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选修6 unit 2 单元卷全国卷.docx

1、选修6 unit 2 单元卷全国卷单元综合测评(二)Unit 2What is happiness to you?【XZB2016TBYLYYX06014】(时间:100分钟;满分:120分).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AWhat is happiness? Different people have different ideas.Some people are rich;they think they are happy.Other people have many friends,so they f

2、eel happy.Still others are happy because their lives are meaningful.Happiness attracts everyone.For children,happiness often suggests eating something good or playing with toys.For a stamp collector,stamps bring more delight than meals.And for a scientist,a discovery or an invention rather than anyt

3、hing else gives him greatest satisfaction.There was once a beggar who was always happy.The king saw him and wondered why he was so happy because he was so poor.However,the king could have whatever he wanted;yet he himself was not happy at all.Thus we can see ones happiness doesnt depend on whether h

4、e is rich or poor.Happiness is a state of mind.As long as one thinks hes content and satisfied,he is happy.As everything exists only because its opposite exists,happiness exists only when pain exists.Just as a person who does not know failure never knows success,a person,who has not experienced suff

5、ering or sadness,never knows what happiness means.Happiness always promises a hope by which people go on living.When they come to the point of losing hope because they have suffered a great deal,it is often the time when happiness comes that will give them the courage and desire to live.Cheer up and

6、 be happy.Happiness is not far from you.Its just around you.Try to grasp it and enjoy it.1Why are several kinds of people mentioned in Paragraph 1,according to the writers opinion?AThe rich people are happy because they can get what they want with money.BA scientist is happy because he or she has ma

7、de great contributions to the world.CPeople who have many friends feel happy because they can get help when in trouble.DPeople who feel their lives are meaningful feel happy because they are happy with their lives.2Which statement is NOT correct according to the passage?AHappiness is a kind of feeli

8、ng.BHappiness exists relatively.COnly a failure can achieve success.DIts not difficult to be happy.3What does the passage mainly talk about?AWhat happiness is.BDifferent definitions of happiness.CHappiness is about you.DHow to get happiness.B(2016全国甲卷)Five years ago,when I taught art at a school in

9、Seattle, I used Tinkertoys as a test at the beginning of a term to find out something about my students.I put a small set of Tinkertoys in front of each student, and said:“Make something out of the Tinkertoys.You have 45 minutes todayand 45 minutes each day for the rest of the week.”A few students h

10、esitated to start.They waited to see what the rest of the class would do.Several others checked the instructions and made something according to one of the model plans provided.Another group built something out of their own imaginations.Once I had a boy who worked experimentally with Tinkertoys in h

11、is free time.His constructions filled a shelf in the art classroom and a good part of his bedroom at home.I was delighted at the presence of such a student.Here was an exceptionally creative mind at work.His presence meant that I had an unexpected teaching assistant in class whose creativity would i

12、nfect(感染) other students.Encouraging this kind of thinking has a downside.I ran the risk of losing those students who had a different style of thinking.Without fail one would declare, “But Im just not creative.”“Do you dream at night when youre asleep?”“Oh, sure.”“So tell me one of your most interes

13、ting dreams.”The student would tell something wildly imaginative.Flying in the sky or in a time machine or growing three heads.“Thats pretty creative.Who does that for you?”“Nobody.I do it.”“Reallyat night,when youre asleep?”“Sure.”“Try doing it in the daytime,in class,okay?”4The teacher used Tinker

14、toys in class in order to _.Aknow more about the studentsBmake the lessons more excitingCraise the students interest in artDteach the students about toy design5What do we know about the boy mentioned in Paragraph 3?AHe liked to help his teacher.BHe preferred to study alone.CHe was active in class.DH

15、e was imaginative.6What does the underlined word “downside” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?AMistake. BDrawback.CDifficulty. DBurden.7Why did the teacher ask the students to talk about their dreams?ATo help them to see their creativity.BTo find out about their sleeping habits.CTo help them to improve t

16、heir memory.DTo find out about their ways of thinking.CSandy Springs firefighters say helping people is a great thing,but the job is not without its challenges.They work 24hour shifts(轮班)and the emergency calls can come in a flash.“Youve got to be physically and mentally prepared to deal with it,no

17、matter what comes,”said Royce Turner,a parttime firefighter in Sandy Springs.“The pressure on your mind and body can make you break down if youre not mentally strong.”Hes used to it.In between emergency calls,during the evening,the fire station turns into more of a relaxed home atmosphereuntil a cal

18、l comes in.At that point,everything but the emergency goes away,said Capt.Robert Rogers,who has been a Sandy Springs firefighter for 25 years.“Whenever we go on a call we can make an immediate difference in someones life,”Rogers said.He remembered a special save during a fire:“We had a house fire.Bu

19、t the homeowners daughter was going to be getting married.We saved half the house where her daughters wedding dress was.We brought that dress out and saw their satisfaction.”Leanne Billew is one of three fulltime Sandy Springs firefighters who are female.“Our equipment by itself weighs anywhere from

20、 5060 pounds,”she said.“Youre lifting as much as those men.You have to work hard to prove that you can do the job and earn the respect of the men.”It also helps that Sandy Springs Fire Chief Jack McElfish praises the few female firefighters.She continued,“Chief McElfish,all the time,is talking about

21、 how we are smart and so strong and its really cool to get that kind of support from the Chief,because it is a hard job.”8From what Royce Turner said we learn his job is_.Astressful BboringCexciting Dimportant9We learn from the text that the wedding dress_.Awas burnt in the fireBis now kept by Roger

22、sCmeant a lot to the familyDhas changed the daughters life10We can learn from Paragraph 5 that_.Ait is dangerous to be a fulltime firefighterBit is satisfying to win the respect of peopleCit is challenging to be a woman firefighterDit is difficult for firefighters to carry their tools11What is the a

23、uthors purpose in writing the text?ATo explain how fire departments work.BTo describe some firefighters work.CTo tell people how to put out a fire.DTo praise female firefighters.DSome researchers,such as David TLykken,have found that about 50% of a persons happiness depends on ones genes.This findin

24、g is based on studying identical twins,whose happiness is 50% correlated even when growing up in different houses.About 10% to 15% is a result of various measurable life circumstance variables(变量),such as status,health,income,sex and others.The remaining 40% is a combination of unknown factors and t

25、he results of actions that individuals engage in to become happier.These actions may differ between people.For example,being outgoing may benefit a person by placing himself in situations involving large amounts of human interaction.Also,exercise has been shown to increase a persons level of happine

26、ss.Even simple exercise,such as running,is regarded as a key factor in making a person happy.Human relationships are found to be the most important correlation with human happiness.A widely publicized study in 2008 published in the British Medical Journal reported that happiness in social networks m

27、ay spread from person to person.Researchers followed nearly 5,000 individuals for 20 years in the longstanding Framingham Heart Study and found that clusters(群)of happiness and unhappiness spread up to 3 degrees of separation on average.Happiness tended to spread through close relationships like fri

28、ends,relatives,and nextdoor neighbors.And the researchers reported that happiness spread more quickly than unhappiness through the network.Moreover,the structure of the social network appeared to have an effect on happiness,as people who were very central(with many friends and friends of friends)wer

29、e more likely to be happy.Overall,the results suggest that happiness might spread through a population like a virus.Research in the US has found that older Americans are generally happier than younger adults.The effect does not appear to be generational,because it has been found that happiness incre

30、ased over time for the older people who were studied.While older individuals reported more health problems,they reported fewer problems overall.Young adults reported more anger,anxiety,depression,financial prob lems,troubled relationships and career stress than any other age group.12It can be conclu

31、ded from the first paragraph that _.Agenes play the smallest role in ones happinessBthe more people earn the happier they areChappiness depends on three main sorts of factorsDsimple exercise can only lead to shortterm happiness13Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?AA g

32、ood social relationship has a positive effect on happiness.BSometimes happiness may hurt people like a virus.COlder Americans are happier because they have fewer health problems.DHappiness spreads from generation to generation.14Which of the following groups of people have the most social problems according to the research in the US?ATeenagers. BYoung adu

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