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1、6. _ Very well, thank you. And you?D A.Good night. D.How are you? B.How do you do? C.How do you like Chinese?7. _? A little.C C.Do you speak German D.Would you mind speaking German A.Shall we speak German B.What language do you speak8. _ did he know what had happened during the two months when he wa

2、s away.B D.Few C.A few B.Little A.A little9. _ he was tired he went on working.C A.Even B.Yet C.Although D.In spite10. _ Im twenty.A A.How old are you? B.How are you? C.How do you do? D.Are you twelve?11. _ she seemed to find English very difficult, but later he made very good progress.D A.At the fi

3、rst D.At first B.At present C.At the present12. _ the War of Independence, the United States was an English colony.A A.Before B.At C.In D.Between13. _ You too!A D.Its very kind of you! A.Merry Christmas! B.What a beautiful day! C.Help yourself!14. _, Tom? I fell off my bike and hurt me legs.A B.What

4、s going on C.What did you do D.What have you done A.Whats the matter15. _? My hometown? Oh, its a pretty nice place. C C.Whats your hometown like B.Is it big A.Whats the weather like D.Is the night life exciting16. _ You too!A B.What a beautiful day! D.It17. _ Fine, thanks.D A.How do you do? B.Hello

5、! C.Nice to meet you。 D.How are you?18. _ he saw his mother in person did he apologized.C A.Only B.Until C.Only when D.Only until19. _ him go out if he wants to.C C.Let D.Permit A.Allow B.Leave20. _ I think you have given me the wrong change. Im sorry about that.B B.Excuse me, A.Pardon, D.How are yo

6、u, C.Good idea,21. _ Id like to place an order please.A A.Can I help you? B.I can help you. C.What are you doing? D.Why are you doing?22. _ is your girl friend like? She is very kind and goodlooking.B A.How B.What C.Which D.Who23. _ No, thanks. Im just looking around. Ill let you know if I want anyt

7、hing.C D.Do you like to look around? C.Can I help you? A.Could you help me? B.What will you buy?24. _ these honours he received a sum of money.C A.Except B.But C.Besides D.Outside25. _! Welcome to the party. Merry Christmas! Its very kind of you to invite us.B C.Congratulations B.Merry Christmas A.H

8、appy birthday D.Have a good day26. _, could you please tell me where the school library is? Sure. Its at the back of the campus, about five minutes walk from here. A C.Thats right B.Pardon me D.Thank you A.Excuse me27. _. Thank you.A B.Congratulation C.Congratulate D.To congratulate A.Congratulation

9、s28. _? He is not very well.C A.Who is he B.What is he C.How is he D.Who he is29. _?s Friday.A D.What time is it? C.Whats the time? A.What day is it? B.Whats the date today?30. _? Hes a tall man with short hair.D B.What does he like C.What is he A.How is he D.What does he look like31. _? Im from Mex

10、ico. A C.Whats your name D.How far is it A.Where are you from B.How do you come here32. _clever boy Billy is!A C.What B.How a D.How A.What a33. _fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect.B A.What D.Which B.That C.This34. _her and then try to copy wh

11、at she does.D A.Mind B.See C.Stare at D.Watch35. _of them thinks that is a good idea.C D.Someone C.None B.No one A.Anyone36. _people in the world are sending information by email every day. A A.Several million D.Many million C.Several millions B.Many millions37. _playing basketball here? Sorry, well

12、 leave right away.A A.Would you mind not C.Would you mind no B.Would you dont mind D.Would you mind38. _to have kept you waiting so long. Oh, never mind. After all, you are here.C B.Its a pleasure A.I am happy D.I am welcome C.I am sorry39. _today. Yes. It was even hotter yesterday. C C.Its so hot B

13、.Its so wet A.Its so cold D.Its so windy40. _you work, the more you can harvest.C A.Hard C.The harder B.Harder D.The hardest41. _is important that you choose clothes that suit your shape. B B.It D.That A.There C.This42. _is the temperature today?A A.What B.How C.How many D.How much43. _the maths pro

14、blem is difficult, Ill try very hard to work it out.A D.After A.Though B.When C.Before44. _there any good news in todays newspaper? B B.Is C.Have A.Are D.Has45. _I put my coat here? Sorry, you _. D B.Do; dont C.can; neednt D.May; cant A.May; mustnt46. _she was invited to the hall made her very happy

15、. A D.Because A.That B.If C.When47. _you like some coffee?C B.Shall C.Would D.Should A.Will48. A _ boy was the only survivor in the plane crash.B B.twoyearold C.twoyears old D.twoyearsold A.two years old49. A computer can only do _you have instructed it to do.C D.when C.what B.after A.how50. A large

16、 number of people _ present at the meeting, which was out of our expectation.B A.was B.were C.have D.has51. A long time ago, I _ in London for three years.C D.have been living A.had lived B.have lived C.lived52. A man should not be judged always _what he says. A C.with D.to53. A number of

17、people _at the street corner.C C.are54. A pair of spectacles _ what I need at the moment.A B.are C.has D.have55. A pilot should be responsible _ the safety of all the passengers on board.C D.with C.for A.against56. A police officer claimed he had attempted to _ paying his fa

18、re.A D.neglect C.refuse A.avoid B.reject57. A sudden noise of a fireengine made him_to the door.C hurry A.hurrying B.hurried C.hurry58. A: Must we finish the work right now? B: No, you _. You can do it tomorrow.A B.shouldnt D.cant C.mustnt A.needn59. About , years ago, the sea was _ meters belo

19、w todays level.B C.about much B.only about A.about only D.much about60. After walking hurriedly for half an hour, I wanted to drink _.A B.cold something A.something cold D.something to be cold C.something with cold61. All the evidence points to the fact _ he is the murderer.C B.which A.who D.those C

20、.that62. Are the Williams here yet? _ D A.No, they dont. B.Yes, he is. C.No, he is not. D.Yes, they are.63. Are you and Bill from Canada? _ C D.No, we dont. C.Yes, we are. A.Yes, they are. B.Yes, I am.64. Are you feeling all right today? Not really. _.D A.Oh, I see B.It doesnt matter C.Youd better b

21、e happy D.I am sorry to hear that65. Are you feeling better today, Jack? _C A.There must be something wrong. B.Just have a good rest. C.Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still dont feel good. D.Dont worry about me.66. Are you fond of reading novels? _D D.Yes. I like reading novels. C.Novels are bad. A.I

22、 found one novel. B.No, novels cannot read.67. Are you going on holiday for a long time? _C A.It was a long time. B.Two weeks ago. C.No. Only a couple of days. D.Not long time ago.68. Are you going to fix the car yourself, or are you going to have it _?D A.fixing D.fixed C.fix fix69. As a prima

23、ry school teacher, one should be _ with children. This is the first standard for being a good teacher.A C.negative B.positive D.peaceful A.patient70. As it was going to rain, she was _to leave as soon as possible.B D.nervous C.worried B.anxious A.hurried71. As the bus came round the corner, it ran _

24、 a big tree by the roadside. A A.into B.on C.over D.up72. As they cant afford to let the situation get worse, they will take some necessary _.D C.directions D.steps B.sides A.decisions73. At that time, she _ on a journey with her friend.B B.was C.has been being74. At the _ of the police, t

25、hose people ran off in all directions.A A.sight B.look D.view75. Ben, would you like to play football with us? _, but I have to wash the dishes first. D D.Id love to A.No, I cant B.I dont want to C.Yes, please76. Both the kids and their parents _ English, I think. I know it from their accent

26、.C B.been C.are D.was A.is77. Bread _wheat.A made up with made in made on made of78. Bring me the bill, please. _B B.Please wait for a moment, sir. C.Ill hurry up. A.You are welcome. D.Be quick.79. Can I ask you a few questions? _D C.No, thanks. B.Its a good idea. D.Certainly. A.

27、What do you do?80. Can I borrow your digital camera for a couple of days? _C B.Yes, go on. A.Yes, you may not borrow. C.Sure, here you are. Enjoy your journey. D.It doesnt matter.81. Can I get you a cup of tea? _.A B.With pleasure C.You can, please A.Thats very kind of you D.Thank you for the tea82.

28、 Can I get you a drink? _. But I have already got one.A D.With pleasure C.Yes, please B.No, you dont have to A.Thats very nice of you83. Can I have a look at your letter, please? _.B D.Yes, thank you C.I cant agree with you B.Im afraid you cant A.Excuse me, you can84. Can I help you with the baggage? _B C.Sorry, you cant. D.No, I dont need you. B.Thank you. A.No, no. I can help it myself.85. Can I help you, sir? _

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