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1、5. What did he do from 3 to 5 pm?He played football and watched TV.他下午3点到5点做了什么?他踢足球和看电视。6.Do you know what I want to be? It starts with D.你知道我想做什么吗?它以字母D开头。7. There is a basketball on the floor. 在地上有一个篮球。8. There are two red sweaters on the chair. 在椅子上有两件红色的毛衣。9. The socks are on the floor between

2、the bed and the wardrobe.在床和衣柜中间的地上有短袜。10.What is your favourite subject at school? My favourite subject is art . 在学校你最喜欢的科目是什么?我最喜欢的科目是美术。11.I love to run a lot for exercise. 我爱跑步锻炼。12.It makes me so happy .他使我很高兴。13. what will you do tomorrow? Tomorrow I will play football with my friends in the p

3、ark.你明天将会做什么?明天我将会和我的朋友在公园里踢足球。14.I bought flowers for my mother.我给妈妈买了花。Unit 1 My cousins and I cousin堂(表)兄弟姐妹 uncle 叔叔 舅舅auntie aunt 姑妈 姨妈 Australia 澳大利亚Australian 澳大利亚人 Chinese Australians 华裔澳大利亚人Australia Day 澳大利亚国庆节 sixth 第六 biggest 最大的 fact 事实,真相 koala 考拉 tail 尾巴 climb 爬 born 出生around 环绕,围绕 tr

4、y 试着,尝试 pretty 漂亮的 outdoing外向的nice 友好的 kind 体贴的 friendly 友好的 tall 高的 short 矮的 strong 强壮的 clever 聪明的 beautiful 漂亮的 little 幼小的Spring Festival 春节 together 一起a lot 非常多 be born in 出生在 so much 许多 warm clothes 暖和的衣服 have a good time 过得愉快 a little 一点点 have a look 看一看 look like 看起来像三句子1. Liza is a pretty gir

5、l from Australia. Liza是一个来自澳大利亚的漂亮女孩2. Liza smiles a lot. 她经常笑(她笑得很多)3. I started playing the piano at four. 我从四岁开始谈钢琴4. My mum is (a) Chinese. 我的妈妈是中国人5. Lizas father is a doctor. Liza的爸爸是医生6. They work at the same hospital.他们在同一家医院工作7. We are having so much fun in China. 我们再中国过得非常开心8. We have to w

6、ear warm clothes. 我们必须穿暖和的衣服9. Summer starts in December in Australia. 在澳大利亚,夏天从11月开始10.Liza is pretty and lovely. She is outgoing, too. Liza很漂亮和可爱,她也很外向 11.Did you have a good time at Spring Festival? 你春节过得开心吗?12.Has your aunt got any children? 你姑姑有孩子吗13.He can speak a little Chinese.他会说一点点汉语14.You

7、r cousins must speak good English. 你的堂兄妹肯定英语说得很好14.I took lots of photos at our big family get-together. 我在我们的大家庭聚会上拍了很多照片15. -When were you born? - I was born in December.16. -Where were you born? - I was born in Wuhan.17.Australia is the worlds sixth biggest country.澳大利亚是世界上第六大的国家18.The koala is a

8、 cute animal from Australia. 考拉是澳大利亚的很可爱的动物19.It looks like a grey bear, but it is not a bear.它看起来像灰熊,但是它不是熊20. It has got no tail. 它没有尾巴21.They sleep for twenty hours a day. 它们每天睡20个小时22.There are many gardens and parks around the city. 有很多公园和花园围绕着这个城市23. My home town Sydney is a beautiful city. 我的

9、家乡悉尼是一个漂亮的城市24. You can also see many street trees. 你也可以看见很多街道上的树Unit 2 Food and health1单词active 好动的 celery芹菜 cherry樱桃 corn-on-the-cob玉米棒子 fit健康的 glass一杯之量 habit习惯 health健康(状况) healthy健康的 kind种类 memory记忆力 own自己的 protein蛋白质 stay维持 sugar糖 kind和气的 warm热情的 more更多 little少 different不同的 bread面包 drinks饮料 fr

10、uit水果 vegetables蔬菜 candies糖果 usually经常 yourself你自己 cornflakes玉米片 popcorn爆米花 hamburger 汉堡包 advice建议3词组look after照顾 照料 not. at all一点儿也不. string bean菜豆 try new foods尝试新的食物 whole grains 全谷物 every day 每天 brown rice糙米 fast food快餐 get ill 生病 next to 附近,隔壁 a lot a lot of许多 go to see a doctor看医生,看病most of th

11、e day一天的大部分时间 too much太多 hot dogs热狗 stay active保持活跃plenty (of )丰富,充足4句子1. If you have a favourite food, you can try a new one. 如果你有一种最喜欢的食物,可以尝试一种新的食物。2. You can try new foods, something new to you.你可以尝试对你来说是新的食物。3. Red fruit and vegetables are good for you heart.红色水果蔬菜有利于你的心脏。4. Yellow fruit and ve

12、getables help keep you from getting ill.黄色水果蔬菜帮助你保持不生病。5. Fruit is good for your health.水果对你的健康有利。6. Cola is bad for your health.可乐对你的健康有害。7. Vegetables are healthy.蔬菜是健康的。8. Chicken and eggs are also good for us.鸡肉和蛋也对我们有好处。9. Drink water or tea with little or no sugar. 喝少糖或者无糖的水。10. Drink one or t

13、wo cups of milk, and a small glass of juice every day.每天喝一到两杯牛奶和一小杯橘子汁。11. Why are you so fit and strong? 你为什么如此健康而强壮?12. You have to eat and sleep well. 你必须吃好和睡好。13. I eat different kinds of food. 我吃不同种类的食物。14. What sports do you usually do? 你经常做什么运动。15. You are what you eat. 食如其人。16. She loves eat

14、ing very much. 她非常喜欢吃。17. Her eating habits are not healthy. 她的饮食习惯不健康。18. She doesnt watch her weight at all. 她一点儿也不在意她的体重。19. She sits in front of the TV most of the day。每天大部分时候她都坐在电视机的前面。20. You have to change your eating habits. 你必须改变你的饮食习惯。21. What do you think of Auntie Pangs habits? 你如何评价庞阿姨的

15、饮食习惯?22. What makes a healthy diet? 什么才是健康饮食?23. Too much salt and sugar is bad for our health。 太多盐和糖对健康不利。24. The pictures show what he is going to eat tomorrow. 图片展示了他明天将会吃些什么。25. What is he going to eat for supper? 明天晚餐他会吃些什么呢?Unit 3 Marys diary(words)单词diary 日记 difficult 困难的,不易的 everyday 日常的flav

16、our 食物或饮料的味,味道 gentleman 先生 guide 导游,向导 horrible 可怕的 lady 女士rope 绳索 saying 格言,谚语 show 娱乐表演,演出someday 有朝一日 strawberry 草莓 tour 短暂的参观,游览vanilla 香草精 castle 城堡 tower 塔 pound 英镑 any 任何 excellent 杰出的 kill 杀死 wonderful 完美的 pull 拉 sum加法(phrases)词组Keep a diary 坚持写日记 stop shouting 停止喊叫Come out 出来 good at擅长(接名词

17、) write about 写(接名词) dreamed about梦到 worker harder努力学习 Great show! 很棒的表演Listen to music 听音乐 go riding 去骑车 do Maths exercise 做数学练习 read a story book读故事书 play football 踢足球 watch TV 看电视 play table tennis打乒乓球 paint a picture画画(sentence)句子1. My hometown is a beautiful place. 我的家乡是一个漂亮的地方。2. I like readin

18、g and writing very much. 我非常喜欢阅读和写作。3. Keep a diary, and someday it will keep you. 4. In my diary, I write about my family, my good friends, my feelings and my dreams. 在我的日记中,我写了关于我的家人,我的好朋友,我的感受和我的梦想。5. Maths is difficult for me.数学对我来说很难。6. I felt very sad. 觉得很难过。7. He is good at Maths. 他很擅长数学。8. I

19、 will work harder. 我会更加努力学习的。9. I visited the old castle with uncle Sam and my cousin Dick.我和萨姆叔叔、迪克表弟参观了历史悠久的城堡。10. I dreamed about Dick and the ghost.我梦见了迪克和幽灵。11. It was funny. 那太好笑了。12. I dont think it is true. 我认为那不是真的。13. I havent got any money. 我没有一点钱。14. Pull the rope. 拉绳子。15. This is how He

20、nry the horrible killed the people he didnt like.这就是可怕的亨利国王怎样杀死那些他不喜欢的人。16. Best tour in my life.生命中最好的旅行。17.-What is Simon going to do this weekend? 西蒙这个周末打算去干嘛?-He is going tothis weekend.18.-What will Simon do on Saturday morning? 西蒙星期六早上打算去干嘛?-He willon Saturday morningUnit 4 My heroesalmost 几乎,

21、差不多 around 大约 blind 使失明 brave 勇敢的camp 活动营地,度假营地 college 学院;大学 confident 自信的dead 死的,去世的 deer 鹿 die 死去,死亡fight ( 与)作战 everything 所有事物;每件事物 footballer 足球运动员 forest 森林,林区heart 心,内心hybrid rice 杂交水稻king 国王leave 把留在某处move 打动,使感动 the poor 穷人 Nottingham 诺丁汉writer 作者shy 羞怯的,腼腆的 soldier 士兵,军人 woman 成年女子,妇女 wis

22、e 有智慧的 young 年轻的 hero- heroes英雄 also 也,还 more 更多 fewer 更少 teach 教 hope 希望 wait 等待must 必须 until直到 wood 树林 kill杀 village 村庄 hear 听college大学 even甚至 tell告诉,说 change改变 become成为a summer camp 夏令营 talk about 谈论 because of 因为a top footballer 一个顶级运动员around the world 世界各地,全世界live on 继续活着,继续存在 give (gave )up 放弃

23、 look after 照顾be busy at 忙于 a long time ago 很久以前 hide from 躲藏,躲避 a famous scientist 一个著名的科学家 be famous for 因.而著名take(took) away 带走,拿走 all right 好的 take care 小心 good luck 好运 come back 回来 hold on 紧紧抓住 抱住too shy to speak 太害羞而不敢说 1.About a hundred children are having a summer camp in Beijing.大约有一百个孩子正在北

24、京参加夏令营。2.He is a top footballer from Argentina.他是来自阿根廷的顶级足球运动员。3.He also gives money to help the poor children in Argentina.他还给钱帮助阿根廷贫穷的孩子们。4.He is Chinas Father of Hybrid Rice.他是中国的杂交水稻之父。5.He is famous around the world. 他闻名于全世界。6.For his work, we have more rice to eat and the world has fewer hungr

25、y people.因为他的工作,我们才有更多的粮食吃,世界上饥饿的人才更少。7.She died a long time ago, but her diary lives on and moves many people. 她很久以前就去世了,但是他的日记还存在着并感动着许多的人。8.She never gave up hope and always saw the good in everything. 她从来没有放弃希望并且总是看到一切事物好的一面。9.Mum is a great woman in my eyes! 在我眼中妈妈是一个伟大的人。10.Shes very busy at w

26、ork, but she also looks after the family well.她忙于工作,但是她还是将家庭照顾的很好。11.Her English is very good, and she often helps me with my English.她的英语非常好,他总是在英语方面帮助我。12.Sallys hero is the writer of a diary. Sally的英雄是一个日记的作者。 13.Bills hero is a world top footballer. Bill的英雄是一个世界顶级的足球运动员。14.Chen Zihans hero is a

27、famous scientist. Chen Zihan的英雄是一个著名的科学家。15.Nottingham is a beautiful city in the middle of England. 诺丁汉是英格兰中部的一个漂亮城市。16.It is famous for Robin Hood, a great hero in the hearts of English people. 它以罗宾汉而闻名,在英国人心目中的一个伟大英雄。17.He lived in a big forest near Nottingham around the year 1180. 大约在1180年间他住在诺丁

28、汉附近的一个大森林里。18.There are many stories about Robin Hood.有许多关于罗宾汉的故事。19.We hide from the Sheriff of Nottingham and his soldiers.我们躲避诺丁汉的州长和他的士兵。20.Please show me the way to Nottingham.请告诉我去诺丁汉的路。21.Look, theres one of the Sheriffs soldiers.看,这是州长的士兵之一。22.Lets wait until he is very close. 让我们等到他非常接近。23.

29、Well fight the Sheriff and help the poor.我们将和州长做战并帮助穷人。24.Miss Deng is a young teacher of a village school. Miss Deng是一个年轻的乡村学校教师。25.She left college two years ago, but she didnt stay in the city.她两年前离开大学,但她没有留在城市。26.She came to a village school.她来到一个乡村学校。27.She is kind to her pupils and they all love her.她对她的学生很好,她的学生们也都爱她。28.Miss Deng came here two years ago. Miss Deng两年前来到这里。29.She was very frie

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