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1、which Dmedals;as5 Does_matter if an engineer is a man or a woman?Athat BitCthis Dwhat6 Everyone stood up_the hero came into the lecture hall.Awhile BinstantCevery time Dimmediately7 Is that the small town you often talk about?Yes,just the one_ I used to work for years.Athat BwhichCwhere Dwhat8 He fi

2、nally bought several books by Tom,_is one.Awhich of them Bwhich of whoseCof which this Dany of them9 Dr.King won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 for his achievement and_.Ahonor BvictoryCcourage Dfailure10As soon as the children were_,their mother got them out of bed and into the bathroom.Awoke BwakenC

3、wake Dawake11Jim was so badly burnt that at first they began to_of his life.Adespair BdesignateCdisappoint Ddespise12New mineral resources may be discovered during the forthcoming Antarctic_.Aexcursion BexecutionCextraction Dexpedition13Driving a car without insurance can have_consequences.Auncertai

4、n BdisastrousCpotential Dunworthy14_inviting guests and not treating them properly!AStrangely BFantasticallyCSurprisingly DFancy15If the boy had_the dog alone,it wouldnt have bitten him.Aset BleftChad Dput.完形填空A man died and was on his way to another_16_either the heaven or the hell.He saw an extrem

5、ely_17_palace half way and the owner of the palace_18_him to stay and live in the palace.The man said,“I have been working_19_during my life and now I just want to eat and sleep_20_any 16Aworld Bhouse Cplace Dhospital17Asummer BfairytaleCroyal Dsplendid18Aasked Bwarned Cforced Ddemanded19Acomfortabl

6、y BhardChonestly Dunpaid20Aapart from BbesidesCwithout Dout ofwork.” The owner of the palace said,“_21_,there is nowhere else better than here for you.There is a wealth of _22_in my palace and you can eat whatever you want without anyone_23_you._24_,you can rest assured(放心) that _25_needs to be done

7、 by you.” Then,the man settled down in the palace.At the beginning,the man felt very _26_at the rotation(轮流) of eating and sleeping.But _27_,he felt a bit lonely and void.So he went to the owner and groaned,“It is very _28_to live by just eating and sleeping every day.Now I show no _29_in this kind

8、of life any more.Could you help me find a _30_?”The owner replied,“ _31_,there is no job here at all.”After another several months,the man could not_32_the present life and went to the owner_33_.“I really could not stand this sort of life any more.If you do not offer me a job,I would_34_to go to the

9、 hell instead of living here.” The owner of the palace smiled contemptuously(轻蔑地),“Do you think it is Heaven here? It is _35_the hell!21AIf any BIf soCIf necessary DIf possible22Ajewels BtastesCbooks Dfood23Astopping BaskingCnoticing Dmeeting24AHowever BOtherwiseCAnyway DMoreover25Aanything Beveryth

10、ingCnothing Dsomething26Asurprised BhappyCmad Dfrightened27Aeasily BcarefullyCconfidently Dgradually28Astrange BenjoyableCboring Drelaxing29Ainterest BtrustCpatience Dcuriosity30Apartner Bway outCmeaning Djob31AThats right BCheer upCSorry DNever mind32Abear BloseChandle Drisk33Aindeed BalreadyCalway

11、s Dagain34Ahope BpreferCpromise Dexpect35Ano longer BalsoCactually Dstill.阅读理解ADo you know that vegetables can grow in the climates they are not used to?Cool climate vegetables like asparagus(芦笋) are now able to be grown in places a shot as Hawaii.In Hawaii,marine(海的) engineers have been able to act

12、ually let you believe such vegetables that they are living in cooler climates.In that way they grow faster and taste better.What these engineers have been using is very simply cold sea water.How did they use it? They place pipes in the soil and cold water flowing through them cools the earth.This ca

13、uses plant grow and enables gardeners in tropical climates(热带气候) to grow crops from cooler climates.Also some of these pipes are exposed to the air and they make the air “wet” and thus water the gardens.What especially makes people happy about this process is that nothing to the natural conditions i

14、s being used.Another new use for cold ocean water is to cool buildings.Engineers believe that for example the entire west coast of the United States could be airconditioned using sea water.36What does the new system enable the gardeners to do?AWater the field with sea water.BGrow asparagus in hot pl

15、aces.CGrow cool climate vegetables in hot areas.DCool the soil.37Sea water mentioned in the passage is mainly used to_.Awater the farmsBwater the gardensCcool the airDmake the earth cool38What is the report mainly about?AHow to grow vegetables in hot areas.BHow to grow crops in tropical climates.CHo

16、w to cool the soil.DHow to use sea water.39It can be inferred from the passage that_.Asea water can act as an airconditionerBasparagus are only grown in hot placesCthe writer wants to tell us something about scientific advanceDsea water has many advantagesBEducation is not an end,but a means to an e

17、nd.In other words,we do not educate children only for the purpose of educating them.Our purpose is to fit them for life.In some modern countries it has for some time been fashionable to think that by free education for allwhether rich or poor,clever or stupidone can solve all the problems of society

18、 and build a perfect nation.But we can already see that free education for all is not enough;we find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degrees.They refuse to do what they think “low” work,and in fact,work with hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries.

19、But we have only to think a moment to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor,we can live without education but we die if we have no food.If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses,we should get terrible d

20、iseases in our towns.In fact,when we say that all of us must be educated to fit us for life,it means that we must be educated in such a way that,firstly,each of us can do whatever work suited to his brain and ability and,secondly,that we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society,and that it

21、 is very bad to be ashamed of ones work.Only such a type of education can be considered valuable to society.40From the passage we can conclude that_.Afree education can do nothing to help the worldBfree education will provide us a perfect worldCall the problems of society cant be solved by education

22、Dfarmers are more important than professors41It is suggested in this passage that_.Aour society needs different kinds of people doing all kinds of workBwork with hands is the most valuable in the worldCwe should respect farmers,for we cant live without themDfarmers and dustmen do not need education

23、as their jobs are very simple42According to the writer,the purpose of education is_.Ato let everyone get free educationBto let people not think it is ashamed of ones own work with handsCto make children get ready for their future workDto choose a system education43The passage mainly tells us about_.

24、Athe means of educationBthe value of educationCthe work children should do in the futureDthe advantage of educationCPeter Fern was mad on mountains.Climbing was the love of his life.Church towers,seaside cliffs,rock faces,ice mountains,anything“If its there,” he used to say,“then I want to climb it.

25、” So the news of his marriage gave me a surprise.Id never known him to take much interest in girls.Well,well,Peter Fern,a married man!I couldnt get over it.I wondered whether his wife would try to stop some of his risky adventures.She was French perhapsfrom that place where he usually spent his holi

26、days.Chamonix,wasnt it? From Chamonix hes climbed Mont Blanc on his seventeenth birthday,and one of the Aifuilles the day after!That was it,then;she was French,from a family,most of whom liked climbing.No other explanation.A month later I met them both in town.Anna surprised me because she was Engli

27、sh.She was a dancer in the theatre.“Never climbed more than sixty steps in my life,” she told me.“Peter has his interests,and Ive got mine.No problems.”“None at all,” Pater said,smiling.“Where did you spend your honeymoon(蜜月)?” I asked.“Somewhere far from theater and mountains,was it?”“We had a week

28、s holiday,” Anna said,“I flew to New York to see the drake Dancers on Broaay.A wonderful show!” Peter said,“Didnt want to miss the good weather.So I went to Switzerland and climbed the north face of the Eiger with Allen Dunlop.Great fun,the Eiger.Grand place for a honeymoon!Ill show you the photogra

29、phs we took one day.”44“Peter was mad on mountains” means_.Ahe enjoyed climbing mountainsBhe was angry on mountainsChe lost his senses on mountainsDhe enjoyed climbing mountains very much45The writer had thought the only reason why Fern married was that the girl_.Amight be French living near the mountain,and from a mountaineer familyBwould not stop his climbingCperhaps came from FrenchDmight live near the mountain46P

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