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高中英语 Unit 3 Tomorrows world reading 2教案 牛津译林版必修4Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、n想像力:beyond imagination:出乎意料; 想像力好(差); enrich ones imagination:丰富某人的想像力;set. vt. 为 (故事等)构设背景,使(故事, 剧情)以 为背景; 布置(舞台等)set a stage为舞台布景 be set in 以 为背景The story is set in the early days of World War II. 这故事是以第二次世界大战初期为背景.The novel is set in the 18th century Pairs.那本小说以18世纪的巴黎为背景.Is the novel set in pre

2、-war London?这部小说是以战前的伦敦为背景吗?3、Not only is every step of climbing Mount Qomolangma felt by the viewer , but also the cold, the tiredness, the food, the smells, the sights and the sounds of the mountain can all be experienced.(on page 42 line8-9 )1) not only A but also BB as well as A 2) not only提到句首,

3、not only所在分句用部分倒装3)not onlybut also连接并列主语时,谓语遵循“就近 原则” 4) but also中的also也可省去;but also也可换为butas well e.g. He likes not only English but also Chinese . Not only does Bis going C. are going D reaching the top of the mountain , a feeling of page 42 ,line 11-12)1)upon prep在后立即,一就on以代替upon Upon reaching t

4、he on 用作介词时,这两个词都可以表示位置,“在上”的意思。二者在多数情况下可通用,但有下列区别:但有下列区别:(1)on表示触及或构成某个表面的一部分,或者表示“由 支撑”,“附在上”的意思。There is are adding lamp on the desk书桌上有一盏台灯。He stood on one foot 他单脚站立。She ,不用upon。On Sunday在星期天 On the fifth of April在四月五日 (3)upon属于比较正式的用语,在某些习语中,upon与on 不能互相调换。 Upon my word我发誓 once upon a time从前 d

5、epend upon it . 没错 The Spring Festival will soon be upon us 春节即将来临。Youve the 。There are enough chairs for everyone to sit upon 有足够的椅子让所有人坐着。2)sense n 感觉,辨别力,观念,意识 be out of ones senses 神智不清 come to ones senses 神志恢复正常 common sense: 常识; in a sense:在某种意义上; make sense:讲得通,有意义 Theres no sense in doing st

6、h:(做某事)没有道理 a sense of a sense,you the fingertips via thousands of sensors in the gloves. ( on page 42 line 20-21) pass on 把传给 e.g. God traditional to younger generationspass on 1)pass away (委婉)死去,逝世 e.g. She passed onaway in Stories about family are usually passed on by mouth from one generation to

7、 another 家庭的故事通常都是通过口头一代一代往下传的. 6. Both the page 42 line 21-22). be connected to与相连接 connect A with (to) Bjoin A to B指两物有形的连接 connect with相连;衔接 A be connected with B:A与B有联系 注意:当要表达“把A与B连接起来时,用介词to和with都可以;但要表达“A与B有联系时,只能用with。1) Connect me with the post-office, please请接邮政局 。(电话用语) 2) I was connected

8、 to the wrong number 我的电话接错了 1. The police thought out through small openings in the page 42 line 23-24) 1)add vt 增加,增添 vi加起来,做加法 addto 把增添到上 add to 增加 add up to总计共达(不可用进行时或被动语态) e.g. May l add a point ? 我可以补充一点意见吗?Will you add more sugar to your coffee ? 你的咖啡要多加些糖吗?The news added to one wont be giv

9、en out考试结果不会公布。The flowers give out a sweet smell 这些鲜花散发出甜甜的味道。 give upgive ingive offgive away e.g. give up 放弃 Never give up the study“English永远不要放弃英语学习。give in屈服;让步;投降 Finally to my views 最终他对我的观点妥协了。give off送出;发出 The sun gives off light and 8、Special food and drink chemical are delivered into vie

10、wers mouth via straw sensor. deliver vt. 释放,交付,移交,投递,传送,发表,表达,给予delivery n.交付deliver sb. from sth 把某人从解救出罘deliver sthtoover sb. 把某物交付某人 e.g. I delivered the massage and parcel to the day.deliver a message 带信,传话 deliver a speech 发表讲话 deliver oneself of an opinion 发表意见 deliver over(up)(to) 移交,交给 be de

11、livered of sb 生(小孩) 我把信和包裹交给了她。剩下的晚些时候再送来。We asked for immediate delivery.我们要求立即交货。We deliver your order to your door.我们送货上门。She betrayed the scientific studies it shown that VR can provide teenagers with another way to experience the world and make them work page 43 line 26-29 ).provide sbwith sthp

12、rovide sth. For sb供给某人某物They provided food and clothes for the sufferers They provided the sufferers with food and clothes 他们提供食物和衣服给受难者。The ship was provided with radar equipment这艘船装上了雷达设备。supplyprovideoffer 这三个词都含有“提供”、“供给”的意思,有时可互换。1)supply较为常用,强调比较固定或经常性地提供、供给。常构成结构supply sb. With sth或supply sth

13、to sb“向某 人供应某物”。2)provide表示为应付意外或紧急情况等而提供或供给,作好充分准备。常构成结构provide sbWith sth. 或provide sth. for sb. 供给某人某物”。3) offer vt提供;给予;提出。常构成结构offer to do sth “出肋某事或。“offer sb. sth“向某人提供某物”。The media supplies lots of in formation to us everyday The media supplies us with lots“information everyday 大众传播媒体每天把很多信息

14、提供给我们。Those children are not well supplied with books for studying 那些孩子们学习用的书籍没有得到充分供应。The firm provided me with a car 公司供给我一辆汽车。Can you provide accommodation for thirty people ?你能为三十人提供住宿吗?He offered me a better position 他提供给我更好的职位。He offered to provinces with natural gas from the west of ChinaA se

15、nd B sell C supply D offer10. An argument put forward that some viewers will be disappointed by RealCine because VR is not real. ( on page 43 line 35-36 )1) argument n.争论;辩论;论据;论点 get into an argument with 和争论起来put forward an argument 提出论点 It is beyond argument that 是无可争辩的 The secretary got into an

16、argument with the manager this morning.It is beyond argument that that companys plan is more practical.argue vt& vi. 争论;争吵;论证 argue with sbabout sth 就某事和某人争论 argue against 为反对某事而争论 argue for the right 为正义而争论 putputtogether 把某物结合成一个整体;装配或修配某物 putdown 写下来;记下来;放下 put aside 放在一旁;存储 put back 放回,送回;拨回(钟表)

17、的针 put forward 向前移;提出;拨快(钟表) put off延期 put away收拾;处理 put out熄灭 put up举起,建造 put up with忍受 put on穿上,放上,盖上 (用上述短语完成下列句子)He do today 永远不要把今天能做的事拖到明天。She tried totthese insults any more我再也不能忍受这些侮辱了”。The Araba tent and made a fire 那个阿拉伯人支起了帐篷,生了堆火。11、Besides films,VR might also page 43 line 41 )besides“除之

18、外还有”,指besides后面的部分加上前面的部分。Does John know any other language besides French ?除了法语以外,约翰还懂别的语言吗?We need fifty more people besides our team to do the job 除了我们队以外,我们还需要50个人去做这项工作。besidesexceptPutexcept forexcept that1)besides除之外还有”,其后的事物(或人)包括在内,表示对已知情况作补充说明。besides用在含有否定意义的句中时,意义相当于except。2) except除之外”,

19、但其后的事物(或人)不包括在内,指从整体中排除except后面的部分,多与no,none, nothing,a11,everyone,everybody等词连用,除接名(代)词外还可接介词短语、不定式。(如句子中的谓语动词是行为动词d。,则不定式不带to) 3)but除之外”,其意义与用法同except相似,除一些习惯用语外,两者可以换用,但except语气较强,意义也较明确。a11except one所有的中只有一个除外”,语气偏重在one;a11but one除一个以外其他都”,语气侧重在a11。4)except for“除了”,指对整体主要部分的肯定,对except for后面的部分作局

20、部否定,起修正句子主要意思的作用。5)except that除了,只是”后跟从句。This design the whole times the woods除了有几只鸟在树林里歌唱外,这个村子很安静。I didnt tell is very gooda few spelling mistakes除了几处拼写错误外,你的作文写得很好。I like all drinks_ whisky.除了威士忌以外,我喜欢所有的饮料。He in good the past few days 他除了过去几天略微有点头疼外一向都是很健康的”。Except that后面可接从句。We the room. 房间里除了一

21、把椅子外,别无他物。but常与everyany,no以及它们的复合词连用。12. I think viewers will be impressed by a film that allows them to be a character in the film. The example of climbing Mount Qomolangma left me with a deep impression. (on page 45 line 5-7)impress vt铭刻;给极深的印象;使感动(1)“给深刻印象;铭刻”印象可以是好的,也可以是不好的。例如:1) He impressed me

22、 favourably 他给我的印象不错。His acting impressed me as being somewhat artificial 他的演技给我的印象是有点做作。(2)“印上;压印”。The design was impressed on the cloth 这个图案印在布上了。They impress the words“Made in Chinaon a metal plate (They impress a metal plate with the words Made in China)他们在块金属板上压印出“中国制造”的字样。(3)“使记住(某事的)重要性”,常与介词

23、。n连用。She impressed (it) on me that l must come 严印象;痕迹;特征”。His work our time 他的作品给我们的时代一种决定性的印象。Time n印象;印刷次数。I shall never forget the impressions l of that book in one year 这是那本书一年内的第三次印刷。Impressive adj.给人深刻印象的,难忘的。I found the exhibition most impressive 我觉得那次展览会给人以深刻的印象。Exercise:(改错)He was impressed

24、 us as a modest comrade impress作为及物动词,可以表示句子的主语给别人留下印象,此时用主动语态的形式。也可用被动结构,表示“某事给人留下印象。13. It seems to me that it all depends on the viewer who is watching the film.( on page 45 line 9-10)depend on视而定;取决于;依赖,依靠 The time of departure depends on the weather 出发时间视天气情况而定。Our Success depends on whether ev

25、eryone works depend on their parents for food and clothing 儿童靠父母供给衣食。Exercises:If tourism for you are in a strange place 句意为:在陌生的地方你就得靠地图。14. Your friends will be keep in touch with them.( on page 47)keep in touch with与保持联系 stay in touch with与保持联系 get in touch with 与取得联系 lose touch with 与失去联系 He sti

26、ll keeps in touch with touch with the agency我想和那个代办处取得联系。Let us not lose touch with reality 我们不要脱离现实。Do_ in touch soon,for example by phone A. keep B. get C stay D. lose句意为:一定要尽早联系,如打电话。句中 的soon使得该空填keep或stay不合适;“失去联系”是“lose touch,不必加in,并且与句意不符。15. This new exhibition was set up by the Students Union.(on page 51 )

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