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1、limit absolutely坚决地限制limit appropriately适当地限制limit conventionally按常规限制limit definitely明确地限制limit deliberately故意限制limit desperately不顾一切地限制limit disastrously灾难性地限制limit earnestly非常认真地限制limit economically经济上地限制limit eternally永久地限制limit fastidiously挑剔地限制limit generally一般地限制limit immediately立即限制limit ind

2、irectly间接限制limit insufficiently不严格地限制limit intentionally有目的地限制limit interestingly有趣地限制limit irrefutably无可辩驳地限制limit irrevocably无法改变地限制limit laboriously吃力地限制limit logically情理之中地限制limit markedly明显地限制limit mercilessly无情地限制limit morally道义上限制limit obviouslylimit originally最初限制limit practically实际上限制limit

3、quietly悄悄地限制limit recklessly不顾后果地限制limit reluctantly不情愿地限制limit rigidly严格地限制limit ruthlesslylimit satisfactorily令人满意地限制limit savagely野蛮地限制limit scathingly不留情地限制limit scientifically科学地限制limit scurrilously以下流方式限制limit skillfully熟练地限制limit speciously特别地限制limit spectacularly特殊地限制limit starklylimit super

4、ficially表面上限制limit tactfully巧妙地限制limit technically技术上限制limit theoretically理论上限制limit thoroughly全面地限制limit tyrannically专横地限制limit unaccountably莫名其妙地限制limit unexpectedly出乎意外地限制limit uniformly一致地限制limit unquestionably毫无疑问地限制limit unreasonably不合理地限制limit uselessly无用地限制+介词limit at 6000限制在6000名limit by se

5、x受性别的限制limit in number数目限制limit in time时间有限limit in ways办法有限limit to限制在之内 常用短语limit to(v.+prep.)(把)限制在,局限于 keep number or quantity at a low level;control or keep down tolimit sb/oneself/sth to sthWe must limit the expenses to 100 a month.我们必须把开支限制在每月100美元。We must limit the expense to what we can aff

6、ord.我们必须把开销限制在不超出我们经济能力的范围内。He limited each person to one cup of tea.他限制每人只喝一杯茶。We limited our talk to ten minutes.我们把我们的谈话限定在10分钟之内。Lets limit our discussion to this subject.咱们只讨论这个话题吧。Our monitor will limit each speaker to five minutes.我们班长将把每人的发言时间限定在5分钟以内。I shall limit myself to three aspects of

7、 the subject.我将从三个方面来讨论这个问题。The author will limit himself to discussion of these two topics.作者只准备讨论这两个题目。 用于be ed结构The reception will be limited to a few close friends.欢迎会只限于几个密友参加。Each customer is limited to four tickets.每人限购4张票。Speeches were limited to ten minutes each.每次发言限定在十分钟以内。The content of

8、our discussion today is not limited just to grammatical questions.我们今天讨论的内容不限于语法问题。The edition is limited to 1000 copies.这一版书限出1000册。 句型例句用作及物动词S+n.He must limit the number of cigarettes he smokes.他必须限制他抽烟的数量。We must limit his spending.我们必须限制他的开销。The government plans to limit military

9、计划限制军费开支。Dikes limited the flood water.堤防挡住了洪水。I should hate to be limited within the four walls of an office all day.我讨厌整天关在办公室里。As space is limited, it is impossible to publish all the messages we have received.限于篇幅,来函不能一一刊登。He found that his English was too limited.他发现他学的英语太有限了。He is limited in h

10、is knowledge of world affairs.他的国际事务知识有限。My power is limited.我的权力有限。其他v-ed as Attrib.He is conscious of his limited achievements.他知道自己的成就很有限。Considering their limited human resources, they tackled first things first.考虑到人力有限,他们首先解决最迫切的问题。 词语辨异limit, confine参见confine条。 正误解析1.他只准备讨论这个题目。误 He will limit

11、 himself to discuss this topic.正 He will limit himself to a discussion of this topic.我只准备谈半小时。 Ill limit myself to talk half an hour.ll limit myself to talking half an hour.析 表示“将某人或某事限制在”,应该说limit sb/sth to.,其中to是介词,而不是动词不定式的标记,后面可以跟名词或动名词作介词to的宾语。2.她的食物仅限于面包和水。 Her diet was limited only to bread a

12、nd water. Her diet was limited to bread and water. 用了be limited to(只限于),再用only,就属多余了,可以把only删去。 补充资料同义词n. check, confine, hinder, restrain, restrict词源 中古法语limite(门槛,界限) n.lmt( limits ) C1. 限度,限制 the farthest point or edge, which cant or must not be passed U2. 极限,极点 the most that is allowed1.limit的基本

13、意思是“限度,限制”,指事物在某些方面(如空间、时间、程度、数量等)划定的不可逾越的界限。用于比喻则指由自然界、权威当局或协定、合同等规定的期限,其前通常加不定冠词;也可指“无法忍受的人,糟糕得令人难以忍受的事”,此时常与定冠词the连用。2.limit常与介词to连用,表示“对的限度”。3.limit还可作“范围”“境界”解,此时多用复数形式。动词+cut out the age limit取消年龄限制fix the limit确定限度go beyond the limit超过限度go the limit走极端,(球赛)打完全场(全局)increase the limit提高限度mark t

14、he limits标出界线pass the limit超过界限place the limit局限于push sb to the limit逼迫某人到无法容忍的地步,逼使某人竭尽全力put a limit进行限制reach the limit达到极限set a limit规定限度形容词+broad limit宽的限度certain limit一定的限度final limit最后限度narrow limit窄范围的限制normal limit正常界限proper limit适当限度strict limit严格限制true limit真正的限制名词+age limit年龄限制city limit市区

15、范围danger limit危险界限safety limit安全线speed limit极限速度time limit时限weight limit极限重量limit value极限值介词+above the limit超出限度below the limit未超过限度beyond the limitover the limitto the limit到顶点within limit在一定的范围内limit on对的限制limit to everything对一切的限度limit to mans energy人的精力的限度limit to the expense of the trip旅费多少的限度s

16、et a limit对加以限制 of greatest amount be allowed or possibleWe set a limit to the expense of the trip.我们规定了这次旅游的费用。We have had to set limits on camping, hiking and river running.我们曾经不得不对野营、徒步旅行以及快速行舟加以限制。within (the) limits不超出限度 not beyond a certain point, amount, time, etc.Keep within the limits of th

17、e school campus.不要走出校门。Wed better keep our spending within reasonable limits.我们最好将我们的开支控制在合理的限度之内。Do within the limits of what the teacher has asked you to do.按老师对你们说的去做。Im willing to help, within limits.我愿适当予以帮助。Everything has its limit.凡事都有个界限。His car exceeded the speed limit.他的汽车超过了限定的速度。The bank

18、 has written to say Ive gone over my credit limit.银行写信来说我已经超过信用限额了。His ambition knows no limits.他的野心是无止境的。I cant walk ten miles,I know my limits.我走不了10英里,我知道自己体力的限度。He tried my patience to its limits.他把我逼得忍无可忍了。That is within the limits of my authority.这是我权限之内的事。As we grew older, we learn the limits

19、 of our abilities.当我们年龄越来越大时,就会知道自己能力有限了。He reached the limit of his resources.他已经无计可施了。It reached the limit of his patience.他到了忍无可忍的地步。ll help as much as I can, but theres a limit to what I can do.我会尽力帮忙,但我所能做的也是有限度的。This is their way of telling her that there was a limit to what she could expect t

20、hem to do for her.他们是这样告诉她的:她期望得到帮助是有限的。He sees no limits to mans progress.他认为人的进步是无限的。There is no limit to the childs imagination.那孩子的想象力是无限的。There isnt a limit to everything.并非对每件事都有限制。This is the third time in a week that the electricity supply has been cut offit really is the limit.这已经是一个星期内第三次停

21、电了,真叫人无法忍受。Youre the limit!Cant you make your mind up!你真叫人受不了,难道你就不能作个决定。limit, border, boundary, bounds参见border条。limit, bound, confine这三个词的共同意思是“限制,范围”。其区别是:1.limit指对空间、时间、程度、数目等划定的界线或极限,这个limit不允许超过或越过划定的界线或极限。limit也指由自然界、权威当局或协定、合同等规定的期限;bound多指受到实际上存在的或设想的某种界线的限制,常用复数形式。例如:His business is confin

22、ed within narrow limits.他的生意限定在很窄的范围之内。She could never keep her temper within bounds.她不能控制她的脾气。2.confine与bound意思很接近,但是bound通常含有从界限之内看问题的意思;confine则含有“禁闭”或“把限制在范围内”的意思,常用复数形式。The sick boy was kept within the confines of the house.这个得病的男孩被关在屋子里。我的耐心是有限度的。 There is a limit of my patience. There is a limit to my patience. 表示“对的限度”,应该说a limit to,其中介词to不能换用of。

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