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1、6_富于7_数以百万计的8_由于;作为的结果9_冒险(做某事)10stay away from _11be unable to_12dare to_13_集中于;致力于14_既然15be deep in thought_16._尽某人最大努力17_在方面成功;顺利完成18_因而闻名19go on to_20in the field of_21_(婉辞)去世22work on_23lose the ability to_24remain in use_25be well known for_26make a decision_27first aid_28_一天又一天29based on_句型温故

2、1.现在我后悔吃了那么多面包圈。I regret eating _ donuts now.2“丹尼,你现在觉得怎么样?”“我这儿疼。”_ are you _,Danny?Ive got a pain here.3这位男士给了那位女士什么建议?_ did the man give to the woman?4你是怎样保护牙齿的?_do you take care of your _?5如果你养成吸烟的习惯,放弃它并不容易。If you get into the habit of smoking,its not easy to _6当简十岁的时候,发生了什么?What _ Jane when sh

3、e was ten years old?7我觉得我们应该努力养成好习惯来使我们保持健康,远离医院!I think we should try hard to form good habits _ we can stay healthy and _ the hospital!8.我不确定如何回答这些问题,但是我觉得我们应该尽我们最大努力去过一种美好和幸福的生活。Im not sure _ them,but I think we should _ a good and happy life.9他的梦想就是要种植一种像花生那么大的新型水稻。In the dream,he grew a new typ

4、e of rice that was _ a peanut.101938年,由于知道许多人在战争中濒临死亡,他决定去中国北部。In 1938,he _ to go to northern China because he knew many people were dying in the war.语法总览1.情态动词should和need的用法。2before,after,as引导的时间状语从句。3.who和that引导的定语从句。话题再现1.常用看病用语2谈论健康3.谈论伟人及他们的生活河北五年中考真题演练情态动词( )1.(2011年36题)You _ eat the soup if y

5、ou dont like it.Ashouldnt BmustntCneednt Dcan定语从句( )2.(2011年43题)The teachers _ came for a visit are foreigners.Awho BwhomCwhose Dwhich河北中考重难点突破 risk的用法【考点抢测】( )(2015唐山54中模拟)Taking _ needs great courage for many people.Arisk BrisksCrisk of Drisks of【考点剖析】risk意为“危险;风险;冒险”。(1)作动词时,常见的搭配为:risk ones life

6、 to do sth.冒着生命危险干某事;risk doing sth.冒险做某事。如:The lady risked her life to save the little girl.这位妇女冒着生命危险救那个小女孩。They were willing to risk losing their jobs.他们愿意冒失业的危险。(2)作名词时,常见的搭配为:at risk处境危险;at the risk of冒着的危险;take the risk(of) doing sth.冒险做某事。They all were at risk.他们都处境危险。They are at the risk of

7、being hurt by the cars when playing in the street.他们冒着被车撞的危险在街道玩耍。I dont want to take the risk(of) trying this.我不想冒险尝试这个。 regret的用法1My father _(regret) what he did the day before yesterday.2Five years later she regretted _(leave) her home.3I regretted not _(help) the old man stand up.4I regret _(say

8、) that he is badly ill.( )5.I _ that I cannot come.What a pity!Aforget BregretCremember Dapologize【考点剖析】(1)regret作为及物动词,意为“感到遗憾,表示歉意,懊悔”。为规则动词,重读闭音节词,现在分词为regretting,过去式、过去分词为regretted。regretn./pron.意为“后悔,对表示歉意”。If you dont do it now,youll only regret it.如果现在不做,以后一定会后悔的。regretthat/wh从句,意为“后悔,遗憾”。I h

9、ave deeply regretted what I said.我非常后悔说了那些话。regretto do意为“对感到遗憾”。We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.我们很遗憾的通知你,你的申请未通过。regretv.ing意为“后悔做了某事”。He bitterly regretted ever having mentioned it.他非常懊悔提起那件事。(2)regret作名词,意为“痛惜,懊悔,遗憾,失望”。She expressed her regret at/over the d

10、ecision.她对这个决定表示失望。 remain的用法( )Peter became a manager,but Jack _ a worker.Aremained BstayedCkept Dremaining(1)remain作动词,为不及物动词,但有两种意思,此时不能用进行时态,也没有被动语态:remain“剩下”、“余下”、“遗留”。Some of them have disappeared while others remain today.它们中的一些已经消亡,然而另外一些今天仍然存在。remain“留下”、“停留”、“呆在”,相当于“stay”。The children re

11、mained out because of the weather was fine.由于天气晴朗,孩子们继续呆在室外嬉戏。When the others had gone,Joan remained(stayed) to clean the room.别人走了,琼留下来打扫房间。(2)系动词:“保持”、“仍然是”,“依旧是”,后接形容词、名词、动词不定式、现在分词、过去分词、介词短语或形容词短语作表语,指某人或某事物仍保持某种状态。Whatever achievements youve made,you should remain modest.无论你取得多么大的成就,你都该保持谦虚。(3)

12、remaining形容词,“剩下的”、“余下的”,修饰单个名词作定语,置于该名词之前作前置定语,与left同义,但后者必须置于被修饰的名词之后作后置定语,如:She returned home with the remaining 10 dollars.She returned home with the 10 dollars left.她带着剩下的十美元回到了家。 辨析sleepy,asleep,sleeping和sleepsleep,sleeping,asleep,sleepy1Dont make a noise,grandpa is _2I didnt sleep well last n

13、ight,so Im feeling _3Keep quiet,dont wake up the _ child.4I was too excited to go to _( )5.The moment he lay down,he fell_Aasleep BsleepyCsleeping Dawakeasleep,sleeping,sleepy,sleep区别sleep n&vi.睡觉,睡眠。词组:go to sleepYou need to have a good sleep.你需要好好睡一觉。(n.)Last night I slept very well.我昨天晚上睡得很好。(v.)

14、sleeping是sleep的现在分词或动名词。作前置定语the sleeping car卧铺车厢 a sleeping bag睡袋 sleeping pills安眠药asleep adj.睡着的,作表语、宾语、补足语指状态。fall asleepThe children have been asleep.孩子们已睡着了。He was too tired and fell asleep at once.他太累了,立刻就睡着了。sleepy adj.作表语,意为“瞌睡的,困倦的”;作前置定语,意为“寂静的”。feel sleepyShe is always sleepy.她总是困倦的。He go

15、es to bed very late every day,so he often feels sleepy.他每天睡得很迟,因此经常感到困乏。 辨析include和including1我的工作包括做饭、打扫房间等。My work _ cooking meals,cleaning the house and so on.2我有很多工作要做,包括做饭和打扫房间。I have much work to do,_ cooking meals and cleaning the house.【考点剖析】辨析include与including二者都有“包含”的意思,但用法不同includevt.在句中作谓

16、语。includingprep.引导的介词短语在句中作状语,起补充说明的作用,前面可用逗号隔开。 辨析so that和sothat1我们学习起来如此努力,以至于都忘了时间。We study _ hard _ we forget the time.2他昨天起床很早,为的是能赶上第一班车。He got up early yesterday _ he could catch the first that 以便,为了引导目的状语从句。sothat如此以至于so后接形容词或副词,that 引导结果状语从句。sothat与so that(1)sothat意为“如此以至于”,so后接形容词或副

17、词原级,that引导结果状语从句。We study so hard that we forget the time.我们学习如此努力,以至于都忘了时间。(2)sothat还可以和tooto,not enoughto等结构互换。The girl is so young that she cant look after herself.The girl is too young to look after herself.The girl is not old enough to look after herself.这个女孩太小了,不能照顾自己。 辨析hurt,wound,harm和injure

18、hurt,wound,harm,injure1The driver _ himself badly in the accident.2Never do anything to _ the interests of the people.3The bullet _ him in the shoulder.4Smoking can _ ones health.【考点剖析】hurt,wound和harm,injure都有“伤”的意思,但各自的含义和用法不同。(1)hurt在句中作不及物动词,表示“痛”的意思。另外,还可表示“使人的肉体受伤而疼痛”,或“伤了人的自尊心或感情”。指肉体上的伤害时,hur

19、t可与badly,slightly,seriously等连用;但如果指精神上的创伤,只能说very much/rather/deeply hurt。其过去分词只作表语,不用作定语。hurt可以表示精神上的或肉体上的“创伤”。Xiao Li hurt herself when she fell down the stairs.小李从楼梯摔下来,跌伤了。My leg still hurts.我的腿还在疼。(2)wound可以作及物动词,表示“使受伤,伤害”;也可以作名词,表示“创伤,伤口”。He got wounded in action.他在战斗中受伤。注意:wound主要用于肉体上的“创伤”,

20、一般指严重的外伤,主要指在战场上受枪弹伤害。作为及物动词,它的宾语是整个人,而不是受伤的部位。He got wounded in battle.他在战争中受伤了。(3)harm可以作及物动词,表示“损害,伤害,危害”;也可以作名词,表示“损害,伤害”。harm指对人或事物造成危害,这种危害不一定是直接的,也不一定有痛楚。harm用于肉体或精神上的伤害均可,有时可指引起不安或不便,还可用于抽象事物,尤其是指不道德的事情。I have never harmed anybody.我从未伤害过任何人。(4)injure只能作及物动词,表示“伤害,损害,毁坏”。一般指由于意外或事故造成损伤,它常暗示受伤

21、部位的功能受到影响,而hurt的结果不一定影响机能的发挥。Drinking can injure ones health.喝酒对人的健康有害。河北中考考点精练.单项选择。( )1.(2015石家庄41中模拟)They develop their skills _ they can do things better and better.Aso that BhoweverCbecause Dsince( )2.(2016中考预测)Try your best _ with your parents and they will understand your decision.Ato talk Bt

22、alkCto play Dplay( )3.Liu Ying is good at singing.She sings _ the famous singer,CoCo.Aas well as Bas good asCas better as Das the best as( )4.(2016中考预测)We are supposed to _ a solution to stop people from looking down at their mobile phones while driving cars.Acome up with Bcome fromCcome out Dcome t

23、rue( )5.(2016中考预测)China is going to _ a manned space station around 2020 to explore more space.Aset up Bput upCwake up Dturn up( )6.They regretted _ these books from abroad.It took them a long time to wait.Ato order BorderingCorder Dordered( )7.Smoking is _ to oneAharm BharmingCharmless Dharmful( )8

24、.(2015邢台金华中学模拟)Dogs may do harm _ human beings.Afor BofCto Dwith( )9.(2015保定17中模拟)They managed to repair the _ houses after the rainstorm.Adamaged BhurtCinjured Dwound( )10.(2015唐山龙泉中学模拟)You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.Well,now I regret _ that.Ato do Bto be doingCto have don

25、e Dhaving done.(2016中考预测)完形填空。Do you write your own blog(博客)?Do you often _1_ others blogs on the Internet?All over the world,not only famous persons but also many students use blogs as diaries and places to share their experience and _2_ advice or help.“I write my activities every day,_3_ funny thi

26、ngs or worries in my life.” says Lali,a 16yearold high school student at Cambridge High School in Washington.“ I like putting pictures on my blog because it can make my blog more _4_ and more people will like it.Its a good way to _5_ my life to the world.” She has had her blog for eight months.Students like writing blogs _6_ they can write anything they want to,but dont need to _7_ any money.Once(一旦) you start to write your blog,you will _8_ that you open up a new world.But what you write down may trouble you _9_So,use the blo

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