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精编范文澳洲租房合同模板word版本 11页Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、The rent is $220 PER WEEK, payable every TWO WEEKS starting on 08th March, 201X. The tenant must pay in advance on the Friday of every TWO WEEKS.The rent must be paid by the following method: in cash or Electronic Transfer (Internet payment). The rent includes bills for water, electricity, gas, tele

2、phone, ADSL and using facilities provided by the landlord.TERM:The term of this agreement is 6 MONTHS ( 26 WEEKS), beginning on 08th March, 201X and ending on 05th September, 201X.RENTAL BOND:A rental bond of $880(4$220) must be paid by the tenant to the landlord together with the FIRST TWO WEEKS RE

3、NT of $440(2$220) on 08th March, 201X. The total rental bond of $880 will be refunded at the end of tenancy, provided no damages are caused by the tenant to the facilities and the premises. CONTINUATION AND TERMINATION:At the end of this agreement the tenant can stay in the same residential premises

4、, where a new agreement concerning the rent and the new term must be entered into.The tenant must give a notice of termination to the landlord TWO WEEKS BEFORE moving out.RIGHTS, RESPONSIBILITIES AND LIABILITIESThe tenant is entitled to:the exclusive o ccupation of the bedroom and the bathroom of th

5、e tenant; the access to the entrance, laundry, kitchen, lounge, dining area and balcony;the access to the swimming pool, SPA, gym and BBQ facilities;the receipt of rent and bond paid to the landlord.The tenant agrees:to pay rent on time;to keep the premises secure;to keep the rooms clean and reasona

6、bly quiet;not to intentionally or negligently cause or permit any damage to the facilities;to notify the landlord as soon as practicable of any damage to the facilities or premises; to be liable to the landlord for any damages caused by the tenant itself.The landlord is entitled to:the payment of re

7、ntal bonds and rent;the exclusive occupation of the master room;the access to the swimming pool, SPA, gym and BBQ facilities.The landlord agrees:to give a notice of termination to the tenant TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE if it has to cease the lease;that the tenant will have secure and quiet enjoyment withou

8、t interruption by the landlord; to provide a receipt for the rental bond and any rent received;to keep the premises clean;to maintain facilities in good condition;to repair any breakdown as soon as practicable;to be liable for the damages caused by refund the bond to the tenant on the day

9、it moves out._ Tenants LandlordCONDITION REPORTOF FACILITIES IN THE BEDROOM AND THE BATHROOM OF THE TENANTThis CONDITION REPORT is an important record of the condition of the rooms possessed by the tenant when the tenancy begins.At the end of the tenancy the rooms will be inspected and the condition

10、 of the premises at that time will be compared to that stated in the original report.BATHROOM: cleanundamagedworkingtenant agrees Walls/CeilingDoorsLightsFloorDrainShowerShowerscreenWash basinTilingMirrorTowel railsOtherBEDROOM:Walls/CeilingDoors/windowsCurtainsBed/MattressBedside tableLampDesks(2)T

11、able lamp(2)BookcaseChest of drawersChairs(2)_Tenants Landlord篇二:最正规的租房合同模版房屋 租赁合同 合同双方当事人:出租方(以下简称甲方):_身份证:_联系电话:_ _承租方(以下简称乙方):_根据中华人民共和国合同法、中华人民共和国城市房地产管理法及其他有关法律、法规规定,在平等、自愿、协商一致的基础上,甲、乙双方就下列房屋的租赁达成如下协议:第一条 房屋基本情况甲方房屋(以下简称该房屋)坐落于_;位于第_层,共_ 套间,房屋结构为_,建筑面积_平方米(其中实际建筑面积_平方米,公共部位与公用房屋分摊建筑面积_平方米);该房屋

12、的土地使用权以出让划拨方式取得;该房屋平面图见本合同附件一,该房屋附着设施见附件二;房屋所有权证号、土地使用权证号房地产权证号为:_。第二条 房屋用途该房屋用途为_。除双方另有约定外,乙方不得任改变房屋用途。第三条 租赁期限租赁期限自_年_月_日至_年_月_日止。第四条 租金该房屋租金为(人民币)_万_千_百_拾_元整。租赁期间,如遇到市场变化,双方可另行协商调整租金标准;除此之外,出租方不得以任何理由任意调整租金。第五条 付款方式乙方应于本合同生效之日向甲方支付定金(人民币)_万_千_百_拾 _元整。租金按月季年结算,由乙方于每月季年的第_个月的_日交付给甲方。第六条 交付房屋期限甲方于本合

13、同生效之日起_日内,将该房屋交付给乙方。第七条 甲方对产权的承诺甲方保证在出租该房屋没有产权纠纷;除补充协议另有约定外,有关按揭、抵押债务、税项及租金等,甲方均在出租该房屋前办妥。出租后如有上述未清事项,由甲方承担全部责任,由此给乙方造成经济损失的,由甲方负责赔偿。第八条 维修养护责任租赁期间,甲方对房屋及其附着设施每隔 _月年检查、修缮一次,乙方应予积极协助,不得阻挠施工。正常的房屋大修理费用由甲方承担;日常的房屋维修由_方承担。因乙方管理使用不善造成房屋及其相连设备的损失和维修费用,由乙方承担责任并赔偿损失。租赁期间,防火安全、门前三包、综合治理及安全、保卫等工作,乙方应执行当地有关部门规

14、定并承担全部责任和服从甲方监督检查。第九条 关于装修和改变房屋结构的约定乙方不得随意损坏房屋设施,如需改变房屋的内部结构和装修或设置对房屋结构影响的设备,需先征得甲方书面同意,投资由乙方自理。退租时,除另有约定外,甲方有权要求乙方按原状恢复或向甲方交纳恢复工程所需费用。第十条 关于房屋租赁期间的有关费用在房屋租赁期间,以下费用由乙方支付,并由乙方承担延期付款的违约责任:1水、电费;2煤气费;3电话费;4物业管理费;5_;6_。在租赁期,如果发生政府有关部门征收本合同未列出项目但与使用该房屋有关的费用,均由乙方支付。第十一条 租赁期满租赁期满后,本合同即终止,届时乙方须将房屋退还甲方。如乙方要求

15、继续租赁,则须提前_个月书面向甲方提出,甲方在合同期满前_个月内向乙方正式书面答复,如同意继续租赁,则续签租赁合同。第十二条 因乙方责任终止合同的约定乙方有下列情形之一的,甲方可终止合同并收回房屋,造成甲方损失,由乙方负责赔偿:1擅自将承租的房屋转租的;2擅自将承租的房屋转让、转借他人或擅自调换使用的;3擅自拆改承租房屋结构或改变承租房屋用途的;4拖欠租金累计达_个月;5利用承租房屋进行违法活动的;6故意损坏承租房屋的;7_。第十三条 提前终止合同租赁期间,任何一方提出终止合同,需提前_月书面通知对方,经双方协商后签订终止 合同书 ,在终止 合同 书签订前,本合同仍有效。如因国家建设、不可抗力

16、因素或出现本合同第十条规定的情形,甲方必须终止合同时,一般应提前_个月书面通知乙方。乙方的经济损失甲方不予补偿。第十四条 登记备案的约定自本合同生效之日起_日内,甲、乙双方持本合同及有关证明文件向_申请登记备案。第十五条 违约责任租赁期间双方必须信守合同,任何一方违反本合同的规定,按年度须向对方交纳年度租金的_%作为违约金。乙方逾期未交付租金的,每逾期一日,甲方有权按月租金的_%向乙方加收滞纳金。第十六条 不可抗力因不可抗力原因导致该房屋毁损和造成损失的,双方互不承担责任。第十七条 其它本合同未尽事宜,由甲、乙双方另行议定,并签定补充协议。补充协议与本合同不一致的,以补充协议为准。第十八条 合

17、同效力本合同之附件均为本合同不可分割之一部分。本合同及其附件内空格部分填写的文字与印刷文字具有同等效力。本合同及其附件和补充协议中未规定的事项,均遵照中华人民共和国有关法律、法规执行。第十九条 争议的解决本合同在履行中发生争议,由甲、乙双方协商解决。协商不成时,甲、乙双方同意提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会深圳分会仲裁,仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。第二十条 合同份数本合同连同附件共_页,一式_份,甲、乙双方各执一份,均具有同等 效力。甲方(签章):_ 乙方(签章)_授权代表(签字):_ 授权代表(签字)_ _年_月_日 _年_月_日以上为房屋租借模版篇三:澳洲租房协议REAL ESTAT

18、EAddress of Premises applied for Type of Premises ?Unfurnished ? Furnished Names of all other occupants for the property_Applications Full Name(s)Current Address Mobile D.O.B Next of KinWork Phone Martial StatusRelationship _ Phone Current Occupation Employers Address Current EmployerPhone Period of

19、 Employment Current Landlord/Agent Phone:_Rent p.w References: 1. Name: 2. Name:weeks/months, commencing on Rent is p.w.i. The information given in this application is true and correct and this is a fundamental precondition of the owner entering into the Residential Tenancy Agreement.ii. He is not b

20、ankrupt or insolvent. iii. The premises have been inspected and any rental bond and initial payment of rent will be made in cash or bank/building society cheque.Notice: if you dispute part or all of the amount specified in this statement, and if you have been unable to resolve the dispute, you may a

21、pply to the Fair Trading Tribunal for determination of the matter. By law, legal action to recover the amount specified in this statement cannot be commenced until 28 days after it has been served on you. Applicant Name Signature Original to be retained by Agent with a copy immediately handed to the

22、 applicantWe are an independently owned and operated business. We are bound by the Australia Privacy Act. We collect personal information about you in this form to assess your application for a residential tenancy. We may need to collect information about you from your previous landlords or letting

23、agents, your current or previous employer and your referees. Your consent to us collecting this information is set out below. We may disclose personal information about you to the owner of the property to which this application relates. If this application is successful we may disclose your details

24、to service providers relevant to the tenancy relationship including maintenance contractors and owners insurers. We may also send personal information about you to the owners of any other properties at your request. If you do not complete this form or do not sign the consent below then your applicat

25、ion for a residential tenancy may not be considered by the owner of the relevant property or, if considered may be rejected. I the applicant acknowledge that I have read the privacy disclosure statement. I authorize the agent to collect information about me from:1. My previous letting agent and/or l

26、andlords 2. My professional and personal referees3. Any tenancy default databases which may contain person information abut me.Applicant NameSignature100 Points Identification Check ? ?Driver License PassportBirth certificate Tenancy lease Rental Bond Receipt Previous Rent Receipt Pay Advice30 30 30 20 20 20 15?Utility Bill Health Card Car Registration Bank Statement Credit Card Tenancy Ledger15 15 15 15 15 15

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