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原创高中英语选修7 Module 5 Ethnic Culture知识点整理二Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、 (2)Have you ever heard of the trees that are homes_animals both on land and sea? (3)This plant is native of Taiwan.(改错) (4)His parents were born in Berlin;therefore they are both_Berliners. A.gifted B.excellent C.optional D.native (1)to (2)to (3)of改为to (4) v管理;经营;跑;流动;开动(机器等);褪色 Only you your

2、self can run your own life.只有你自己才能控制你的人生 We had the machine running for an hour.我们让机器运转了一小时。 The young man has no idea how to run a business.经营 Seeing us coming,they turned and ran.跑 Can you run the engine for a moment?开动,发动 Im afraid the colour ran when I washed your new skirt.褪色run out “用完了,用光了”,不

3、及物动词短语,主语为表示时间、金钱、食物等的名词。常用进行时。 Our supplies soon ran out.我们的补给很快就耗完了。 run out of“用完了”,及物动词短语,表主动含义,主语一般为人,也可为物。The truck has run out of gas.这辆卡车已用完了汽油。 一言辨异:She has run out of her money and her patience is also running out.她已经把她的钱花光了,并且她的耐心也要耗尽了。run away from迅速离开,逃离;避开,回避 Faced with the accident,it

4、s foolish to run away from ones after追赶,追逐 run for竞选 run across偶然遇见(某人) run into偶然遇到;遭遇(困难、难题);撞上(某人或某物) run over(车辆)碾过,压过;(快速)阅读/练习;(液体)溢出 run away with失去对控制;轻而易举;携潜逃 Dont let your enthusiasm run away with you不要让你的热情使你失去了控制。in the long/short run从长远/短期来看(run名词,意为“一段时间” )I unexpect

5、edly ran into him on the street yesterday evening昨天晚上我在街上偶然碰见了他。Suddenly he lost control of his bike and ran into a lamppost他突然控制不住自己的自行车,一下子撞到了电线杆上。 When I ran into a problem while making my model airplane, I asked my father for help当我在做飞机模型遇到困难时,我请我父亲帮忙。He has run into trouble in his job.他在工作中遇到了困

6、难。If you travel alone in that forest,you may run into danger如果你独个儿在那片森林里行走,你会遇到危险的。 (1)Im wondering why so many drivers choose to_when they cause an accident. across out away down (2)What else do you want to buy? I cant because my money has been_already. A.kept out away

7、 C.ended up out of (3)OK,Ive had enough of it.I give up.You cant_your responsibilities. off with up against out of away from (4)The two-year-old girl who was_twice and ignored by 18 people has finally died in a hospital. up away after over (5)“Yo

8、u cant catch me!”Janet shouted,_away. B.running run D.ran (6)OK,its time that we should leave.No.We cant_our position now. out of away from C.take away from D.take hold of (7)用run的相关短语填空 a)Well_fuel.Is there a gas station ahead? b)My summer vacation is_very quickly. c)He_from

9、the prison at night. d)He_the back of another car. e)Lost in thought,he almost_the car in front of him. f)His money has been_. g)If you_two hares,youll catch neither. h)In 2011,he_president. (8)How to_his business well is a question the manager often thinks about after inheriting the company from hi

10、s father. A.recite B.regard C.request (9)A ship loaded with expensive goods was reported_into the sea with its oil_. sink;given out have sunk;run out C.having sunk;used up have sunk;run out of (10)My money_(run)out soon,so I must go to the bank to withdraw some of my savings bef

11、ore I have none in hand. (11)Were advised not to leave the water_after using it. B.running run D.having run (1)C (2)D (3)D (4)D (5)B (6)B take away from从把带走 (7)a)run out of b)running out c)ran away d)ran into e)run into f)run out of g)run after h)ran for (8)D (9)D run out of与逻辑主语oil为动宾关系。

12、 (10)is running我的钱要用完了;因此在我用完之前我必须到银行取出一些积蓄。此处为现在进行时表示将来。(11)B10.custom n风俗,习惯,传统 the custom of doing sth做某事的风俗、习惯、传统 break a custom破坏习俗 keep up/follow a custom遵守习俗 Its the custom for sb to do sth是一种习惯/习俗 customs n海关,关税 customer n顾客,主顾 易混辨析:custom,habit和practice custom一般指整个社会长期形成的习俗。 habit一般指个人的行为习惯

13、 practice指习惯做法,惯例 用custom,habit,practice填空 a)It is the_in that country that people give each other presents at Christmas. b)It is accepted_to pay a deposit保证金 with ones order. c)He has a_of smoking after meals. a)custom b)practice 在预定时交付定金是一般的惯例 c) use在使用 be of use=be useful有用的 come into u

14、se开始被使用 make full use of(=make the most of=make the best of)充分利用 use up用光,用完 Its no use doing sth做某事没用/只是白费力气 It is no good doing sth做某事不好/没用/不行 putto/into use使用,利用(put sth to good use好好利用) have no use for不需要,用不着 The church was built in the 12 th century,and is still in use today. It is no use cryin

15、g over spilt milk.覆水难收 (1)语法填空When did telephone first come_use? (2)用use的相关短语填空 a)We must_every chance to speak English. b)All the dictionaries are_at the moment. (3)单句改错It is no use argue with Bill because he will never change his mind. (4)The new gene technology has been_since 2011. widely us

16、e B.widely using wide use D.wide used (5)May I use your language laboratory?Im sorry,but its_now. A.out of use use C.out of practice practice (6)Every possible means_(use)to prevent the air pollution,but the sky is still not clear. (7)If better use is_your free time,youll make greater

17、 progress. A.spent B.taken C.made of D.used of (8)用use短语填空 a)That textbook is no longer_. b)He has_his training_in that job. c)When did the word“data”_? d)We must_of the resources we have. e)You may have the book;I_for it any longer. f)Its_arguing with him. (1)into (2)a)make use of b)in use (3)argue

18、改成arguing (4)C (5)B (6)has been used (7)C (8)a)in use b)put;to use c)come into use d)make good use e) have no use f)no use12.put a spell on用咒符镇住;对施魔咒(以下类似结构) place an order for sth with sb和某人订购某物 put an end to使结束 The witch wants to put a spell on the little boy.这个女巫想对那个小男孩施魔咒Do you wish to place an

19、order for some tea with me now?你现在想跟我订购些茶吗? In this fantacy novel,the witch_the poor fisherman,who led a miserable life. A.placed an order for B.put an end to C.took for granted D.put a spell on D在这部魔幻小说中,这个女巫用咒符镇住了这个生活境遇悲惨可怜的渔夫。13.make a fool of sb愚弄某人 fool sb into doing sth哄骗某人做某事It+be+adj+of/for

20、sb to do sth结构 在 It+be+adj+of/for sb to do sth结构中,it是形式主语,to do sth是真正的主语;当形容词表示人的性质、特征时,用of引出逻辑主语,这类形容词有kind ,good,nice,clever,wise,foolish,stupid,silly,polite,rude,right,wrong,careful,careless,brave,honest,cruel等。It is kind of you to repair my bicycle.It was stupid of her to make such a mistake.It

21、 is unwise of him to go there alone.Its important for us to read English aloud.(1)No matter how bright a talker you are,there are times when its better_silent.A.remain remaining C.having remained remain(2)It is careless_the same mistake time and again一次又一次的,反复的A.for you to make B.for you m

22、aking C.of you to make D.of you making(3)_is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger ,more prosperous繁荣的 economy节约,经济.A.As B.That C.This D.It (4)The fact that she was foreign made_difficult for her to get a job in that B.much C.that is very nice_you

23、_us a present.A.of;buying B.of;to buy C.for;buying D.for;to buy(6)The doctor thought_would be good for you to have a holiday.A.this B.that feel_our duty to make our country a better B.this C.that dont you bring_to his attention that youre too ill to work on?A.t

24、hat C.this D.him(9)_felt funny watching myself on TV.A.One B.The C.It D.That(10)Was it on a lonely island_he was saved one month after the boat went down?A.where B.that C.which D.what(11)It was foolish_you to take a taxi when you could walk there in ten minutes.A.for B.of C.with D.up to(1)D (2)

25、C (3)D医疗保障方面的进步将使国家更强大与繁荣(这一观点)是我们的信念。(4)D (5)B (6)D (7)A (8)B你为何不让他注意到你病得无法继续工作的事实?bring sth to the attention of sb使某人注意某事(9)C it作形式主语,watching myself on TV作真正的主语。动词-ing形式作主语表示一般或抽象的多次行为。(10)B (11)B14.distant adj (1)遥远的,远离的,远隔的 The school is three miles distant from the town. (2)不相近的;不密切的She is a d

26、istant cousion of mine. (3)冷淡的,疏远的 Instead of stopping to speak,she passed by with only a distant nod. 她没有停下来说话,只是冷淡地点点头便过去了。 be distant from离遥远 be distant towards sb对某人冷淡 Shes always very distant towards Ann.她对安总是很冷淡。 辨析:in the distance和at a distancein the distance在远方(远距离),意思比较模糊和笼统,就指“在远处”,I see a

27、 light in the distance 我看见了远处的灯光I can see the bus coming in the distance. 我看见公共汽车从远处开了过来。at a distance以一定距离(在稍远处),隐含了一个比较的意思在里面,The picture looks better at a distance. 这幅画从稍远的地方看就更好。Tom,please watch TV at a distance.汤姆,请远一点看电视。除此之外,at a distance还可以跟of连用,后面跟一个具体的距离 The sound of the waterfall can be h

28、eard at a distance of 20 miles.瀑布的声音在距离它20英里远的地方就能听到。 distance n“距离”,还可意为“远处,远方;冷淡,疏远”;v使疏远 keep ones distance(与)保持距离Can you express this distance in kilometres?你能用千米表示这段距离吗?Because of his drinking, I kept my distance from him on social occasions.由于他嗜酒,我在社交场合中都同他保持距离。(1)Take your timeits just_short distance from here to_restaurant.A./;the B.a;the C.the;a D;/a (2)用 in the distance, at a distance of, at a distance或 from a

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