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1、小学英语四年级下册unit3教案小学英语四年级下册unit3教案 小学英语四年级下册unit3教案1教学内容:单词:festival, card, stocking, present, bell词组:Santa Claus, Christmas tree,日常用语:Merry Christmas! You too. Heres a present for you. Thank you.教学目标:认知目标1.能听说认读本课单词和词组2.能使用本课日常用语:Merry Christmas! You too. Heres a present for you. Thank you.3.能初步了解感受和

2、体验中西方文化情感目标能够通过本单元学习培养学生热爱祖国、热爱生活的情感。学习策略目标1.培养学生的注意力、观察力,激发学生积极思维。2.通过小组活动,培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。3.在任务中,引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达与交流。教学重点:1.能听说认读本课单词和词组2.能使用本课日常用语:Merry Christmas! You too.教学难点:1.Christmas失去爆破的读音2.festival, stocking, present等多音节单词的读音教学准备:教学挂图,教学录音磁带,单词卡片,圣诞老人服饰、小铃铛、长筒袜、贺卡等教学过程:step 1. warmin

3、g up (热身活动)1.Duty report2.Listen to a song and follow the songstep 2. reviewing and leading in (复习并导入新课)一名学生戴圣诞老人帽从门外走进来(唱歌时老师布置好)T: Who are you?S: Guess!T: Who knows who he is?Ss: 圣诞老人。引出新名词Santa Claus(学习)step 3. learning(学习新课)1.教师出示一张朋友送的圣诞卡片引出新名词card(学习)2.图片或实物出示Christmas tree, stocking, present(

4、逐一学习)eg: T: (指铃铛)Bell, bell, this is a bell.T: (指长筒袜)Stocking, stocking, this is a stocking.1.简笔画进行名词操练2.学生6人一组,找一组,教师说英文,学生走向图片eg: Amy, you are Santa Claus.(学生Amy,走向Santa Claus的图片)3.给一组学生单词卡片,组员迅速站到和自己一致的简笔画旁4.Learn a new chant compete5.T: When we bless someone on Christmas Day. We sayMerry Christm

5、as!学习6.Listen and repeatstep 4. practicing (操练)1.Group workshow2.设置情景对话(父母与子女,同学之间,朋友之间)教师示范:(教师是圣诞老人)T: Here is a present for you.S: Thank you.T: Merry Christmas!S: You too!3.Group workshow4.学生画出自己喜爱的礼物5.Pair work用英文表达相互赠送step 5. summary (小结)1.学会了单词:festival, card, stocking, present, bell词组:Santa C

6、laus, Christmas tree2.学会了日常用语:Merry Christmas! You too. Heres a present for you. Thank you.3.了解了西方文化step 6. homework (家庭作业)1.Copy new words2.Draw what you like and give your parents saying:“ Heres a present for you.”小学英语四年级下册unit3教案2教学目标:1.能力目标:能够介绍圣诞节,知道圣诞节的主要活动。2.知识目标:能够听、说、认、读本课的重点单词:Christmas、En

7、gland、New Year 、sing、we 掌握句型We sing songs. Happy Christmas !3.情感、策略、文化等有关目标:通过本课学习,使学习有兴趣听、说英语、背歌谣,主动与他人交流。能够互相致以节日的问候,了解西方圣诞节。重点难点:依据以上对教学内容和教学目标的分析以及小学生的认知规律和英汉语言差异,我认为“We +动词+名词”这个句型及节日问候是本单元的教学重点及难点。教学过程:1.(1)首先放圣诞节的歌曲,创设出节日的气氛,也集中了学生的注意力。出示卡片sing songs 教读,自编 Chant:sing songs 、 sing songs 、We si

8、ng songs ,边读边贴图片,要求学生根据图片、板书及老师的动作理解意思,多说几遍。(2)出示圣诞帽,引入Christmas 出示卡片,教读、抽读、正音。(3)在黑板上画树,提问:Whats this ? 引入Christmas tree出示卡片,教读、抽读、正音,自编Chant:Christmas tree ,Christmas tree , We have Christmas tree 边读边贴图片。新-课 -标- 第- 一-网(4)拿一个盒子,请学生猜猜里面有什么?揭示结果,出示图片,peanuts sweets 抽读、正音,自编Chant:peanuts sweets ,peanu

9、ts sweets, We have peanuts and sweets2.(1)学生小组活动,边说Chant边拍手,练习一会儿就进行小组比赛。这几个环节利用小学生活泼好动的特点,用节奏和动作刺激大脑。(2)抽生说,说的好的给礼物,引出单词presents,出示卡片,教读、抽读、正音,边说边拍手:presents,presents,We have presents。以上环节用朗朗上口的儿歌突破本课的重难点。3.巩固知识,进行拓展(1)齐读本课所学的4个句型,然后同桌练习。(2)比记忆,随意拿一个图片,抽生说相应的句子,完成得好的给礼物。这个环节又一次将学生的注意力集中起来,为下面的学习垫定基

10、础。(3)教问候语:Happy Christmas !出示卡片,同桌互相问候。(4)带自己准备好的礼物,送给朋友,致以节日的问候。(5)放圣诞节相关音乐,学生自己画圣诞树等。4.结束(1)总结本节课学生学习情况。(2)布置课后作业,送礼物给家长。小学英语四年级下册unit3教案3一、教学内容:译林版小学英语5上Unit8 At Christmas (Cartoon time Song time )Period 2二、教学目标:Knowledge objects:1. To make the students understand the new words: sing, songs; new

11、phrase: merry Christmas; new sentence pattern: whats wrong with ?2. To let students know how do people celebrate the different festivals in western countries.Ability objects:3. To improve students listening and speaking ability by reading and practicing the cartoon time.4. To develop students commun

12、icative ability by learning the useful expressions for celebrate the festival.Moral objects:5. Be able to enjoy the great fun of this cartoon story.6. To enable the students to enjoy the fun of helping others.三、教学重难点:1. To make the Ss grasp and understand the main idea of cartoon time.2. To enable t

13、he students to use useful expressions for celebrating a festival and replying in their own dialogues related to the daily life.四、教学方法:情境教学法、交际教学法、多媒体辅助教学法五、教学过程:Step1. Warming up1. Greeting2. Leading ina. Play a game:Non-stop talking(渗透enjoy和send)b. Review Story time.Step2. PresentationSong time and

14、 Cartoon time1. learn the song(PPT shows picture1 of the Cartoon time)T: Who are they?S: Sam, Bobby and their friends.T: How are Bobby and Sam?S: Theyre very happy.T: What time is it?/ when is it?S: Its at Christmas.T: Yes, its on Christmas Day.T: What are they doing?(Ss listen to the song)S: Sing t

15、he songs.新授sing the songT: Can you tell me the title of this song?S:. (揭题: we wish you a Merry Christmas.)2. Enjoy the cartoon(PPT shows the story)T: Who is not happy?S: Mr Turkey.T: Mr Turkey looks sad. (新授sad) , so what will you say to him?S: Whats the matter, Mr Turkey?/.T: We can also say: Whats wrong with you? (新授)3. Read and answer1) 引出:Its a lot of fun! I always have a big dinner on Christmas Day!2) 引出I dont like Christmas, people eats us on Christmas Day.4. Read together

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