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本文(精选初中八年级上册英语Module1 Amazing thingsUnit1Encyclopaedias牛津版知识点练习第七十Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

精选初中八年级上册英语Module1 Amazing thingsUnit1Encyclopaedias牛津版知识点练习第七十Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、She won the match. All the students felt happy for her.A、became interested inB、lost herself inC、got the first place inD、became excited about 第4题【单选题】The list includes many British guests.A、givesB、getsC、contains 第5题【单选题】People in Britain killed a lot of wolves hundreds of years ago.So wolves died out

2、 at that time. We can no longer see wolves in Britain now.A、lostB、leftC、disappeared 第6题【单选题】Listen! Do you hear _?No, its quiet. Whats wrong with you?A、anythingB、somethingC、nothingD、everything 第7题【填空题】阅读短文, 然后用短文括号中所给词的适当形式填空。Astronauts used to only have freeze-dried powders and semi-liquid pastes(冻

3、干粉和半液状的糊糊)for meals. Now US scientists want to grow vegetables in mini-greenhouses on the Moon. They look forward to_(provide) astronauts or space travelers with fine dinners of fresh vegetables in the future.Paragon, a company that works with NASA, has designed the Lunar Oasis(月亮绿洲).Lunar Oasis is

4、a small greenhouse. It looks like a bell jar put into a 46cm-tall frame. The frame is designed to protect plants while they grow on the Moon.They plan to send the small greenhouse into space _(successful) in 2020. Scientists will put brassica(芸苔)seeds like acabbage in the greenhouse. Because this ki

5、nd of vegetable goes from seed to flower in just 14 days, it can complete _(it) life cycle in just one night on the Moon.The Moon greenhouse has been compared to an experiment at the South Pole. The South Pole greenhouse, now in its_(five) year, allows workers living in the coldest place on Earth to

6、 have _(tomato), lettuces, strawberries and herbs.Living on the Moon seems so far away, but it is _(importance) that we do this research now, said Jane Poynter, the president of Paragon. 第8题【填空题】阅读短文, 然后从方框中选出可以填入文中空白处的单词.used, just, line, heard, happy, came, piece,from, wellWe can often see dog own

7、ers taking their dogs for a walk. But have you _of taking penguins(企鹅) for a walk? Here is a _of news from Japan. In Tokyo Zoo, penguins go out for a walk in_every day. It is said that this can make them happy and stop them_being homesick(想家的). The penguins in the zoo didnt eat _and were not kind to

8、 workers when they first came to the zoo, maybe they were not _to the life in the zoo. So the zookeepers_up with this good idea.They_let them walk as they did in South Pole. Now, all these penguins have become _. 第9题【阅读理解】阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AAs a teenager, I felt I always let people do

9、wn.Once I left home for California with my friend Penelope. The trip wasnt easy, and there were many times I didnt feel safe. When I returned home, I was different, not so sure of myself.I was happy to be home. But then I notice that Penelope, who was staying with us, was wearing my clothes. And my

10、family seemed to like her better than me. I told my mom, and she replied that Penelope was a lovely girl, but no one could replace (替代) me. I pointed out, She is more patient and is neater than I have ever been. But my mother made me realize (意识到) that even with my mistakes, I was a loved member of

11、the family who couldnt be replaced. When I became older day by day, I came to feel much more sure that no one can ever take my place.Each of us holds a unique(独一无二的 ) place in the world. You are special, no matter what others say or what you may think. So forget about being replaced. You cant be.Why

12、 did the writer go to California?A、To take a trip.B、To visit friends.C、To take part in a party.D、To see a movie.What did the writer think of being at home after the trip?A、Sad.B、Excited.C、Glad.D、Bored.Who thought no one could take the writers place?A、Her friend.B、Her mother.C、Her father.D、Her sister

13、.Which of the following is NOT true?A、Penelope was the writers friend.B、The writer thought Penelope wasnt patient.C、The writers mother thought Penelope was lovely.D、The writer became sure of herself when she was older.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A、A thing in my childhood

14、.B、My friend and I.C、My mother and I.D、Everyone is unique. 第10题【阅读理解】阅读理解BLast week, scientists said they discovered a new birdlike dinosaur. With feathers, a beak (鸟嘴) and long legs, it looked pretty funny. This kind of dinosaur was 3 meters (10 feet) long, and it was higher than most humans. It al

15、so had sharp claws (爪子).Fossil hunters dug out the bones of this species in a rocky place of southwest North Dakota. The scientists nicknamed this dinosaur the Chicken from Hell. They also gave it a more formal name: Anzu Wyliei. Anzu was a mythical (神秘的) fire-breathing bird. Wylie is the dinosaur-l

16、oving grandson of a man who supports the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, Pa. Scientists at that museum were part of the team that told the new dinosaur in a paper published on March 19 in the journal PLOS ONE. The Anzu dinosaur is based on a surprisingly nice specimen(样品), and past

17、 digs turned up this animal, a scientist told Science News for Students.What did the dinosaur look like?A、A cow.B、A bird.C、A dog.D、A fish.Which of the following is TRUE about the dinosaur?A、The dinosaur had no mouth.B、The dinosaur was 2 meters long.C、Hunters found the dinosaur in the southwest East

18、Dakota.D、Its nickname was the We can know from the passage that _.A、Wylie likes dinosaurB、the name Anzu wyliei comes from a mans nameC、the Carnegie Museum of Natural History gave money to the dinosaurs studyD、the specimen is very usualStudents are able to get more information about the dinosaur from

19、 _.A、Science News for StudentsB、the Carnegie Museum of Natural HistoryC、PLOS ONED、scientistsThe writer wrote the passage to_.A、tell us a discovery of a new kind of dinosaurB、tell us what the new dinosaur looked likeC、tell us who found the new dinosaurD、tell us how people found the new dinosaur 第11题【

20、翻译】人能思考和说话,但动物不能。(human being) 第12题【补全对话】 第13题【书面表达】你知道马克吐温吗? 他是美国著名的作家, 他写了许多著名的小说。请根据下面的中文提示, 写一篇英文短文介绍一下马克吐温。要求: 语法正确、逻辑合理, 80词左右, 可根据提示内容适当发挥。提示:1). 美国著名的作家,写了许多著名的小说;2). 1835年出生于佛罗里达的乡村, 4岁时全家搬到城里, 12岁时父亲去逝;3). 从童年就开始工作, 做过不同的工作。他最著名的小说之一是汤姆索亚历险记;4). 他写作的才能并不是从小就有, 而是来自于他个人的经历。生词提示:马克 吐温Mark Twain, 小说novel, 佛罗里达Florida,汤姆索亚历险记The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, 个人的经历personal experiences

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