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1、大学英语四级词汇与语法试题及答案卷六2020年大学英语四级词汇与语法试题及答案(卷六)时态英语是时态是一种动词形式,是用动词的各种变化形式表示动作发生的时间。英语共有十六种时态,答题时我们要特别注意一些时态的标志词。下面以经常考察的完成时为试题子进行讲解。考题1. Ever since Picassos painting went on exhibit, there large crowds at the museum every day.A) is B) have been C) has been D) are being2. This is the second time he Mr. S

2、mith.A) had seen B) has seen C) sees D) saw3. By the end of this month, we surely a satisfactory solution to the problem.A) have found B) will be findingC) will have found D) are finding4. Before the first non-stop flight was made in 1949, it necessary for all planes for refueling.A) would be B) has

3、 beenC) had been D) would have been考点分析动词完成式包括现在完成时、过去完成时、将来完成时、过去将来完成时,前三种是方法测试的重点,其考点如下:1. 关于现在完成时应注意以下几点:1)注意与现在完成时相关的状语。如:since、for、this year、today等,或表示不确定概念的副词,如:already、often、never、so far、yet、always等。另外,某些瞬时动词如ask、begin、come、die、join等,不能跟表示一段时间的状语连用。2)在“this is +最高级/序数词/ the only+名词+that”结构中,

4、that 从句中的谓语在完成时。试题如:This is the best wine I have ever drunk.This is the first time I have visited China.2.将来完成时表示某时以前已经完成的动作。注意与此时态连用的时间状语the end of、by this time tomorrow、by then 等,试题如:By this time tomorrow you will by home. 另外,在时间或条件状语从句中,现在完成时也可以表示将来完成时。试题如:your paper when you have finished the te

5、st.3.过去完成时应注意以下几点:1)过去完成时表示过去某一时间或动作之前完成的动作,常用的确状语有just、ever、by that time、by the end of、before等。试题如:We had just had our breakfast when an old man came to the door.2)动词 expect、hope、intend、mean、want、suppose等用过去完成时,表示过去的希望意图、愿望未实现。试题如:They had intended to help, but couldnt get here in time. (他们本来打算来帮忙,

6、不过没来得及赶到这儿)3)在“It was+最高级/序数词/ the only +that”结构的从句中,使用过去完成时,试题如:There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone had interrupted me that evening.考题注释 本题题干中出现了一个时间状语since, 故应用完成时,又由于主句的主语large crowds 为复数形式,故排除C)。 在this is the second time结构中,其后从句中的谓语用现在完成时。 译文为:“到这个月底为止,我们肯定能找到解决问题的方法。”时

7、间状语为by the end of this month , 故用将来完成时。 本题中before 引导了一个时间状语从句,从句的谓语为过去时,由此推知,主句的谓语应是过去之过去,即过去完成时。答案: 1.B 2.B 3.C 4.C1.Scientists in the world are expected to find a(n)_to the problem of overpopulation.(2006年12月真题)A) reply B)solution C)response D) answer正确答案:B。 句意为:科学家们有望能找到一种解决人口过剩问题的方法。are expected

8、 to do 有望做./reply to 回复,答复/solution to 表示解决.的方法/response to反应,回答,响应/answer to 答案。A solution to a problem 解决问题的方法。2.The poor old man was _yesterday when he was crossing the street . (2006年12月真题)A)run into B)run out C)run over D)run through正确答案:C。 句意为:这位可怜的老太太昨天过马路的时候被车压过去了。Run into 偶然遇到,陷入/run out 用尽

9、,耗尽/run over 在.上驶过,碾过/run through 跑着穿过,贯穿,匆匆处理。试题如:My son came near being run over by a truck , 我的儿子差点被大卡车碾过。3.We have been told that the contract in question is _for one year starting from the fifteenth of June of this year . (2006年12月真题)A)useful B)efficient C)practical D)effective正确答案:D。 句意为:我们被告知

10、正在讨论的合同从今年的6月15日开始起生效,有效期为一年。useful有用的/efficient 有效率的,能干的/practical 使用的/effective 有效的,试题如:When does the new system become effective ?新制度何时生效?4.The eastern part of Australia is _ in climate to the western part . (2005年6月真题)A) better B) warmer C)splendid D)superior正确答案:D。句意为:在气候方面澳大利亚东部比西部好。better(tha

11、n)比好/ warmer(than)比暖和/ splendid极好的,辉煌的/ superior(to)优于,胜过。试题如:This cloth is superior to that .这种布比那种好。与superior(to)意思相反的词为interior(to)表示“比差”,用法相同。5.Where unemployment and crime rates are high, it can be assumed that the _is due to the former. (2006年12月真题)A)later B)last C)latter D)late正确答案:C。句意为:我们认为

12、在失业率和犯罪率高发的地区,高犯罪率是由高失业率引起的。Later 更迟的,后面的/last 最后的,最近的/latter 后者的,后者/late 迟的,晚的,已故的。Former 和 latter 构成一对反义词,分别表示(刚提及的两人或物中的)前者和后者。试题如:Of these two men, the former is dead but the latter is still alive. 这两个人中,前者已死,而后者仍然活着。6.Do you let your kids go out alone at night ? _ !A) Absolutely B)Extremely C)A

13、ctually D) Eventually正确答案:A。句意为:你让你的孩子晚间单独出行吗?绝对不!extremely的意思是“极端地,极度地”,试题如:Earthquakes are extremely difficult to predict.地震是非常难以预测的。actually的意思是“事实上”,试题如:Did he actually hit you or just threaten you ?他真的打了你还是只是吓唬你?eventually的意思是“最后,终于”,试题如:He eventually escaped and made his way back to England .他

14、最终得以逃脱并回到了伦敦。7.Julia likes to rent a house , which is comfortable, well-equipped and , _,in a quiet neighborhood . (2006年12月真题)A)all in all B)at all C)above all D)after all正确答案:C。 句意为:朱丽娅想租一间房子,要求舒适,设施完善,最重要的是附近要比较安静。All in all 总而言之/at all 根本/above all 最重要的,压倒一切的/after all 毕竟。8.It wasnt a good thing

15、, _, it was a huge mistake . (2006年12月真题)A)on the whole B)on the contrary C)on the average D)on the other hand正确答案:B。句意为:这不是一件好事,相反,是个极大的错误。9.You can go out , _ you promise to come back before 11 oclock . (2007年6月真题)A) as far as B)as soon as C)so far as D)so long as正确答案:D。句意为:你可以出去,只要你答应11点之前回来。as far as / so far as 通常用在As far as/ So far as I knowAs far as/ So far as someone/something is concerned等句式中,试题如:As far as I can see,there is nothi

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