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九年级英语上册 Unit 8Detective stories导学案新牛津版Word文档格式.docx

1、 Why?_【课堂交流展示】一. 听录音,回答Comic strip问题1.Why is Eddie dressed like that ? _2 What happened? _ 二、朗读对话,并且小组内分工合作表演对话三、阅读P107 Part A,向全班展示:口头介绍每一位犯罪嫌疑人的详细信息。e.g. The first suspect is James Brown. He is a doctor. He is tall and slim. He is serious. He lives in Moon Town. He was working in a hospital in Sun

2、 Town last Saturday. 四、听Part B录音, 回答下列问题。 1. Who does Sandy think is the murderer? 2. Who does Daniel think is the murder?五、朗读对话,并且小组内分工合作表演对话.六、根据对话内容,尝试组内编写新的对话(你认为谁左右可能是凶手)并作小组展示。【课堂达标检测】一、根据汉语意思完成单词。.1. He wants to be a _(侦探) in the future.2. My brother works in a shop. He is a _(店主).3. We have

3、four _(犯罪嫌疑人), but its hard to find out who killed him.4. David, could you please tell me the _(事实)?5. Do you know the man of _(中等) height?二 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Why are you _(dress) in red?2. Eddies food has gone _(miss).3. That night, a young man _(murder) at the gate.4. Lucys father is of _(middle) he

4、ight.5. Last month an old woman was killed. Who was the _(murder)?6. I think this event is much _(serious).7. I am sure you are _(lie) now. I dont believe what you are saying.8. The murder _(happen) on a cloudy night.三.选用方框中的形容词完成句子. murder; tidy; kind; high; miss1. He is such an _ person. He never

5、helps others.2. This morning I found my new dictionary_.3. All the _ were caught by the police yesterday.4. Look! Your room is so dirty and _. Youd better clean it now.5. My little sister is just five feet in _.四、 根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 我的食物不见了。 My food _ _ _.2. 今天你为什么打扮得像个侦探呢? Why are you _ _ _ _ today?3. 我

6、要寻找一些重要事情的线索。 I want to _ _ _ _ something important.4. 我已经对这个男孩做了笔录。 I _ _ _ _ the boy.5. 你认为谁没有说出真相? Who _ _ _ is not _ _ _?6. 我认为他是无罪的。 I _ think they _ _.九年级(上)Unit 8 Detective stories Reading (1)学习目标:1. 学习一片关于谋杀案的新闻报道。2. 培养阅读技巧。一、 找出重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型和语法),查词典和有关资料解释其意义及用法,举例句或例题。1. at the scene o

7、f the crime _2. be killed somewhere else_3. West Towns chief detective_4. be wounded with a knife_5. bleed to death as a result_6. check the scene for more clues_7. help solve the case _8. have a well-paid job_9. be guilty of computer crimes _10. be charged with _11. run down Corn Street_12. at the

8、time of the crime _13. have offered a reward of ¥50,000 _14. lead to the arrest of the murderer_二、预习 课文内容,尝试着回答下列问题1. Where was the body of the victim found? _2. Why are the police working at the scene of the crime? _3. What does the only suspect look like?_一、阅读课文,根据课文内容判断正(T)误(F)。二、小组讨论P111 B3的对话,用

9、适当的单词填空。三、小组讨论,找出B4中Millie在日记中所犯的关于此案件的11出错误并改正。四、全班展示,以上三项内容。并进行进一步的交流,讨论并加深理解。 一、根据汉语提示写出恰当的单词。1. You must _(确认) your air tickets 5 days before you leave.2. Lets travel _(某地) else in August , shall we?3. You _(呼吸) more _(重) when you are nervous than you Are peaceful.4. The pretty girl is _(单身的).5.

10、 I _(猜想) that Mike will come here this afternoon.6. When he woke up, her head was _(流血).7. The policeman is asking the _(证人) some questions.8. Is Judy the _(唯一的) girl at the party who has long hair?二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The policeman has lost his life because of the fire. We are deeply sorry about his _

11、(die)。2. Im sure those things are that _(murder).3. They were _(scare) at the strange noise.4. He _(charge) with _(break) into my house last year.5. He was seen _(clean) his office at about 5:30, and after that, nobody knows where he has gone.三、用适当的介词或副词填空。1. The man was charged _ breaking into seve

12、ral computer systems.2. At first we knew about the crime _ the newspaper.3. Detective Lu said that the victim was wounded _ knife and bled _ death as a result.4. The young man was guilty _ computer crimes in the past.5. A witness saw a man walking _ Upper Street with blood _ his trousers.四、单项选择。( )1

13、. Detective Lu said the murder probably happened _. A. anywhere else B. somewhere else C. else anywhere C. else somewhere( )2. The police believe that the murder _ 9a.m. and 11p.m. yesterday. A. was happened at B. happened at C. took place between C. was happened between( )3. The man _last _ his hom

14、e at about 8a.m. A. was; seen leaving B. did; see left C. has; seen leave D. was; saw left( )4. We knew that the young man _stealing bikes in the past. A. was charged of B. was guilty of C. was arrested of D. was guilty with( )5. Zhou Jielun is the singer _ is well-known to teenagers in our city. A.

15、 which B. who C. whose D. whom( )6. -Have you bought _ for Lindas birthday? -Not exactly. Just some flowers. A. something unusual B. anything unusual C. unusual something D. unusual anything Reading (2)1. 了解并掌握有关犯罪的关键词汇。2. 能理解和运用文中的重点短语和句型。一、翻译下列词组,并且熟记。1. 在案发现场_2. 不寻常的事_3. 流血致死_4. 结果_5. 犯有罪_6. 被控告侵

16、入电脑系统_7. 树敌_8. 悬赏5万元_9. 导致凶手的被捕_10. 检查现场获得更多线索_三、阅读文章,尽可能多的找出重要的知识点并且注释,准备课堂上展示。e.g. He was seen leaving his office in East Town at about 7p.m. yesterday. be seen doing sth.被看见在做某事_一、根据自己的记忆,回答下列问题 1. Who was murdered last night? 2. What was the victims job? 3. Hoe can people contact the police if t

17、hey have any information?二、展示所翻译的词组。三、展示重要的知识点四、在组内和班内展示讨论题 一、 用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。 award; have gone missing; witness; charge; victim1. At last, the _ were arrested by the police.2. The little girl _ for long,. Her mother dreamed that she could come back in the future.3. The police have offered a _ o

18、f 10,000 for the case.4. He is the _ of last nights attack in Moon Town. He was badly hurt.5. The man was _ with stealing.6. Its said that she is the only _ to the murder.1. The little cat _(find) in the bushes behind the tree.2. He was last seen _(leave) his office at 9p.m. last night.3. Did you se

19、e anything _(usual) just now?4. I dont know if he has lots of _(enemy).5. The victim _(bleed) to _(die) as a result.6. His grandfather has been _(die) for ten years.7. The man was breathing _(heavy) and running down the street.8. Has the murderer been _(arrest) so far?三、单项选择。( )1. Harry keeps exerci

20、sing every morning. _,hes a lot lighter than he used to be. A. After all B. Above all C. As a result D. At that moment( )2. -Do you know _ tomorrow? -Sorry, I dont know. You may surf the Internet. A. whether will it rain B. if it will rain C. whether does it rain D. if does it rain( )3. The police _

21、 going to question everyone in the house. A. is B. are C. been D. be( )4. You can contact me _ 66778899. A. on B. at C. in D with( )5. He was late _ the heavy snow. A. as a result B. as a result of C. because D. so四、根据汉语意思完成句子。1. 窃贼从窗户闯入房内。 The thief _ _ the house _ the window.2. 他曾经因为行窃而被指控。 He _ once _ _ theft.3. 那个男的说他当时不在犯罪现场。 That man said he was not _ _ _ _ _ _.4. 警方希望证人能打110和他们联系。 The police hope the _ _ _

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