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1、B从句完整,从主句的谓语来看主句缺复数主语,所以选B。A中的Although和but不能同时出现在一个句子里面; B despite后面不能跟句子;D that使得逗号前面无法成为主谓句。大部分昆虫都生卵,但是有些生产活体的幼虫。4. Author Sraah Jewett established her literary reputation with Deephaven, a collection of sketches _.(A) with rural Maine life(B) that life in rural Maine(C) about life in rural Maine(

2、D) life in rural MaineCB, D 比较好排除,B that后从句无谓语;D sketches与life无法连接;根据题义,是讲这个文集的内容,所以about更贴近题义。作家Sraah Jewett由Deephaven(深深天堂)奠定了其文学声誉,那是一部勾画Maine的乡村生活的文集。5. By means of various types of wind tunnels, _ simulate most of the flight conditions to which an airplane is subjected.(A) which aeronautical en

3、gineers can(B) aeronautical engineers can(C) the ability of aeronautical engineers to(D) aeronautical engineers, being able to空格后面是动词原型,第一印象是主句中缺主语,A 是从句,排除;C, D都使得主句无谓语;只有B主语加情态动词后面跟动词原型,并且主句主谓齐全。利用各种不同类型的风洞,航空工程师能够模拟出大多数飞机的适航条件。6. _ planes in flight between airports , air traffic controllers rely

4、on radar.(A) Tracked(B) Track of(C) To track(D) Of trackingto do做目的状语为了跟踪各机场之间的在航飞机,空中交通控制台要依靠雷达。7. The operating principles of the telephone are _ they were in the nineteenth century.(A) the same as today(B) the same today(C) the same today as(D) today what the same.B, D the same as形式都不完整,先排除;A tod

5、ay与后面的过去时态不符。当今的电话操作原理和它们在19世纪的时候是相同的。8. Steel magnate Andrew Carnegie used part of his wealth _ more than 2,500 public libraries in English-speaking countries between 1881 and 1919.(A) helped in building(B) helped him to building(C) to help build(D) his help in buildinguse sth to do 与cause sth(sb)

6、to do是toefl语法中经常考的。钢铁大亨Andrew Carnegie用他的部分财产于18811919年间在英语国家帮助修建了2500多个公共图书馆。9. Not until 1949 _ Canadas tenth province.(A) became Newfoundland(B) did Newfoundland become(C) Newfoundland did become(D) Newfoundland becamenot until放在句首,谓语部分倒装,这时候只要找到以助动词打头的选项就可以了。直到1949年,纽芬兰才成为加拿大的第十个省。10. Paul Samue

7、lson revolutionized _ by presenting his students with the most advanced economic thinking at an introductory level.(A) to teach economics(B) the teaching of economics(C) teaching that economics is(D) economics is taught句中缺宾语,只要找到能做宾语的成分就可以了。Paul Samuelson 改变了经济学的教学,从一个导论的层次上给他的学生呈现了最高深的经济学思想。11. The

8、 term bell-letters is used to denote literary forms that contain _, such as drama, poetry, essays, and novels.(A) artistic, creative writing(B) writing that artistic, creative(C) artistic, creative, and writing(D) them is artistic, creative writing句中缺宾语,并且一定是一个关于文学的总称,因为后面举了很多例子。只有A符合要求,其中artistic与c

9、reative都是修饰writing的。其他选项的错误也很明显:B that引导的定语从句缺谓语,C形容词和后面的名词不能并列;D them后面的成分逻辑错误, 并且is与谓语重叠了。bell-letters这个术语用来指称一些具有艺术性和创造性写作的文学形式,比如:戏剧,诗歌,散文和小说。12. Open-pit mining follows the same sequence of operations _ mining: drilling, blasting, and loading and removing waste and ore.(A) where underground(B)

10、that underground(C) underground(D) as undergroundthe sameas固定搭配户外的挖坑采矿都遵循和地下采矿同样的操作顺序,钻、吹、载、分离杂质和矿石。13. _ in cases where special oxidants are used, fires are the result of a fuel rapidly combining with the oxygen in the air.(A) There are(B) Even though(C) How(D) ExceptA , 逗号后面是主句,前面应该是从句或者其他成分,如果选A,

11、 就有两个主句了,肯定不对;B ,C 后面应该跟从句才对;D介词,也符合题义。除了用了特殊氧化剂的情况下,火是燃料和空气中的氧气快速结合的结果。14. Maya Angelous widely acclaimed autobiography, I know why the Caged Bird sings, is a moving and _ of her childhood in segregated Arkansas.(A) an account that is often humorous(B) often humorous as an account(C) often humorous

12、, the account(D) often humorous accounthumorous和moving并列,修饰account,名词短语。Maya Angelou广受赞誉的自传-我知道为何笼中之鸟歌唱,是他在种族隔离的Arkansas生活的童年的感人而富于幽默的写照。15. _ to study element 104 because only a few atoms of his substance can be isolated at one time.(A) The difficulty(B) Why it is difficult(C) It is difficult(D) Ev

13、en though difficult浏览全句,缺主句的主谓语,答案很明显。A主句缺谓语;B,D 使得句子无主句。研究104号元素是很困难的,因为在含有它的物质中只有少数几种原子能够一次分离出来。16. Common salt occurs naturally in pure, solidly form as the mineral halite and in widely A B C distributed deposits of rock, or mineral, salts. D B form是名词,前面应用形容词修饰,并且从前面的pure也可以得到启示。改正:solidlysolid

14、食盐可以作为无机岩盐以纯净的固体形式天然存在,也可以存在于广泛分布的岩盐矿床中。17. The term metabolism refers to the chemical changes which by living things transform A B Cfood into energy. D从句中主语应该是living things, 所以by living things 并不是由by引导的表方式的短语,并且从句中主谓宾俱全,应该由不做成份的关系副词(或介词+which)引导,而不应该用关系代词引导。which by by which“新陈代谢”这一术语指生物借以将食物转化成能量的

15、化学变化。18. Materials that of clay are among the most ancient manufactured articles and haveplayed a vital role in human civilization.A that与materials重复。退一步说,假设这种表达方法可行,materials与that的数也不一致。that of of粘土用具是最古老的人造物品之一,并且在人类文明中起过至关重要的作用。19. Yogurt contains a higher percentage of lactic acid thananother fe

16、rmentedmilks, and itis rich in B-complex vitamins.C other后面跟可数名词复数形式,another跟单数,是TOEFL语法中常考的。anotherother酸奶所含的乳酸比例高于其它发酵乳,而且富含复合维生素B。20. Canada is made up of ten provinces and two territories, with governmentalpowers A B being divided between the federal governmentor the provinces. C DD between A an

17、d B,固定结构。其实这些结构对于中国学生来说非常简单,我们所要做的就是多做题,熟悉考点。有时也会把fromto与betweenand混淆来考。orand加拿大由十个省和两个地方组成,政府的权力下分到联邦政府和各省。21. Before the formation of labor unions, individual workers had almost not voice in A B determining their wages, hours , or working conditions.voice是名词,前面应用形容词修饰,而not是副词。no 形容词;not 副词;none 代词

18、。notno在工会成立之前,单个工人在决定自己的工资、工作时间及劳动条件方面几乎没有发言权。22. In the United States, the leading butter-producing states which are Wisconsin, California,and Minnesota.which使得主句没有谓语。states which-states在美国,生产黄油的主要的州是Wisconsin,California和Minnesota.23. Each stanza of a poem has a repeatable pattern of meter and rhym

19、e and is normally division from the following stanza by ablank line.在TOEFL语法题中,看到by就要警惕,它经常是被动语态的标志(有时表示方式,也很容易判断)。divisiondivided每一诗节都具有可重复的音步和押韵模式,通常被一空行与下一诗节隔开。24. Depending on many factors, including climate, mineral content of the soil,and the permanency of surface water , wetlands may be mossy

20、, grassy, or covering with shrubs or covered with是固定短语。coveringcovered湿地可能布满藓,可能遍地是草,也可能被灌木和树覆盖,这取决于许多因素,包括气候、土壤中的矿物质含量,以及是否有永久地表水。25. In many areas of the world, people need clothing for protection the weather. A B C Dprotection与weather在这里是动宾关系,在介词for后面应该用动名词。protectionprotecting from在世界上的

21、许多地区,人们还很需要衣服来遮风挡雨。26. Hoocer Dam in Nevada is a multipurpose structure that provides flood control, Ahydroelectric powerful, and drinking and irrigation water. B C D考点:并列结构。与control, water并列,hydroelectric后应为名词。powerfulpower内华达州的Hoocer水坝是一个多功能建筑,他用来提供水流控制、水力发电、饮用和灌溉水的。27. Physiologically, the period

22、 of adolescence is marked byactive growth, especially in the skeletal and muscular systems and in a certain vasculartissues.被修饰的中心词tissues是复数,关键在于细心。a certaincertain从生理上说,青春期的标志是发育迅速,特别是骨骼和肌肉系统,以及某些血管组织的生长。28. Free nitrogen is chemically inert and combines with other elements onlysince very high A B

23、 C temperature or pressures.since是指时间的先后,语句义不符。sinceunder游离氮具有化学惰性,只有在高温与高压下才与其它元素结合。29. Sawfish are shark-like fish have saws of cartilage setwith two rows ofteeth on their snouts.出现了两个谓语。havewhich have/having锯鳐类似鲨鱼,嘴上有两排牙齿组成的软骨“锯条”。30. The decade of the 1920s was significant in Georgias history be

24、cause of therapidity with what agriculture declined in the state.what引导的是名词性句,与定语从句不同,它前面没有先行词,并且要在句中做成份。而在这里既有先行词,还不在句中充当成份,一定是错的。what which由于该州当时农业急速衰落,20世纪20年代是佐治亚州历史很重要的10年。31. Although usually living on or under rocks or on coral reefs, marine snails have been observed in a great various of hab

25、itats.a variety of 与various是TOEFL语法中常考的,只要搞清楚它们各自的词形,解决这类题就易如反掌。variety 名词;various 形容词。variousvariety尽管经常生活在岩石上下或珊瑚礁上,海蛇还是能在多种栖息地被看到。32. In the field of acting theory, controversy arises over the question ofwhether is acting a behavioral or a mental process.whether引导的从句做介词of 的宾语,名词性从句应该用陈述语气。is acti

26、ngacting is在表演理论的领域里,表演是行为是否是心理过程的问题引起了争论。33. Short-wave radios that can receive and transmit signals are used by pilots,the police, and amateur operator.operator是可数名词,应加冠词或者用复数形式,可以从前面与其并列的项目得到提示。operatoroperators能够接受和传递信号的短波无线电设备适用于飞行员、警察和业余通讯员。34. Because silk is the strongest of all natural fibers, rankingin strong withthe synthetic fiber nylon, its delicate look andfell are deceptive. 介词后面应该

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