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1、25. yellow journalism 耸人听闻的报道26. yellow dog 忘恩负义之徒, 卑鄙小人27. red flag 让人生气的东西28. black dog 忧郁、不开心的人29. black letter day 倒霉的一天30. black smith 铁匠31. black sheep 害群之马,败家子32. black leg 骗子33. blue book(蓝皮书)是刊载知名人士,尤其是政府高级官员的名字的书34. Yellow Pages(黄页电话查号簿)是按不同的商店、企业、事业、机关分类的电话簿, 这是一本很有用的书,全书用黄纸印刷35. roll out

2、 the red carpet for sb(铺展红地毯)隆重地欢迎某人36. to paint the town red “狂欢”、“痛饮”、“胡闹”37. black market黑市38. black-hearted黑心的39. in a blue mood/ having the blues “情绪低沉”、“忧郁”、“沮丧”、“烦闷”40. blue-sky 无价值的, 不保险的41. white collar白领42. the pot calls the kettle black. 五十步笑百步43. pink collar 粉红色阶层(指妇女从事的职业如护士、秘书等)44. yel

3、low look怀疑的目光45. see the red light表示觉察到危险46. blue -brick school 好学校, 知名学校47. green thumb/ green fingers善于园艺,具有园艺技能48. a green apple生苹果,未成熟的苹果49. black tea 红茶50. blue-eyed boy 得意门生五彩缤纷的英语颜色习语高二(6)英语兴趣小组 1 张 琼You look blue today. Whats wrong with you?你今天看起来闷闷不乐,出了什么事? a blue Monday倒霉的星期一 in a blue moo

4、d情绪低沉blue moon/once in a blue moon罕见之至,极不可能,千载难逢 When Jacks brother got a new bike, Jack was green-eyed.杰克嫉妒哥哥买了一辆新自行车。green-eyed/green with jealousy/green with envy嫉妒,吃醋 green hand生手,新手 black coffee纯咖啡 white coffee加了牛奶的咖啡 black sheep害群之马 give sb. a black look恶狠狠地瞪某人一眼 in a black mood情绪低落 a black ma

5、rk令人不满意之处 black tea红茶 black and blue青一块紫一块 buy a white horse比喻“浪费金钱”。 莎士比亚有句名言:A rose by any other name would smell as sweet(玫瑰花即使换了另一个名称,仍旧如此芬芳。) 2张 莹one of the white days of sbs life是指“某人生活中的吉日之一”。black market(黑市)、black-hearted(黑心)、 blacklist(黑名单)、 Black Hand(黑 手党)等词语都表明black(黑)与坏的、邪恶的特征相联系。red-le

6、tter day(喜庆日子),paint the town red (狂欢痛饮),roll the red carpet for sb(隆重欢迎某人) be born in the purple意为“出身于王室或显贵之家”;raise sbto the purple就是“立 某人为帝王或把某人升为红衣主教”;marry into the purple指嫁人名门望族。Greenpeace是保护动植的“绿色和平组织”,greenbelt为绿化地带,green house是温室, green keeper是高尔夫球场看管人。 Green Card是绿卡 黄页电话簿(Yellow Pages)黄色书籍

7、(filthy books) 称热心促成别人姻缘的人为“红娘” go-between或match一maker。红眼病green-eyed女红needlework, “红得发紫”是enjoying great popularity;“红白喜事”weddings and funerals 3朱旭峰blue Monday描写度过愉快周未后的上班族在周一的不佳情绪。blue blood(蓝血)指出身高贵或地位显赫,与汉语的“蓝田生玉”可谓殊途同归。“青布”是black cloth,青椒”是green pepper, 青红皂白”、“青史留名”、“青天 白日”、“青云直上”等语,只宜译为right and

8、 wrong、 leave a name in history、 broad daylight、rapid advancement in ones career。“红人”、“红榜”、“红粉佳人”、“红旗手” 译成英语是a favourite with power、honour board、a young beauty及outstanding or model worker。但英语中“red flag”的语用意义则含有贬义:(1)表示危险的信号;(2)表示叛 乱的旗帜;(3)惹起危险之物。red ink 指金融赤字或透支的支票帐目 see red“火冒三丈” draw a red h

9、erring across the track是“转移对主要问题的注意力”, red alert是“紧急警报”,red cap却是“搬运工”。a white lie译成汉语是“不怀恶意的谎言”;white hands是“廉正诚实”white feather指“懦夫”;white-headed boy指“宠儿” white hope指“被寄予厚望的人或事物”。汉语中如“白费力气”、“白 手起家”与“白字连篇”to beat in the air, start from scratch与pages and pages of wrongly written characters。“情绪低沉”与“精神

10、忧郁”in blue mood或having the blues, 美国英语中的blue book则指刊载社会名流和政府要员的大名的蓝皮书。blue room指白宫中总统会见至亲好友的接待室 a bolt from the blue (晴天霹雳)、 into the blue(无影无踪)、 once in a blue moon(难得有一次)、 till all is blue (到极点,无限期地) “青出于蓝”the pupil surpasses the master green as grass表示“无生活经验”, in the green tree指“在无忧无虑的环境中或青年时代”,

11、not as green as one is cabbage-looking是“不像看上去那么傻”, green with jealousy表示“十分嫉妒”, green-horn指“新到一个地方不了解当地习惯的人”,该词常用于移民,且有轻微的贬义色彩。4陈 莹 和“颜色”相关的习语 1 In the black 盈利 2 In the red 亏损,负债 3 Black and blue 青一块,紫一块 4 The black sheep of the family 败家子 5 In black and white 写出或印出 6 Not so/as black as one is pain

12、ted 不如所形容的坏 7 A bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳 8 In a blue funk 惊恐万状 9 Once in a blue moon 偶尔为之 10 Disappear/Vanish in to blue 突然消失 11 light to. 批准.做. 12 Green with envy 非常嫉妒 13 Catch .red-hand 当场被捕 14 Roll out the red carpet 隆重欢迎 15 Cut the tape 取消繁文缛节 16 See red 突然发怒 17 Turn as white as a shee

13、t 脸色变得苍白 18 A white lid 善意的谎言 19 A white -collar worker 白领工人 20 A grey area 含糊不清之处 5陈 超 中文里的颜色词不少,与颜色有关的惯用语也很特出。英语也如此,下面便是些例子: (1) In the black 盈利: Having paid off all the debts, the company is now in the black. (2) In the red 亏损;负债 On account of mismanagement and some unexpected bad debts, some fin

14、ancial companies are in the red. (3) Black and blue 青一块紫一块: The shop-keeper quarrelled with a rascal and was beaten black and blue. (4)The black sheep of the family败家子: Among Mr Browns Children, Alex did not behave himself and eventually became a social outcast. He was the black sheep of the family.

15、 (5) In black and white 写出或印出: I dont want a verbal promise but an agreement in black and white. (6) Not so/ as black as one is painted 不如所形容的坏:Many people complained about Daniels behaviour, but he was not as black as he was painted. (7) A bolt from the blue 睛天霹雳: The woman was shocked at the bad n

16、ews, which came like a bolt from the blue. (8) In a blue funk 惊恐万状: Jenny has been in a blue funk since she failed in her first job interview. (9) Once in a blue moon 偶尔为之: For lack of leisure, some working people went shopping once in a blue moon. (10) Disappear/Vanish into the blue 突然消失: A bird wa

17、s standing on a window sill. All at once, if flew away and disappeared into the blue. (11) Give . green light to . 批准做: The authorities have given our department the green light to purchase the equipment required. (12) Green with envy 非常妒忌: On hearing about Cathys promotion, Jane is green with envy.

18、 (13) Catch . red-handed 当场被捕: The shop-lifter stole something valuable and was caught red-handed. (14) Roll out the red carpet 隆重欢迎: When a foreign dignitary comes to visit the country, the government often rolls out the red carpet for him. (15) Cut the red tape 取消繁文缛节: If the authorities concerned

19、 can cut the red tape, a lot of work can be more quickly done. (16) See red 突然发怒: When Mrs Lin entered the guest room, it was in a mess; she saw red and scolded the maid for not tidying it up (17) Turn as white as a sheet 脸色变得很苍白: When the car driver received a traffic polices summons, he turned as

20、white as a sheet. (18) A white lie 善意的谎言: As Jenny did not want to go to Toms party, she told him that she was busy. Such a white lie is better than hurting his feelings in other ways. (19) A white-collar worker 白领工人: A secretary is a white-collar worker, while road repairing is a blue-collar job. (

21、20) A grey area 含糊不清之处: The motorists backed their cars and knocked against each other. Who was in the wrong? Its a grey area, isnt it?green hand 新手 green fingers 有园艺技能 white lie 无恶意的谎言 white elephant 无用而又累赘的东西(尤指大而昂贵之物) a black look 恶狠狠的瞪 black sheep 败家子,害群之马 once in a blue moon 难得 black and blue(遍

22、体鳞伤) red green line(敌戒分界线) blue men (穿制服的警察) in the red (无损) blue in the face (精疲力竭得说不出话) blue meat(牛肉、羊肉) He looks blue today(他今天情绪很低落) 世博英语原创教程,版权所有。未经本站授权,请勿转载!大家好,欢迎收听笨小孩习语秀,世博英语的andy向大家问好!今天我们要学两个和蓝色blue这个字有关的习语,once in a blue moon和out of the blue。Blue moon意思是“蓝色的月亮”,我们都没见过这样的月亮,按照天文学家的说法,月亮不可能

23、是蓝色的,至少这也是千载难逢的天象。Once is spelled o-n-c-e,意思是“一次”,见到一次blue moon才发生的事情就被称作once in a blue moon,所以它指的就是极少发生的事情,也就是“千载难逢地”。在快节奏的都市生活中,人们都是很忙碌的,尤其是那些当老板的,更是如此。比如下面这个人就是这样,他的朋友们常常抱怨说:He is very busy. We can see him once in a blue moon.(他很忙,我们难得见到他。谁都不愿意和亲人朋友疏远,可有时候我们会有一些无法克服的困难,比如下面这个人就是这样,Since our paren

24、ts live so far away, in recent year we get to see them once in a blue moon. (因为父母住在远处,所以我们近来很少和他们见面。接下来,我们来看out of the blue。blue 在这儿是指蓝色的天空,out of the blue 的字面意思就是“来自天空”,所谓“天有不测风云”,来自天空的东西常常是我们不能预测的,所以指的就是“突然”、“意外地”。这个习语还可以说成out of clear blue sky,clear is spelled c-l-e-a-r意思是“晴朗的”sky就是“天空”,连起来看是不是有点

25、“晴天霹雳”的意思。或者还可以说成a bolt out of the blue,bolt is spelled b-o-l-t,意思是“闪电”。说到意外情况,车祸是最常见的,比如下面这个司机就说:I was going the normal speed limit when a truck appeared in front of me out of the blue and I did not have time to stop.正当我以正常的速度行驶的时候,一辆卡车突然出现在面前,我来不及刹车。有时候,某些情况出现的太过突然,除了意外还可能有点害怕的感觉,也可以用out of the bl

26、ue来表达,就像下面这个人的遭遇,When she walked alone in a narrow alley, suddenly out of the blue she found several young men around her. (她一个人在一条空巷行走时忽然间四周冒出几个年轻人。好了,这次的节目就到这里,我们学的once in a blue moon是指“千载难逢地”,out of the blue或out of the clear blue sky及a bolt out of the blue sky都是“突然、意外”的意思。Ok, times up, 又要和大家说再见了,

27、希望这些习语能应用到你的日常会话中,给你的语言增添几分色彩。我是andy,see you next time!1与green有关的习语1)greenhorn指没有工作经验的人Everyone in the firm looked on him as a greenhorn as he was fresh from university.2)to be green (with envy)Seeing her sister receive so many lovely presents, she was green with envy.妒忌3)to have a green thumb有园艺技能或

28、指有经验的,熟练的Miss Jones has a green thumb. Her garden continues to produce long after our plants have died.4) green lightEvery time we invited her to a party, she has to ask her parents for the green light.2与red有关的习语red tape 指手续繁杂,办事拖拖拉拉、不讲实际的坏风气To improve work efficiency a lot of red tape should be cut.2)see red 发怒,冒火His father saw red when he learned what he had done at school.3)in the red亏损,负债They had to close down their factory because they were always in the red.3)a red letter day 重大、重要的日子Tomorrow will be a red letter day for them-theyre getting married.3与blue有关的习语to feel bl

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