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1、00 am.我们早晨6点上班,一直工作到凌晨2点。 【考研英语】必备词组206-2101. be on duty 值班, 值日, 在上班时A policeman must not smoke while he is on duty警察当班值勤时不得抽烟。2. be in duty bound to (do)有义务(做) = be required by ones job or esp. by conscienceWe are in duty bound to help the blind to cross the street.我们应帮助盲人过街。3. be eager for 想得到, 盼望

2、eager原始涵义:adj.热切的, 渴望的,渴求的She listened with eager attention.她聚精会神地倾听。He is eager about his studies.他对自己的研究很热心。She is eager for success. 她渴望成功。4. by ear 凭记忆,不看乐谱= play music from memory without having seen it printedShe could play by ear prettily.她不看乐谱,光凭听觉记忆就能演奏得很好。5. have an ear for对.有鉴赏力= have kee

3、n recognition of sounds esp. in music and languageAny singer needs to have an ear for music.任何歌唱家都要对音乐十分敏感。【考研英语】必备词组211-2151. a word in ones ear 私房话, 秘密话William promised to have a word in the managers ear and persuade him to give the order to his uncle.威廉答应私下在经理面前美言几句,说服他把这定单交给他的叔叔做。2. on earth 究竟,

4、 到底, 全然How on earth did you manage to get the car started?你到底是怎么把汽车发动起来的?3. with ease容易, 不费力= easilyease原始涵义:n.1.容易; 轻易; 不费劲They are expected to win the election with ease.预计他们在竞选中能够轻易获胜。2.舒适, 安逸, 自在, 无忧无虑vt. & vi.1.(使)减轻, 舒缓The pain began to ease.疼痛开始减轻了。及物动词 vt.1.使安心, 使宽慰The news that her child wa

5、s safe eased her mind.孩子平安的消息使她放心了。2.小心缓慢地移动位置Their team won the game with ease. 他们队轻松地赢了那场比赛。4. at (ones) ease 自在,不拘束= without worry or nervousnessWith our work done, we felt much at ease. 工作做完后,我们觉得好轻松。5. put sb. at hisher ease使某人感到无拘束= free sb. from worry or nervousnessThe dentist soon put the sm

6、all girl at ease. 牙医很快使小女孩的情绪放松了。【考研英语】必备词组216-2201. economize on节省= save sth. instead of being wastefuleconomize原始涵义:vi.节省;减少开支Weve economized as much as possible,but to little great avail,since we still owe a lot of money.我们尽可能节俭,但没什么用,因为我们仍然欠了一大笔债。Hed rather economize on clothes and food than tra

7、vel. 他宁愿俭衣节食,而不愿节省旅游开销。2. have an effect on 对有影响Even quite big changes in the price of crude have a more muted effect On pump prices than in the past.即使原油价格大幅度增长,这对汽油价格的影响也没有过去那么大了。(2002阅读)What you say or do will have an effect on others. 你所说或所做的每一件事都会对别人产生影响。3. be in effect 有效= be in operationIniti

8、ally the contract will be in effect for 3 years. 最初契约的有效期为三年。4. go into effect 生效【Tips】短语不能用于被动语态;主语一般为非人的主语。= come into effect=take effect=be brought into effectThese Regulations shall go into effect as of December 1, 1987.本条例自年月日起施行。These rights come into effect upon sending the image.发送图片后,你就可以行使

9、这些权利了。5. in effect 实际上= in fact=really有效【例句】The regulations are still in effect after working for 20 years. 这些规章在实施20年以后仍然有效。实际上Although the Supreme Court ruled that there is no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, the Court in effect supported the medical principle of “double effect”

10、.虽然最高法院认为,宪法没有规定医生可以协助病人自杀,但法院实际上支持了医学界“双重影响”的原则。Such a procedure is, in effect, deciding upon the weight of the total evidence.实际上,这样的程序决定于全部事实资料的影响力。【考研英语】必备词组221-2251. give effect to 实行,使生效= carry outThe new ruling give effect to the recommendation of the special committee. 这一新裁定使特别委员会的推荐生效。2. to

11、 no effect 不起作用,没有取得任何效果She frowned and frowned, but to no effect. 她把眉头皱了又皱。 但是什么效果也没有。3. (be) of no effect 无效= uselessAll our efforts were of no effect.我们一切努力都无用。4. to the effect that 大意是,主要内容是He made a declaration to the effect that he would soon resign. 他发表一项声明,大意是他将很快辞职。5. to that effect 是那个意思的H

12、e told me to get out, or words to that effect. 他说了一句叫我走开之类的话。【考研英语】必备词组226-2301. emerge from出现, 暴露(问题. 意见等)= appear=become knownemerge原始涵义:vi.1.出现; 显出; 暴露The submarine at last emerged.那艘潜艇终于浮出了水面。2.(从困苦、逆境、贫穷、微贱等中)挣脱出来,从中脱颖而出,露头,出头(from)Many distinguished men have emerged from slums.很多名人都出身于贫民区。The

13、driver brakes violently to allow a car to emerge from a side street.司机猛踩刹车以让从边道出现的汽车通过。(1992阅读)The rabbit will not emerge from its hole while you are there. 你在那儿,兔子是不会出洞的。2. place an emphasis on 强调, 把重点放在上= put/layan emphasis onAnd schools are beginning to place emphasis on using computers to teach

14、students.目前学校全力以赴,非常注重各科的电脑教学进展。3. encourage sb. in 鼓励encourage sb. in his/her work鼓励某人工作encourage sb. in his/her idleness怂恿某人游手好闲encourage原始涵义:vt.1.鼓励, 激励;支持Teachers often encourage class participation.教师常鼓励学生积极参与2.促进, 助长, 激发3. 鼓动;劝告;怂恿Dont encourage hin in his idle ways. 不要助长他的懒惰。4. encourage sb.

15、in with sth.用鼓励某人做某事We encouraged our baseball team with loud cheers.我们大声欢呼来鼓励我们的棒球队。5. on end 连续地= continuouslyend原始涵义:n.1.最后部分, 末尾We must fight on until the end.我们必须战斗到底。2.端, 尽头, 梢3.终止, 结局t give away the end of the story.别把故事结局说出来。4.正结果, 目标, 目的Do the ends justify the means?只要目的正当就可以不择手段吗?5.死去That

16、face called up in his mind the image of his end wife.那张脸使他想起了他亡妻的形象。结束; 终止The road ends here.此路到此为止。Some plays are so successful that they run for years on end. 有些戏因为演出成功而连续上演几年。【考研英语】必备词组231-2351. (be) at an end结束了= finishedThe war was at an end.战争结束了.2. no end of很多,大量= very=many=muchHe has no end

17、of books.他的书多得不能再多了。3. in the end最终= finally=eventuallyIt is stable in the end, so it does not break down.这体系最终是稳定的,所以它没有瓦解。4. at ones wits end无法可想, 智穷计尽= not knowing what to do or to sayIn all honesty Im at my wits end.说实话,我现在是智穷计尽。5. end up with 以而结束Alcoholics can end up with a shrunken brain, whi

18、ch is linked to dementia.饮酒过量者最终会导致大脑萎缩,造成痴呆。【考研英语】必备词组236-2401. come to an end结束= finishThe meeting has come to an end.会议结束了。2. end in 以为结束Promising beginnings end in grotesque disappointments. 充满希望的开端却以古怪的失望而告终。3. engage in 或be engaged in 忙于,从事engage原始涵义:vt.1.从事,参加;使忙碌;吸引住(注意力、兴趣) 2.(用诺言、誓言、保证、合同、

19、契约等)约束(自己);约定;许诺;保证;使负有责任(或义务);对(债务等)给以担保She engaged herself to repay her debt within two month.她答应在两个月内偿还她的债务。3.现只用于被动语态使受婚约的约束,使订婚,同订婚 (to)They were engaged last month.他们上个月订了婚。4.使卷入;使参与,使参加She engaged him in conversation.她正和他谈话。vi.1.订婚Jimmy Lin and his model girlfriend Kelly Chen got engaged last

20、 year.林志颖和他的模特女友陈若仪去年订婚了。2.保证,担保;承担义务;答应,允诺 (for)I was unwilling to engage on such terms.根据这样的条件我不愿答应。3.从事,参加;忙于;卷入 (in)4.受聘,受雇,被雇 (in)Some scientists ale engaged in the study of population.一些科学家致力于研究人口问题。 (1998阅读)They also engage in various kinds of sideline production. 他们也从事各种副业生产。4. enter for报名参加

21、= put the name on a list forenter原始涵义: vi.1.进来,进入, 进去More and more people entered and the train was crowded.越来越多的人上了火车, 火车非常拥挤。The train entered a tunnel.火车进入了隧道。2.参加, 加入3.登记, 登录She is entering her 25th year.她现年25岁。I shall enter for that new competiton. 我将报名参加那项新的比赛。5. enter into开始(谈话, 谈判等)= beginHe

22、 introduced himself to Mr.Wang,hoping to enter into conversition with him. 他向王先生作了自我介绍,想同他交谈。【考研英语】必备词组241-2451. enter on upon开始(一个时代. 一种生涯. 一段任期等)We enter on a new era in our history. They entered upon the most dangerous part of the journey. 我们进入了历史上的新纪元。他们开始了旅行中最危险的阶段 2. be entitled to有权,有资格= be g

23、iven the right to do sth.entitle原始涵义:vt.1.使有资格; 使有权He entitled us to enter his office at any time.他授权给我们可以随时进入他的办公室。They are entitled to enjoy many advantages and privileges.他们有资格享有许多优惠和特权。2.给题名He entitled the book The Secret Garden.他把这本书定名为秘密花园。Prisoners are entitled to apply for parole.囚犯有权申请假释。3.

24、 be equal to 等于相等的,同样的Now a lot of young women think they are equal to men.现在,许多年轻女性认为她们与男性是平等的。胜任的,合适的Henry is quite equal to running the office.亨利有足够的能力管理这个部门。4. be feel equal to=(某人)能胜任,能应付on equal terms平等地= have enough strength, ability etc. (某人)能胜任,能应付=on and equal footing平等地She did not feel eq

25、ual to receiving visitors 她不舒服,不能接待客人。The treaty was concluded on equal terms. 在平等的基础上订立了条约。5. be equipped with 装备有,装有equip原始涵义:vt.1.装备, 配备They equipped themselves with a pair of sharp axes and set off for the forest.他们带上两把利斧便朝森林走去。2.使有能力, 使胜任His evening study has equipped him for a career as a teacher.夜校的学习使他能担任教师的工作。The engineers equipped the plane with a radar.工程师给那架飞机配备了雷达。【考研英语】必备词组246-2501. (be) equivalent to相等于, 相当于= equal in value, amount, meaningequivalent原始涵义:adj.1.相等的, 相当的There is no exactly equivalent French tense to the pres

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