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高中英语 unit2 单元综合检测二 新人教版选修6Word格式文档下载.docx

1、每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6What day is it today?AMonday. BWednesday. CSaturday.7Why will John go to London?AHe has found a job in London.BHe will have a meeting in London.CSomething happened to him.听第7段材料

2、,回答第8至9题。8How much should the woman probably pay?A20 dollars. B17 dollars. C19 dollars.9What can we learn from the conversation?AThe woman has many questions.BThe man is rude to the woman.CThe museum will close within an hour.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10What does the woman worry about?AShe cant drink wine at

3、 all.BShe just knows one man at the party.CShe doesnt know how to talk with Paul.11Where does Paul work?AIn London.BIn New York.CIn Los Angeles.12What will happen next?AThe man will give a speech.BThe woman will sit beside Kathy.CThe woman will meet some new people.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13Why does the wo

4、man feel unhappy?ABecause she doesnt know what to do.BBecause she made so many mistakes.CBecause she quarreled with Mr.Green.14Who is Mr.Green?AThe womans boss.BThe womans husband.CThe womans neighbor.15What troubles the woman these days?AShe cant sleep well.BShe became so careless.CHer boss treats

5、her badly.16What does the man advise the woman to do?ATo say sorry to Mr.Green.BTo write a letter to her neighbor.CTo talk to her neighbor face to face.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17Why do children hate to go to school at first?ABecause they have no time to play.BBecause they have to do a lot of homework.CBec

6、ause they are not used to staying in an unfamiliar place.18What can children do at home according to the speaker?ADo everything they like.BPunish others if they like.CLearn a lot of knowledge.19What example does the speaker give?AA boy who cant work quietly.BA boy who doesnt do his homework.CA girl

7、who doesnt like to speak in the class.20What does the speaker mean at the end of the talk?AChildren should go to school to learn.BTeachers should be strict with children.CTeachers should pay attention to every student in school.答案:15ACBCB610CABAB1115BCCAA1620BCABA听力材料:(Text 1)W:Its cold today.Wed be

8、tter wear more clothes.M:Yes,I cant believe autumn is over and winter is here again.(Text 2)I like tennis so much.Whats your favorite sport?Hmm.Its hard to say.I like football a lot,but I think I like swimming best.Do you play much tennis?Yes,quite a lot.(Text 3)What seems to be the trouble?Well,I t

9、hink I am running a fever now.I see.Let me take your temperature.(Text 4)Do you think the teacher will see me before half past nine?He wont be here until eleven forty five.Is twenty to one OK?Yes,that would be OK.(Text 5)How do you like my new dress?It looks very beautiful.Im going to wear it at my

10、friends party tomorrow.Not a bad idea.But I prefer the light blue one that you wore at Jane s party last time.(Text 6)I sup pose youve heard about John?No.Has something bad happened to him?Oh,nothing bad.He has got the job that he likes best.Do you mean the job in London?Great! He has looked forward

11、 to getting it for the whole year.When will he leave then?Next Sunday.You mean a week from tomorrow?That is right.Im going to hold a party for him at my house next Monday evening.I hope you can come.OK.Now that he is going to live in London,I might get the chance to visit him.I hope he can find a bi

12、g house.(Text 7)Where to,Maam?Well,I want to go to the National Art Museum.Can you take me there?OK.No problem.Hmm,excuse me,how long will it take to get there?Well,that all depends on the traffic,but it wont take more than twenty minutes.Okay.Uh,sorry for asking,do you have any idea about how much

13、it will be?Oh,it will be less than 18 dollars,of course.By the way,do you know when the museum closes?Well,maybe around 600 oclock,I think.You still have enough time,Maam.OK.And do you have the time?Yeah.Its half past four.(Text 8)My God! There are so many people here,but I dont know anyone of them!

14、Take it easy! What would you like to drink,Mary?A glass of wine,please.Could you tell me one or two names?Of course.Can you see that man sitting at the table? His name is Paul and he is really a wonderful musician.He came from Los Angeles and is working here in New York now.Well,who is the woman sit

15、ting beside him? She looks very beautiful.Do you mean the woman who is wearing a red and white T Shirt?Yes.Well,she is Kathy.She runs a hotel in London,a very rich woman indeed.Come on,Ill introduce them to you.That s very kind of you.(Text 9)Well,Susan,you arent happy.Is there anything wrong with y

16、ou?Oh,Bill! Ive just had a quarrel with Mr.Green.Mr.Green! Why?Well,I have made three mistakes so far this week.Today I forgot to give him an important message,so he got really angry with me.How come? You are usually very careful and never make mistakes.Im just too tired.I dont know what Im doing.Re

17、ally? What seems to be the problem?Its my new neighbor.He always stays up with the radio on loudly and I cant get to sleep until very late.I want to ask him to turn it down,but I dont know how to say it.Well,if you dont want to talk to him face to face,write him a letter.Sounds good.Ill try.(Text 10

18、)Most children feel frightened when they first go to school,because they are not familiar with the school at all.Before that,they stayed at home with their parents.At home,children can do what they want.But at school they cant do all the things they like.Learning knowledge is the most important thin

19、g at school.At home,parents dont punish their children in front of many people,but at school,children will be punished in front of their classmates if they do something wrong.For example,if a boy doesnt finish his homework,the teacher will say “Why are you the only one in class who didn t finish the

20、 homework?” If a girl doesnt listen to the teacher carefully in class,the teacher will say “Why are you the only one who cant work quietly at your desk?” Whats more,at school,some children can not be noticed by the teacher very much because the teacher is too busy to take care of 50 to 70 students.H

21、owever,children can learn a lot at school.They cant learn so much if theyre not in school.第二部分词汇知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21The bride and bridegroom were _ wedding gifts when all lights went out and the hall fell into completely darkness.Apresenting Bexcha

22、ngingCoffering Dchanging解析:选B。考查词语辨析。句意:新郎、新娘正在交换结婚礼物,这时所有的灯都灭了,整个大厅里一片漆黑。present“授予、呈现”;exchange“交换”;offer“提供;提出”;change“改变”。22Snooker superstar Ding Junhui owes his great success to many people,his father _. Ain turn Bin particularCin return Din peace考查短语辨析。斯诺克超级明星丁俊晖把他的成功归功于很多人,尤其是他父亲。in turn“轮流”

23、;in particular“特别是;尤其是”;in return“作为回报”;in peace“和平地”。23John is very _.If he promises to do something hell do it. Aindependent BconfidentCreliable Dflexible选C。约翰非常的可靠,如果他许诺做某事他一定会做的。reliable“可靠的;可信的”,independent“独立的”,confident“自信的”,flexible“灵活的”。24After I covered sixty kilometers that day,my leg und

24、er me _.Agave in Bgave offCgave out Dgave away句意为:那天我走了六十公里路以后,我的腿撑不住劲了。give in放弃;gave off散发;gave out筋疲力尽,耗尽;gave away赠送;泄露。25The club is _ of those who like pop music.Apicked up Btaken upCmade up Dturned upbe made up of.由组成,符合句意。pick up“捡起;学会”,take up“占据;从事”,turn up“出现;调高”。26He comes from the North

25、,so the climate here doesnt _ him.Asuit BfitCmatch Dagree选A。考查词义辨析。他来自北方,因此这里的气候不适合他。suit可用于指时机、场合、条件等适合。而fit多指尺寸或形状合适,match“搭配;相配”,agree是不及物动词,不能直接加宾语,而agree with有“适合”之意。27It suddenly occurred to Anne that money couldnt _ all that Bob had suffered in the past five years.Amake up for Blook up toCput

26、 up with Dfit in with考查动词短语。make up for“弥补”。安妮突然想起金钱无法弥补鲍勃过去五年所受的罪。28For every step in the teaching design,it all gives the _ methods.Asevere BconcreteCenthusiastic Dcautious对教学设计的每一步,它都能给出具体的方法。concrete“具体的”,符合题意。severe“严重的”;enthusiastic“热情的,热心的”;cautious“小心的”。29This collection _ three parts: poems

27、,essays and short stories.Ais consisted of Bis made up of Cis made into Dis consisting of这本集子是由诗、散文和短篇小说三部分组合而成的。be made up of“由组成”,符合题意。consist of没有被动形式,一般也不用于进行时态;be made into“把做成”。30It is commonly accepted that a focus and concern on climate change is entirely _.Ahopeless BaccurateCactive Dapprop

28、riate选D。人们普遍认为对于气候变化的聚焦和关注是完全恰当的。 appropriate“恰当的”,符合题意。hopeless“无望的,绝望的”;accurate“准确的”;active“活跃的,主动的”。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Learning to AcceptI learned how to accept life as it is from my father._31_,he did not teach me acceptance when he was strong and healthy,but rather when he was _32_ and ill.My father was _33_ a strong man who

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