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Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 单元测试人教版选修8Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、3He was never_how much money he earned every day. Arealized Baware for Caware Daware of 解析be aware of为固定搭配,意思是“知道,意识到”。 答案D4I can meet you at eight oclock;_you can call for me. Aincidentally Bactually Calternatively Daccordingly 解析alternativelyas an alternative,意思是“作为替代的办法”。5Have_;the bus will come

2、soon. Acare Brevision Cdivision Dpatience耐心点,公共汽车快来了。have patience有耐心。6I wont tell the student the answer to the math problem until he_on it for more than an hour. Ahas been working Bwill have worked Cwill have been working Dhad worked 解析考查动词的时态。句意:直到这个学生在这个数学问题上思考半个多小时,我才告诉他答案。当主句用一般将来时,时间状语从句可以用现在

3、时态或现在完成时态。7After being_for days, the water supply returns to normal today. Acut off Bcut down Ccut out Dcut up 解析考查短语辨析。cut off切断(电、水供应等);cut down 削减;砍倒;cut out 切除;cut up分割;切碎。8The construction of the two new railway lines_by now. Ahas been completed Bhave been completed Chave completed Dhas complet

4、ed 解析考查语态。两条新铁路线的建设到现在为止已经竣工了。主语The construction of the two new railway lines和谓语complete之间是被动关系,所以排除C、D两项。construction 是不可数名词,谓语动词用单数,因此A项正确。9As a student,he must spend_time on his studies,which is not doubtful. Aless Bfew Cample Dno enough 解析ample充足的,丰富的。10Learning foreign languages calls for your

5、memory,time,patience and emotions._,it is not a simple thing. AAs a result BIn conclusion CIn general DAfter all 解析in conclusion总之; as a result 结果是; in general 一般来说; after all 别忘了,毕竟。 答案B11They are trying their best to make a new drug,such as Naolingtong,to_tiredness. Akeep Barrest Caccelerate Dscra

6、pe解析此处arrest相当于 stop。答案B12When he still could not see his name appear on the Internet after typing his number into the computer,his_sank. Aradioactivity Bbotany Caccuracy Dspirits当他把他的号码输入计算机,但是,网络上仍然没有出现他的名字时,他的心情变得很沉重。radioactivity放射性,辐射;botany植物学;accuracy精确,准确;spirits精神。13Production at the factor

7、y was_for two hours because there was no electricity. Ainterrupted Bdisturbed Cmissed Dlost因为没有电,工厂的生产中断了两小时。interrupt打断,中断。14You should also remember you are working in a team. So teamwork is of great_. Asignature Bsignificance Csignificant Dsignificantly 解析考查“be of 抽象名词”的用法。你们还应该记得你们是在一个团队中工作。因此团队

8、合作特别重要。be of significance重要的。15He always_before doing whatever hed like to. Alooks up Blooks into Clooks ahead Dlooks through在未做他想做的事情之前,他总是会考虑未来。looks up查找;look into调查;look ahead考虑未来,向前看;look through浏览。二、完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面两篇短文,掌握大意,然后从1635各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。(A)When I was seven,I

9、 was admitted to the hospital for asthma.My parents both worked and were too_16_to stay with me at night,or take time off to sit with me during the day.I was alone and terrified and I remember_17_myself to sleep.The worst part of the day was when the nurses brought my pills.I felt frightened and_18_

10、up crying,but I couldnt get them down.The nurses were so occupied with work that none of them had the patience to_19_me.On the second day of my_20_,a stranger walked into the room.She said she was a regular customer at my fathers veterinary practice(兽医诊所)and dropped in to say hello.Soon my pills wer

11、e_21_and I started to cry.The lady introduced herself to the nurse and_22_to care for me while I took them.The nurse left,_23_relieved.The lady explained patiently about how one should go about swallowing a pill.She_24_for what must have been more than half an hour for me to find the_25_to take that

12、 pill and swallow it.She left in a little while and I was too young to remember to ask her name.That strangers brief_26_shines as the only bright spot in a memory that was the most terrifying experience of my childhood.How I wish I could tell her that even twenty six years later,her_27_has never bee

13、n forgotten.16A.afraid Bsick Csad Dbusy 解析由My parents both worked可知,作者住院时,父母因工作忙(busy)不 能陪床。17A.forcing Bcrying Cencouraging Dhelping 解析由I was alone and terrified可知,作者当时在医院既孤独又恐慌,夜里 哭着(crying)睡觉。18A.picked Bended Cturned Dkept 解析由I felt frightened和I couldnt get them down可知,作者感到恐惧,根 本吃不下药,每次吃药总是以哭泣结束

14、。故用ended up crying。19A.comfort Bteach Cplease Dremind 解析由The nurses were so occupied with work可知,护士们太忙,没有耐心 来安慰(comfort)她。20A.stay Bjourney Choliday Dplan 解析由上文可知,作者在住院,故用stay。21A.returned Bshown Cswallowed Dbrought 解析由下文I started to cry可知,护士把药拿过来了(brought)。22A.happened Bmeant Coffered Dclaimed 解析那位

15、女士向护士做了自我介绍,提出(offered)陪作者吃药。23A.slowly Bluckily Cobviously Dslightly 解析护士们对作者害怕吃药感到无奈。既然有人来帮忙,护士显然 (obviously)如释重负。24A.stood Bwaited Cworked Dtalked 解析那位女士很有耐心,等(waited)了半个多小时,直到作者吃下药。25A.courage Bexcuse Cway Dchance 解析作者先前害怕吃药,但在女士的耐心劝说下,最终鼓足了勇气(courage) 吃下了药。26A.treatment Blesson Cspeech Dvisit 解

16、析那位女士短暂的探望(visit)成为了作者那段可怕童年记忆中的唯一亮 点。27A.politeness Bbelief Cdetermination Dkindness 解析数年过去,作者还是不会忘记那位女士的善意(kindness)。(B)“We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book whose pages are infinite.”I do not know who wrote those words,but I have always liked them as a reminder that the f

17、uture can be anything we want to make it.We can take the_28_,hazy future and carve it out of anything that we can imagine,just like a sculptor carves a statue from a_29_stone.We are all in the position of the_30_.If we plant a good seed,we will reap a good harvest.If our seed is poor and full of wee

18、ds,we will reap a_31_crop.If we plant nothing at all,we will harvest nothing at all.I want the future to be better than the past.I dont want it contaminated(玷污)by the mistakes and errors with which history is filled.We should all be_32_about the future because that is where we will spend the remaind

19、er of our lives.The past is gone and static.Nothing we can do will_33_it.The future is before us and dynamic.Everything we do will affect it.Each day will bring with it_34_frontiers,in our homes and in our businesses,if we only recognize_35_.We are just at the beginning of the progress in every fiel

20、d of human endeavor.28A.real Bcertain Cserious Dmysterious 解析从该空后面的hazy可知将来是不可知的、神秘的。mysterious神秘的, 符合语境。serious严重的,严肃的;certain确实,确定。29A.shapeless Buseless Cworthless Dstainless 解析雕塑家在雕刻之前用的石块应该是“不成形的”,故shapeless“无定 形的,不成形的”符合语境。worthless“没用的,无价值的”;stainless“无 污点的,无瑕疵的”;useless“无用的,无价值的”。30A.sculpto

21、r Bfarmer Cteacher Ddoctor 解析从下文的描述可以看出这里选B。31A.bad Buseful Cwonderful Dgood 解析从上文中的“If our seed is poor and full of weeds”可以推断出不好的种 子长不成好庄稼,故A项符合语境。bad crop意为“歉收”。32A.worried Bcurious Canxious Dconcerned 解析既然不想让将来被错误所玷污,我们就应该关注将来。be concerned about“关注”,符合语境。故D项正确。33A.make Bkeep Cchange Dhave 解析从上一句

22、可以知道,过去一去不复返,因此我们无法改变过去,故用 change。 Bold Cgone Daway 解析和本段开头进行对比:过去一去不复返,而将来的一切还未到来,也 就是将来的一切都是新的,不为我们所知,故A项正确。 Bthem Cthat Dthis 解析根据句意可以看出这里的代词是指代前面的frontiers,因此应该用 them。第二部分 阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A Although Wu Huifei was only a concubine(妃子) of Tan

23、g Xuanzong (AD 685762), the sixth emperor of the Tang Dynasty, her influence was far greater than most in her position. Historians say that the ruler loved her so much that, in AD 724, he banished his wife and made Wu a royal concubine. “Although she was only a concubine, she was treated as an empre

24、ss with palace etiquette,” explained Shi Xiaoqun, director of relics collection for Shaanxi History Museum. “Tang Xuanzong even wanted to make her his empress but was opposed by the ministers.”The emperor had thousands of concubines in his palace in Changan (now called Xian, capital of Shaanxi provi

25、nce) but, according to Shi, he only loved Wu, the mother of seven of his children.Wu died in the December of AD 737 at the age of 40 and was interred in Jingling Mausoleum. She was given the title Empress Zhenshun after her death.“Its rare for a concubine to be given so much posthumous(死后获得的) honor

26、in the history of Chinese feudal society,” said Liu Daiyun, research director at the Shaanxi Archaeological Research Institute.Her tomb53 meters wide by 56 meters longis located in the west of Pangliu village, which is part of Xians Changan district.The recovered sarcophagus(石棺) is 4 meters long, 2

27、meters wide and 2 meters tall and is decorated with flowers and maiden figures, which archaeologists say is a rare cultural relic of high scientific, historical and artistic value. In ancient times, a sarcophagus was used to house wood coffins in order to preserve the body of the noble person.“ I kn

28、ew it was precious but I didnt know it was so beautiful,” said Han Qinglong, who headed the team that brought the relic back to China four years after it was stolen and sold abroad by tomb raiders.【语篇解读】 历史上武惠妃受到唐玄宗的宠爱并产生巨大影响,死后更享有一般妃子无法企及的殊荣。这一点从发掘出的武惠妃的陵墓和其石棺的豪华程度就可以窥见一斑。36The underlined word “ banished” in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to “_

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