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1、我们在詹姆斯的生日聚会上见过吗?A项意为我也一样,B项意为我确实如此,C项意为我也是,D项意为是的,我是,根据句意,故选D。3- What about the two of us going downtown?- _ . I hate spending time hanging around.AThat suits me fine BWhy notCIt depends on the weather DWell, thats the last thing I will do考查情景对话。我们俩去市中心怎么样?那是我最不愿意做的事。我讨厌浪费时间闲逛。根据下文I hate spending ti

2、me hanging around.可知这里意思是“不愿意做这件事”。A. That suits me fine那对我很合适;B. Why not为何不;C. It depends on the weather这要看天气而定;D. Well, thats the last thing I will do那是我最不愿意做的事,根据题意,故选D。4-Are you sure you wont come for a drink with us?- , if you insist.ANot at all BIt depends CAll right then DI dont care考查交际用语。句意

3、“你确定不来和我们一起喝饮料吗?”“那么好吧,如果你坚持的话。A“不用谢”;B“看情况而定”;C“那么好吧”;D“我不在乎”。根据语境得知”故选C。5Ive been working for ten hours._ you look tired. Youd better have a rest.ANo problem BNo wonder CNo hurry DNo matter【答案】B我已经一直工作了十个小时了。难怪你看起来很累。你最好休息一下。A. No problem没问题;B. No wonder难怪;C. No hurry不着急;D. No matter无论;根据句意可知连续长时间

4、工作是导致后者看起来疲惫的原因,使用no wonder表示强调。故B项正确。6Would you mind if I asked you a question? _ , as long as it wont take long.ATake care BNever mind CGo ahead DDont worry如果我问你一个问题你介意吗?问吧,只要不花很长时间就好。A. Take care(小心点);B. Never mind(没关系);C. Go ahead(问吧);D. Dont worry(别担心),根据语境,C项符合题意。故选C项。【点睛】完成情景交际,重在对语境的理解,切忌只看字

5、面意义。本题中若只是关注mind,而不理解意思的话,就容易误选B项。7You think I shouldnt say how I feel?_. Do what you like.ASame to you BThats for sure CI hope so DI dont care你以为我不该说我的感受吗?我不在乎,做你喜欢做的。A. Same to you你也一样;B. Thats for sure当然;C. I hope so我希望如此;D. I dont care我不在意。根据Do what you like.可知,D项符合题意。故项D项。8The Youth League Comm

6、ittee is looking for volunteers for the promotion of rubbish-sorting. Would you like to join in?_. Everyone should do his bit.AYou asked for it BYou betCYou have my word DYouve got me thereA. You asked for it你自找的;B. You bet当然了。 C. You have my word我向你保证。D. Youve got me there你难住我了。青年人联盟委员会正在寻找垃圾分类的志愿者

7、,你愿意参加吗?当然了,每个人都应该做出自己的贡献。情景交际用语的考查关键在于理解上下文语境,同时要注意辨析选项的意思。平时熟记各种情景下的不同的交际用语,尤其是一些与汉语相差较大的表达。做这类试题,要求同学们按照所给的情景,选择最佳问句或答句,完成题目。要想做好这类题目,关键是平时要养成讲英语的良好习惯,努力提高口语水平,熟练掌握日常会话项目中常用的问答语。9How long have you been learning English?Four months._. Your English is so good.AYou cant be seriousBWith pleasureCOf c

8、ourse notDIts very kind of you【答案】A-你学习英语多长时间了?-四个月。-你一定开玩笑的吧。你英语这么好。A. You cant be serious.你开玩笑的吧;B. With pleasure非常乐意;.C. Of course not当然不;.D. Its very kind of you.你真善良。分析句意可知,此人虽然只学习了四个月的英语但英语却很优秀。而这并不常见,故应表示惊讶。故选A。10Only those who have a lot in common can get along well._. Opposites sometimes do

9、 attract.AI hope not BI think soCI appreciate that DI beg to differ【分析】【详解】只有那些有许多相同之处的人能和睦相处。恕我不能同意,意见相反的人有时会相互吸引。I hope not我可不希望这样;I think so我认为如此;I appreciate that我很感激;I beg to differ恕我不能同意。由答语后句Opposites sometimes do attract.(意见相反的人有时会相互吸引。)可知两个人的意见并不一致。故D项符合语境。故选D。11You have a sweet tooth. It m

10、ay be hard for you to lose weight. _, but I just cant help it.AYou cant be serious BYou must be jokingCI couldnt agree more DThat couldnt be better你爱吃甜食。这可能很难减肥。我完全同意,但我就是忍不住。A. You cant be serious不是说真的吧;B. You must be joking你一定是在开玩笑;C. I couldnt agree more我完全同意;D. That couldnt be better那再好不过了。此处指同意

11、对方说的爱吃甜食难减肥的观点,故选C。12Shall we go out for a walk?_.AGood idea. BGood luck. CHave fun. DGood bye.我们去散步吧?好主意!A. Good idea好主意;B. Good luck! 祝你好运;C. Have fun你玩得开心;D. Good bye再见。根据语境收到一块去散步的邀请,应该是接受,Good idea是接受邀请之意。情景对话题主要考查英语的日常用语、习惯用语以及各种场合的交际性语言,并从实际出发,考查交际语言的运用能力。做题时仔细阅读上下文,找出上下文之间的联系。13Would you ple

12、ase keep an eye on my bag? I want to go to the washroom._. It will be safe with me. It doesnt matter.AIt doesnt matter BGo ahead CForget it DIts my pleasure请帮我看一下包好吗?我想去洗手间。去吧,放我这很安全,没问题。A. It doesnt matter没关系,没什么,与后面重复;B. Go ahead去吧;C. Forget it不必在意,休想;D. Its my pleasure我的荣幸。根据下文“It will be safe wi

13、th me. It doesnt matter.”可知,答应看护包裹,结合各选项意思,故选B。14Going to Bookuu this weekend? ! Would you like to go with me?AYou bet. BYou know better CYou got me DYou thereA. You bet.你说的没错; B. You know better明事理,有头脑; C. You got me你难住我了; D. You there你在那里。这个周末去Bookuu吗?你说的没错!你愿意和我一起去吗?结合句意可知答案为A。15 We d better invi

14、te Tom to the Friday meeting. Yes, _? Ill call him at once.Awhy not Bwhat for Cwhy Dwhat我们最好邀请汤姆参加星期五的会议。是的,为什么不呢?我马上给他打电话。A. why not为什么不;B. what for为何目的;C. why为什么;D. what什么。此对话上句是在征求建议,根据回答,why not符合题意。16Mr. Green was very famous when he lived there. There is _ to be someone in this district who re

15、members him.Acontent BopposedCbound Drestricted考查固定搭配。格林先生住在那里时非常有名。这个地区一定有人记得他。be content to do.意为“满足于做某事”;be opposed to doing sth.意为“反对做某事”;“be bound to do.”意为“必定会”;be restricted to sth.意为“仅限于.”。根据前句“住在那里时非常有名”可知,有人必定(be bound to)会记得他。17 Would you like me to arrange a taxi for you when we finish o

16、ur work? _AThats very kind of you. BWith pleasure.CYes, you would. DGood idea!考查情景交际及习惯表达。我们结束工作后,要不要我为你安排一辆出租车?你真是太好了。A. Thats very kind of you. 你真是太好了;B. With pleasure. 我很愿意;C. Yes, you would. 是的,你可以;D. Good idea!好主意,A选项最符合语境,故选A。18-Thank you for your explanation. Now I understand what our teacher

17、 said.-_.A Youre very clever. B. My pleasure C No, thanks D Dont say【解析】情景对话题。多谢你的解释现在我明白老师所说的内容了,不客气。A. Youre very clever. 你太聪明了 B. My pleasure不客气 C. No, thanks 不,谢谢 D. Dont say 别说 根据句意选B。19_ that I wouldnt support myself at that moment.AI was weak enough BI was too weakCSo weak was I DSuch weak wa

18、s I考查倒装句。我如此的虚弱,以至于那一刻我无法支撑自己。so/such.that如此以至于,引导结果状语从句,so后紧跟形容词,such后跟名词,因此此处用so;so.that引导状语从句时,so位于句首时,句子要到装。倒装句是高考特殊句式的其中一种,对于倒装,大家需要掌握倒装的两种形式和倒装的几个规则,什么词位于句首,如何倒装。本小题主要考查so.that,so位于句首,句子要构成部分倒装。20-Mum, can you tell me why some parents send their children to study abroad at a very young age?-_,

19、 darling. I have never thought about it.AYou have got me there BTake your timeCYou bet DDont be silly-妈妈,你能告诉我为什么有些父母在孩子很小的时候就把他们送到国外学习吗?宝贝,你难住我了。我从没有想过这个问题。A. You have got me there 你难住我了;B. Take your time别急;C. You bet当然;D. Dont be silly别傻了。根据上文所问的问题,及下文的I have never thought about it.可知,妈妈不知道怎么回答,故选

20、A。21-There are probably aliens living here on earth.-_! I cant believe you said that.ACome on BForget itCGo ahead DAllow me-可能有外星人生活在地球上。-得了吧!我根本不相信你说的话!A. Come on加油,得了吧;B. Forget it不必在意;休想;C. Go ahead前进;去吧;D. Allow me让我来。22The T-shirt I received is not the same as is shown online._?But I promise yo

21、u well look into it right away.AWho says BHow comeCWhat for DWhy worry我收到的T恤和网上展示的不一样。怎么会这样?但是我向你承诺马上调查这件事。A. Who says?(表示反抗、怀疑、挑衅等的感叹语)谁说的?;B. How come为什么?怎么会这样?(表示说话人惊讶的语气);C. What for为什么?指“为了得到什么” 或“出于什么目的”;D. Why worry?着什么急?第一个说话人应该是个顾客,第二个应该是客服。顾客在投诉。根据客服后面的回答“但是我承诺马上调查”可以推知,客服对于顾客反映的问题感到很惊讶,但是

22、承诺马上调查。故B选项切题。23-How was your evening?-We went to Joes and had _. We really enjoyed ourselves.Aa white elephant Ba square meal Ca sacred cow Dthe salt of the earth考查俗语谚语。你怎么度过你的傍晚的?我们去了Joe餐馆并享用了一顿美食,我们玩的很开心。A. a white elephant华而不实之物;B. a square meal一顿美食;C. a sacred cow神圣之物;D. the salt of the earth社会

23、中坚。故B选项正确。24Sir, Im late because my car broke down on the way._. Ive had enough of your excuses.ACut it out BSuit yourself CYou cant be serious DIt makes senseA. Cut it out闭嘴;B. Suit yourself随你便;C. You cant be serious你不是认真的吧;D. It makes sense有道理。先生,我迟到了,因为我的车在路上抛锚了。闭嘴吧。我受够了你的借口。根据下文的Ive had enough o

24、f your excuses.可知,此处用“闭嘴”更合语境。交际用语的考查语境非常重要,那么做好的做题方法便是排除法。一是排除选项与谈话主题无关;二是排除选项与谈话主题有关,但不能提供发问者要求的信息、态度或观点;最后要遵循礼貌原则,利他原则和语言习惯表达。结合语境可知,本题中的B、C、D三个选项均和下文逻辑不符,需要排除它们。而A准确表达了说话者的态度。25I was informed that you won the lottery?Are you kidding? Maybe I will win a lottery when_.Ayou cry for the moon Bpigs f

25、lyCall good things come to an end Dyou get a new lease on life我听说你中了彩票?你在开玩笑吗?如果太阳打西边出来的话也许我会中奖(意为我中了彩票是不可能的事)。you cry for the moon异想天开,想入非非;when pigs fly“太阳打西边出来,要是相信猪就会上树”,意即“不切实际,不可能发生的事”;all good things come to an end天下没有不散的筵席;you get a new lease on life获得新生。根据“Are you kidding?”可知,中奖的事是不可能发生的,故B

26、项符合语境。26Ken, _, but your radio is going too loud.Oh, Im sorry. Ill turn it down right now.AI hate to say it BIt doesnt hurt to askCI m really tired of it DIm crazy about itKen,我不想说,你的收音机声音太大了。啊,我很抱歉,我马上把它调低一点。A. I hate to say it我不愿意说,最符合对话的语境;B. It doesnt hurt to ask问一问无妨;C. Im really tired of it我真的很厌烦;D. Im crazy about it我对它很着迷。根据语境推知,故选A。27Guess what! I came across an old friend at the station last weekend. Im su

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