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1、 原因或举例(可以用不同方式,表达相同观点)决定,建议,预测具体分四部分讲述:一、开头的引入1、模糊定义法:用英文描述(分类,附加特点,具体功能)精准定位Sth or sb , process 进程 , an era年代 ,the invention , a phenomenon , a period of time , a kind of substance , an animal添加定语,突出特征(that/of)Eg:具体褒义事物定义(a good deed)A good deed is sth that people conduct to succor给予帮助 and support

2、others.A good deed is sth that is increasingly in demand in contemporary kntemprri society. is sth that everybody yearns渴望,渴求, 切盼, 向往 for through his or her life.具体贬义事物定义(pirated products) is an evil deed that is bound to肯定会 exert enormously程度副词,巨大的 negative effect on our society.时间定义 is a period of

3、 time that (in which) is designed to A festival is a period of time that(in which) is designed to celebrate a great event or figure.社会现象定义 is a common phenomenon that means/refers to Job-hopping is a common phenomenon that means changing jobs frequently.2、句型引入法There is a (public/general) + (debate /

4、 discussion/controversy) +(on/over/about)+the (problem/issue) whether to do or (not) to do in contemporary society. A heated discussion as to whether to do or (not) to do is under way nowadays. To do sth or not to do sth. That is the question. As to whether to do or (not) to do , there is no agreeme

5、nt among the public.3、个人陈述 Some college students have gone through the same experience with me and argue that (争论的事情) for the reason that 排比反问式(重复相同句式或重复相同状语)典型用法可参考I have a dream常用句子 Have you ever? 你曾经?(重复使用)+ If you do not have such experience , you would not二、双方观点提出1、一种观点+原因 The majority of (人物)

6、argue that for the reason that . Besides , . A considerable相当大(或多)的 proportion of (人物) concede that owing to the fact that (原因) Some people frown皱眉,蹙额at the idea that . Their dissatisfaction can be directly traced back to追溯于 the fact that (原因) The notion/idea that is supported/favored被支持 by due to t

7、he fact that The idea that is condemned被责难的,被宣告有罪的by (人物) considering the fact that (原因)2、另一种观点+原因 On the contrary , others insist that (观点) on the ground基于什么原因 that (原因). Besides,+第二个原因 However , others take the opposite stance. They maintain that . Their opinion may have roots in根源于 many factors ,

8、 such as Tastes differ品位观点不同. Others may oppose to this idea. Their opposition arises from起源于 the fact that 三、原因固定表达make it possible to do sthfacilitate sb to do sth improve sth promote sthmotivate sb to do sthinspire sb to do sth四、我的观点及决心建议1、我的观点 After analyzing all the pros and cons利弊;正反两方面, I ten

9、d to contend that (观点) on the ground that (原因) Personally speaking , (观点). My argument arises from the fact that (原因) From my point of view , As far as I am concerned , owing to the fact that (原因)2、决心 Thus , I am determined to spare no efforts to do sth. Hence因此, I decide to try the utmost to do尽最大努

10、力做 sth. As a result , I set up my mind to do sth to my full capacity .3、建议 It is recommended that I strongly recommend that 第二讲 问题解决型 主题句原因(分析问题产生的原因) 趋势句解决问题方法一、观点引入1、数据法引入 China Daily presentedreformed us a thoughtprovoking令人深思的 fact on June 1,2007 that As the statistics frequently appeared on Int

11、ernet reveal , A report conducted by a certain news agency came to us that According to the recent survey conducted by a certain official organization , 根据最近进行的某个官方组织的调查2、横线空里填 % of do sth (人物) do sth(the number of) has increased/decreased(enhance提高/ slump 下降) by % from to (年份) the loss caused by ha

12、s amounted to dollars by this January.3、主题句 All the statistics stated above warn us that It is obvious that 问题 has become a disturbing problem confronting面对 the current society.二、第二段1、承上启下句 This problem is triggered by several factors. 此问题是由几个因素触发的。 Why this problem become so widespread is that . (b

13、esides , in addition to ) This problem occurs for several factors. Such a problem arises from several factors.2、原因应多方角度考虑(媒体,政治,经济)3、十五大黄金万能原因句The lure of economic benefits causes numerous people to do something in current society.经济利益的诱惑使很多人做一些事情在当前的社会。 Those people lack/possess the financial abili

14、ty to do something.这些人缺乏/拥有做某事的财政能力。 Sb do sth in order to strive for economic benefits.某些人做某事为了争取经济利益。 Unprecedented fierce social competition makes sb do sth.空前激烈的社会竞争使某人做某事。Media has (not) tried the utmost to propagate宣传 that 媒体尽努力宣传。 Media provides sb with access to 媒体提供了接近的机会。 Traditional schoo

15、ling succeeded / failed in educating sb (not) to do something.传统的学校成功/失败的教育 (不) 某人做某事。 So high is the medical cost that those people can not afford.如此之高是医疗成本使人无法承受。 The social welfare policy has not been remodified to meet every need of sb.社会福利政策没有被重新改良以满足每个人的需要。 Strict laws and regulations have not

16、 been worked out to restrict those who do something.严格的法律和法规没有限制那些做某事的人 The common dream to pursue higher salary and higher social status makes sb to do sth.共同的梦想,追求更高的工资和更高的社会地位驱使某人做某事。 Authorities keep making new policies to encourage sb to do sth.当局不断作出新的政策,以鼓励某人做某事。 Advanced (technology/transpor

17、tation tools/communication tools) facilitate sb to do sth.高级 (技术/交通工具/通讯工具) 促进某人做某事。 Sb do sth owing to the fact that they are corrupted in moral道德败坏 belief.某人做某事违背了道德败坏的信仰。 Those people are spoiled in their childhood so that they lose the ability to do sth.这些人在他们的童年被宠坏了,使他们失去做某事的能力。4、补充万能句The engra

18、ined与生俱来的 cupidity for economic benefits drives some of them into a criminal/vicious conduct to (do sth) in the contemporary.对于经济利益的贪婪驱使着一些人做出了犯罪或恶意的行为:他们做了某事在当今社会。 The strong/weak financial ability + facilitates sb to do sth / impedes sb from doing sth强/弱的财政能力 + 方便了某人做某事 / 阻碍某人做某事竞争类The overwhelmin

19、gly fierce competition is soliciting somebody into a response that they do something.激烈的社会竞争致使人们做出了这样的回应 Media exposes its audiences to 媒体使读者们接触到 It is a social virtue for Chinese people in the past five thousand years that should be long-preserved and promoted.这是中国人民5000年来的社会美德,应弘扬和促进。 The urge to

20、build a harmonious society requires the public to do something.建立和谐社会的意愿要求公众去做某事三、末段1、如果是问题,坏事-解决方法 Confronting the situation , it is imperative强制的for us to table drastic measure to tackle应付,处理 it . On the one hand, we can appeal to authorities权威to make strict laws and regulations to punish/restrict

21、 those who (do sth)-情节严重时 educate sb to do sth-情节不严重时On the other hand, the public should keep on the awareness that is vital for us they should do sthOnly in this way can we witness the ideal scene in which all the people can enjoy their life to the utmost.-这句可有可无,是充字数的替换首句 To reverse this situatio

22、n , two measures are feasible可行的 to settle this problem.为扭转这种情况,两项措施是可行的来解决此问题。 In order to tackle this problem, we can take two measures. Facing this situation, we should take effective and efficient measures to resolve the problem.面临此我们应采取有效的措施,以解决问题。 It is imperative for us to take severe measure

23、s to put it on hold. What measures should be taken to arrest and reverse this grave situation?制止和扭转这一严重局势,应采取什么措施?2、如果是好事-重新阐明,建议 总结句 All the analysis can come down to this simple statement that 所有分析可以都归结为这简单的声明, In the final analysis , the discussions stated above can be boiled down to this stateme

24、nt that在最后的分析,如上文所述的讨论,可以被归结为 The analysis can converge集中 in the conclusion that 空里可以填 should be preserved for its constant social benefits.应保留不断的社会福利。 has already become an irresistible trend in current society.当前社会,已成为不可阻挡的潮流。 should never be assigned into oblivion for it benefits exerted on indiv

25、iduals and the society as a whole.从不会分配到被遗忘的,有益施加对个人和社会的整体。 , in the long run, will contribute to the prosperity and harmony of our society.,长远来看,将有助于我们社会的和谐与繁荣。 建议句 It is recommended that I , with no hesitation , recommend somebody to do something.第三讲 观点论证型例如:论证 Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧一、引入相关的实际

26、,说明主题In the contemporary world , people always ponder how to be perfect . In my opinion , practice makes perfect .在当今的世界,人们始终思考如何是完美的。 我的意见,熟能生巧。二、分析原因与例证Initially , Additionally , Besides , Furthermore , Ultimately , For instance三、结论+建议(同第二讲)第四讲 热点预测考试内容预测:1、东西方文化的融合2、科技与创新3、媒体的影响4、环境的和谐5、教学与学校生活(知

27、识的获得,交流,找工作)6、城市建设和旧貌保护分块具体:一、文化的定义Culture: the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior. the set of values, conventions, or social practices. Culture is what people eat, how they dress, beliefs they hold, and activities they practice.Cultural integration 文化融合:whythe result of eco

28、nomic integrationthe advancement of science and technologymedia serves to bridge the gab between different cultural sectionsCultural effects of globalization 全球文化效应:Globalization has had an impact on different cultures around the world.二、科技与创新Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect

29、of our lives and,as a result, society is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented前所未有的. 科学和技术已经渗透我们生活的每一个方面,以前所未有的速度改变社会。Advantages of science and Technology:make our life simplerIt helps us to organize our daily activitiesour job can be done fastereasier to communicate with other people hel

30、p us to know and understand other culture and society betterDisadvantages:can be easily manipulated by irresponsible personsWe will be too dependent on it.environmental pollutionHowever, information technology makes possible universal access to information, thereby providing a democraticing influence on 三、创新 innovation

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