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1、for example, for instance, for one thing that is to illustrate, 表解释:as a matter of fact, frankly speaking, namely, in other words 一、 解决问题的优点和缺点: in recent years, we are faced with a problem -a, which is becoming more and more serious . first, -.second, -. last but not least, -. confronted with a, we

2、 should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. for one thing, -. for another, -. finally, -. as far as i am concerned, i hold the view that-解决问题的方法 . consequently, i?m confident that a bright future is awaiting usbecause -带来的好处. 二、 说明利弊: 1 说明事物的现状;2. 事物本身的优点和缺点; 3. 你对事物的看法.

3、nowadays many people prefer a because it plays a significant role in our daily life. in general, its advantages can be seen as follows. firstly, -a的优点之一. besides,- a的优点之二. what?s more, -a的优点之三. however, every coin has its two sides. the negative aspects are also apparent. one of the important disadv

4、antages is that -a的缺点之 一. in addition, -a的缺点之二. to make matters worse, -a的缺点之三. through the above analysis, i think that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones. therefore, i?d like to hold my view that-我的看法. from the comparison between these positive and negative effects of a, we should ta

5、ke it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in. only in this way can we -对前景的预测. 三、 议论文 1 不同观点的说明opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. a majority of people think that -观点之一. in their views there are two factors contributing to this attitude as follows:

6、in the first place, -原因之一. furthermore / in the second place, -原因之二 . so it goes without saying that -观点之一. people , however, differ from their opinion on this matter. some people hold the idea that -. from their point of view, on the one hand, -观点之二. on the other hand, -原因之一. therefore, there is no

7、 doubt that -原因之二. in conclusion, i firmly support the view that -原因之一或原因之 二. it is not only because -, but also because-. the more we -, the more -. 2 利弊型议论文 currently, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that) -作文题目. actually, there are both advantages and disadvantages in -题目议论. general

8、ly speaking, it is widely believed that there are several positive aspects as follows. firstly, -优点之一. secondly, -优点之二. and finally, -优点之三. just as a popular saying goes, “every coin has its two sides”, -讨论议题 is no exception. and in other word, it still has negative aspects. to begin with, -缺点之一. in

9、 addition, -缺点之二. what?s more, -缺点之三.to sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of -讨论议题into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. in that case, we will definitely make a better use of the -讨论议题. 3 答题型议论文 at present, there is a widespread concern over the iss

10、ue that -作文题目. it is really an important concern to every one of us. as a result, we should spare no efforts to take some measures to solve this problem. as is known to all, there are many steps which can be taken to solve this problem. first of all, -途径一. additionally, another way contributing to s

11、uccess in solving the problem is -途径二. what?s more, we can also -途径三. above all, to solve the problem of -作文题目, we should find many various ways. but as far as i am concerned, i would prefer to settle the problem is this way, that is to say, -方法. 四、 图表作文的结构 英语书面表达占有重要地位,只要同学们训练得法,肯下功夫,记忆常用语句并根据情况灵活运

12、用,书面表达的水平一定会有很大程度的提高。 图表变化类用语:图表作文要求学生从表格或图片出发,通常分为三个步骤 第一步:对表格或图表进行表达 常用句型为 : as the pie chartshows, / as can be seen from the pie chart, 第二步:对表格或图表进行成因的分析 主题句+ 原因1 + 原因2 + 原因3。主题句为:there are several factors contributing to _. 原因1_. the second reason is that _原因2. furthermore, 原因 3_. all these resu

13、lt in _. 第三步:个人观点或解决问题的方法 主题句+ 建议或个人观点+ 前景的预测或愿望 however, _ is faced with some problems. with _, the influence of which is not only discouraging us , but also challenging us. as for us, my principle is to pay due attention to_, but not just to _. 参考模板一: the chart gives us an overall picture of the _

14、(图表主题). the first thing we notice is that _图表最大特点. this means that as _进一步说明. we can see from the statistics given that _(图表细节一). after ving 细节中的第 一个变化, the _ ved + 幅度 + 时间. the figures also tell us that _ (图表细节二). (数据位置, 如 in the column), we can see that _ accounts for _【篇二:英语作文】 【写作话题】本单元以能力为话题,谈论

15、自己或他人的能力。如会干或不会干. 【写作要求】新学期开始,七1班同学踊跃参加班干部竞选活动。 假设你是daming,请根据以下表格内容,写一篇竞选词。 提示词:would like, i can, promise to 【优秀总分值范文】 my name is daming. i would like to be the class monitor. here are my reasons(理由). first, i can get on well with everyone, classmates and teachers. second, i work very hard so i do

16、 well at school. finally, i can help teachers and im ready to help others. choose me as the class monitor. i promise to help you and make our classroom beautiful. unit2 what time do you go to school? 【写作话题】本单元以日常生活习惯为话题,描述自己或他人的日常生活习惯。 【写作题目】根据下面提示写一篇50词左右的短文,介绍自己一天的活动安排情况。【优秀总分值范文】 i usually get up

17、 at 6:30 . then i have breakfast . at 7:10 i go to school . we have four classes in the morning , and three classes in the afternoon . at 4:30 p.m. i go home . after supper i do my homework . i usually watch tv from 8:00 to the evening . then i go to bed at 10:00. unit3 how do you get to sch

18、ool? 【写作话题】本单元以如何到某地为话题,描述请某地的方式。 【写作题目】根据下面提示写一篇70词左右的短文。 张静是我的好朋友,在青岛上学,她的家距离学校约3千米,她通常骑自行车去上学,大约用20分钟,但下雨时她乘出租车,大约5分钟。她的父母在离家8千米的一家医院工作,每天开汽车上班,大约要10分钟。 zhang jing is my good friend. she studies in qingdao. her home is about three kilometers from school. she usually rides her bike to school and i

19、t takes her about twenty minutes .but when it rains, she goes to school by taxi. it takes her only five minutes . her father and mother both work in a hospital. its eight kilometers from their home. they take a car to work . it takes them about ten minutes. unit4 dont eat in class. 【写作话题】本单元以规则话题,以祈

20、使句表达规则。 【写作题目】根据下面提示写一篇60词左右的短文。tom 正和他的一个朋友jim 谈论他所在的学校。tom 很不喜欢这所学校,原因是这所学校的规章制度太多。 要点:1保持安静2不准吃零食3不准乱扔垃圾4不准打闹5按时上课6做好课前准备 tom is talking about his school with his friend jim. tom tells jim he doesnt like this school very much, because there are too many school rules for us. 1. keep quiet in the c

21、lassroom ,please. 2. dont eat snacks in the classroom ,or it will make our classroom dirty. 3. dont throw around. 4. dont fight and chase after each other in the classroom. of course, you cant make any noise. 5. please arrive at the class on time. dont be late, or our teachers will be unhappy. 6. ge

22、t ready before the class. dont look for anything after the class begins. if we break any one of them, we will be punished. unit5 why do you like pandas? 【写作话题】本单元以动物话题,描述自己喜欢的动物及原因。 【写作题目】根据下面表格的内容,以a trip to the zoo写一篇60词左右的短文介绍一下动物园新来的两只动物。【写作话题】本单元以人们正在进行的活动话题,用现在进行时描述自己或他人正在进行的活动。 【写作题目】假设你叫魏梅,根

23、据下面提示给你的朋友helen 写一张明信片,介绍一下你和你的家人正在做什么,不少于60词。 提示: 现在是星期三晚上八点,你的爷爷和爸爸在下象棋,奶奶和妈妈在看电视,姐姐在房间看书,哥哥在玩电脑游戏。你们很开心。 dear helen ,how are you? its eight oclock in the evening now. what are you doing now? people in my family are doing different things. my brother is playing computer games. you see, he likes pl

24、aying games very much. my grandpa and my father are playing chess. my grandma and my mother are watching tv and my sister is reading a book in her room. we are having a good time. see you soon. love, wei mei unit7 its raining! 【写作话题】本单元人们在各种天气里的活动话题,描述天气情况和人们正在进行的活动。 【写作题目】你家乡的气候怎样? 你喜欢什么样的气候?以the w

25、eather in my city 为题,写一篇介绍天气的短文。 the weather in my city hello, everyone! im from shengyang. do you want to know what the weather is like here? let me tell you! shengyang is in the northeast of china. in spring, the weather is changeable(多变的).sometimes its warm, and sometimes its cold. in summer, its

26、 hot. but i like it very much because i like swimming. the【篇三:表格描述英语作文】 the chart shows the changes in the number of the social crimes in cite a over the period from 2011 to 2013. as is indicated by the record, the social crimes in city ahas been oise overall and there was a sharp increase in 2013 u

27、p to 319 in total. sexual assault, fraud and vandalism remained approximately constant. on the other hand, robbery, breaking into homes and theft of a motor vehiclerose steadily. as far as im concerned, this phenomenon may be resulted from lax supervision and low priority of government and police fo

28、r social crimes. in addition, serious assault hit the lowest point over the 3 years in 2012 decreasing to 54,which rebounded to 64 as the same as in 2011, perhaps on account of relaxing restrictions of public order. generally speaking, it is essential to appeal all sectors of the community to attachingimportance to this problemas toavoid the security situation continuing to deteriorate.

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