste and the five kernels (a mix of walnuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, almonds and sunflower seeds) are not the only game in town. 目前市面上的月饼多数使用传统馅料,譬如广式月饼中颇受欢迎的莲蓉蛋黄馅,以及豆沙馅、枣泥馅、和五仁馅(包括核桃仁、花生仁、芝麻仁、杏仁和瓜子仁)等,但绝不仅限于此。Xinya Cantonese

12、 Restaurant, which is popular in Shanghai for its seasonal pastries, is promoting mooncakes with mustard tuna fish floss filling and green Sichuan pepper bass fish paste. 上海一家因时令糕点而闻名的餐馆新雅粤菜馆正在推销芥香金枪鱼月饼和藤椒鱼月饼。Kam Wah Gift, a bakery company, has joined a partnership with plant-based meat producer Sta

13、rfield to design two mooncakes - rose black truffle and matsutake mushroom with artificial meat. 糕点企业锦华礼与植物肉品牌Starfield合作研发了两款月饼玫瑰黑松露人造肉月饼和松茸人造肉月饼。Pagoda, a retail fruit chain with 4,000 outlets in China, has also joined the race, with its first mooncake products featuring healthy ingredients. The c

14、ompany claims its mooncakes have zero artificial fragrances and dyes, and use antioxidant starch to replace preservatives.在全国拥有4000家门店的水果零售连锁店百果园则加入了推出首款健康馅料月饼的角逐,该公司声称其月饼不含任何人工香精和色素,用抗氧化淀粉取代了防腐剂。kernel英 knl 美 krnln. 核心,要点;计 内核;仁;麦粒,谷粒;精髓floss英 fls 美 flsn. 牙线;丝棉;乱丝n. (Floss)人名;(英、德)弗洛斯vt. 用牙线洁牙vi. 用

15、牙线清洁preservative英 przvtv 美 przrvtvn. 防腐剂;预防法;防护层adj. 防腐的;有保存力的;有保护性的Population census will begin第七次人口普查将开启Chinas seventh national population census will begin on Nov 1 this year with about 7 million staff to visit homes for registration work, an official said Sunday.国家发展改革委副主任宁吉喆9月20日表示,约700万普查人员将于今

16、年11月1日起走入千家万户,开启第七次全国人口普查登记工作。A good census can give a full picture of the populations size, structure and distribution, and the trend of demographic change, providing support for mapping national development strategies, said Ning Jizhe, deputy head of the National Development and Reform Commission.

17、 宁吉喆称,开展好人口普查,有助于全面摸清我国人口总量、结构和分布等状况,准确把握人口变化趋势性特征,为制定国家发展战略提供重要支撑。Residents will be encouraged to use mobile terminals, such as cell phones, to declare personal and family information, he said. The census will collect data, including name, ID number, gender, marital details, education, profession a

18、nd other information about Chinese citizens.鼓励居民使用手机等移动终端申报个人和家庭信息。此次普查将收集公民姓名、身份证号,性别、婚姻状况、受教育程度、职业等信息。 Efforts in depression prevention我国将加大抑郁症防治s health authority on Friday unveiled an action plan for depression prevention and treatment, particularly among vulnerable groups, including adolescents

19、, pregnant women, seniors and those with high-stress jobs. 国家卫健委9月11日发布关于推进抑郁症防治的工作方案,尤其强调要加大对青少年、孕产妇、老年人和高压职业人群等重点人群的抑郁症防治干预力度。The action plan required secondary schools and universities to launch mandatory mental health courses in a bid to spread depression prevention knowledge among young people,

20、 according to the National Health Commission. Such knowledge and screenings for mental health issues should be included in prenatal and postpartum care programs, the action plan said, asking family members to help pregnant women take care of their mental health. 方案提出,中学、高等院校均设置心理健康必修课程,在年轻人中普及抑郁症防治知

21、识;抑郁症防治知识的科普宣教以及心理健康筛查纳入常规孕检和产后访视流程中,提高孕产妇及家属防治意识;It also urged mental health care facilities to provide guidance to primary-level medical centers and family doctors on depression prevention among the elderly. 精神卫生医疗机构指导基层医疗卫生机构结合家庭医生签约服务,开展老年人抑郁症防治工作。The action plan set a target, whereby depression

22、 prevention knowledge will have been popularized among 80% of the general population and 85% of students by 2022. 方案提出,到2022年,公众对抑郁症防治知识的知晓率达80%,学生对防治知识知晓率达85%。The commission also urged measures to attain a 50% rise in the proportion of depression patients getting professional medical help by 2022.

23、An epidemiological survey in 2019 showed that around 16.6% of Chinese people suffered from mental health disorders of some kind.到2022年,抑郁症就诊率在现有基础上提升50%。2019年的一项流行病学研究显示,我国约16.6%的人患有某种类型的精神疾病。prenatal英 prinetl 美 prinetladj. 产前的;胎儿期的;医 出生以前的postpartum英 pstptm 美 postprtmadj. 产后的;产后用的-英语新闻-Global perce

24、ption of US falls美国声誉创近20年新低The reputation of the US among some allies has fallen to its lowest point in nearly two decades, according to a global survey. The findings of the Pew Research Center poll reflect public perceptions of the US in 13 countries. Positive views of the US have fallen to a medi

25、an of 34% across the countries surveyed, and only 16% of the respondents have confidence in US President Donald Trump. In only one country surveyed - South Korea - did a majority of the public view the US favorably. 一项全球调查显示,美国在一些盟友中的声誉已跌至近二十年来的最低点。皮尤研究中心的调查结果反映了13个国家的公众对美国的看法。在接受调查的国家中,对美国的正面评价降至34

26、%的中值,仅16%的人对美国总统特朗普有信心。在受调查国家中,只有韩国的大多数受访民众对美国有好感。Only a quarter of Germans and less than a third of French men and women view the US favorably. An overwhelming majority - 84% - said the US has handled coronavirus badly. Dr Richard Wike, a director of the Pew survey, said: What weve seen in our poll

27、ing over the past few years is that many people around the world see the US stepping away from a leadership position in world affairs, and thats had a negative impact on what they think of the country.在德国和法国的受访者中,对美国有好感的受访民众分别为1/4和不到1/3。绝大多数受访者(84%)认为美国的新冠疫情应对很糟糕。皮尤调查主管理查德威克博士说:我们在过去几年的调查中看到,全球许多人都看

28、到美国正在逐渐脱离在世界事务中的领导地位,这对他们对美国的看法产生了负面影响。重点词汇1、overwhelming美 /ovrwelm/ adj. 压倒性的;势不可挡的v. 压倒,淹没,制服(overwhelm 的现在分词)2、step away from逃避;远离,离开;摆脱China to brace for holiday rush双节临近航空需求旺盛s air travel sector has recovered significantly and is expected to brace for a holiday travel rush as National Day and M

29、id-Autumn Festival are around the corner, the Civil Aviation Administration of China said on Tuesday. Jin Junhao, deputy director of the administrations transportation department, said the country will lift restrictions on the limit of weekly flights on 49 domestic air routes, giving carriers more flexibility to operate pas

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