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1、 A. saw B. watched C. noticed D. observed 该句的意思是他们目送这辆火车直到它消失在远方。只有watch才能表达这个意思。【706】 We agree _ here but so far she hasnt turned up yet.【译文】 我们都同意在这儿见面可她到现在还没有来。 A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met 同意做某事为agree to do sth.。【707】 _ the Chinese have been to Beijing.【译文】 不是所有的中国人都去过北京。 A

2、. None of B. All C. Not all D. No not 与all, every, both等词连用,表示部分否定。【708】 A new school was _ in the village last year.【译文】 去年一所新的学校在这个村庄建起来了。 A. held up B. set up C. sent up D. brought up hold up 举起;set up建起; send up发射; bring up抚育。【709】 How _ is it from the railway station to the museum?【译文】 从火车站到博物馆

3、有多远? A. soon B. far C. long D. often how long 多久(较长时间);how far多远(距离); how soon多久(将来) how often多久(频率)。【710】 I asked him to _ me a few minutes so that we could go over all the problem.【译文】 我请他抽出几分钟的时间,以便我们把所有的问题讨论一下。 A. spend B. save C. spare D. share spend花费; save节约,拯救;spare抽出时间;share分享。【711】 When he

4、 entered college, he began to learn _ language.【译文】 他进入大学以后,开始学习第二门语言了。 A. a third B. the third C. a three D. the three【答案及简析】 A。 这儿表示又一次再一次的意思,故只能选A。【712】 To get to the top of the mountain, we had to _.【译文】 要到达山顶,我们得爬很多山。 A. go some walking B. do a lot of climbing C. walking a long way D. doing a l

5、ot of climbing have to后面跟动词原形。【713】 More jobs _ the school-leavers in the future.【译文】 在将来,将向毕业生提供很多的工作机会。 A. will be supplied with B. will be supplied to C. were to supply to D. are supplied to 注意supply sb. with sth. 和supply sht. To sb.的用法。【714】 Let us _ out for_, _?【译文】 让我们开车出去游车河,好吗? A. go; a driv

6、e; shall we B. go; drive; shall we C. go; will you D. to go; will you let us 引导的句子后面的反意疑问句用 will you ; lets引导的句子后面的反意疑问句用shall we; go out for a drive是一个固定搭配。【715】 There is _ rain in summer in the south this year.【译文】 今年南方雨水很多。 A. many B. plenty of C. a great many D. a great number of ACD答案都是修饰可数名词的。

7、【716】 Ill help you _.【译文】 我将给你尽可能多的帮助。 A. as much as I can B. as possible as I can C. as many as possible D. as many as I can asas possible= asas one can该句种的意思表示更多的帮助,而帮助是不可数的。【717】 Please write a notice for the students and _ .【译文】 请为学生写一个通知,并将它张贴好。 A. put it up B. put up it C. put it on D. put on

8、it put on穿上;put up张贴;凡是以in, up,on,away,down等结尾短语动词后面的代词应该放在短语的中间。【718】 - shall I sit this end or _ of the boat?-_ if you keep still.【译文】 -我坐在这头还是船的另一头?-只要你保持不动,任何一头都可以。 A. another; Either B. the other; either C. another; Both D. the other; Both 小船只有两头,指另外一个只能用the other;两个中的任何一个用either。【719】 -Its a g

9、ood idea. But whos going to_ the plan?-I think Tom and Grey will.【译文】 -这是个好主意。但谁去执行这个计划呢?-我认为Tom和Grey会去的。 A. set aside B. carry out C. take in D. get through set aside 留出,存储;carry out 贯彻,执行;take in 吸收;get through做完,完成。【720】 This kind of food doesnt _ me.【译文】 这种食品不适合我。 A. agree to B. agree with C. ag

10、ree on D. agree agree to 愿意做(to是不定式符号);agree with 与一致,适合于;agree on同意某个意见或计划。【721】 New cars will be taken to other parts of the country _ railway.【译文】 新车将由火车运往这个国家的其他地方 A. along B. by C. on D. with by railway = by train.【722】 The primary school in that village _ in 1995 with the help of some young pe

11、ople.【译文】 在一些年轻人的帮助下,这所小学于1995年建成。 A. was set up B. was put up C. was found D. was made 建立一所学校该用set up或found; 而found的过去分词是founded。【723】 After the new technology was introduced, the factory produced _ tractors in 1998 as the year before.【译文】 新技术引进后,这家工厂1998年生产的拖拉机是以前的两倍。 A. as twice many B. as many t

12、wice C. twice as many D. twice many as 比较级的修饰语应该放在比较级结构的前面。【724】 The number of the students in our school _ large.【译文】 我们学校的学生人数很大。 A. are B. is C. am D. be the number of 的数量,谓语应该用单数;a number of许多,谓语动词用复数。【725】 How _ the music sounds and how _ her voice is!【译文】 音乐听起来多优美呀,她的嗓子多美呀! A. sweet; good B. s

13、weetly; well C. sweet; well D. sweetly; good 在这个感叹句中,sound, is都是连系动词后面得用形容词做其表语。【726】 The suit fitted him well _ the colour was a little brighter.【译文】 尽管颜色有点亮,这套衣服很适合她。 A. except for B. except that C. except when D. besides 在总体肯定的前提下,有那么一点不足,而不影响对总体的评价,该用except for。【727】 The noise _ like a train goi

14、ng under my house.【译文】 这声音听起来像火车在房子底下跑。 A. listened B. heard C. sounded D. listened to sound like 听起来像.【728】 Jane was made _ the truck for a week as a punishment.【译文】 作为惩罚,要Jane冲洗车辆一周。 A. to wash B. washing C. wash D. to be washing 使役动词make的被动语态中不定式符号不能省略。【729】 You say he works very hard, _ and _.【译

15、文】 你说她工作非常努力。他确实是这样的,你也一样。 A. so does he, so do you B. so does he, so you do C. so he does, so do you D. so he does, so you do so do you 倒装,表示你也是这样,so you do不倒装,表示对前句话的认可。【730】 What does quake mean _ in the word earthquake?【译文】 在这个单词earthquake中quake是什么意思呀? A. like B. that C. as D. to what does mean

16、是主句,后面是一个由as引导的方式状语从句,省略了it is, 全句是as it is in the word earthquke。【731】 She thought I was talking about her daughter, _, in fact, I was talking about my daughter.【译文】 他认为我在谈论她的女儿,事实上,我在谈论我自己的女儿。 A. whom B. where C. which D. while 【答案及简析】 D。 while 连词,有而,却,表示对比。【732】 He paid the boy 10 yuan foe washin

17、g ten windows, most of _ hadnt been cleaned for at least a year.【译文】 她给这个男孩10元擦这10个窗子,他们至少有一年没有打扫了。 A. these B. those C. that D. which 非限制性的定语从句,which 做of的宾语。【733】 -I just heard that the tickets for tonights show have been sold out. -Oh no! _.【译文】 -我刚听说今晚表演的票已经卖完了。-天啦!我一直盼望着它呢! A. I was looking forw

18、ard to that B. It doesnt matter C. I know it already D. Its not at all interesting 该句的意思应该是表示惊讶,所以排除BCD。【734】 -What are you afraid _? -Im afraid _ dogs.【译文】 -你害怕什么?-我怕狗。 A. / ; / B. with; with C. of; of D. / ; of be afraid of sth.害怕。【735】 No one noticed him _ in.【译文】 没有人注意到他进来了。 A. to come B. came C

19、. come D. have come 使役动词notice后面的不定式做宾补,不定式符号要省略。【736】 Through the reform, the economic situation of China _ much better than it used to.【译文】 通过改革,中国的经济形势比以往任何时候都好。 A. turned into B. turned off C. turned to D. turned out turn out证明是。【737】 -What do you think of the materials _ these clothes were made

20、? - They feel _.【译文】 -你看这些衣服是什么原料做的?-他们摸起来柔软。 A. for whom; well B. into; soft C. of which; soft D. in which; 成品中看得到原材料,要用be made of;feel摸起来,是连系动词,后面跟形容词作表语。【738】 Please tell me _ you want your coffee, black or white?【译文】 请告诉我你如何喝咖啡,加牛奶还是不加? A. when B. what C. how D. which 这个句子不是选择疑问句,而是问的如何喝咖啡,故选how

21、。【739】 The woman sold the eggs _ seven dollars and they were sold _ half price.【译文】 这个妇女卖鸡蛋得了7美元,但这些鸡蛋是半价卖出的。 A. with; at B. for; at C. at; in D. by; on sell sth. for money卖得了多少钱;; sell sth. at the price以价格卖.【740】 Now that there are only a few minutes left, wed better talk about the plan in _.【译文】 既

22、然只剩下几分钟了,我们最好简短地谈谈我们的计划。 A. short B. secret C. all D. general in short 简短地;in secret 秘密地;in all总共。【741】 Is the river _ through that town very large?【译文】 流经这城镇的河大吗? A. which flows B. flows C. that flowing D. whose flows 定语从句,which代替先行词the river在从句中作主语。【742】 The road to the mountains _ by the snow for

23、 almost a month.【译文】 通往山区的路被大雪截断已有将近一个月了。 A. has been cut off B. have been cut off C. has been cut down D. have been cut down the road主语是单数;cut off意为截断。【743】 He suddenly returned to the small village _ a rainy morning.【译文】 在一个下雨天的早晨他突然回到了这个小村庄。 A. on B. at C. in D. during 在一个具体的日期,介词要用on。【744】 The p

24、oor man _ lost his money just now is called John.【译文】 刚才那个丢钱的可怜人名叫John。 A. that B. which C. who D. whom 定语从句,先行词是人,做主语用who。【745】 The songs _ she sang in the concert yesterday sounded _.【译文】 昨天她在音乐会上唱的那首歌听起来很不错。 beautifully B. that ; wonderfully C. which ; well D. / ; nice 第一个空是定语从句,先行词在从句中充当宾语;sound

25、是连系动词,跟形容词。【746】 Help yourself _ some more fruit.【译文】 请随便吃点水果。 A. with B. to C. for D. on help oneself to sth. 固定搭配,随便吃点。【747】 I was disappointed with the film. I had expected _ to be much better.【译文】 我对这部电影很失望,我原以为它会好一些的。 A. that B. this C. one D. it 此处代替前面的名词film。【748】 -would you like another piece of cake? -_.【译文】 -再吃一块蛋糕好吗?-

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