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1、 No, he doesnt, Robbie. He never married. Hes not as lucky as I am to have a family and grandchildren. Im a lucky man. How come he never got married? Thats a good question, Robbie. A very good question. He never married because the girl he was in love with in college married someone else. As simple

2、as that. He never got over it. 【语言点精讲】 1. Hes writing to invite me to spend a weekend with him at his farm. 他写信请我到他农场上去度周末。 invite sb. to do sth.: 邀请某人去做某事。 spend a weekend with sb.: 与某人共度周末。 2. Hes planning a get-together with two or three other college friends. Kind of a fifty-year anniversary reu

3、nion. 他正计划着要同两三位别的大学时期的朋友聚会一下,就算是个毕业50周年纪念重聚会。 get-together: 联欢会,聚会。 kind of: 在非正式英语中表示“某种, 类似,如同”,可用于单数名词、形容词、动词等的前面。也常说成 “sort of”。 reunion: 重聚,同班同学高校毕业后的重聚联欢会。高中和大学时的同班同学在毕业多年后常安排重聚或重聚联欢会。 3. How come he never got married? 他为什么一直未结婚呢? How come: 用于一个完整的陈述句前,构成问句,是用来问“Why”的非正式说法。意思是“事情是怎么发生的?”,“为什么

4、会有这种情况?”How come,等。这个come无时态或人称变化。又如, How come she doesnt know about it? (为什么她不知道?) Youre back early. How come?(你为什么会回来得这么早? 4. Thats a good question, Robbie. A very good question. 这问题问得很好,Robbie。问得很好。 Thats a good question. : 说这句话,并不一定是指对方的问题提得好,更经常的情况仅仅为了给自己争取一点时间来思考一下,或者引出自己的回答。 5. He never got o

5、ver it. 他始终未能释然于怀。 get over: 指的是从某种精神状态恢复过来。在这里指从(失恋中)恢复过来,忘却。 【篇二】 在磨坊旅馆,旅馆老板Montefiore女士把Marilyn和Richard带到蜜月套房里。他们回忆了新婚时住在这里的往事。Marilyn告诉Montefiore女士他们已经有了一个儿子。 Innkeeper: Welcome to the Watermill Inn. Marilyn: Oh, Richard, its exactly as it was when we were married! And when I got married. Even t

6、he old patchwork quilt is the same! My great-grandmother made that quilt when Teddy Roosevelt was President. In those days, when they made quilts, they cut patches from the old clothing of every member in the family so that each one would be a part of it. What a lovely tradition! Richard: Thank you

7、for calling us. I remember you and your wife from the first time you stayed with us.Richard: We were very young. And very much in love. We have a baby now. How wonderful! A boy or a girl? A boy - Max. Do you have a picture? Would a professional photographer be without a picture? He takes out his wal

8、let of photographs and shows her pictures of the baby.Innkeeper: Oh, hes adorable! And very bright. Like his father. A real Stewart. And very good-looking, like his mother. 1. Its exactly as it was when we were married! 这房间跟我们结婚的时候一模一样。 这里的when从句是状语从句,修饰 it was,而we were married意指 we just got married

9、,即第一次来此度蜜月的时候。 2. Even the old patchwork quilt is the same! 连这老式拼花被罩都是原来那一条。 patchwork quilt: 百袖被罩,拼花被罩,即用小布块缝缀的被罩。这曾是美国一种相当普遍的民间艺术。 3. My great-grandmother made that quilt when Teddy Roosevelt was President.Teddy Roosevelt: 指的是美国第26任总统Theodore Roosevelt。任期从1901年到1909年。Teddy是Theodore的昵称。 4. In those

10、 days, when they made quilts, they cut patches from the old clothing of every member in the family so that each one would be a part of it. 在那个年头人们做拼花被罩时要从家里每个人的旧衣服上剪下块布来,以便让每个人都有一份。so that: 意思是“以便;所以”。口语中that也能够省略。so that是引导目的状语从句的连词,等于in order that,从句中动词多用 may/can/will 以及 might/could/would/should,以

11、表示一种仅仅主观企求达到的目的,而还不是真正已达到的结果。 5. I remember you and your wife from the first time you stayed with us.我记得你和你妻子第一次住在我们这儿的时候。 the first time you stayed with us: 在 time 后面的定语从句常省去关系词 that(或when)。 6. And very much in love. 也十分相爱。in love: 相爱。 7. Would a professional photographer be without a picture? 一位专业

12、摄影师会没有照片吗?这句话是个虚拟语气的反问句,Richard的意思是“作为一名专业摄影师,我当然有照片”。 Would ?: 这是常用的表示“诘难,*”等感情的句式。又如,Would you hit such a small boy? (难道你会打这么小的孩子吗? 8. And very good-looking, like his mother. 而且很漂亮,像他的母亲。 good-looking: 好看的;美貌的。这是个复合形容词。 【篇三】 在磨坊旅馆的老板Montefiore女士欢迎Marilyn和Richard再次光临,并“自作主张”,为他们准备了非常丰盛的早餐。 Well, it

13、s nice to have you with us again. Next time, bring the baby.Marilyn: You see, Richard? Max is welcome here. Not on our anniversary. This vacation is for you and me. If theres anything you need, please call me. Ill be in the front office all day.There is a knock at the door. Oh, I took the liberty of

14、 ordering some breakfast for you. The bellhop enters. Just put it over there, Charles. The bellhop puts their breakfast on the table. Thank you. Charles. Compliments of the Watermill Inn. Thank you. Thank you so much. Now, this is my idea of a good time. Lets seehotcakes and maple syrup, with scramb

15、led eggs. Ummsmell that coffeecinnamon and cloves. Homemade buttermilk biscuits. Slices of orange with burnt honey. 1. This vacation is for you and me. 这次休假是专为你我二人的。 vacation: 假期,休假。 2. Ill be in the front office all day. 我整天都在总办公室里。 front office: 旅馆的总办公室。 3. Oh, I took the liberty of ordering some

16、breakfast for you. 噢,我自己作主给你们定了早点。 take the liberty of (doing something): 冒昧地或未征得允许地(做某事)。 4. The bellhop enters. bellhop: 旅馆服务员。也能够称他们为bellboy 或者bellman。 5. Compliments of the Watermill Inn. 请接受我们磨坊旅馆的一点敬意。磨坊旅馆赠送。 有的旅馆或饭店会给特殊的顾客一次免费用餐,以示欢迎。 compliments of: 这是with the compliments of的省略语,是在免费赠送某物给顾客时

17、常用的套语,也能够说(With the)compliments of the management或 With our compliments。compliments原来是“赞美的话,致意,问候”的意思。在这里指的是“免费赠送,赠品”。 6. This is my idea of a good time.这才是我所说的享受。 this is my idea of: 在这里等同于this is what I thinkshould be like. 让我们来一起看一下让Richard有如此感慨的免费早餐是什么样的吧。 hotcakes: 烤饼。 maple syrup: 槭树汁,枫糖汁。 scrambled eggs: 炒鸡蛋。 coffeecinnamon and cloves : 咖啡有桂皮和丁香的香味。 homemade buttermilk biscuits: 自制的乳酪脆饼干。 Slices of orange with burnt honey: 橙子片加焦蜜。

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