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1、 My name is John. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too.Dialogue 2: Good morning, Andy.C: Good morning, Lucy. How are you? Im fine, thank you. How about you? Not bad.Unit 2 See you一、 关于告别和祝福的单词goodbye/bye.再见 later稍后 tomorrow明天 happy高兴的 New Year新年 Childrens Day儿童节 merry愉快的 Christmas圣诞节 wish祝愿二、日常用语

2、1. Goodbye/Bye.再见2. See you!(See you later/tomorrow!)再见(回头见!/明天见!)3. Good night!晚安!4. Wish you a good a day!祝你有美好的一天!/祝你愉快!5. Happy Birthday!生日快乐!6. Happy New Year!新年快乐!7. Happy Childrens Day!8. Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!三、对话练习 Oh, its time for lunch, I have to go. So see you tomorrow. See you.Dialogue2:

3、 John, happy New Year! The same to you!/You, too.Unit 3 介绍和谈论人物一、 关于介绍他人的单词who谁 he他 she她 they他们 friend朋友 classmate同学 teacher老师 would like想要 glad/pleased高兴的1. My name is Lilei./Im Lilei.我叫李雷。2. This is Miss. Han.这是韩小姐/韩老师。3. Whos the woman over there?那边的女士是谁?3. That is my friend, Song Xiaodong.这是我的朋友

4、,宋晓东。4. Is she a student?她是学生吗?5. She is my English teacher.她是我的英语老师。 Hi, Im Lucy. Glad to see you. Im John. Glad to see you, too. Andy, this is John. How do you do, Andy. How do you do, John. Whos the woman over there? Is she a student? No, she is not a student. She is my English teacher.Unit 4 问个人

5、背景一、 关于年龄、关系、职业的单词old老的 young年轻的 where 哪里 brother弟弟/哥哥 sister妹妹/姐姐 cousin表/堂兄弟姐妹 doctor医生 fireman消防队员 writer作家 singer歌手 driver司机 farmer农民 nurse护士 1. How old are you?你多大了?2. How old is he/she/it?他/她/它多大了?3. She is from/comes from America.她来自美国4. What is she?What does she do?/Whats her job?她是做什么的? Loo

6、k, who is this girl? She is my cousin. How old is she? She is twenty. She is very young. What does she do? She is a nurse. Wow, cool.Unit5问天气一、 关于天气的单词Weather天气 like像 sunny晴天的 rainy阴天的 cloudy多云的 windy微风的 snowy雪天的 sun太阳 rain雨 cloud云 wind风 funny有趣的 sky 天空1. Whats the weather like?/How is the weather?天

7、气怎样?2. Its rainy.今天是雨天3. Today is sunny. /Its sunny today.今天是晴天。4. Lets go to see.一起去看看吧!5. I can see the sun.我能看见太阳。 How is the weather today, John? Its rainy. Lilei, whats the weather like today? I dont know, lets go to see. I can see the big sun in the sky. Oh, yes! So its sunny. Lets go to the p

8、ark.Unit6在动物园里一、关于动物的单词Animal动物 zoo动物园 panda熊猫 cat小猫 rabbit兔子 dog小狗 birds小鸟 monkey猴子 tiger老虎 lion狮子 snake蛇 which 哪一个 come来 from从 India印度 America美国1. Where is the tiger from?老虎来自哪儿?2. Where does panda come from?熊猫来自哪儿?3. Its from India. 它来自印度。4. Which animals do you like?你喜欢哪种动物?5. I like panda.我喜欢熊猫

9、。5. I dont like snake.我不喜欢蛇。 Andy, Where are you? Im here. Look! Its a tiger! Where is the tiger from? Its from India. Which animal do you like? Well, I like panda. But I dont like snake. Where does panda comes from? It comes from China. Unit7 在服装店里一、关于服装店的单词Shop店 clothes衣服 can能够 help帮助 please请 much

10、许多 money钱 yuan元 T-shirt体恤衫 coat外套 sweater毛衣 trousers裤子 many许多 1. Can I help you?我能帮你吗?2. What can I do for you?我能为你做点什么呢?3.(I want)a sweater for my son.我想给我儿子买件外套。4. How much is it?多少钱?5. Ill take it.我买了。6. Here are you.给你。 Good morning, what can I do for you? Yes, please. A sweater for my son. How

11、about this blue sweater? Its too small. What about this one? Good, thank you. How much is it? Its forty yuan. Here is the money. Thank you, bye. Goodbye.发音部分音标你了解国际音标吗?国际音标是由国际语音 协会规定的一套音标,用来记录世界各主要语言的语音,共48个,元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。(元音声带振动,辅音的发音气流在口鼻腔受阻)48个国际音标歌曲部分Song 1: IfYoureHappy如果觉得快乐Ifyouhappyandyou

12、knowit,clapyourhands(clap,clap).如果感到快乐你就拍拍手。ithands.reallywanttoshowit.如果感到快乐,而且你想表达出来。如果感到快乐,那就拍拍手。stompfeet(stomp,stomp).如果感到快乐就跺跺脚。youreshouthurray(hurray,hurray).如果感到快乐你就喊声耶!hurray). 如果感到快乐你就喊声耶doallthreestomp,hurray!).如果感到快乐你就三样一起做吧。)一起来读读有用的词组吧(*_*)if youand youit如果(你)感到快乐hands拍拍(你的)手 it想要表现出来

13、feet跺跺(你的)脚hurray喊耶/喊加油all things做全部的事一起来认识有用的单词吧(*_*)happy hp快乐的adj. know n知道vt. clap klp轻轻拍打vt hands hndz手n. show 展示vt. stomp stmp跺脚v. feet fi:t脚n. shout at叫喊vi. hurray hre好哇int. all :l全部的adj.你能用这些单词造句吗?例句:If Im happy, I will clap my hands, stomp my feet and shout hurray. Song2: Rain, Rain, Go Awa

14、y雨,雨,走开Rain, rain, go away. 雨,雨,走开雨,Come again another day. 改天再来。Little Johnny wants to play. 小约翰尼要去玩。Rain, rain, go away. 雨,雨,走开。go away走开come again再来another day改天want to play想要去玩rain ren雨n. go 去vi. away we离开adv. come km来vi. again en再一次adv. some sm一些adj. other(r)其他的adj. littleltl幼小的adj. wantwnt想要vt

15、. playple 玩vi.Because the cat goes away and never comes again. Little Ben is very sad.Song3:London bridge is falling down 伦敦桥要掉下来了London bridge is falling down, falling down falling down伦敦桥要塌下来,塌下来 塌下来London bridge is falling down, my fair lady伦敦桥要塌下来,我美丽的淑女take we kiss and lock(er) up, lock(er) up

16、lock(er) up用我们的吻把它锁起来锁起来,锁起来,锁起来take we kiss and lock(er) up, my fair lady用我们的吻把它锁起来,我美丽的淑女(Repeat) (Repeat) my fairy lady*3London bridge伦敦桥fall down塌/倒下来fairy lady淑女take we kiss and lock(er) upLondonlndn伦敦n. bridgebrd桥n. fallf:l掉落vi downdan向下adv. fairfe(r)美丽的adj. ladyled女士n. taketek拿vt. kissks吻n.lo

17、cklk锁上vt. upp向上The bird falls down from the bridge. The fairy lady saves it and gives it a kiss.参考备课格式成文时间:2014年1月15日星期三 授课人:刘老师单元英文歌曲及单词音标及单词主题短片及单词、句子1If Youre Happyi:i: Where Am Ihappy,clap,hands,show,really,shout,hurray me,sweet,teach,six,jacket,carry,hear,bird,world,brothe,suger,doctormap, real

18、ly, cheap, excuse me, would you like, bargain, yuan, each, anywhere else, need, sure, come on, anyway1) Get your maps. 2) Really cheap.3) Excuse me, sir. Would you like to buy a map?4) Theyre really bargain.5) You cant find a good map.6) I dont need a map.7) Sure you do.8) Come on. 9) Thanks anyway.

19、10) Where am I?语法及句型1)A get a B A得到B/A买到B。e.g. I want to get a dress.2)really真的/十分/非常e.g. Its really a good day!3) a (really) bargain便宜货e.g. The pencil is a really bargain. Really?4)Excuse me, A, would you do B? A,抱歉/打扰了/对不起,你能做B吗?e.g. Excuse me, sir, would you tell me the way to the park?5) A cant

20、do B (anywhere else).(在别处)A(再也)不能做B。e.g. I cant find my shoes anywhere else.6) A dont need B./A dont need to do BA不需要(做)B。e.g.1 I dont need a doctor. e.g.2 You dont need to worry.7) Sure you do!你当然要(这么做)!e.g. Do I need to buy some apples? Sure you do!8)Come on!来吧/一起吧!e.g. But I have homework.Come on, we have time.9)anyway无论如何/不管怎样e.g. Im sick. Take a good rest anyway.10)where+系动词am/are/is+主语e.g. Where are you?

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