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1、挖掘工作装置设计外文翻译挖掘工作装置设计外文翻译郑州科技学院本科毕业设计(外文翻译)08级本科(6)班200833467院(系)机械工程学院指导教师(职称)陈长庚工程完成时间2012年5月16日译文作者:杰克考德威尔概要本文介绍了全球定位系统(GPS)的使用,在挖掘,包括矿体勘探,开发,生 产,关闭,填海工程,并在不列颠哥伦比亚州的煤矿标题应用。审查还审查和 评估的网站,专门在煤矿的GPS应用.GPS技术.GPS设备供应商,与采矿 相关的GPS应用提供服务的顾问。技术白皮书通过GPS使用提高非公路卡车安全(Dagdelen和涅托维加,科罗拉 多矿业学院)如果GPS技术融入他们的机器中,可以减少

2、在露天矿山中设备操作人员 的死亡。目前,GPS已成为在卡车调度系统和实地测量的标准组件。特别是在 大型露天矿山,坑和转储地图正在被使用时.可以直接传送到卡车上的单板计 算机中。与差分GPS车载设备相比,可以迅速确定一个给定精度小于一米的卡 车的精确坐标,并评估一个给定的卡车是否危险接近倾销边缘的一个废料堆和 大量倾销的任务有关的致命交通意外发生。GPS锹铲挖掘机铲斗的高精度制导系统的挖掘机(西摩,C)的应用,还列举 了以下优点:1o准确的选择性开采矿化视野2。准确地找到煤剥离操作的矮墙面糊线.从而减少overdig,或失去煤3o如加载爆炸地区或危险区域,准确地表述旧地下运作4o创造更长椅,从而

3、减少了卡车的周期时间和卡车上的磨损,减少长凳上推土 机及平地机时间一个典型的例子是科林斯维尔煤矿,在北昆士兰的Thiess承包商拥有和经营斯 特拉塔煤炭。引入一种导航系统、三坑里装有150万立方米的挖掘机翻土,表土显示0. 99% 的平均overdig和underdig 0.93%。安装GPS指导的挖掘机挖的搬到12坑钱的表 土达320万立方米,显示平均3. 86%的overdig和L 82%的underdig。减少overdig 足以支付系统在几个月。随后Thiess安装指导系统的其他三个挖掘机在网站中。矿业(西摩和威廉姆斯,2003) GPS技术在高精度GPS机指导作用,现在 可以定位在5

4、0亳米一桶一铲或一个推土机的刀片。其他积极成果,包括精确的 选择性开采,甚至是视觉上区分废物的矿石时,跟踪级,每通过煤矿矿包裹的 吨位;生产力的实时监控;详细的事故后的安全分析;和跟踪每件装备的变动。基于GPS的饿啊挖掘机在采矿业的指引(西摩,2003年)贾扬特雷在一年处理30万立方米的矿井覆(采矿作业过程中产生的废旧 产品),约10亿吨的煤炭色调。它有15个容量范围从8到14立方米,85吨容量 的50辆卡车和30辆卡车120吨的卡车挖掘机的车队。OITDS系统涵盖整个挖掘 机和卡车车队。该系统的概念在1999年和2002年9月实施。最好是在这本书中 扩展。GPS推土机机指导(APS 2003

5、年3月)的利益纳入矿山机械GPS导航系统的主 要好处有两个:a) 信息生成能够帮助操作者矿体定位与机器或卸泥区的位置的位置。b) 信息可以发回的实时控制中心,以评估机做什么,从而提高生产效率和质量, 以及实时的基础上。具体的GPS矿山设备的好处包括:A) 推土机。没有实地调查的需要完成土方工作可以做,可以实现复杂的剥离设 计,提供高效的材料为最佳运动GPS操作指导到哪里移动的物质和推多远。B) 播种机。挖掘设备,从钻井产生的信息,可以登录到GPS系统。O液压挖掘机可以用挖掘机铲斗的位置来确定的长椅上设计的档次。此外,该 设备可以做选择性开采,特别是在有没有区别的视觉差异,特别是在氧化黄金 业务

6、.矿石和废石。生产率的提高将来自除其他外,消除错误和返工,消除实地调查,回收率高和 较低的宝贵矿产稀释,并增加操作者的信心。Authors: Jack CaldwellSUMMARYThis review describes the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) in Mining including Mine and Ore Body Exploration, Development, Production, Closure, Reclamation, and Mine Title Application in British Columbia

7、. The review also examines and evaluates web sites that specialize in GPS Technology, Mine Application of GPS, GPS Equipment Suppliers, and Consultants providing services in mining-related GPS Applications.PAPERSImpovinq Safety of OffHiqhwav Trucks throuqh GPS (Dagdelen and Nieto-Vega, Colorado Scho

8、ol of Mines)Fatalities among equipment operators in open pit mines can be reduced if GPS technology is incorporated in their machines. Currently, GPS is becoming a standard component in truck dispatch systems and field surveying. Especially in large open pit mines, pit and dump maps are being made i

9、n real time and can be transferred directly to the on-board computers of the trucks. With differential GPS equipment on board, one can quickly determine exact coordinates of a given truck with accuracy of less than a meter and evaluate whether a given truck is dangerously close to the dumping edge o

10、f a waste dump. Fatal accidents related to dumping tasks are occurring in significant numbers.Applications foGPS on Shovels and Excavators (Seymour, C.) With high precision guidance systems for shovel and excavator buckets, the following benefits are also enumerated:1.Accurate selective mining of mi

11、neralized horizons2.Accurately finding the low wall batter line in coal stripping operations, thus reducing overdig, or lost coal3.Accurate representation of hazardous areas, such as loaded blast areas or areas underlain by old underground workings4.Creating more even benches, thus reducing truck cy

12、cle times and wear and tear on trucks and reducing dozer and grader time on benchesA case in point is the Collinsville Coal Mine, owned by Xstrata Coal and operated by Thiess Contractors in northern Queensland.Following the introduction of a guidance system, three pits containing 1.5 million cubic m

13、eters of excavator-dug overburden showed an average overdig of 0.99% and underdig of 0.93%. Overburden which was moved in 12 pits dug prior to the installation of GPS guidance amounted to 3.2 million cubic meters and showed an average 3.86% of overdig and 1.82% of underdig. The reduction in overdig

14、was sufficient to pay for the systems within a few months. Thiess subsequently installed guidance systems on the three other excavators at the site.The Role of High Precision GPS Machine Guidance in Mining (Seymour and Williams, 2003) GPS technology can now locate the bucket of a shovel or the blade

15、 of a dozer to within 50 mm. Other positive outcomes include precise selective mining, even when the ore is visually indistinguishable from waste; tracking grade and tonnage of every ore parcel through the mine;real-time productivity monitoring; detailed post-accident safety analysis; and tracking t

16、he movements of every piece of equipment.GPSbased Machine Guidance in the Mining Industry (Seymour, 2003)The Jayant mine handles 30 million cubic meters of mine overburden (the waste product generated during mining operations) and around 10 million tones of coal in a year. It has a fleet of 15 excavators with a capacity ranging from eight to 14 cubic meters, 50 trucks of 85-tonne cap

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