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1、 A. dont know B. dont think C. think D. didnt know 6. - Did your father work in America in 2000? - . He worked in Australia. A. No, he doesnt B. Yes, he does24 C. No, he didnt D. Yes, he didw 7. Where your uncle ten years ago?t A. is; working B. does; work C. did; work D. do; workh 8. The key was on

2、 the table. The little boy was not to reach it.Y A. tall enough B. short enough C. enough tall D. enough short6 9. - Youd better keep the secret to , Millie and Lily.O - OK, Amy. You should keep it for , too?5 A. yourself; you B. myself; yourselfI C. you; ourselves D. yourselves; usa10. - There are

3、dark clouds, and the wind is blowing strongly.h - It that a typhoon is coming.P A. feels B. sounds C. seems D. looks611. - Is there here?y - Yes, Im upstairs. Please come and help me.6 A. anybody B. nobody C. everybody D. somebody812. - Is there in todays newspaper?Z - Yes, our National Table Tennis

4、 Team won all the seven gold medals once more.k A. something new B. anything new4 C. somebody special D. anybody special013. I feel my stomach terrible. I think I ate at lunch time.A A. something bad B. something goodf C. bad something D. good somethingA14. My aunt is going after retirement(退休).= A.

5、 quiet somewhere B. somewhere noisy= C. somewhere quiet D. beautiful somewhere15. Ma Lin stop training he was too tired. A. doesnt; until B. won until C. don until D. didn16. you Beijing last summer holidays? A. Do; visit B. Are; visiting C. Did; visit D. Were; visit17. Your sweater looks beautiful.

6、 Where it? A. do; get B. did; get C. will; get D. have; got18. The young man is to carry the heavy stone. A. enough B. too strong C. so strong D. strong enough19. - Cindy, is it OK to leave you at home by ? - Of course, mum. A. myself B. herself C. yourself D. yourselves20. The old man to have known

7、 the good news. A. needs B. wants C. seems D. sounds二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分)21. The performance was so w that everyone gave a long and loud applause(鼓掌).22. Mr. Green does the same work every day. He feels very b .23. The children can do all kinds of a in the park.24. The Grand Canyon is one of t

8、he w of the natural world.25. Danny is h . He wants to eat.26. I d this kind of music; its too loud.27. Its really cold today. The temperature is b 0.28. Its polite for us to w in line at the station.29. Can you find the ten d between the twin sisters?30. I just s at home m of the time to read and r

9、elax.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;31. Hainan Island is a (极好的) place to take a holiday in Summer.32. Grandpa feels (烦闷的) these days.33. Students should be careful when they are taking some of the outdoor (活动).34. - Do you keep (日记) in English, Peter?- Yes. I think its helpful to me to improve my English

10、.35. He (决定) to enter the garden, but he failed.36. I (想知道) where Kim is now.37. (等) for her made me angry.38. If youre (饥饿的), you can buy some food in it.39. - Where is your (雨伞)?- Its in my schoolbag.40. Here are their likes and (不喜欢).四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;41. Where did you (去度假)?42. 上周因为天气不好,他们没有

11、举行运动会。They didnt hold the sports meeting last week the bad weather.43. 警察决定在天黑前进入那个房子。(词数不限)The policemen that house before it got dark.44. 昨天的天气怎么样? the weather yesterday?45. 我们没有事情告诉你。We didnt have to tell you.五、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) 46 American families like to have a 47 in summer. Summer is a good se

12、ason for vacation. It is often hot in July and August. 48 do not go to school in those two months. Some people like 49 at home, read books, or watch TV. Many 50 take their lunch to eat at a place with many trees or a nice lake. Some people have 51 time and money to travel to other countries like Fra

13、nce, Japan and Australia. They usually fly to these countries. Many families travel 52 car or train to see 53 places in their own countries. Their 54 cities are New York, Chicago, Miami, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Not everyone 55 to go to busy cities. Some families travel to mountains or beautif

14、ul valleys(山谷).46. A. Much B. A little C. A lot D. Most47. A. rest B. vacation C. party D. drink48. A. Child B. Childs C. Children D. Childrens49. A. stay B. stayed C. stays D. to stay50. A. family B. familys C. families D. familyes51. A. many B. enough C. a few D. a lot52. A. by B. on C. ride D. ta

15、ke53. A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interests54. A. like B. dislike C. favorite D. favorites55. A. like B. liking C. likes D. liked六、阅读理解(共18小题;共36分)AFirst Airplane TripBy Sara Matson Jake is going on a trip. He and Mom take a taxi to the airport. Its my first plane trip, he tells the

16、taxi driver.Thats great! the taxi driver says. Jake rolls his suitcase onto the plane. he tells the pilot.Welcome aboard, the pilot says. Jake finds his seat and buckles his seatbelt. The planes engines rumble and roar Jake opens his backpack and pulls out Panda. he whispers. He holds Pandas paw. Th

17、e plane moves faster and faster. ThenWhoosh! On the ground, cars and houses look like toys. Jake smiles. Guess what, Panda? he says. Flying is fun!56. How does Jake and his mom travel to the airport? A. In a plane. B. In their car. C. In a taxi. D. In a bus.57. This is Jakes trip, he feels fairly A.

18、 last; happy B. first bus; worried C. first plane; excited D. last; frightened58. Who is Panda? A. Jakes brother. B. A large animal. C. Jakes pet. D. A toy animal.59. Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined words? A. 发出轰隆隆的声音 B. 滚动着 C. 发出咕咕的声音 D. 开始工作60. Read this sentence from the story: On the

19、 ground, the cars and houses look like toys. What does this mean? A. The cars and houses looked very big. B. The cars and houses looked very small. C. The cars and houses did not move. D. Jack could not see the cars and houses.B Why did people go to America? Over 3000 years ago, people from northern

20、 Asia went to America. Today, we all call these people Indians. The Indians went to America because the weather began to change. Northern Asia became very cold. Everything froze. They had to move or they would die. How did the first Indians go to America? They walked! Later Columbus found the New Wo

21、rld in 1492. At first, only a few Europeans followed. They travelled to America in boats. For the next 300 years, about 500,000 people went there. Then the number grew very quickly. From 1815 to 1915, over 32,000,000 Europeans went to the U.S.A. Among them there were people from France, Italy and ot

22、her countries. These Europeans spoke many different languages. Most of them took almost no money. They went to America to find a better life.61. went to America first. A. People from northern Asia B. People from Italy C. People from France D. Columbus62. Why did Indians go to America? Because A. nor

23、thern Asia became very hot B. northern Asia became very cold C. they liked America D. they liked travelling63. The first Europeans went to America A. on foot B. by bike C. by boat D. by train64. These Europeans A. didnt speak the same language B. spoke English only C. spoke French only D. spoke both

24、 English and French65. The Europeans went to America to A. find the New World B. find a better life C. build more boats D. learn EnglishC For many years, Hawaii has been a magic name to people who like to travel. People, both in Japan and in America, dream of seeing this beautiful island in the midd

25、le of the Pacific Ocean. Their dreams always include the sunset over the ocean. The sun drops like a ball of golden fire into the sea and it drops so quickly that you can almost see it move. The sun leaves behind a glow that lights the skies and shines in the quiet water. People often have a quiet,

26、peaceful time while walking along the beach. The first strangers to these islands centuries ago were Polynesian people who came from Tahiti in canoes. Now no matter where the people come from , they really want to see the original. beauty of Hawaii. They want to see the lovely beaches and the mounta

27、in called Diamond Head which is almost hidden by the tall hotels.66. Hawaii is a name A. given by people who like to travel B. attracting a lot of travelers C. with a magic story behind it D. liked by both Japanese and American67. On these beautiful islands every traveler will not want to miss A. to

28、 swim in the quiet water B. to see the tall hotels C. to walk along the beach D. to see the sunset68. The best title of this passage is A. Islands B. Hawaii, a Magic Name C. Travelling in Hawaii D. The Magic BeautyD A memorial was put up in California. The memorial was put up to remember a small boy. The boy was killed when his family was on vacation in Italy. After the boy died, his parents donated(捐赠) his body parts. T

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