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1、 A quickly, quickly B quick, quick C quickly, quick D quick, quickly8 The doctor _too much , because its bad for his health. A told Mr Smith dont drink B. warned Mr Smith doesnt drink C. asked Mr Smith not drinking D. warned Mr Smith not to drink 9 How did Mary hurt her leg yesterday ?-She_her bike

2、and _down on the road. A lost control off , fall B lost control off, fell C lost control of, fell D lost control for ,fall.10 John has done_. I think his father will teach him a good lesson .A wrong something B anything wrong C different nothing D something wrong .11. The children are playing _ over

3、 there. How _they are!A happily ,happy B happy , happy C happy, happily D happily , happily 12. E-mail, as well as telephones,_ an important part in daily communication.A is playing B have played C are playing D play13. Mary_a gift from Mike , but she didnt it A received , accept B accepted , receiv

4、e C accepted, accept D received , receive 14. Theres _coffee in the bottle and theres _tomatoes in the basket. A a little ,little B a few , a little C a little, a few D a few , a few 15. Im sure you will be_ in this play. A interests B interesting C interested D interest16. There is little water_ in

5、 the bottle . A leave B to leave C left D to left 17. The schoolbag_Jim bought yesterday was very expensive .A where B who A. what D which18._Joe_ the book last year? -No, he_it last week.A. Does, buy , buys B. Did , buy , bought C .Are buying , is buying D .will , buy , bought19. _difficult Maths i

6、s ,I never give up learning . A No matter how B how C However D either A or C20. We have so many problems _. A worry B to worry C worry about D to worry about21.Not only I but also Jane and Mary _tired of having one examination after another.A is B are C am D be22. Have you heard the news_our team w

7、on the football match?A what B which C that D whether23. Which is wrong ? When my parents saw the mistakes in my exercise-books, they_ angry.A were B did C got D felt24. I was so scared when I saw a car_towards me. A runs B run C to run D running25. “ Do you want _?” , the shopkeeper asked.A what el

8、se B something else C anything else D what other things26. I think _ is necessary_ us to protect the beautiful wetland.A this, for B it ,of C. this , for D it ,for27. I m sorry_ forgetting the concert tickets. A. about C.for D. as28. _young people like pop music today 。A The number of B A numbe

9、r of C Numbers of D Number of 29. Friend is someone_ you can lend your helping hand when he is in need.A. to who B. to that C. to whom D. from whom.30. They were made_ twenty hours every day. A work B to work C working D worked.三,完型填空(10 分)。Bill, the postman , pushed his bike towards Mrs. Greens hou

10、se. . his work for the day was 31 finished and now he had only one letter to 32 Mrs Green .She lived over a mile from the village. Therefore ,when Bill had a letter for her , he always finished his work much later. He didnt 33 this, however, because she always asked him in for a cup of tea.When Bill

11、 got into the gate of Mrs.Greens house, he was surprised not to find her working in the garden. She usually spent most 34 there when the weather was 35 . He knocked 36 on the door, but there was no 37 . Bill felt it very strange because he knew that Mrs.Green hardly left the house.Just then he found

12、 that her bottle of the milk was 38 in front of the door. He thought perhaps Mrs.Green was ill. Bill tried to push through an open window. He went into the house . Mrs.Green was 39 on the floor. Bill rushed out 40 the house , stopped a car and told the driver to telephone a doctor as soon as he got

13、to the village.31. A already B almost C half D just 32. A send B write C post D answer 33. A understand B like C find D mind 34. A morning B afternoon C evening D nights 35. A wet B cloudy C fine D windy 36. A hard B gladly C suddenly D sadly37. A bell B sound C answer D noise 38. A not B once C sti

14、ll D also39. A sitting B lying C standing D sleeping 40. A into B to C over D of 四,阅读理解(30分) AOne day, an old woman visited Balzac, the great French writer. She took out a pupils composition book, then said “ Mr. Balzac, you are a famous writer, so I want you to look at this book and tell me how abo

15、ut it . Does the child have a good future in writing?” After taking a quick look, Balzac asked the woman whether she was the childs relative (亲戚) or not. She gave a negative answer. Then Balzac said, “ to tell the truth, the student is ordinary. He will make no progress in writing.” The woman studie

16、d Balzac, and asked, “cant you recognize your handwriting? This is your notebook . ” Hearing what the woman said, Balzac felt ashamed to forget his teacher and deeply moved that his teacher kept his composition on book. He made an apology to her at once. 41. Balzac was a great French writer , maybe

17、he lived in _. A London B New York C Paris D Washington42. The old woman was _. A a teacher B a worker C a doctor D a nurse 43. The old woman visited Balzac because _. A she wanted to know if he knew her. B she wanted to ask for help. C she wanted to borrow some money. D she wanted him to say someth

18、ing about the composition in the book .44. Balzac said that the child _ when he grew up .A would be a good teacher B would be a doctor C would be a good writer D would not be good writer 45. Balzac felt ashamed because _. .A he had forgotten his teacher B he had lost his composition bookC he couldnt

19、 say anything about the composition . D he was afraid of seeing the woman.BIn recent years, A girl may pass easily through the first grade, while boys of her age bring home low marks , the girl may easily get good marks . Girls seem to have “ Better brains” in school. Why do so few girls become grea

20、t scientist ? Why the most important thinking in adult done by men.According to scientist the answer is aggression( 进取) .Boys usually refuse to accept other peoples conclusion. They insist on solving problem by themselves , while girls are getting high marks in school for remembering what the teache

21、r has told them , little boys are learning to think in their ways. Boys are usually the ones who get high pay and the powerful job because they are trained to be aggression at an early age.46.Why do girls get better marks at school than boys?A.Because girls are clever at school than boys. B.Because

22、girls are better at remembering things than boys.C.Because teacher are more for girls than for boys.D.Because boys are lazier .47.Why are there so few women scientist ?A because girls are lazier. B because girls are less cared for. C because boys are cleverer than girls. D because few of them are tr

23、ained to be aggression.48According to the scientists,_ A boys are good at thinking in their own ways while girls are good at remembering things.B Boys can easily get good job while girls cant.C girls insist on doing things on their own.D the nature of the boys and girls is the same , but their educa

24、tion is different.49.In the view of the writer,_ .A girls have better brains. B boys have better brains.C neither boys nor girls have better brains.D usually great scientist are men and most important things are done by men.50. Which of the following is right?A Boys are clever at school. B Girls are

25、 clever at early age. C Boys can be useful only when they enter the adult world.D Boys and girls are useful in different way.CA rabbit is running into its hole. You will ask, ”What has this to do with language ?”Well, when a rabbit see something dangerous, it runs away .Its tail moves up and down as

26、 it runs. When other rabbits see this tail moving up and down ,they run to. They know that there is a danger. The rabbit has told them something without making a sound .It has given them a signal.Many other animals use this kind of language. When a bee has found some food, it goes back to its home .

27、I t cannot tell the other beers where he food is by speaking to them, but it does a little dance in the air. This tells the bees where the foods. Some animals say things by making sounds .A dog barks, for instance, when a stranger comes near .A cat purrs when pleased. Some birds make several differe

28、nt sounds, each with its own meaning.But human beings have something that no animals has a large number of words which have the meaning of things, actions, feeling or ideas We are able to give each other information, to tell or inform other people what is in our mind or how we feel. By writing words

29、 down we can remind ourselves of the things that wonderful power of language.No one knows how man learned to make words. Somehow he learned to make them. As centuries went by, he made more and more new words. This is what we mean by languages.People living in different countries made different kinds

30、 of words. Today there are about fifteen hundred different languages in the world . A very large English dictionary, for example, contains four or five hundred thousand words. But we do not know all these .The words we know are called vocabulary. We should try to make our vocabulary larger. Read as many books as possible . When we meet a new word, look it up in t

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