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1、从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1. Do you want to come along? _. I may stay at home to have a rest.A. No problem B. Not likely C. No way D. Not really2. There was snow everywhere _ the shapes of things were difficult to identify.A. so that B. now that C. in order that D. on condition that3.

2、I knew that _ could ever stop Homonym; he would never drop his dream of becoming a doctor once he had made up his mind. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing4. Mr. Smith, how does my son Tom behave at school? Pretty good, though he _ be absent-mined occasionally. A. should B. can C. must

3、 D. need5. in the 1950s, the art museum looks very old but it gives people a sense of art. A. To build B. Building C. Built D. Having built6. Her only problem, if you call it a problem, is _ she expects to be successful all the time.A. what B. that C. whether D. how7. I was away in Beijing for an im

4、portant meeting for seven days. When I return to the school, there was a pile of homework _ for me. A. waited B. to wait C. waiting D. was waiting8. They are renting an apartment near the submarket at present because their new house _. A. is being built B. has been built C. rebuilt D. has built9. _

5、how to deal with the relationship between boys and girls, little Jenifer turned to her parents for help. A. Not knowing B. Knowing not C. Not known D. Known not10. It was not until I came to China _I realized that Chinese lived a happy and peaceful life. A. who B. that C. where D. before 第二节 完形填空(共2

6、0小题,每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Life changed completely for Mary two years ago when she suffered a stroke. The 11 is that she is now completely paralysed (瘫痪的) down her left side, and blind in her left eye.Mary used to be very 12 . The day before the stroke

7、 she was driving herself around. Now aged 78, Mary spends her days in a wheelchair, 13 to read or wash herself. Each morning a carer comes to help her for half an hour. Her daughter comes once a month. “She is very 14 . Its not her fault,” Mary said. Now alone in her room she finds herself talking t

8、o her husbands 15 . He died five years ago. “I say to him, Matthew, why did you 16 me? I looked after you. I would never have left you like this. Its the 17 that gets to you,” she sighs.It is hard to believe, but Mary is 18 than some. An 19 report yesterday drew attention to the fact that some local

9、 governments are significantly cutting back further the time allowed for care. “ 20 visits”, during which carers can only spend a maximum of 15 minutes with their clients (委托人), have increased by 15 per cent over the past five years.Carers 21 these cruel time restrictions. Many have told me that the

10、y feel like 22 on a conveyor belt, treating disabled people 23 they were pieces of machinery. Norman Lamb, the minister for care services, recognises the need for 24 . He knows that care visits can be so 25 that they become very “unfair”. So he is putting forward an amendment (修正案) to the Care Bill.

11、Mary spends her days watching television, often the 26 channel. So she has 27 bought her Christmas presents for the family. “We used to have wonderful family Christmases. But now I just cant 28 it,” she told me. Perhaps, if Norman Lambs amendment is 29 , she will have a 30 Christmas this year.11. A.

12、 reason B. truth C. result D. story12. A. active B. smart C. pretty D. patient13. A. ready B. unable C. eager D. anxious14. A. lazy B. special C. nice D. busy15. A. friend B. brother C. photograph D. office16. A. marry B. leave C. refuse D. cheat17. A. loneliness B. tiredness C. sickness D. coldness

13、18. A. stronger B. simpler C. luckier D. calmer19. A. interesting B. exciting C. encouraging D. alarming20. A. Coming B. Boring C. Flying D. Pleasing21. A. appreciate B. hate C. need D. regret22. A. teachers B. workers C. managers D. drivers23. A. even if B. so that C. now that D. as if24. A. speed

14、B. care C. money D. change25. A. short B. important C. complex D. meaningful26. A. movie B. shopping C. news D. sports27. A. never B. seldom C. already D. only28. A. wait for B. worry about C. think about D. prepare for29. A. withdrawn B. passed C. rejected D. introduced30. A. happy B. bad C. cold D

15、. quiet第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,共50分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共20小题;每小题2分,共40分)AHIP HOP WORKSHOPSaturday, October 1210:00 A.M. 3:00 P.M.North City Training Center5678 N. Verde DriveAll the hottest Hip Hoppers in town will be there showing you all the latest and greatest moves!Dancer

16、Bryan Feldman will be there straight from his tour (巡回演出) with Gusher.Gizmo Valdez will share the same steps he taught the Los Angeles River Girls.Missy Heart brings her award-winning dances to you.Classes will be held according to different levels. Find the classes that match your interest and skil

17、l level. There will be a lunch break, which includes a Jam Session where you can talk with the teachers. Lunch will not be provided. There is a picnic area if you want to bring your own lunch and a snack bar (小吃店) at the Training Center if you wish to buy food. For safety reasons, no food or drink w

18、ill be allowed in the dance rooms.TeacherBryanGizmoMissy00-10:45Intermediate(中级的)Hip HopAdvanced Hip HopBeginning Hip Hop11:00-11:Intermediate Hip Hop12:00-1:00Lunch / Jam Session1:Advanced(高级的) Hip Hop2:00-3:Free Style / ShowcaseFree Style /ShowcaseThe cost is $60, which includes up to 4 classes. Y

19、ou can save $10 if you register (注册) by October 10th.Registration begins at 9:00 A.M., October 9th at the Training Center or online at 602-555-6835 for more information.31. What can we learn about this Hip Hop Workshop?A. There are classes at different levels. B. Each class lasts

20、 one hour.C. It provides lunch for free. D. It is held every Saturday.32. In the Jam Session, the students can _.A. cook with their dance teachers B. tour with their favorite dancersC. speak with their dance teachers D. dance with their favorite teachers33. If a beginner wants to learn Hip Hop in th

21、e afternoon, he can learn from _.A. Missy B. Gizmo C. Bryan D. Gusher34. If you register at the Hip Hop Workshop by October 10th, you _.A. are likely to win an award B. will see the Los Angeles River GirlsC. just need to spend $50 on the classes D. will be invited to Bryan and Gushers tourBOne after

22、noon, years ago, reporters and fans gathered at a Chicago railroad station to wait for the arrival of the Nobel Prize winner.The man stepped out to meet the cheering crowd. He thanked them and then asked if he might be excused for a moment.He reached an elderly woman who was having trouble trying to

23、 carry two large suitcases. He helped her with the suitcases as he went with the lady to a bus nearby and helped her aboard. Then turning to the crowd that had been following him, he said, “Sorry to have kept you waiting.” This man was Dr Albert Schweitzer, who had spent his life helping the poor in

24、 Africa.Such small act of kindness is what the world is in need of today. Little kindly gestures speak in loud voices. The possibilities for small acts of kindness are endless. They include such ordinary acts as exchanging smiles, sending a thank-you card to someone who has provided excellent servic

25、e, opening the door for a person with his arms full, surprising a family member by doing his chores, calling someone who has not been feeling well and the like. Acts of kindness leave both the doer and the person to whom they are done, feeling good about life. C Neil Strait would say, “Kindness is m

26、ore than a deed; it is an attitude, an expression, a look, a touch; it is anything that lifts another person.” This is exactly what Dr Karl Menninger, a famous psychiatrist (精神病学家) also advocated. After giving a lecture, Menninger answered questions from the audience. “What would you advise a person

27、 to do,” asked one man, “if that person felt a nervous breakdown coming on?”To their surprise he replied, “Go across the railway tracks, find someone in need and do something kind that will uplift that anguished person!35. Why did the man ask to be excused for a moment?A. Because he didnt feel well.

28、 B. To say hello to a friend of his.C. Because he saw a familiar face. D. To give a hand to an elderly woman.36. We can learn from the text that Dr Albert Schweitzer is _.A. kind B. honest C. smart D. humorous37. The underlined part “that anguished person” in the last paragraph refers to a person fe

29、eling _.A. bored B. painful C. thrilled D. moved38. What does Dr Karl Menningers reply imply?A. A disease known is half cured. B. To help others is to help yourself.C. God helps those who help themselves. D. Work will not kill a man but worry will.CA former Walmart employee says he was fired from hi

30、s job this week after defending himself against an assault (攻击) in the stores parking lot. Kristopher Oswald, 30, had been working at a Walmart in Hartland, Michigan, for about seven weeks when the incident occurred. Oswald, who had been working the overnight shift stocking pet supplies, was eating food in his car while on a break, when he suddenly heard the sound of a woman screaming.He went to investigate, and cam

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