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1、如何区分寒咳热咳及治疗防护HowtoidentifythecoldcoughHow to identify the cold cough, cough and thermal treatment protection如何区分寒咳、热咳及治疗防护Baby cough is plagued mom and dads a problem, 这篇文章有介绍食疗方法,确实不错,放在这或许有哪位爸爸妈妈也需要呢.This article has introduced dietotherapy method, is really quite good, put this may have which mom

2、 and dad also need.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -咳嗽有外感咳嗽和内伤咳嗽之分,而外感咳嗽又分风寒咳嗽和风热咳嗽,不同类型的咳嗽在用药上是完全不同的,食疗的方法也就不同。Cough have treated cough and internal cough of points and pathogenic cough and cold cough and wind hot cough points, different types of cough medicine in a completely different, dietothera

3、py method is different also.若弄反了冷咳与热咳治疗方法,寒痰用镇咳法则痰积在胸中,痰更咳不出来,会引发更严重之气喘;If the cold cough and get inverse heat treatment method, cold cough sputum use antitussive method is phlegmy in chest, sputum accumulate more cough does not come out, can cause more severe asthma,热咳若用袪痰法则会促进咳嗽的频率而更咳嗽不止。Hot cough

4、 if use eating phlegm method will promote the cough frequency and more coughed.治疗咳嗽并不困难,最要紧的是能完全掌握咳嗽的原因与过程,便能迅速治愈咳嗽。Treat cough is not difficult, the most important is to be able to fully grasp the cough reason and the process, can quickly cure cough.以下5种咳嗽父母可以先观察,不急送医院,可以通过食疗的方法缓解症状,治疗咳嗽:The follow

5、ing one of 5 kinds of cough parents can first observation, no hurry to a hospital, can pass dietotherapy method to alleviate the symptoms, treating cough:1. 虽有咳嗽、发烧,但精神好,大多是感冒或扁桃体炎。1 although have a cough, fever, but the spirit is good, mostly colds or tonsillitis.2. 感冒、发烧和咳嗽后又一直咳嗽。2. Cold, fever an

6、d coughed again has been coughing.3. 咳嗽、痰多,但不发热,精神好。3. Cough, phlegm, but not fever, spirit.4. 只发生在清晨的咳嗽。4. Occur only in the morning cough.5. 紧张时或运动后的轻微咳嗽。5. Nervous or after exercising slight cough.风寒咳嗽 :风寒侵袭,肺气失于宣降所致,多见于冬春两季。cold cough : chill invade, lung qi lost YuXuan drop caused by, see more

7、at winter and spring.寒咳表现:痰多色稀白,呈泡沫状,喉间有痰声,易咳出,且头痛,鼻塞,流清涕,或伴有怕冷、畏寒,无汗,舌淡红,苔薄白,脉浮紧。Cold cough performance: phlegm polychromatic thin white, show bubbles, s throat have phlegm sound, easy to produce and the headache, n&v snuffle, flow Ti, or with qing afraid of the cold, chills, without khan, tongue r

8、eddish, moss thin white, pulse float tight.寒咳最大的不同就是肺中有痰,耳朵贴靠病人胸壁,令病人用力呼吸,可听到气管内似水笛哮鸣声音,病人常会有胸闷,有时需要深呼吸来补充一下氧气。Cold cough is the biggest different lungs have phlegm, ear to rely on patient chest wall, make patient forcibly breathing, can hear endotracheal sishui flute wheezing voice, patients often

9、have a bosom frowsty, sometimes need deep breath to fill oxygen.严重者会有气喘的现象。Serious will have asthma phenomenon.这时应吃一些温热、化痰止咳的食品。Then should eat some warm, eliminating phlegm to cough food.一、寒咳治疗:当以发散风寒,宣肺止咳为治。A, cold cough treatment: when in divergent chill, xuan lung cough for cure.重要的是能促进排出气管内之痰,和

10、减少气管内的分泌,可选用三拗汤加减,药取麻黄、甘草各3克,杏仁、荆芥、前胡、桔梗、苏子、法夏、陈皮、桂枝、百部、白前各5克,水煎服,每日1剂。Important is to be able to promote the phlegm, platoon venting tube and reduce the endotracheal secretion, can choose three bend so as to breakstubborn tonga decrease, medicine take ephedra, liquorice every 3 grams, almonds, wate

11、rcress, former hu, balloonflower, SuZi, law, xia, dried tangerine or orange peel, cassia twig and 100 sites, white before each 5 grams, water frying uniform, daily 1 agent.中成药可选用杏苏止咳糖浆、小青龙口服液等。Proprietary Chinese medicine can choose apricot Sue cough syrup, small qinglong oral liquid, etc.二、寒咳护理:Sec

12、ond, cold cough care:1、夜间尽量不要开冷气睡,如开冷气应在摄氏25度左右,最好穿上袜子。One night, try not to turn on the air conditioner, such as open air conditioning should sleep in Celsius 25 degrees or so, had better wear socks.2、不穿敞领口的上衣睡。2, dont wear open collarband coat sleep.注意保护领至肩关节部位。Pay attention to protect brought to

13、shoulder area.3、少在家里赤脚行动,应穿上拖鞋。3, less at home, should wear slippers barefoot action.三、寒咳食疗:Three, cold cough dietotherapy:1.生姜+红糖+大蒜1. Ginger + brown sugar + garlic孩子患了风寒感冒,喝温热的生姜红糖水能起到很好的治疗作用,如果孩子同时还伴有咳嗽,可在生姜红糖水里再加23瓣大蒜一起煮,要用小火煮10分钟,把蒜头的辣味煮掉,这样孩子才肯喝。Children have chill cold, drink tepid ginger bro

14、wn sugar water can have very good therapeutic effect, if a child is accompanied by coughing, can be in ginger brown sugar water plus 2 3 cloves of garlic boiled together, with small fire boil for 10 minutes, the garlic spicy boiled away, so that the child will not drink.2.蒸大蒜水2. Steam garlic water取大

15、蒜23瓣,拍碎,放入碗中,加入半碗水,放入一粒冰糖,把碗加盖放入锅中去蒸,大火烧开后改用小火蒸15分钟即可。Take garlic 2 3 disc, pat broken, bowl, add half bowl of water, add a grain of rock sugar, the bowl affixed to the skillet to evaporate, fire boil switch to a small fire for 15 minutes.当碗里的蒜水温热时喂给孩子喝,大蒜可以不吃。When a bowl of hot water temperature wh

16、en fed garlic kids drink, garlic can not eat.一般一天23次,一次小半碗。General day 2 3 times, a smaller part bowl.大蒜性温,入脾胃、肺经,治疗寒性咳嗽、肾虚咳嗽效果非常好,而且方便简单,孩子也愿意喝。Garlic of temperature, lung, spleen, into the treatment of cold sex cough, kidney cough effect is very good, and convenience simple, children are also willing to drink.3.烤橘子3. Bake orange将橘子直接放在小火上烤,并不断翻动,烤到橘皮发黑,并从橘子里冒出热气即可。Will dir

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