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第二章 如何发展段落修正Word文件下载.docx

1、 logic and rhetoric able to content.” Therefore, reading widely is necessary for a full man.本段中是主题句, -是扩展句,是结论句。下面具体讨论一下这四种句子的特点及写作技巧。一、主题句1、主题句的作用好段落就象作者为读者精心设计的一次愉快的旅行。主题句就是明确旅行方向的导游,负责向读者解释为什么旅行、旅行的目的是什么,即他们旅行将到达的地方(文章中心),以及如何旅行(写作方法)。如果段落中包含与旅行无关的信息,那这个段落就缺少统一性,读者就会不知所云。为了控制段落内容(有关旅行的细节),便于读者理解,

2、我们需要一个概括性强的主题句,不能太笼统也不能太具体。主题句应该包含所有引出主题的重要词汇,说明如何限定(突出)主题以及文章扩展的方式,如因/果分析法、比较/对比法、列举法等等。例如Say No to Pirated Products (2005.6 CET-6)一文:At present, piracy is becoming unprecedentedly visible in China. The phenomenon calls for serious concern and urgent solution. Many factors contribute to the widespr

3、ead piracy. To producers, the low cost of such products will guarantee their big profits. .To customers, they are happy to buy pirated products because of lower price. For example, .On the other hand, piracy has caused a great loss to legitimate producers, inventors and authors in many ways. To star

4、t with. In my opinion, its high time that we took some measures to deal with it. To the government, .To customers,文章一开头就指出盗版现象严重,最后一句主题句点明这一问题需要我们认真对待并解决,其中关键词concern 和solution确定了下文的写作方向及方式:分析原因、列举危害,探讨解决方案。第2段首句点明该段的主题是原因分析,第3段首句则说明段落内容是列举盗版的危害。最后结论段指出了解决办法。各段的主题句连在一起就是一个逻辑严密的短文提纲,没有任何与该题目无关的信息。2、有

5、效主题句的写作原则主题句是简练、明确地表明中心思想的句子,一般出现在段首,以开门见山点明主题,为读者提供掌握段落脉络的线索。下面以Traveling Abroad (2006.6 CET-6)为例说明有效主题句的写法:题目给出的三个提纲是: 1. 近十年来某城市越来越多人选择出去旅游2. 出现这种现象的原因3. 这种现象可能产生的影响1)主题句一定要根据布置的题目进行限定并适当突出。根据提供的提纲,第1段的主题句可以这样写:In recent years, people in growing numbers in city X are seeking to travel abroad.下文用数

6、据说明这一趋势。2)主题句必须要简洁、完整,使用陈述句形式,不能是词组。例如,第二段的主题句可以是There are several reasons for the shocking rise, 但不能用词组The reasons people like traveling abroad. 3)主题句不能是一个事实,应具有概括性,必须提出一个观点、一种意见或看法以便在下文中扩展、解释、说明;还可包括表明文章扩展方式和作者写作目的的信号词。 第二段的主题句There are several reasons for the shocking rise 就具有一定的概括性,暗示下文要列举出几个出国旅

7、游热的原因。相反,如果改为More people are going to travel abroad next May day holiday就变成了一个事实,无法在下文中展开、扩展。4)主题句只能集中写一个主题,表达一种观点,但可以有几个理由来支持。第三段的主题句是Beneficial as traveling abroad is, it may also bring about some negative effects. 就只有一个主题,即下文自然要总结出国旅游给我们带来的负面影响。5)主题句就象是作者对读者的许诺,不能许诺太多、太大,否则文章很难兑现诺言。如果第三段的主题句写成 Tr

8、aveling abroad has both positive and negative effects on our life.其中positive and negative effects advantages就属于许诺太多,一个段落内不可能把利与弊都论述清楚。6)主题句不应太笼统,因为宽泛的论断很难找到支持论据。 同样,如果上面的主题句写成Traveling abroad is very bad,其中bad一词就太笼统,很难找到支持论据。二、扩展句与转折句 段落中的扩展句和转折句是按照一定的叙述顺序围绕主题句的中心展开的承转句, “承”用于连接上一段;而“转”用来引出不同观点/意见。例

9、如:用于“承”的常用句型:1.First of all, .2. My idea (opinion/view/reason) may be expressed as follows.3. Why are/do/did.? For one thing,.One reason is.For another,.Another is. 4. There are various (many/different/a number of) effects (causes/reasons) for this sharp dramatic (marked /sharp/ change/decline/incre

10、ase) in.Firstly,.Secondly,. Finally,.用于“转”的句型:1. However, others argue that 2. As far as . is concerned, .3. Good (Superior/Wonderful )as A is, . it has its own disadvantages /brings its own problems, too.4. Although it is commonly held (widely felt/generally accepted)that., it is unlikely to be tru

11、e that.5. The advantages of B outweigh any benefit we gain from A.三、结论句1、结论句的作用结论句的目的是表明段落的结束,一定要与主题句、副主题句(即分论点)保持统一。有效的结论句应该不引出新的主题,要符合段落的逻辑,还要承认所有的主题。例如Reduce Waste on Campus (2004.1 CET-6)一文:In recent years, waste can be seen here and there on campusThis phenomenon has caused a wide concern.The w

12、aste produces harmful effects in many aspects.Therefore, it is high time that we had to reduce waste on campus. .文章开头段用实例说明目前有些校园内存在严重的浪费现象,第2段说明这一浪费带来的具体危害,最后一段的结论句总结上文,承认存在浪费现象(即第1段主题)及其危害(即第2段主题),指出我们应该减少浪费,解决这一问题(符合全文的逻辑:提出问题分析问题解决问题)。2、结论句的写作原则结论句要包含一个信号词,如In conclusion, Indeed, To conclude等。重述

13、限定的主题(解释说明)。总结主题(如可能,解释一下)。包括一个最终的评论(意见)。下面以How to Succeed in a Job Interview(2001.1 CET-4 CET-6)范文为例说明结论句的写作要领:Nowadays, the interview has become indispensable in seeking a job. Its success will determine whether you will get the job you applied or not. Then how to succeed in a job interview?There

14、are many factors involved. According to psychologists, it depends more on the first impressions you leave which is half a battle: how you look, how you sound and what you say are of great importance. . To conclude, no one can escape from the interview. Remember the above points, and you will succeed

15、 in the interview.不难看出,本文第一段的首句指出“the interview has become indispensable in seeking a job”(求职面试是找工作的必经之步),第二段指出“There are many factors involved”(有很多影响因素),最后一段的结论句“To conclude, no one can escape from the interview. Remember the above points, and you will get a final success. ”符合上面的四个原则:使用了信号词“To conc

16、lude”,重述限定的主题(job interview),总结了主题(人人都不能避免面试),并表明了一个最终的评论(记住上面几点,你就会面试成功)。巩固练习1:请根据题目、提纲及上下文提示并结合主题句和结论句的写作原则为下面文章各段选择出合适的答案:Topic 1: Why I Take the College English Test Band 6 (1996.1 CET-6)1. 有人认为没有必要参加大学英语六级考试(简称CET-6)。2. 我参加CET-6考试的理由。Why I Take the College English Test Band 6_1_. They hold this

17、 view because CET-6 is not compulsory and they can get a BA degree so long as they pass CET-4. Besides, it is very difficult and takes them much time and energy. However, I think it necessary and beneficial to take the test. _2_. If I decide to take CET-6 as one of my goals, I will work hard at it.

18、In the process of preparation my English will be improved greatly. Moreover, if I can pass CET-6, I will be awarded with a certificate which is one of advantages in my job hunting. For example, I can gain more chances to be employed by joint ventures to earn more and to broaden my horizon as well. T

19、he last reason is that the improvement of English may also facilitate my future study and research._3_. I will be happy to make preparation for it. 1. A. CET-6 is going to be held next Saturday. B. Some students think it unnecessary to take CET-6.C. Various opinions the students have concerning CET-

20、6.D. Many students dont want to take CET-62. A. My reasons for taking CET-6 are the following.B. I like to take CET-6.C. I have made up of my mind to take CET-6.D. The advantages of my taking CET-6.3. A. It is very good to take CET-6.B. There are also other different opinions.C. In short, taking CET

21、-6 is good to both my study and my personal development.D. I have decided to take CET-6.参考答案:1. 选B。选项A和D不具有概括性,都是事实陈述,无法在下文中展开,而且与下句中的They无法衔接;选项C是词组,不是句子,根本无法充当主题句。而选项B就具备了好主题句的条件,既具有概括性又表达了一种观点,而且与下文衔接合适。2. 选A。第1段的结尾句指出作者自己的观点参加六级考试不但必要而且有益,下文应该是原因阐述。因此选项B、C不适合做主题句,都是事实陈述,不具备概括性,而且与第1段的结尾句无法衔接。选项D

22、是词组,不能做主题句。选项A 既符合上下文逻辑,能与第1段的结尾句衔接,也具备好主题句的条件。3. 选C。首先,选项A、B、D都缺少表示结束文章的信号词。其次,选项A总结得太宽泛,选项B引出了另外一个话题,表明下文要叙述其他不同意见,这又违背了结论句的原则;选项D只概括/重复了上文一个主题,属于概括不全面。选项C符合结论句的写作原则,包含信号词In short,总结了上文两方面的内容good to both my study and my personal development,同时又与第1段的主题句形成呼应:it is necessary and beneficial to take th

23、e test. Topic 2: How to Succeed in a Job Interview? (2001.1 CET-4 CET-6)1. 面试在求职过程中的作用 2. 取得面试成功的因素:仪表、举止、谈吐、能力、专业知识、自信、实事求是How to Succeed in a Job Interview_1_. Its success will determine whether you will get the job you applied or not. Then how to succeed in a job interview?_2_. According to psych

24、ologists, it depends more on the first impressions you leave which is half a battle: how you look, how you sound and what you say are of great importance. In the first place, how you look makes up 55% of a first impression. This includes facial expressions, body language, and eye contact, as well as

25、 clothing and general appearance. Among those, clothing is the most important to show your respect to the interviewer and to leave the interviewer a good impression in the end. In the second place, how you sound makes up 38% of the first impression. This includes how fast or slowly, loudly or softly

26、 you speak. So make sure that you sound friendly, interested, confident and happy in answering any inquires in the interview. Finally, what you say counts for only 7% of the message. Therefore, attach more importance to your appearance and your expressions rather than your words. _3_. Remember the a

27、bove points, and you will succeed in the interview.1. A. Nowadays, the interview has become indispensable in seeking a job. B. The job interview is very important. C. The important role of job interview D. Im going to have a job interview next Monday.2. A. I think it necessary to follow the followin

28、g steps. B. Preparations you can make. C. There are many factors involved. D. There are different opinions concerning it.3. A. It is very necessary to have an interview. B. I will prepare according to what is mentioned above. C. Of course, there are other factors to be considered. D. To conclude, no

29、 one can escape from the interview.1. 选A。选项B 中的important概括得太宽泛,不适合做主题句;选项C是词组,也不符合主题句的要求;选项D是事实陈述,不具备概括能力。因此,选A:既有概括性(indispensable in seeking a job),又表达了一种观点,便于在下文中展开。2. 选C。此空白处的下文列举了三个成功要素,因此,选项A与整个下文在逻辑上搭配不合理,虽然该句具有概括能力,也表达了一种观点。选项B是词组,不能做主题句;同样选项D也起不到概括全段内容的作用,因为下文只给出一种意见:心理学家的观点。因此,只有选项C符合主题句的条件及上下文的要求,能很好地概括全段内容。3.选D。选项A、B、C都缺少表示结束文章的信号词。选项A只说出了第1段的部分内容,概括不全面。选项B与该段下文内容有重复,而且也起不到总结全文的作用。选项C引出了另外一个话题,表明下文要提及其他因素,违背了结论句的原则;选项D符合结论句的写作原则,包

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