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1、另外,词汇量大,可以让考试准备变得轻松很多。当然,最后要补充的是,要想在SAT考试中获得高分,仅仅依靠对句子结构的把握和对逻辑关系的分析是不够的,考生还需要对题目中涉及到的词汇进行准确的理解,否则很有可能出现在句子结构和逻辑关系都正确的情况下却把答案选择错误的情况。几乎所有的SAT填空题都要求考生对相关词汇有准确的理解,而对于大多数中国同学来说,应该尽早养成勤查字典,尤其是英英词典的良好习惯。在准备SAT考试的过程中,建议考生最好准备一本Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary,即通常所说的韦氏大学词典,因为这是ETS官方指定的考试用词典,SAT考试中所有的词

2、语释义全部来源于该词典。甚至,有一些题目就是将韦氏大学词典中某个词汇的释义稍加修改而成的。1、Mrs. Williams found it ironic that her twelve-year-old son, who made all As on his report card, was so _ at home, apparently unable to follow her most basic instructions concerning such commonsense matters as tidiness.A stubborn B astute C candid D obtu

3、se E sullen1、令威廉姆斯太太觉得讽刺的是,她那12岁的儿子考试得了全A,在家却_连她提出的最基本的要求都达不到。A顽固的(倔的) B 精明的(精的) C坦率的(直的) D 愚笨的(笨的) E 愠怒的(气的)sustainable development 可持续发展二、SAT填空解题思路:要求同学在解题过程中应该通过逻辑解题,而不是用背景知识理解。比如: 他是一个_ ,没有头发的人。A反动的 B热情的 C爱好和平的 D光头的 E搞笑的SAT填空考查的逻辑大概能分为两种,同义重复和反义重复。把握关键词然后根据感情色彩判断,同义重复前后感情色彩一致,反义重复则相反。如果词汇量低,可以先判

4、断出一个空,然后用排除法选出答案。2、Although visitors initially may find touring the city by subway to be _, they are pleased to discover that subways are an inexpensive and _ way to get around.A. wasteful generous B. daunting efficientC. extravagant prohibitive D. convenient solitaryE. enjoyable easy2、尽管旅客们最初觉得乘地铁观

5、光这座城市有些_,他们还是非常欣喜地发现乘地铁既廉价又_。A浪费慷慨 B。可怕高效C奢侈抑制 D。方便孤独E愉悦舒适3、Like martinet, Norman_ his subordinates to_ rigidly to the rules.(A) disciplined.adapt (B) constrained.adhere(C) coaxed.refer (D) accustomed.object(E) coerced.demur3、像个守纪狂,诺曼_他的顽固从而严格地_规定。(A)约束适应 (B)限制遵守(C)诱骗相关 (D)适应反对(E)抑制反对解题关键:在韦氏大学词典中,m

6、artinet的解释为:(1)a strict disciplinarian;(2)a person who stressed a rigid adherence to the details of forms and methods. 1. Many private universities depend heavily on _, the wealthy individuals who support them with gifts and bequests。(A) Instructors (B) administrators (C) monitors (D) accountants (E

7、) benefactors1、许多民办高校很大程度上依赖于_,也就是那些用馈赠和遗赠来扶助办学的富人。(A)教授 (B)管理者 (C)监视器(D)会计 (E)慈善家2. One of the characters in Milton Murayamas novel is considered_ because he deliberately defies an oppressive hierarchical society。(A) rebellious (B) impulsive (C) artistic(D) industrious (E) tyrannical2、米尔顿村山的小说里有个角色

8、被认为是_因为那个角色故意无视一个社会等级森严的社会。(A) 有反抗精神的 (B)易冲动的 (C)艺术的(D) 勤奋的 (E)暴虐的3. Nightjars possess a camouflage perhaps unparalleled in the bird world: by day they roost hidden in shady woods, so _with their surroundings that they are nearly impossible to _。 (A) vexed . . dislodge (B) blended . . discern (C) ha

9、rmonized . . interrupt (D) impatient . . distinguish (E) integrated . . classify3、夜鹰拥有鸟类中无与伦比的伪装本领;白天它们在树阴的遮蔽下栖息,与周围环境_地如此天衣无缝以至于几乎不可能_它们。(A) 生气的驱逐出 (B) 混合的分辨出 (C) 和谐的 . . 打断 (D)耐心的. . 辨认出 (E)完整的. . 分类4. Many economists believe that since resources are scarce and since human desires cannot all be_,

10、a method of _is needed。(A) indulged . . apportionment (B) verified . . distribution (C) usurped . . expropriation (D) expressed . . reparation (E) anticipated . . advertising4、许多经济学家认为,因为资源短缺以及人类的要求不能全部_,_的方法呼之欲出。(A) 放纵的. . 分配 (B) 已证实的 . . 分配 (C) 篡夺的 . . 没收 (D) 表达 . . 补偿 (E) 预测的. . 广告s三、真题实战 - 寻找重复信

11、息 1. 反义重复 2. 同义重复 - 重点看逻辑词1、Rather than enhancing a countrys security, the successful development of nuclear weapons could serve at first to increase that countrys _.A. boldness B. influence C. responsibility D. moderation E. vulnerability 1、与巩固国家安全相反,成功的发展核武器首先会使这个国家更_。A. 勇敢 B. 影响 C. 有责任心 D. 温和 E.

12、脆弱 2. Dreams are _ in and of themselves, but, when combined with other data, they can tell us much about the dreamer.A. uninformative B. startling C. harmless D. unregulated E. uncontrollable 2、梦本身是_,但当将其和数据结合起来,梦就可以告诉我们很多关于做梦者的信息。A. 无信息的 B.惊人的 C. 无害的 D. 无法管理的 E. 无法控制的 3. Although the feeding activi

13、ties of whales and walruses give the seafloor of the Bering Shelf a devastated appearance, these activities seem to be actually _ to the area, _ its productivity. A. destructive counterbalancing B. rehabilitative diminishing C. beneficial enhancing D. detrimental redirecting E. superfluous encumberi

14、ng 3、尽管鲸和海象的觅食行为会对白令海峡海底的大陆架的表面造成危害,这些行为事实上却对这片地区_,_它们的产量。A. 破坏性的 平衡 B. 恢复 减少 C. 有利的 提高 D. 有害的 改变方向 E. 过剩的 阻碍 4. Although the minuet appeared simple, its _ steps had to be studied very carefully before they could be gracefully _ in public.A. progressive revealed B. intricate executed C. rudimentary

15、allowed D. minute discussedE. entertaining stylized 4、尽管小步舞曲看上去简单,它的_步骤需要经过极其认真的学习才能优雅地_在公众面前。A. 前进的 显露 B. 复杂的 展现 C. 初步的 允许 D. 微小的 讨论E. 使人愉快的 仿效5. James claimed no _ knowledge of linguistics, but only a hobbyists interest in language.A. manifest B. plausible C. technical D. rudimentary E. insignific

16、ant5、James说自己并没有_语言学知识,有的只是一个爱好者对语言浓厚的兴趣。A. 明显的 B. 似乎合理的 C. 技术的D. 初步的 E. 不重要的6. While nurturing parents can compensate for adversity, cold or inconsistent parents may _ it.A. exacerbate B. neutralize C. eradicate D. ameliorate E. relieve 6、会教育孩子的家长可以弥补不利因素,冷酷或性格无常的父母却可能_不利因素。A. 加重 B. 中和 C. 根除 D. 改善

17、E. 减轻 7. In the midst of so many evasive comments, this forthright statement, whatever its intrinsic merit, plainly stands out as _.A. a paradigm B. a misnomer C. a profundityD. an inaccuracy E. an anomaly7、在众多拐弯抹角的评论中,这一坦率的陈述,就算它再有内涵的优点,也只能平淡地代表_。A. 一个范例 B.一个错用的名称 C. 一个有深度的评价D. 一个不正确的陈述 E.一种异常8. Be

18、fore the Second World War, academics still questioned whether the body of literature produced in the United States truly _ a _ literature, or whether such literature was only a provincial branch of English literature.A. symbolized local B. constituted nationalC. defined historical D. outlined goodE.

19、 captured meaningful8、二战前,学术界仍在质疑美国文学是否真的_一个_文学,还只是作为英国文学中的一个偏狭的分支。A. 象征地方的 B. 构成 民族C. 定义为 历史的 D. 概括 好的E. 捕获 有意义的9. Because they have been so dazzled by the calendars and the knowledge of astronomy possessed by the Mayan civilization, some anthropologists have _ achievements like sophisticated carve

20、d calendar sticks of the Winnebago people.A. described B. acknowledged C. overlooked D. defended E. authenticated9、玛雅文明拥有的日历和天文知识令一些人类学家眼花缭乱,导致他们_像温尼贝戈人(居于东威斯康星等地的北美洲印第安人)的精密刻历支一类的成就。A. 描述 B. 承认 C. 忽视 D. 保护 E. 证明为真10. The well-trained engineer must understand fields as diverse as physics, economics,

21、 geology, and sociology; thus, an overly _ engineering curriculum should be avoided.A. narrow B. innovative C. competitive D. rigorous E. academic 10、训练有素的工程师必须了解许多学科领域,比如物理学、经济学、地质学和社会学;因此,应避免一种过度_工程学专业课表。A. 狭隘的 B. 创新的 C. 竞争的 D. 严格的 E. 理论的?11. Because medieval womens public participation in spiritu

22、al life was not welcomed by the male establishment, a compensating _ religious writings, inoffensive to the members of the establishment because of its _, became important for many women.A. involvement with privacy B. attention to popularityC. familiarity with scarcity D. dissatisfaction with profun

23、dity E. resistance to domesticity 11、由于中世纪女性公开参与精神生活是不受男性当权社会欢迎的,因此一种_,因为它的_而不会对当权者构成冒犯,成了女性使用的重要手段。A.与有关 私密性 B. 关注 普及性C. 以著称 稀缺性 D. 不满于 深刻性 E. 与抗衡 家庭性12. Not all the indicators necessary to convey the effect of depth in a picture work simultaneously, the pictures illusion of _ three-dimensional app

24、earance must therefore result from the viewers integration of various indicators perceived_.A. imitative coincidentally B. uniform successivelyC. temporary comprehensively D. expressive sympathetically E. schematic passively12、并不是所有的指示器都有必要同时传达图像的景深效果,因此图像的_三维视觉效果一定是由观众对多个指示器_视角的合并。A. 模拟巧合imitative

25、coincidentally B. 统一连续uniform successivelyC. 暂时综合temporary comprehensively D. 表达同情expressive sympathetically E. 图释被动schematic passively13. The sheer bulk of data from the mass media seems to overpower us and drive us to _ accounts for an easily and readily digestible portion of news.A. insular B. in

26、vestigative C. synoptic D. subjective E. sensational 13、来自大众传媒的大量数据巨浪般向我们袭来,迫使我们对新闻中容易迅速理解的部分作出_解释。A. 思想狭隘的insular B. 调查的investigative C. 摘要的synoptic D. 主观的subjective E. 轰动的sensational 14. In eighth-century Japan, people who _ wasteland were rewarded with official ranks as part of an effort to overc

27、ome the shortage of _ fields.A. conserved forested B. reclaimed arable C. cultivated domestic D. irrigated accessible E. located desirable 14、在十八世纪的日本,_荒地的人们会被授予官衔,这种奖励制度为解决_土地资源短缺立下了功劳。A. 保存草木丛生的conserved forested B. 开垦适合种植的reclaimed arable C. 耕种国家的cultivated domestic D. 灌溉易得到的irrigated accessible

28、E. 找到值得拥有的located desirable 15. Since she believed him to be both candid and trustworthy, she refuse to consider the possibility that his statement had been _.A. irrelevant B. facetious C. mistaken D. critical E. insincere 15、因为她相信他的坦率与真诚,所以她绝不会怀疑他说的话是_。A. 无关的irrelevant B. 玩笑的facetious C. 错误的mistaken D. 批评的critical E. 不真诚的insincere 16 . For some time now, _ has been presumed not to exist: the cynical conviction that everybody has an angle is considered wisdom.A. rationality B. flexibility C. diffidence D. disinter

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