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本文(学年九年级英语下册 Unit 6 Topic 1 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones导学案.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

学年九年级英语下册 Unit 6 Topic 1 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones导学案.docx

1、学年九年级英语下册 Unit 6 Topic 1 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones导学案Unit 6 Topic 1 I would rather watch sports shows than those ones Section A【学习目标】1.学习谈论各种电视节目和电影;2.学习用would ratherthan句型表达偏爱和喜好。【预习】一、 在文中找到并划出下面的短语 1.中国象棋下得好_ 2.不擅长_ 3.学会做某事_ 4.教某人如何做某事_5.在某人的业余时间_6.更喜欢看电视_7.赞成某人的看法_8.参加智力竞

2、赛节目_9.获奖_ 10.电视剧_11.宁愿也不_12 爱上_ 13.a story with sad ending_14使我们大笑_15看电影_【知识梳理】 在文中划出下面的句子并分析 1.Its hard for me to learn to play Chinese chess. 译:_点拨:it在此是形式主语,真正的主语是to learn to play Chinese chess。回顾:It + be + 形容词+ for sb. to do sth. - 某人做某事 对比:形容词是描述人的品质或性格,介词for改用of 练习:a.你能帮我,真好。 Its _ _ _ you to

3、help me. b.他真聪明,解出了这道数学题。 Its _ _ him to _ _ the math problem. 2. In my spare time, I prefer watching TV, especially quiz shows from which I can learn a lot. 译:_转换:., especially quiz shows _ I can learn a lot _.点拨:在定语从句中,当关系代词which作介词的宾语时,即“介词+which”结构,介词可回到从句中动词之后练习:冰心是在这所房子里出生的。This is the house _

4、 _ Bing Xin was born.同义句:This is the house _ Bing Xin was born _.3. I hope someday I can take part in a quiz show and win a prize.译:_辨析: take part in = join in = be in - 参加(某项活动);join - 参加(某个组织)= be the member of (某个组织)练习:a.请你参加我们的聚会好吗?Will you please _ _ _our party?b.她三年前入了党。She _ the Party _ _ _.4

5、.Which kind of program do you prefer, TV plays or sports shows? 译:_ I would rather watch sports shows than those ones. 译:_ 点拨:would rather do sth. than (do) sth. = prefer (doing) sth. to (doing) sth. =like doing sth better than doing sth=prefer to do sth rather than do sth.- 喜欢,愿意做而不喜欢,愿意做拓展:would r

6、ather (not ) do sth. - 更(不)愿做练习:a.我愿意要红苹果,而不愿要青的。I _ _ have_ _ than _ _.(用preferto改写)I _.b.若你不介意,我今晚就不外出了。I _ _ not_ _ tonight, if you dont mind.c.我愿意步行而不愿骑自行车。I prefer _ to _ _ .(用would ratherthan改写)_.d.与橘子相比,她更喜欢苹果。She _ apples _oranges.【练习】一、 完成句子。1. More than 40 countries _ _ _ (参加)the 16th Asia

7、n Games in Guangzhou.2. The boy _ _ _ _(爱上) the girl when they met for the first time.3. Are you _ at _ (擅长下中国象棋) Chinese chess?4. _ _ _ _ (在我空闲的时间里),I prefer watching TV.5. I _ _ read books _ _ watch TV.(宁愿也不)二句型转换。1. To play the piano well is hard for me. _ is hard for me _ _ the piano well.2. Jim

8、 didnt know how he could draw dogs. Jim didnt know _ _ _ dogs .3. I prefer to watch news rather than TV plays.I _ _ watch news than TV plays.4. We would rather watch sports shows.(改否定句)We _ _ _ _ sports shows.5.I went to Beijing last year.He went to Beijing last year,too.I went to Beijing last year.

9、 _ _ he.Section B【学习目标】1.学会描述所属星座及其性格特征;2.了解十二星座及有关星座的传说。【预习】一、在文中找到并划出下面的短语 1.用一种疲惫的声音_2.吃惊地,惊讶地_ 3.星座_ 4.如此吸引你_5.属于巨蟹座_6.而且,另外_ 7.从不浪费_ 8.从不放弃_ 9.省钱_ 10.保守秘密_ 11.注意细节 _12.check your star sign just for fun_13.属于同一星座 _16.总共,总计_ 17.取决于,依赖_18.相同星座的人_19.从前_20.为某事很生气 21.命令某人做某事 _ 22.在黑暗处_23.给某人的肩膀上一个突然袭

10、击_24.某人奋力反击_ 25.持续十天十夜 _ 26.那时起到现在_27. 原谅某人做了某事_【知识梳理】在文中划出下面的句子并分析1.It said people who were born under Cancer are kind and always ready to help others.译:_点拨:under (prep.) 属于,归入; be ready to do sth. 乐于做某事; 准备做某事2.Once upon a time, in Greece there was a hunter named Orion who was the son of a sea god

11、. 译:_点拨:once upon a time - 从前(常用于故事开头) 同义表达:once -从前,曾经; long long ago很久以前e.g. 很久以前,有一位非常喜欢新衣服的国王。_ _ _ _, _ _ a king _ loved new clothes very much.3.One day, he said he would kill all the dangerous animals. The mother of the land was quite angry at what he had said.译:_点拨:be angry at sth. - 为某事而生气 拓

12、展:be angry with sb.for doing sth. - 因为某人做了某事而生气同学们因他打破玻璃而生气。Classmates _ _ him _ _ the windows.4.She ordered a scorpion to kill him. 译:_ 点拨:order sb. to do sth. - 命令某人做某事 思考:句子中to kill做order的_语链接:动词不定式做宾补的动词还有:ask, tell, allow, want, would like, teach, encourage.+ sb. (not ) to do sth.5.From then on

13、, whenever scorpions appeared, hunters would die. 译:_ 点拨:from then on - 从那时起到现在(常用于句首) = since then 拓展:from now on -_6.However, sometimes you do not forgive others. 译:_ 点拨:forgive(v.)- 原谅,宽恕 用法:forgive sb. for (doing) sth. - 原谅某人(做了)某事e.g. 我绝不会原谅她所做的事。Ill never _ her _ what she _.【练习】一、找同义选项。( )1. A

14、ll of a sudden, she found herself being talked about in all the newspapers. A. Luckily B.Suddenly C.Unluckily D.Unfortunately( )2. Forgive me, I really dont agree with that. A. Excuse me B Frogive it C Dont mention it D. Pardon( )3.Long long ago, people traveled by horse. A. On time B Long time no s

15、ee C. From time to time D.Once upon a time( )4. In the end , we decided not to buy it. A.Final B. At last C. In time D. Lastly( )5.Im a little hungry. Could you give something to eat? A. a few B a lot C a bit D. a number of二、完成句子1.Good health _ _(取决于) good food,exercise and enough sleep.2._ _ _ _ (很

16、久以前),there was a girl named White Snow.3._ _ _(从那时起),they have lived in Shanghai.4.He said _ _:“Why are you here?”(惊讶地)5.The teacher asked me _ _ _ _(用一种疲惫的声音)Section C【学习目标】1、继续了解电视节目;2、继续学习表达自己的偏爱和喜好;3、了解中西文化的差异。【预习】一、 在文中找到并划出下面的短语 1.a homeless dog_2.a running dog_ 3.a mad dog_4.a dog catching a

17、mouse_ 5.众所周知_ 6.贬义_ 7.褒义 times_9.另一方面_10.Every dog has its day._11.被当做_12.爱的象征 _ 13.代表_ 14.国花_ 15.通过比较_【知识梳理】在文中划出下面的句子并分析 1.We can see the differences when we pay attention to the way (in which) words are used. 译:_点拨:words are used 是定语从句,修饰先行词the way, 在此省略了关系代词in which 思考:句子中的when引导了一个_从句e.g.

18、我不喜欢你对你妈妈说话的方式。I dont like _ _ in which you _ _ your mother.2.But in western countries, where dogs are considered honest and good friends of humans, “dog” has positive meanings. 译:_分析:此句中含有_从句,先行词是_, 关系副词是_ 3.The rose is regarded as a symbol of love in both China and some western countries. 译:_点拨:be

19、 considered (as) = be regarded as - 被当做,被视为 主动语态表达格式:consideras= regardas - 把当做,把视为e.g. 人们把他看成是20世纪最伟大的科学家。主动:People _him_the greatest scientist in the _ _.被动:He_ _the greatest scientist in the _ _.4.On the other hand, Chinese people love cats very much. 译:_点拨:on the other hand - 另一方面 拓展:on (the) on

20、e handon the other hand一方面另一方面5.We can learn about many differences in cultures by comparing how certain words are used. 译:_点拨:compare(v.) - 对比,比较 用法:compare with - 把和做比较【练习】 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Brad is afraid of _ in the dark. (walk)2. These _must be Lus. (photo)3. The dragon is _ (regard) as a symbo

21、l of the Chinese nation.4. We can choose the best answer by _(compare)the four choices5. Nobody believes him, because he is _ (honest).二、单项选择。( )6. Lei Feng is always ready _ _ others. A. help B. to help C. helping D. in helping( )7.Mary has a beautiful _. Listen! She is singing. A.shout B.noise C.v

22、oice D. sound( )8.I want to take part in a quiz show. _. A. So I do. B.So do I C.Neither do I D. Nor do I.( )9.Fuwa _ “Welcome to Beijing”. A. looks for B. stands for C.cares for D. pays for( )10.What cold weather! Toms brother is sick _ a dog. A. as C. of D.atSection D【学习目标】1.讨论电视对我们生活的影响;2.

23、学习怎样进行辩论。【预习】一、 在文中找到并划出下面的短语 1.对产生巨大的影响_对产生积极的影响_2.获取信息的最重要方式_3.我们部分的业余时间_4.增长我们的知识_5.像_6.使远离_7.健康的户外活动_8.花更少时间做某事_9.对某人有益_10.浪费时间_11.指出_【知识梳理】 在文中划出下面的句子并分析1.Television has a huge influence on our lives. 译:_点拨:have an influence on - 对产生影响 同义词组: have an effect one.g电视对孩子们有不好的影响。Television _ _ _ _ children.2.It is one of the most

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