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1、短语 turn on 意为“打开(水、电视、收音机、灯、煤气等)”。人称代词做宾语应放在turn与on之间。 Turn it on,please.请打开它。拓展turn的相关短语有:turn off关掉 turn up 开大 turn down 关小 turn in 上交 2.Cut up the bananas.切碎香蕉。cut up 切碎 是由“动词副词”构成的短语,意为“切碎”,其宾语为名词或代词。人称代词做宾语时,代词应放在动词和副词之间,名词作宾语时,名词可放在cut与up中间,也可以放在后面。Dont cut it up .不要把它切碎。He cuts up the apple.H

2、e cuts the apple up.他把苹果切碎了。3.Pour the milk into the blender.把牛奶倒进搅拌器里。单词1pour倾倒;灌;浇 Pourinto“把倒进里”。Please pour the drink into the cup. 请把饮料倒进杯子里。4.Put the bananas and ice-cream in the blender.把香蕉和冰淇淋放进搅拌器里。短语3 putin意为“把放进里”,相当于putinto。He put that book in the box. 他把那本书放进了盒子。拓展与put相关的短语:put away 把收起

3、来放好 put on 穿上 put off 推迟,put out熄灭 puton把放在上5.How much yogurt do we need?我们需要多少酸奶?句型2 how many 及how much 询问数量多少的句型how many 意为“多少”,后接可数名词的复数形式,用来提问可数名词的数量。how much 意为“多少”,后接不可数名词,询问不可数名词的数量;另how much 还可以用来询问价格。6.I want to make Russian soup for a party on Saturday.我想在周六时为聚会做俄罗斯风味的汤。make 在此处意为“制作”,为动词,

4、常构成的结构:make sb. sth.make sth. for sb.“给某人制作某物”。She made us coffee.She made coffee for us. 她为我们冲了咖啡。拓展make还可做使役动词,意为“让,使”。Make sb. do sth.“让/使某人做某事”;make sb./sth. adj.“使怎样”。8.Finally,dont forget to add some salt.最后,不要忘记加一些盐。单词3 finally 为副词,意为“最后;终于”,同义词组是 in the end/at last,在句中做状语。addto“把加到上”。Add som

5、e milk to the coffee.加一些牛奶到咖啡里。【课堂练习】单项选择1._laugh in the classroomA.Dont B.Not C.No D.Doesnt2.Please_the music. The baby is sleeping.A.turn on B.turn up C.turn down D.turn off3.I want to watch TV . Can I_it_?A.turn;on B.turn;up C.turn;down D.turn;off4.She pours the dirty water_the trash can.A.into B

6、.in D.at5.They had to_ the match because of the bad weather.A.put on B.put off C.put up D.put out6.He_the glasses_the box.A.put;on B.put.;off C.put;into D.put;up7.How_ meat do you want to buy ?A.many B.much C.often D.long8.How_apples can you eat?A.many B.much C.long D.far9Let

7、ay B.plays play D.playing完成句子1. 最终我们赢了这场比赛。We won the match_.2. 妈妈把盐放进汤里。Mother_some salt_the soup.3.My teacher makes me_(study) hard.4.The good news made us _(happily).Section A(Grammar Focus 3c) 第二课时【学习目标】:一、 学会描述一种食物的制作过程。二、 区分可数名词和不可数名词。【自主预习】一、 新词自测1.食糖_ 2.干酪;奶酪_3.爆米花_ 4.玉米;谷物_5.机器;机械装置_ 6

8、.掘地;凿洞_7.洞;坑;孔_二、 通过预习3a-3c,完成下列句型体验(一) 用How many 或How much 填空1_sugar do you need?2._cheese do we need?3._corn do we need?4._potatoes do we need?(二)填入恰当的单词或短语完成下列工序1._,put the popcorn into the _ _.2._,_ _ the popcorn machine.3._,_ some salt.4._,we can eat it.【课堂导学】1.First,put the corn into the popco

9、rn machine. 首先,把爆米花放进爆米花机里。单词1 first 首先First 为副词,意为“第一次;最初;首先;”。When did you first meet him?你在什么时候初次遇见他的?拓展(1)first 做序数词,表示“第一”。The first month of the year is January.一年的第一个月是一个月份。(2)first 做形容词,表示“第一流的;最重要的;the first man in the country 国家的领袖人物(1) first 做名词, 表示“最初;首位”。at first 起初;首先 from first to las

10、t 自始至终即学即练一用所给词的适当形式填空1. He is the _(one) boy to come here.2._(one),lets have a drink。1、短语翻译 1、打开搅拌器_ 2、把入_3、切碎它们_ 4、两茶杯酸奶_5、三匙蜂蜜 _ 6、把倒入_7、多少盐 _ 8、把添加到 _9、挖一个洞 _ 10、剥香蕉皮_2、单项选择1、First put the bananas and yogurt in the blender., and then A 、turn it on B、turn on it C、turn it off D、turn off it 2、 _ of

11、 milk do you drink every day? A 、How many cup B、How much cups C、How many cups D、How much cup 3、Would you like _ ?A 、an apple milk shake B、a apple milk shakeC、Apples milk shake D、apple milk shake 4、You can add some sugar_ the food .A 、in B、into C、to D、on 5、Lets _ milk shake.A 、 make B、take C、have D、t

12、o make 6.Look! Linda is _ hot water into the blender.A. pour B. pours C. pouring D. to pour 7.Lucy put a lot of _ in _ of tea .A.sugar ; the two cupB.sugers ; the two cupsC.suger ;D. sugers; the cups3、根据汉语意思完成句子1、请把书放进你的书包里。Please your books your backpack2、把盐加到面条里。 salt the noodles.3、她往瓶子里倒了一些热水。She

13、 some hot water the glass.4、请告诉我怎样找到我的书。Please tell me my book.5、他喝了两杯茶。He drink two tea.Section B(1a -2b ) 第三课时罗美艳 把关领导:一、 掌握重点词汇的运用。二、 学会描述一种食物的制作过程。三、 了解东西方某些节日的由来。【课前预习】一、 新词自测:读写单词并熟记,看谁记的快1.三明治_ 2.黄油 _3.火鸡_ 4.传统的;惯例的_5.秋天;秋季_ 6.漂泊者;游客_7.庆祝;庆贺_ 8.混合_9.充满;装满_ 10.烤箱;烤炉_11.遮盖;覆盖_ 12.盘子_13.(调味)肉汁_

14、14.接待;服务 _1. In most country, people usually eat traditional food on special holidays. 在大多数国家,人们经常在特殊的节日吃传统的食物。Traditional 意为“传统的”,是由“名词tradition+后缀-al ”构成的形容词。Tradition 名词,传统;习俗traditional Chinese foodon special holidays. 在特殊的节日on 做时间介词时,用于星期、具体的某一天或特定的某个上午、下午和晚上前。Its a _ (传统的)habit to eat zongzi _

15、 (in, on ,at) Dragon Boat Festival.2. There are many reasons for this specials day.对于这个特殊日子有许多的理由。 The reasons for (doing ) sth .的理由/原因 同义短语The reasons to do sthWe have good reasons _(believe) he is lying.This is our reasons for _(do) such a thing.3. These days , most Americans still celebrate this

16、idea of giving thanks by having a big meal at home with their family. 当今,大多数美国人仍然通过和家人在家里吃丰盛的大餐的形式庆祝感恩的形式。Celebrate 为动词,意为“庆祝”,名词为celebration. By做介词,表示方式、方法、手段等,后常接无冠词的名词或doing,意为“通过;靠;用”Have a big meal 吃大餐4. Here is one way to make turkey for a Thanksgiving dinner. 这儿是一种做感恩节晚餐火鸡的方法。 one way to do 做

17、某事的一种方法5. Next , fill the turkey with this bread mix .下一步,用这个面包混合物填充火鸡。Fill.with. 用.填充 6. Finally ,serve it to your friends with some other food.最后,把它同其他一些食物给你的朋友。Serve 服务,招待 固定短语:serve sb sth =serve sth to sb 招待某人某物1、单项选择1、Id like some _ and _ A.tomato ; chicken B. tomatoes; chicken C.Tomatos;chick

18、en D. tomatoes;chicken2、Do you like lettuce _ sandwichies? A.with B. in C.of D. to 3、My father needs _ now A.two piece of bread B. two pieces of bread C.two piece of bread D. two pieces of breade4、There are two ways _ to the zoo. get B.get C. getting D. got 5、We served a big meal _ them A.with

19、B. to C. in D. for 2、用所给词的适当形式填空1.I want two (sandwich)2.Do you like eating (tomato)?3.It is time (give) thanks for food in the autumn.4.They are ready (start) on Friday.5.We celebrate his birhday party by (sing) and (dance) together.1.你喜欢带有莴苣的三明治吗? Do you like sandwiches ?2.在特殊的节日,人们经常吃传统的食物。 On da

20、ys ,people usually eat food.3.通过读这篇文章我学到了很多。 I learned a lot the article 4.我用蜂蜜填满了这个罐子。 I the pot honey.5.他用帽子盖住了头。 He his head a hat.Section B (3a-self check) 第四课时 罗美艳 审查人:一 学会描述一种食物的制作过程。二 掌握食材的应用,区分可数名词和不可数名词。1.两片生菜_2.把鸡肉切成片_3.一个接一个_4.到吃米线的时候了_5.chicken soup _6. to make this special food _1. In Y

21、unnan , many people eat rice noodles for breakfast ,and even for lunch and dinner.在云南,许多人早餐、甚至午餐和晚餐吃米线。Eatfor breakfast/lunch/dinner 早餐、午餐、晚餐吃I like eating an egg _ breakfast.2. Now ,its time to eat rice noodles. 现在,到吃米线的时候了。Its time to do sth 到做某事的时间了,相当于its time for sth Its time _ _ lunch = Its ti

22、me _ lunch. 该吃午饭了。一、 短语翻译1.早餐吃米线_2.把。放入。_3、制作这种特殊的食物_4.逐一地;一个一个地_5、把每个东西混合在一起_6.火鸡肉片_7.一片面包_8.到做某事的时间了_9.把。放在。上_10、鸡汤 _1.-What is your sister doing now? -_ the onions. A.Cut up B.Peel C.Cutting on D.Peeling2. -_?- Its twenty yuan.A. How many is it? B. What is it ?C. How money is it? D.How much is it

23、 ?3. Please add a tomato _ the sandwich.A. on B. in C. to D. at 4. Its time _ to school.A. to go B. go C. going D.goes 5. Mike says he needs _.A. to eat anything eat something C. eats omething D. to eating something6.You can _ some sugar _ the water. A. add; / B. add; into C.add;to D.add up to ; /7.Dont _ the milk into the cup . Its full.A. peel B. pour C. leave D. drink8. Id like to eat _ bread.A. many B. a C. a silce of D. two 三、根据汉语意思完成句子1.不要打开收音机,我妹妹正在学习。Dont _ _ the radio . My sister is studying.2.请把牛奶倒进果汁机中。Please _ the milk _ the _.3.切碎三个西红柿。_ _ three _.4.

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