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1、 使学生学谈论自己喜爱的其他东西并给出理由。 使学生了 解动物的生存情况。 (二) 语言能力目标 1 使学生熟练谈论自己喜爱的动物并给出理由。 2.使学生学谈论自己喜爱的其他东西并给出理由。 3.使学生了 解动物的生存情况。 (三) 情感目标 1.通过学习要培养学生自觉保护动物的意识。 2.通过学习可以使学生更加热爱生活。 热爱父母、 热爱朋友, 热爱自然。 3.能在小组活动中积极与他人合作, 相互帮助。 (四) 教学重点难点 1.重点: (1) 掌握动物单词的表达法, 及谈论自己最喜欢的动物的表达法。 (2) 掌握动物特点的形容词, 并能谈论喜欢某一种动物的原因。 (3) 掌握介绍来历的表达

2、法。 2.难点: (1) 表达动物的的意义和读音。 (2) Kind of 用法。 (3) 如何用所学句型进行综合运用。 教材分析 本单元以 I like music that I can dance to 为话题,共设计了三个部分的内容: 一、 Section A 该部分有4个模块: 1 第一模块围绕 Welcome to the zoo 这一话题展开思维(1a)、 听力(1b)、 口语(1c) 训练; 2 第二模块围绕 animals 进行听力(2a-2b)、 口语(2c) 训练; 3 第三模块就 animals and the countries 这一话题展开训练, 训练形式为看图配对(

3、3a) 和对话练习(3b); 4 第四模块仍就 Bingo 以 Game 的形式进行讨论, 展开听力训练(4)。 二、 Section B 该部分有4个模块: 1 第一模块就 animals and the description words 展开思维训练; 2 第二模块就两个孩子的对话继续对 animals and the description words 进行听力(2a-2b) 训练; 3 第三模块继续围绕上一话题展开对话训练(3), 阅读(3a-3b) 和写作(3c) 训练; 4 第四模块仍就 animals 这一话题以口语训练形式为主展开小组活动(4)。 三、 Self Check

4、该部分有4个模块: 第一模块对所学词汇进行辨认训练(1); 第二模块为词汇扩展训练(2); 第三模块就一幅动物图片展开仿写训练(3); 第四模块自己动手找出更多的图片, 进行描写动物训练(4)。 课时安排 第一课时: Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c 第二课时: Grammar focus, 3a, 3b, 4 第三课时: Section B: 1, 2a, 2b, 3, 3a 第一课时 知识与能力 1. 词汇: Master the vocabulary: koala, tiger, elephant, dolphin, panda, lion, pengu

5、in, giraffe, zoo, map, first, cute, fun, smart, animal, kind 2. Master and use: Lets see the lions. Why do you want to see the lions? Because they are cute. 过程与方法 学生学习有关动物的知识, 已具备了 相当的情感基础, 且学生已有了 一定的英语知识, 有能力学习本课内容。 通过 Whats your favourite animal? 引入教学充分利用教学图片和多媒体, 创设情景让学生由参与学习的欲望, 引导他们主动学习。 情感态度价值

6、观 熟知动物相关词汇, 热爱动物。 教学重、 难点及教学突破 重点 1. The vocabulary. 2. Express preferences and give reasons. 难点 Use the language to express preferences and give reasons 教学突破 l、 充分利用媒体课件和教学图片, 分词性进行单词教学。 2、 借助多媒体手段和大量的练习进行语言项目的教学。 教学过程 一、 导入 1. 组织教学, 师生互相问候。 例如: Good morning ! Nice to meet you! How are you? Whats a

7、 weather like today?等等 2. 教师利用媒体资源中课件, 提问学生问题: Which do you like? 学生可以模仿给出的例句作答。 说明: 以问题的形式引出话题, 增加了学习的趣味性。 3. 布置任务, 学生以46人为一组(要求面对面坐) 以小组为单位, 运用所学的内容进行对话, 并根据所学的知识扩展话题编对话, 谈论自己的喜好。 二、 教学 SectionA-1a,1b 1. 利用课件, 教学单词。 教师可以先领带两遍, 然后依次叫学生朗读辨认。 2. 打开课本1a 看图将单词和图画配对, 利用课件展示答案。 3.教师播放1b 的录音, 检查在1a 中听到的表示

8、动物的单词, 利用课件展示答案。 三、 教学 SectionA-1c 要求全班同学每人跟自己的同伴结对, 用所学的表示动物及动物特征的单词编一组对话, 并谈论各自对动物的喜好, 然后请部分同学到黑板前面当众表演。 四、 教学 SectionA-2a,2b 1. 教师让学生认真看图, 然后播放2a 的录音, 学生填入所听到的单词, 并把表示动物和表示动物特征的单词连线。 2. 再次播放录音, 完成2b, 用所给的词完成对话。 教师核对答案。 3. 教师利用课件, 讲解知识点 very 和 kind of的差异。 五、 教学 SectionA-2c 活动1 1. 发给每个同学一张表格, 学生以小组

9、为单位, 设计调查表(如图), 并根据自己的喜好在表格中打. 2. 每个同学就表格中所填的内容跟各自的搭档进行对话。 如: A: What do you think of pandas? B: I think they are cute.What about you? I also think theyre cute.What do you think of tigers? They are scary. . 活动2 将全班分为5-6组以小组为单位, 每个小组挑选一个所学内容的话题(如 animal 动物,food 食物,color 颜色,city城市,subject 科目,sports 运动

10、项目等)。 Whats your favorite animal? My favorite animal is panda. Why do you like panda? Because they are cute. 最后, 比比看, 哪一组说的最好。 六、 作业 记忆本课时单词和目标语言。 Find out the words and expressions for appearances on(肤色) nd ular ck beaten Underline the sentences He/ She has; He/ She has got; He/ She looks (seems) C

11、hoose one of the remaining pictures and write a short passage about him or her.(略) 选题角度: 考察学生对描述外貌的词句的掌握, 考察与第三人称单数相关的词句。 Vocabulary review Read the groups of words a-e below. One of the four words is different from the other three. Cross it out. a. tall fat red - slim b. blue green friendly - brown

12、 c. curly quiet straight - wavy d. quiet clever fat - noisy e. blond trousers (pants) skirt sweater f. straight curly short glasses g. mustache middle-aged earrings glasses 答案和分析: 本题主要考察学生对本单元所学词语的各个类别的掌握, 其特点在于既复习了重点又提高了能力。 首先学生通过看题复习本单元所学有关外貌词语, 区分不同类别的词语, 并选出正确答案, 提高了能力。 表中最后一栏给学生自己发挥潜能的余地, 体现了例题

13、的开放性。 答案: o know (略) aged 选题角度: 考察学生对本单元所学词语的各个类别的掌握, 复习本单元所学有关外貌词语。 习题精选 单项选择 Read the following sentences and the given choices and then pick out the most appropriate one. (认真阅读下列句子, 选出最佳答案。 ) ( ) 1 . The winner of the contest has _ new image. A. an B. / C. a ( ) 2. The old man has _ beard. A. / B

14、. a C. the ( ) 3. Is that your father? Yes, its _. A. him. B. he C. his ( ) 4. Maria likes to talk _ the phone. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 5. What _ your mother look like? A. does B. is C. do ( ) 6. Kate is a short girl _ a pair of glasses. A. has B. have C. with Key: 1 .C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.C 词汇填空 根据句子及汉

15、语意思写出单词。 1 . Alice has _(金色的) hair. 2. Jackie Chan has _(黑色的) hair. 3. Do you remember the _(摇滚) singer with funny glasses? 4. People dont like his new _(形象) . 5. Hes _(中等的) height. Key: 1 . blonde 2. black 3. rock 4. image 5. medium 补全对话 一、 Use the given words to complete the dialogues.( 选词完成对话) la

16、ck curly hair mustache medium blonde hair A: Do you know Carlos? He has a _ build. B: Yes, I know him. He has long black _. A: What does Jackie Chan look like? Does he have brown hair? No, he has straight _ hair. A: Is Michael Jordan bald? Yes, but he has a black _. A: Does Melissa wear glasses now?

17、 Yes, now she _ glasses. A: What does Mary look like? She is tall. She has long _. 二、 Complete the dialogue by putting in the missing words.(请用适当的词补全下列对话) A: Do you know we have a new teacher and two new students this semester? Really? What _ the new teacher look _? He is an old man. He _ no hair. B

18、: Is he _? Yes. And he _ glasses. B: _ he have a mustache? No, he _ a beard. He is not good-looking. But he is very kind B: What _ your new class mates? What _ they _ like? They are twins. They look the _. They _medium height. Theyre not heavy _ thin. They _ curly hair. B: Whats the _ _ their hair?

19、Well, they _ blonde hair. They are good-looking. 三、 根据答语, 写出相应的问句。 1 . _? He is medium height. 2. _? I did some cleaning last Sunday. 3. _? Her hair is brown. 4. _? The girl in a blue dress is my sister. 5. _? She works in a hospital. Key: 一、 medium ,curly hair, black ,wears, blonde hair 二、 does, li

20、ke, has, bald, wears, does, has, about, do, look, same, are, or, have, color, of, have 三、 1 . What does he look like? 2. What did you do last Sunday? 3. What color is her hair? 4. Which girl is your sister? 5. Where does she work? 阅读理解 (A) ember s he/ she look like? is very tall. He has curly hair.

21、Hes handsome. r is not beautiful. She is short. She is only 1 .5 meters. She has blacis a lovely girl. She has long curly hair. She has a medium build. er looks like my mother, he is short, too. He is heavy. 根据表格信息判断正(T) 误(F) 1 . The writers(作者的) father has straight hair. 2. The writers brother look

22、s like his father. 3. The writers sister is very beautiful. She has curly hair. 4. There are five people in the writers family. 5. The writers mother is beautiful. She is fat. (B) Round eyes round head, round ears, round body! What is this little animal? He looks like a little bear. But he is not a

23、bear. Hes a KOALA. Soft gray fur cover his little fat body. His eyes look like buttons. He has small feet and big ears. And his nose shines like your new black shoes. Where do koalas live? In Australia. The people of Australia take care of the koalas. They build places for them to live in. Here the

24、little animals are safe. No one can kill them for their beautiful fur. There are many koalas in Australia. The people of Australia love them. When a koala is born, he has no fur. And he is no bigger than your little toe. The mother koala has a pocket in the front of her body. The baby stays in this

25、warm pocket. There he stays for six months. When the little koala leaves the pocket, he has lots of fur. And he is about as big as your shoe. He climbs to his mothers back. And she teaches him to find food. 1 . Whats this little animal? A. A bear. B. A dog. C. A cat. D. A koala. 2. What color is thi

26、s animal? A. Gray. B. Black. C. Brown. D. Blue. 3. Where do they live? A. In America. B. In Australia. C. In China. D. In Japan. 4. Where do they live when they are born? A. In a pocket. B. On the ground. C. In the water. D. In a house. 5. Who teaches him to find food? A. His father. B. His brother.

27、 C. His sister. D. His mother. (C) and e 性) 性) man e some bald and has long curly hstrong rong 根据表格信息填空, 每空一词。 1 . Jim, _, _ and _ speak English. 2. Jenny and _ are from _. But Kate is from _. 3. Jim is very _. Jenny is _ and has _ _ _. They both speak _. 4. Bob is _ and _. He is _ years old. He is

28、from _, but he speaks _. 5. Kate is a _. Jenny is a _. They both speak _. But Kate is from _, and Jenny is from _. 答案: (A) 1 -5 FFTTF (B) 1 -5 DABAD (C)1 . Jenny, Mike, Kate 2. Mike, America, New Zealand 3. handsome, beautiful, long curly hair, English 4. short, bald, 45, Canada, French 5. policewoman, student, English, New Zealand, America 书面表达 Writing (A) 请你请用本单元学到的语言、 词汇知识, 描写一位你喜爱的老师或朋友的外貌。 (至少8句话)。 _ _ _

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