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1、班尼英语雅思口语+写作快速提分词汇最新专用讲义IELTS writing TOPIC-SPECIFIC VOCABULARY 雅思写作词汇升级Common vocabulary 常用词汇1language immersioneg. Language immersion approach is the main method for this level with a combination of task-based curriculum. Enjoyable and meaningful activities are adapted in class.语言浸渗2underestimatevt

2、. 对估计不足, 低估3academic transcriptseg. They are required to fill out the form and submit various academic transcripts and working experience to justify that he has the ability to complete the course.成绩单4gain/acquire knowledge获取知识(lean knowledge是错误的)5undervaluedeg. The skills of the housewife remain und

3、ervalued in society.adj. 售价过低的6intangible benefits无形收益7a set number ofeg. There is an expectation that children will follow a certain course, learn a set number of things, and will achieve academically and therefore be happy.一定数量的;固定数量的8that being saideg. That being said, it is really bad form to us

4、e this as an excuse for failure.话虽这么说的9put the effort into the making of a country把精力投入到国家建设10let aloneeg. And, in the villages of Mewat district, women rarely step out of their homes, let alone start their own business.更不用说11see + sth. + adj. eg. see working itself rewarding and fulfilling觉得某事.(加形容

5、词)12social niches社会位置13far less active更不活跃(far放在前面形容程度更大)14sth leads to sth.某事导致某事.15Be that as it may尽管如此16boost their morale提高他们的士气17unwindvt. vi. 放松(替换relax)18handy/ less complex / consumer-friendly有用/更简易/消费者更易使用(convenient)19throw-away societyeg. Many people say that we have developed into a thr

6、ow-away society, because we are filling up our environment with so many plastic bags and rubbish that we can not fully dispose of.一次性商品充斥的社会20mass production大量生产21productivityn. 生产率, 生产力22not worthwhilea. 不值得23craftsman手艺人24altering of the social structure社会结构的改变25squander natural resources浪费自然资源26v

7、icious cycle恶性循环27virtuous cycle / positive cycle良性循环28landfilln. 垃圾堆;垃圾填埋地29decisive factor决定因素30first-world countries 第一世界国家31sb is morally obliged to do sth 某人在道义上有义务做某事32third-world countries 第三世界国家33misappropriate funds 滥用资金34monetary assistance 金钱资助35impoverished communities 贫困的社区36lift sb. ou

8、t of poverty 使某人摆脱贫困37healthcare 医疗38sth. may be deemed sth. 某物可能被认作是某物39basic human needs 人类的基本需求40the health sector 医疗行业41privatize vt.私有化42clinics 诊所43aged careeg. We developed SIM system to provide greater comfort and dignity to the elderly while aiming to significantly lower costs for aged care

9、 facilities.老年护理44pharmaceuticals 药品45allocate funding for sth拨款用于某方面46visual arts 视觉艺术47performing arts eg. The aim is for them to express their communities and ethnic groups through music and the performing arts.表演艺术48subsidies 补助49grants n. 补助金;政府奖助;津贴(grant的复数)v. 同意;授予;承认(grant的第三人称单数)50contenti

10、ous a.有争议的51imperative a.关键的52democratic society 民主的社会53freedom of expression/speech言论/演讲的自由54enrich peoples lives 丰富人们的生活55socio-economic background 社会经济地位56health care 医疗57universal healthcare system 全民医疗体系58egalitarian 平等主义的59entirely feasible 完全可行的60food, water and shelter食物、水和住所61unaffordable l

11、uxury 负担不起的奢侈品62effectiveness n.有效性63efficacy n.功效64alternative medicine 替代医学65potential hazards 潜在风险66make misleading claims 给出令人误导的信息67pharmacists 药剂师68potentially harmful 可能有害的69traditional Chinese medicine中医学;中药70herbal medicine 草药71acupuncture 针灸72homeopathy 血液病73minute doses 很小的剂量74natural sub

12、stances 自然物质75naturopathy自然疗法76lethal a.致死的77armed police 武装警察78incite vt.激起;煽动79vandalism n.损坏公物80drug abuse 滥用毒品81drag racingeg. On the one hand, drag racing on the street has endangered many of the innocent pedestrians and drivers.飙车82A stems from B A是由B造成的83apathy n. 情感冷漠84boredom n.无聊85permissi

13、vea.宽容的;放任的86parenting styleeg. Theres no consensus on the best parenting style, but, thanks to Amy Chua, at least we know that Chinese and American parents are different.抚养(孩子的)风格87juvenile detention centers 青少年拘留中心88socio-economic status 社会经济地位89youth workers 给青少年指导和教育的工作者90the tourism sector 旅游业9

14、1sth goes a long way in doing sth 对做某事帮助极大92upholdvt.维护;支持并鼓励93cultural practices 文化习俗94commercial gain eg. Even in advertising, the mass media 18 on accepted cultural values of thinness and fitness for commercial gain.商业利益95proposal n. 提议96equal male-female ratios 男女比例平等97intake n.摄取,招生98positive discrimination 正面歧视,逆向歧视(给予弱势者优惠待遇的)99gender equality 性别平等100may ultimately prove impractical 最终可能是不切实际的101female-dominated professions 女性占主导地位的职业10

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