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1、new-tech enterprises play an increasingly strategic role in national economy,and also make great contribute to providing advanced products and services,promoting technical progress,enlarging employment and developing the national economic competitive powerBut while they make a SUCCESS upon advanced

2、technology and hi-tech products,they usually put too much emphasis oll technology advantages,accordingly neglect the research and applications of marketing strategy and management,and then caused the Marketing Myopia resulting in passiveness evefl defeat to the managementSo how to exercise modem mar

3、keting theories,research and constitute marketing strategy and policy of lIigh&new-tech enterprises,and provide necessary theory base and suppoaing to the marketing problems of hiigh&new-tech enterprises,has some reality significance and generalize application value to promote continuance,healthy an

4、d rapidly development ofhigh&new-tech enterprisesKEYWORDS:high&new-tech enterprise,marketing strategy,technical marketing,innovation ofmarketing theoriesFirst, the science and technology enterprise marketing strategyMarketing strategy is the enterprise under the guidance of the marketing concept , t

5、he application of modern management methods , for a period of time , the development of the overall business marketing ideas and planning. Marketing strategy consists of three different levels of content : target market, market positioning and marketing mix . The so-called target market is the compa

6、ny established to serve customers. The so-called market positioning is an enterprise cultivate certain characteristics for the product , and establish a certain image of the product , in the minds of customers in order to form a special preference , it is to attack the target market point of attack

7、and defense point selection . Marketing mix is the enterprise to meet the needs of the target customer groups can be combined control variables , offensive target market, occupy the market positioning of the weapon , which is the marketing strategy , according to the traditional 4P concept in genera

8、l, including product strategy, pricing strategy , distribution strategy , marketing strategy and the strategy together . In this sense . The so-called marketing strategy is based on possible business opportunities , choose a target market , and tries to provide an attractive target market marketing

9、mix . Thus, the corporate marketing strategy formulation should first determine the target market and market positioning to solve the problem , when the target market and market positioning clear later , the focus will shift marketing strategy marketing mix , that is, the formulation of marketing st

10、rategies . Therefore, this chapter in science and technology enterprises target market and market positioning strategy is based , according to the life cycle theory and technology acceptance and technology enterprises highlight the characteristics of technical marketing , to study science and techno

11、logy enterprise marketing strategy.Second, science and technology enterprise marketing strategy based on the strategy developedThe traditional view that strategic decision strategy , strategy is a strategic service , any policy formulation and implementation of the strategy are to ensure the impleme

12、ntation, therefore , the policy should focus on the development of its strategic objectives beam , as the tech industry market -oriented enterprises , because its products are used to meet the particular purpose of functional products , and its strategy is to develop strategies based on the target m

13、arket and market positioning strategy. Target marketing strategy refers to enterprises through market segmentation choose one or several market segments as its target market , specializing in their demand characteristics and according to its characteristics to design appropriate products, the develo

14、pment of appropriate price , choose the appropriate distribution channels promotion and planning of appropriate means to achieve to meet customer needs through corporate earnings target market management activities , including no difference in target marketing , differences in concentration of targe

15、t marketing and target marketing three strategies type. Market positioning strategy is determined in the target market , the firm is based on its own strength and target customer requirements, the enterprise in the target market to determine the location of the strategy .( 1 ) Market Segmentation :

16、Market segmentation aim is to find marketing opportunities , target market. As the face of scientific and technological products industry market , the main consideration should be the ultimate customers of the industry characteristics, customer requirements and customer size and other factors, marke

17、t segmentation, market segmentation process, should adopt the Bowling mode , first find or create energy tremendous utility for customers or interests of target market segments , and offers in this market can benefit both the product or service to gain a foothold in their market ( the first bowling

18、pins ) , through this market on the users oral advocacy and demonstration effect, and the other based on the market related to the potential customers will quickly become a reality customers, thereby forming a chain reaction , and ultimately achieve the purpose of expanding the market .( 2 ) Target

19、market strategy : each product based on market segmentation, and then select the target market , expand the application fields. Science and technology enterprises in the choice of target market strategy, enterprises should fully take into account the point of product and market conditions to determi

20、ne , because science and technology enterprise s products are generally excellent performance and to meet the specific purpose non- homogeneous products , mostly in the product the introduction of life-cycle stage and growth stage , therefore, should be the main difference between marketing and choo

21、se to focus marketing strategy .( 3 ) market positioning strategy : market positioning is to give companies in the target market, choosing an appropriate location , and provide appropriate products to meet customer requirements. To achieve these goals depends on three factors: the case of target cus

22、tomers needs , target market conditions and competitors on the strength of enterprises , etc., generally use the forward position and reverse positioning two kinds of strategies. The main methods of market positioning : positioning based on attributes and benefits , based on price and quality positi

23、oning, positioning according to use , according to user location , based on product quality positioning , according to the competitive situation in the various methods of positioning and portfolio positioning. As a technology-based companys market position , it should be in the market to establish a

24、 superior quality , high performance , high technology , reliable quality, use a unique , leading the development of the industry s brand image, so that customers feel inherent in the product technology content , brand value and use value , let the customer experience into these intangibles is stamp

25、ed into the minds of the customer becomes a feeling and impression. Meanwhile, the technology-based products in the sales process is often accompanied by technical support and transfer of science and technology enterprises but also in the minds of our customers first-class technology , first-class p

26、roducts and excellent service market image .Third, science and technology enterprise marketing strategyAs mentioned above, the life cycle of technology acceptance theory is mainly high-tech products for the consumer market the types of customers and the market characteristics of the research does no

27、t fully applicable to the industrial market in high-tech products , but for the market research industry, high-tech science and technology enterprises product has a certain significance , therefore , accept the life cycle of the technical theory and combining the characteristics of the market resear

28、ch industry to develop marketing strategies and technology enterprises in the traditional 4P marketing mix based on the theory of technical support and service marketing strategy , value chain integration marketing strategy, marketing strategy of social responsibility role .1 , product strategyTradi

29、tional product overall concept that any kind of product are composed of three elements: core products , tangible products ( performance , brand , quality, appearance and style , etc. ) and additional product ( additional services and benefits ) . But as a high-tech product, it can be divided into th

30、e core product or core interests ( the products core interests or fundamental value ) , form the basis of the product or products ( physical presence in the form of products or external manifestations ) , expected product ( customers buy products expect to receive when closely associated with a set

31、of core product attributes and conditions ) , add-on products ( with the purchase behavior extending additional services and benefits generated ) and potential products ( to meet customer demand for value potential benefits ) five levels . Dr. Xiong Wei further studies suggest that high-tech product

32、s of the whole product concept is a dynamic process of development , high-tech products as a whole product model First, you must confirm the customers core interests ( core interests confirmation stage ) ; then to understand the customers core interests , development and production of high-tech products materialized ( materialized product stage ) : Then through marketing packaging, product application knowledge dissemination , and so means to allow customers and partners to understand the implication of the true va

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