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1、 A He ent aping B He attended a part He staed he ith his friends2 hen did the an eet Anna? A At 7: B At 7:8 At 8:023 h des the an reeber aes s ell? A He has a tinn fae B He as the first persn she et at shl He as late fr shl n the first da4 hat d e n abut the an? A He is eager t eet the bss B He is g

2、ing t give a tal n fishing He has the sae hbb as the bss hat des the an ean? A Bb never studies hard B Bb has been studing hard latel Bb started preparing fr the test lng ag 第二节 听下面段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出秒钟的作答时问。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料。回

3、答第6、7题。6 hat did the an drea abut? A The an had an aident B The bss anted t fire the an The an as ging t give up his b7 hats the relatinship beteen the speaers? A lleagues B Dtr and patient Husband and ife听第7段材料。回答第8、9题。8 h did the an all the an? A T anel a bing B T ae a reservatin T hange her trip9

4、 hen des the htel have a speial ffer? A In anuar B In Februar In arh听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10 h ight hnn be? A The ans sn B The ans brther The ans brther11 hat ill the an d tda? A G shpping B eet se friends Pla basetball12 hat ind f life des the an live? A Ver bus B Eas Interesting听第9段材料,回答第13至1 6题。13 her

5、e des the nversatin prbabl tae plae? A n the phne B At the ffie In a restaurant14 hat des the an thin is the e part f the hle peratin? A Having earl studies B Having a gd prdut Getting a gd iprt agent1 hat ind f pan des the an r fr? A A phne pan B A bile pan A furniture design pan16 hat des the an e

6、an in the end? A She ill sell the prdut B She ill help the an ith the reprt She hasnt been nvined b the an听第l0段材料,回答第17至20题。17 h did the speaers fail ve t Ne r it? A T ve int a saller apartent B T g t a better sh l T experiene re ultures18 hat did the speaer dislie abut her ne building? A It as nis

7、utside B It as far fr her shl It asnt in a safe neighbrhd19hat as the speaers favrite thing abut the it? A Eating deliius fd B Ging t useus and theaters aing a lt f ne friends20 hat did the speaer ainl thin f the it? A It as stl psitive B Everthing as a hallenge Things hanged fr bad t gd第二部分 阅读理解(共三

8、节,满分0分)第一节(共1小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。Aanted, Sene fr a issere ling fr prduers t in us in the send f Lndn 100F ull r n the statins usi prgras usi prdutin experiene in radi is neessar, alng ith rih nledge f dern dane usi Please appl in riting t Prduer Vaanies, iss

9、100Father hristasere ling fr a ver speial persn preferabl ver 40, t fill ur Father hristas suitring das: Ever Saturda fr Nveber 24 t Deeber 1 and ever da fr Deeber17 t Deeber24 exept Sunda, 10:3016:00Exellent paPlease ntat the Enterprise Shpping enter, Statin Parade, East BurneAuntants Assistant hen

10、 u in the tea in ur Revenue Adinistratin Unit, u ill be prviding assistane ithin all parts f the Revenue Divisin, dealing ith pst and ther general duties If u are eduated t GSE grade level e uld lie t tal t u This psitin is equall suitable fr a shl leaver r sebd h has ffie experieneealden Distrit un

11、ilSftare Trainer If u are aged 24-4 and have experiene in teahing and training, u uld be the persn e are ling fr u shuld be gd at the puter and have se experiene in prgrae riting u ill be alled t ae ur deisin, and t design urses as ell as present the Pa upards f 1,000 fr the right persn Please appl

12、b sending ur V (简历) t rs R glivie, Pallae Liited21 e learn fr the ads that the Enterprise Shpping entre needs a persn h _A is aged beteen 24 and 40 B a d se training r shuld deal ith general duties D an r fr abut a nth22 hih psitin is pen t reent shl graduates?A Prduer, Lndn iss B Father hristas Aun

13、tants Assistant D Sftare Trainer23 hat ind f persn uld prbabl appl t Palae Liited?A ne ith GSE grade levelB ne ith se ffie experiene ne having gd puter nledgeD ne trained in prduing usi prgrasBSeveral ees ag, a sterius hristas ard drpped thrugh ur ailbx The envelpe as addressed t a an naed Raul, h,

14、I as relativel ertain, did nt live ith us The envelpe asnt sealed, s I pened it The inside f the ard as blan Ed, husband, explained that the ard as bth fr and t the nespaper deliveran His nae as apparentl Raul, and Raul anted a hlida tip e ere eant t put a he inside the ard and then drp the envelpe

15、in the ail hen ur servies are finished at 4 a, u ant sipl hang arund, lie a htel bellb expeting a tip u have t be diret S I rte a nie hlida greeting t this an h, in iaginatin, fires The Ne r Ties fr his bie aied at ur frnt dr, ausing re nise ith ere nesprint than st peple anage ith sphistiated bla a

16、ret firers ith a start, I realized that perhaps the reasn fr the 4 a ae-up nise as nt rdinar rudeness but arefull exeuted spite: I had nt tipped Raul in hristas past I hnestl hadnt realized I as suppsed t This as the first tie hed used the ard strateg S I gt ut heb Sehere alng the line, hlida tippin

17、g ent fr an ptinal than-u fr a ear f servies t a afia-stle prtetin raet(收保护费组织) Several das later, I as bringing ur garbage bins ba hen I ntied an envelpe taped t ne f the lids The utside f the envelpe said IE It had t be anther tip request, this tie fr ur garbage lletr Unlie Raul, ie hadnt enlsed h

18、is n hristas ard fr e In a a, I appreiated the diretness “I n u dnt are h err hristas is, and thats fine,” the gesture said “I ant $30, r Ill frget t ept ur garbage bin se ht suer da” I put a he in the envelpe and taped it ba t the bin The next rning, Ed ntied that the envelpe as gne, thugh the tras

19、h hadnt et been pied up: “Sene stle ies tip!” Ed as quite ertain He ade e all the ban and anel the he But Ed had been rng T ees later, ie left a letter fr the ban n ur steps The letter infred ie that the he, hih he had tried t ash, had been anelledThe flling Tuesda rning, hen Ed sa a tru utside, he

20、ran ut ith his allet “Are u ie?” The an led at hi ith srn “ie is the garbage an I a the reling” Nt nl had Ed insulted this an b suggesting that he as a garbage an, but he had bviusl negleted t tip hi Ed ran ba inside fr re funds Then he ntied that the driver f the tru had been athing the hle inident

21、 He peeled ff anther tent and led arund, aving bills in the air “Anne else?”Had e nsulted the ebsite f the Eil Pst Institute, this ebarrassing brea f etiquette (礼节) uld have been avided Under “trash/reling lletrs” in the institutes Hlida Tipping Guidelines, it sas: “$10 t $30 eah” u a r a nt ish t n

22、 that ur hairdresser, ailan and UPS gu all expet a hlida tip24 The nespaper deliveran put a blan ard inside the envelpe beause_A he anted the uple t pa fr the nespaper B he frgt t rite a fe rds n it he used it t as fr a hristas tip D he as afraid f asing fr a tip in persn2 Arding t the passage, the

23、authr felt _t give Raul a hlida tipA exited B happ ebarrassed D fred26 hih f the flling is true abut ie, the garbage lletr? A He rte a letter t the uple afterardsB He failed t llet the ne fr the ban He anted the uple t send hi a hristas ard D He lleted bth the he and the garbage that da27 Eds enunte

24、r ith the reling tea shs that_ A Ed as desperate t rret his istae B Ed nl anted t give ne t Raul Ed as unilling t tip the tru driver D Ed n lnger anted t give the neIntegritIntegrit is the qualit f being hnest and strng abut hat u believe t be right The nept f integrit has plaed a e rle in ral phils

25、ph thrughut histr and is prted in all sieties beause f its iprtane t sial relatins Individual integrit is vital t siet, ne that enables peple t ae use f their apait fr ritial refletin, des nt fre peple t tae up partiular rles and des nt enurage individuals t betra eah ther Besides, sieties an be fav

26、rable t the develpent f individual integrit Individual integrit an lift up the spirits f the entire siet It an shape the lives f peple living in a partiular siet, the lives f all fell peple and, in its bradest sense, even the destin(命运) f a natin B ntrast, if t hse living in the siet are rrupt, it u

27、ld have bad effets, epardizing the health ralit f the sietn the ther hand, a siet an be favrable t the develpent f individual integrit Siet expets and requires integrit A siet nsisting f peple f integrit, and peple h never prise n their priniples, uld have a psitive ar n the persnal develpent f its

28、ebers Being a part f suh a rall livel unit uld serve as a basis fr absrbing traits f gd harater This uld be f a distint advantage t an individuals in the siet Hever, se sial strutures are f the rng srt fr se individuals t pursue(追求) integrit If that is the ase, e have t as questins abut the ral natu

29、re f siet first befre raising questins abut individual integrit Questins abut integrit a turn ut t be abut hat ind f siet it is, rather than abut the relatinship beteen individual interests and harateristis f a siet The pursuit f adequate individual integrit ften depends, nt s uh n understanding h n

30、e is and hat ne believes and is itted t, but rather understanding hat nes siet is and iagining hat it uld beUnder n irustanes an e underestiate the iprtane f huan integrit in a siet Peple, h are hnest, trustrth, passinate and aring, are the fatrs deisive in the grth f individuals as ell as the devel

31、pent f a siet28 Individual integrit has been valued in siet beause _ A it helps develp philsph B it is the basis f ritial thining it is iprtant t sial relatins D it ensures peples partiular rles29 The underlined rd “epardizing” in Paragraph 2 prbabl eans _ A strengthening B assessing influening D destring 30 The riter believes that _A the nature f siet is deided b en

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