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2、学生重建意能力的考察。它一般是利用语法的正确性与内容排斥性的矛盾而命题的。所给答案大都是离开上下均可说得通的。但语意上辩析、排斥才能找到答案。例如:It t harlie ui several nths t save up seven dllars He anted t _ a del plane and ent t the shp ith the ne A sell B bu hld D bring 这里肯定需要一个动词,所给答案也都是动词,但只能从意义上考虑而选B项。()要认真注意细节,做到语法正确。一些答案在意义上讲都是正确的,但从线索上看要找出语法正确的答案。如:r Evans is

3、an ld an f abut sixt His ife died a fe ears ag His hildren _ hi b then A left B uld leave have left D had left 答案应为D。这句话正确的语意都是”离开”,但仔细发现有 b then 之说,由此可得出这是个动作的截止时间,应选为 had left 过去完成时态。 下面再看一些例子。()语意第一原则 A ung father as visiting an ld neighbur The ere standing in the ld ans garden and taling abut _

4、A trees B flers hildren D ld peple 那么他们谈论的中心是什么呢?可能是树、花,由于他们是在花园里谈论。但如果前后的段落配合看,则其谈论的也可能是孩子和老年人。这就是要求我们切勿望生义。()语法正确,注意细节的原则 在语意正确的前题下,还要根据学过的语法知识,及词语的固定搭配,选择正确答案。 如:ne night the dg began t bar suddenl It ade r Erens _ _ t sleep He had t get up and tried his _ _ t stp it, but the beast uldnt stp, and

5、 ept n _ _ A g nt B nt g nt t g D t nt g A ell B gd better D best A bar B t bar baring D bared 以上3个小题中所给答案从语意上都是正确的,这就要求选择语法正确的那一个。 第一空中根据句子结构,要填一个宾语补足语。而动词 ae 后面的定语补足语应省去不定式符号 t, 且其否定式 nt,即不定式的否定式为 nt t d, 而省去 t 后则应为 nt d 在动词前直接 nt 故应选B。 而第二个空显然是一个固定搭配。语意上为: r Erens 尽力地阻止狗叫,所以应选D。 tr nes best 是尽力而为

6、之意。 第三个空显然是 eep n ding sething 连续不断之意,应选 ing 的动词形式。其答案为。()根据所给答案的不同词类,从不同角度分别考虑选择 完形填空所给的词往往是不同类的,这就要求对不同词类作不同考虑。如果所缺的是动词,那么首先在选择语意正确的前提下,考虑动词的时态、语态和是否是要填入非谓语动词。若是介词或副词则要考虑是 否固定搭配,以及介词、副词在结构和意义上的选择。若是连词,则应更多地从句子结构和上下的连接上选择。若是代词,则应考虑性、数、格等方面,以及形容词和副词的比较级和最高级等。 A an and his ife had a sall bar near a s

7、tatin The ften red late int the night, _ _ peple ae t drin there hile the ere _ _ trains At t l ne rning, ne an as still at a table in the sall bar He as asleep The bar ans ife anted t leave She led _ _ the bar several ties, and eah tie the an as _ _ there Then at last she ent t her husband and said

8、 t hi, “u _ _ that an six ties, Gerge , _ _ he isnt drining anthing ” A as sn as B beause s D thugh A athing up ith B getting n ling after D aiting fr A at B fr int D ut f A alas B ften still D alread A have en B ae had en D ill ae A and B but et D t 从中看,第一选项,由于给了不同的连词,从意义选择应为B。第二选项均为分词形式,也应从语意上选择,其

9、答案是D。 第三选项给了四个介词,而 int 则是从外向里观看,所以应选。第四项是副词 still 意为仍然,从意义上应选择。 而第五项所给的是同个动词,只是时态不同。从故事情景看,只能选完成时态A。 而最后一个选项是连词,由于句意则只能用 but 转折连词。从目前完形填空初中阶段的考察看,除语意第一外,更多地选择了单词的用法及意义,动词的时态,短语和惯用法等。为此,要做好完形填空题目,除有较好的阅读能力外,更要有扎实的语言基础知识及日常生活的逻辑推理能力。 阅读理解能力在教学大纲中有明确的要求。它是目前条下考查学生英语运用能力的常规题型之一,也是分值最高的题型之一。学生的阅读理解能力如何,标

10、志着学生继续深入学习的潜力有多大,它是集语法,词汇,逻辑推理背景知识于一体的综合语言能力的测试。它除对学生的阅读理解的正确性进行测试外,同时从阅读速度、技巧、化背景常识等方面对学生进行测试。 从近年各地中考题分析看,阅读类测试除为一般常规测试题型外,在试题中所占分值较大,为此应引起学生特别注意。 如何做好阅读理解题呢?首先要求考生有足够的基础知识和较好的阅读速度以及技巧方面的训练。同时还要注意以下几个方面的问题。1 要了解阅读测试的重点 如上所述,阅读过程是一个综合作用的过程,为此阅读的测试就不能仅将着眼点放在语言结构的测试上,而是通过看,通过阅读获取信息的能力。 在阅读一篇时,我们首先会想到

11、:说的是什么事情(即中心思想是什么)。事情发生的时间、地点、人物是什么。作者所持态度如何。结论是什么。 有些说明性信息在中容易获取,如:时间、数字、地点、人物等。有些信息如作者的态度,事的结论,中心思想,的标题,则需通过中线索,说明信息等等去分析推断才能获取。而这些说明性及内隐性的信息正是阅读理解的测试重点内容。而其难点在于理解、推断、得出结论时,应从英语国家的风俗习惯、语言习惯、宗教信仰、民族问题等方面考虑,而不是仅从中国人的语言习惯作推论。这也是这方面的难点之一。例: hn drve a taxi thrugh the bus streets f Bstn ever da hn as _A

12、 a anager B a driver a pliean D a dustan 由此我们应能由drive a taxi 得出结论约翰是位出租车司机而不是别的什么人。rs Barers sister as ill She had sene t l after her fr nda t Frida, but nt at the eeend, s ever Frida evening rs Baer used t g ff t spend the eeend at her he in a neighbring tn This eant that r Baer First he had t driv

13、e he fr the statin Then he had t drive his ife t the statin t ath her train h as ill? _ A r Baer B rs Baer r Baers sister D rs Baers sister 从这些只言片语中可以看出有三个人物出场,而问题的设计是表浅的,只要细心即可。答案 D 从中考阅读命题中,由于考虑到考生的能力有限,和大部分学生毕业的要求,语言结构的测试占很大一部分比重。但对于要考入重点中学的学生讲,仅仅几分较高要求的题目可能会决定他们的升学命运。因为这一部分分值是往往使学生棘手的那些隐性问题的测试。L

14、ie an ther failies in 1870, atie lsn and her fail had e t the grass plains f ansas atie lied the prairie and their ne sld huse But ith n friends t pla ith, she as ver lnel Besides her ther and father, she had nl her little brther, att, fr pan She issed their ld he in isnsir Then ne da her father had

15、 exiting nes Se settlers had bught the far near the lsns land atie beae s exited n hearing the nes that she thught she ight burst She begged her father t let her ride ver ith hi t greet their ne neighbrs The t rde arss the prairie The fund r and rs Lasi ere hard at ring building their sd he atie as

16、disappinted She had hped there uld be se hildren t pla ith But sn r Lasi alled ut ” Anna, and arl,e ut f the agn ” A b and a girl uped dn and ae ver t atie atie didnt believe it Her ish had e true 1 h as the st iprtant persn in the str?A att B atie r Lasi D Anna and arl 2 hat as aties prble in the s

17、tr?A She had n friend B She didnt lie ansas She uldnt ride a hrse D She didnt lie Anna and arl 从上中看,信息的获得不是直接的,而是必须通过整个的阅读,理清人物关系,掌握中心思想,才能作出正确的判定。如第一问故事中人物众多,但一直到读完才知,故事讲述了一个女孩atie的事情。则她是故事的中心,所以应选择B 第二问是测试通过阅读是否了解了人物的心理情绪。这些信息必须通过线索,综合判定,从而其结论是A。2 阅读理解的解题思路和方法 阅读理解的测试点是在通过由于阅读所能够获取信息的能力上,所以解题思路的重点

18、应放在:(1) 通读全,了解的主题和大意;了解作者的写作目的、对事的态度上。Peple seties hange their a f ding business In a village in Afria, peple are using ne fr the first tie There ding business ith the rld Befre this tribe (部落) used ne, peple ae t the aret in the village t trade (交易) things the had fr things the needed N peple ust u

19、se ne t bu hat the ant Befre using ne, peple helped ne anther Their father h as head f the fail, gave fd, and lthing t his sns and their failies In return, the sns red fr their father N peple n lnger r fr ne anther free Instead, the are paid fr the r the d hen a ne rad as needed Everne in the villag

20、e helped build it,N peple ust pa ne t the village hief (首领) fr rads and shls The hief hires rers t build these ne prets re and better rads and shls are being built It is nt eas fr peple t hange a a f ding business T hange fr trading gds t using ne taes tie The str desnt sa s, but it aes u thin that

21、_ A fail ebers ften quarrel (争吵) abut ne B Afrians d nt hange their a f ding business Afrians refuse t use ne D failies d nt help ne anther in the sae a n n the hle this str is abut _ A the life f se Afrians B hanging fr gds t using ne peple helps ne anther D building rads arss Afria 答案 B 从以上的问题看,所设

22、提问均不是对某个具体事实。而是真对整篇,由此可见通读全,掌握中心和作者的态度的重要性。(2) 要注重句间的相互关系。既注重主要情节又不可忽视细节。中考中阅读命题很多情况下是对事的某个细节而进行测试的。 n Saturda afternn the began ith the ba f the huse The next Saturda T ent t a ftball ath hile his ife painted the frnt f the huse The next da the fund the uldnt pen an f the frnt inds The get the pen

23、at last, but the bre three f the seven and the ere ver expensive t repair The lasted fr abut _ das A t B three re than seven D Less than seven 答案 A The had t get sene t ae repair fr _ inds A seven B fur ten D three第一问中,如不分析第一句和第二句中的两个 Saturda, 很可能会选择答案。事实上,他们只干了两个 Saturda, 而不是从这个星期六到下个星期六的7天时间。而第二问是

24、他们弄坏了所有7个窗户中的3个,所以应选D。(3) 特别注意首尾句在整个中的作用,以及它起到的启示和结论性作用。 an has a big brain He an thin, learn and spea but n anial learns hen e spea? Sientists d nt reall n The nl n that an an spea beause he has a big brain 这篇只要我们注意了首尾句,即可得出结论,它是讲述人类大脑与语言的关系的。人脑的其中一个作用是使他拥有语言,也就是和动物 apes, dgs 有了根本的区别。这样这篇的许多细节可以迎刃而

25、解了。 In hat a are en different fr anials?A en an understand things quil B en an learn en have learned language D en have brains 答案 Sientists n n _ A h hildren learn t spea B h apes an learn a fe rds ens brain helps hi t learn t spea D hat happens hen en spea hat is the tpi the riter ants t tal abut?A

26、 apes language B ens brain and language huan brain D anials learning以上只是做阅读练习中的一般分析,要取得优异成绩,还有赖于扎实的阅读基础和语言能力,以及平时的技巧训练和刻苦练习。要坚持每天至少读三四篇,以逐步提高自己的英语水平。(二) 例题解析 通读下面短,掌握其大意。然后从短后各题所给的四个选项中选择最佳的一项。ne there as a lever farer Thugh he as pr, he deided ne da t tae the ing a rast gse (烤鹅) as a present He had

27、 nt had _ 1 _ t at that da, and sn the _ 2 _ f the rast gse beae t uh fr hi as (当时) he _ 3 _ it t the ing, s he ate ne f its legs hen he ae befre the ing and gave hi the gse, the ing _ 4 _ sa that it had nl ne leg N, the ing _ _ as brn ith ne bad leg, s he had never been able t _ 6 _ prperl (正常地) he

28、n he sa the gse ith nl ne leg, he thught the farer had _ 7 _ this t laugh at hi f urse he as ver _ 8 _ The farer as tld that if an bd laughed at the ing, he uld be _ 9_ at ne ”here is _ 10 _ leg f the gse?” the ing ased ” All the geese (gse 的复数) in this _ 11 _ f the untr have ne leg nl, “ the farer ansered ”D u thin I a fl(傻子)?” the ing shuted ”_ 12 _ ,” said the farer, “if u l ut f the ind, u ill see geese ith ne leg b the _ 13_ ” The ing led, and there the geese ere _ 14 _ n ne leg beside the ater The ing at ne tld ne f his en t _ 1 _ the it h a big sti, and f urse, the

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