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1、我打算写一封信。2、你准备写信给你的表兄弟吗?3、不,我准备给我外公写信。4、你是否打算理发?不,不是。5、她明天准备做什么?她准备看医生。6、他们准备在后天聚会吗?三、照样子改写句子。Model: What are you going to do today? Im going to have a party.1、he / tomorrow / write a letter2、your mother / the day after tomorrow / shop for clothes3、Gogo / today / have a vacation Is he going to the pa

2、rk tomorrow? Yes, he is.1、they / play football / today / no2、she / play tennis / the day after tomorrow / no3、Ben / watch TV / tomorrow / yesUnit 2 Vacation plans乘/坐船住在酒店/旅馆乘/坐飞机在舅舅和舅母家做客坐公共汽车去野营坐火车游览/游玩眼睛哭飞我的干旱的为什么1、你们打算怎么去广州?我们坐公交车去。2、你们准备住在哪里?我们准备住在酒店。3、我们准备去西藏度假。4、我们打算怎么去/到达那里? Where are you goi

3、ng for vacation? Im going to Bird Town.1、your Dad / Hong Kong2、your friends / Hainan3、Tony / Beijing How are you going there? Im going by bus.1、she / Shanghai / by plane2、Tonys mother / Guangzhou / by train What is she going to do in Beijing? She is going to meet some friends.1、Gogo / Hainan / go si

4、ghtseeing2、your aunt and uncle / Hunan / walk up hillsUnit 3 On Vacation野餐和朋友玩拜访亲戚做模型帮助爸爸网上冲浪读书购物在假期期间电话照片大象火车树木旅行,旅游1、在假期期间你准备做什么?我准备上网。2、你准备做什么?我准备读一些书。3、我准备和朋友玩游戏。4、你准备野餐吃什么?我不知道。5、你准备做什么,果果?我准备去参观长城。 Where are they going to do today? They are going to go shopping .1、Jenny / during the vacation /

5、 have a picnic2、you / tomorrow / help Dad3、aunt and uncle / on Sunday / visit relativesReview 1一、替换成合适的单词或短语。1、Im going by train. 、 、 、 2、They are going to have a party.3、Im going to get a haircut.4、She is going to help Dad today.二、按实际情况回答。1、What are you going to do tomorrow?2、What are you going to

6、do with your cousin?3、Where are you going on Sunday?4、How are you go to school?5、Where are you going to stay during the vacation?6、Where are you going for your vacation?Unit 4 Going Outing去郊游寻找在森林里当然乘出租车乘公共汽车驾驶乘地铁走路骑自行车去上学去上班从不经常地铁有时候总是一辆轿车一辆出租车一辆自行车讲话步行/走路球高的小的1、你怎样去公园?我通常坐公共汽车。2、你常常坐出租车去上学吗?3、不,我从

7、不坐出租车去学校。4、让我们一起寻找一些小鸟。 Do you usually take a bus to the zoo? Yes, I do.1、Ben / take the subway / school / no2、your mother / take a taxi / work / yes3、Tony and Gogo / take a bus / zoo / no How do they go to work ? They are go to work by bus.1、she / the zoo / by car2、you / school / ride my bike3、May

8、/ the park / by motor bike4、your friends / the swimming pool / by subwayUnit 5 My Favorite Activities一次三次两次常常;去钓鱼去溜冰去远足去游泳每周一次每月一次每年一次我最喜欢的活动哇怎样奶牛向下/往下棕色的花1、你多久去钓鱼?2、我大约一周一次去钓鱼。3、你多久吃一次鱼?4、我大约一个月一次吃鱼。5、远足是我最喜欢的活动。6、你多久去溜冰?7、我大约一个月三次去溜冰。 How often do you go ice-skating? I go ice-skating once a year.1

9、、Tony / swimming / once a week 2、your father / go hiking / twice a year3、they / go fishing / once a month4、he / running / three times a week What is your favorite activity? My favorite activity is ice-skating.1、Sam / fishing2、your cousin / swimmingUnit 6 Good Habits刷她/他的牙齿洗她/他的脸梳她/他的头发完成她/他的作业收拾她/他的

10、书包挂她/他的衣服倒/扔垃圾清洁房间每天一次每天两次每周两次每天三次每周三次好习惯每天打包/包裹鸭子短袜小鸡黑色的时钟1、她多久清理/扔一次垃圾?2、她一周清理三次垃圾。3、他多久清洁一次他的房间?4、他一年清理一次他的房间。5、他每天都收拾好书包。 How often does she comb her hair? She combs her hair everyday.1、brush his teeth / twice a day2、finish her homework / everyday3、hang up his clothes / once a week Review 21、How

11、 often does she play computer games ?2、I go swimming twice a week.3、They go to zoo by taxi.4、She goes to work by bus.1、What do you do once a week ?2、How often do you take a bus ?3、How do you usually go to school ?4、How often do you go hiking ?5、Where are you going for vacation ?三、阅读短文,填上相应的信息。Dear J

12、enny,My name is Mary. Im glad to be your email pen friend. My favorite activities are ice-skating, hiking, and ping-pong. Theres an ice-skating rink in my town. I can get there on the subway. I usually go ice-skating once a week and I play ping-pong twice a week. I also like to ride my bike. I alway

13、s ride my bike to school.I have to go now. Im going to the shopping mall with my mother. Were going there by bus.Bye,MaryHello, this is Jennys new email pen friend. Her name is Mary. Her favorite activities are , ,and . She to the ice-skating rink . She ping-pong . She always to school by . Shes going to a bus to the shopping mall. Do you want to make friends with her?

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