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《TOP GEAR特别篇邦德50年》完整中英文对照剧本Word格式文档下载.docx

1、系&and the one that laid the foundationsfor the whole Bond/car relationship.这台车为我们这期 50年007座驾特辑Which makes it the perfect placeto start our celebration定下了完美的起点of 50 years of Bond cars.嗯 好吧 近乎完美的起点Well, nearly the perfect place.因为如果严格来说Because if were going to bethorough我们应该以第一段邦德的历险we should start wi

2、th the very firstBond adventure,诺博士 开始Dr. No.一般来说 要是有人敢挡老子的路.Usually, when a man gets in myway.整部电影的预算仅为35万英镑With the whole film made on a verytight budget of just 350,000事实上 邦德的汽车追击处&女&秀并没有一举成名the fact was that Bonds debutcar chase was never going to setthe world on fire.他驾驶着一台简陋的Sunbeam AlpineAt t

3、he wheel of a humbleSunbeam Alpine,和一辆灵车展开了一段短暂的追逐he gets chased, briefly,by a hearse.灵车翻到悬崖下面 仅此而已The hearse falls over a cliff.and thats your lot.我想他们一定赶着时间去葬礼I think they were on their wayto a funeral.为了让你明白当时的追击桥段是多么勉强To give you a flavour of howhand-to-mouth things were back then,我手上有一封当时邦德制&作&

4、人I have a copy of a lovely letterwritten by the Bond producers写给Sunbeam汽车公&司&的信to the people at the SunbeamMotor Company.在信里他们抱怨找不到一辆免费的车来拍摄Its sort of complaining that theycouldnt get a free car to film with只能去租一辆 我引述原句“实在太费钱了”and had to rent one locally for -and I quote - a considerable sum.当时那句“太

5、贵了”是指12先令一天!That considerable sumwas 12 shillings a day!无论如何 当电影在1962首映时However, on its release in 1962,诺博士火爆全城Dr. No was a big hit,第二部 来自俄&罗&斯&的爱 也一样as was the next film,From Russia With Love.这意味着他们在第三部中预算充足This meant they could really pushthe boat out with the third film.那一集就是 金手指Goldfinger.你指望靠这个

6、来让我招供吗Do you expect me to talk?不 邦德先生 我只想让你死!No, Mr Bond. I expect you to die!对阵 邪恶的超级坏蛋 Auric GoldfingerWith evil super-baddieAuric Goldfinger他计划毁掉美国的黄金储备planning to destroy Americasgold supply,邦德直面他从未有过的的挑战Bond faced his most dauntingchallenge yet.为了帮助007取胜And to help 007 win the day,Q博士为他装配了一辆相当特

7、别的车Q equipped him witha rather special car.你将会用这辆改装过的阿斯顿马丁DB5Youll be using this Aston MartinDB5 with modifications.挡风玻璃 防弹的Windscreen, bullet-proof,侧窗和后窗也是一样as are the side and rear windows.旋转车牌Revolving number plates, naturally.帮助你畅行全球Valid all countries.那个旋转车牌 我认为是我的贡献采访金手指导演The revolving number

8、plates,I think, was my contribution起因是我经常被警&察&叔叔开罚单because I was getting so manyparking tickets at the time因为当时的办公室在梅菲尔区(伦敦高尚地区)because the office was in Mayfair那里有很多“咖啡妹” 你懂的 非常恶毒(交通督导员的俗称)and there were a lot of wardenladies, you know, very vicious.我不禁想到如果能在被抄牌时 车牌转成另外一个And I thought, Wouldnt it b

9、elovely,you get the ticket,shes marking away,“那不是很好很强大吗”and then you press the buttonand the revolving.抄牌妹会留下一脸尴尬And shes left with eggon her face!我觉得 “真是个好主意”I thought, Thats a good thing!看到这扶手吗?See this arm here?打开盖子你会看见 机&枪&控制系统Open the top and inside areyour defence mechanism controls.然后有人说 “为什么

10、不把机关枪装进去?”我想 “这主意不赖啊”And somebody said, Why not putmachine guns in it?I thought,Nothing wrong with that.就这样 小玩意儿加完又加 加完又加And so the gadgets added and addedand added.注意这个 这个我特别喜欢。Now, this one, Im particularly keen about.看到这换挡杆吗?See the gear lever here?如果你把盖子拿掉 会发现一个红色按钮If you take the top off,youll

11、find a little red button.-无论如何, 千万别碰! -为什么?Whatever you do, dont touch it!Why not?因为你会释放车顶的这一部分Because youll release this sectionof the roof同时启动 乘客座椅弹射功能。and engage and then firethe passenger ejector seat.那个,我想是我继子的点子That, I think, came from my stepson.他显然被 战斗机上的弹射座椅启发了。Hed seen obviously, an ejecto

12、rplane seat and that had impressedhim.弹射座椅? 你开玩笑呢!Ejector seat? Youre joking!007, 我工作的时候从来不开玩笑I never joke about my work, 007.车子的机关都已经设计好了With the car gadgets planned out,万事俱备 只欠真车all that was neededwas an actual car.所以邦德的制&人找到 阿斯顿马丁So the Bond producers went and askedAston Martin看看能不能向他们借一辆。if they

13、 could borrow one of theirs.然而, 阿斯顿马丁的老板回复And in reply, the Aston Martinbosses said.“不,绝对不行。没门儿。No, absolutely not.It isnt worth the bother.Harry Saltzman邦德电影的制&人相当愤怒地回复道Harry Saltzman, the Bond producer,came back at them quite indignantly.“好吧, 你看过诺博士吗?Well, have you seen Dr. No?“实际上,没有” 阿斯顿回复Actual

14、ly, no, replied the chapfrom Aston.“那 来自俄&的爱呢”还是“没有”What about From Russia With Love?Again, No.“不过我告诉你,我们可以卖&你一辆。But Ill tell you what.We will sell you a car.“全价4千5百英镑。At the full price. 4,500.这时Saltzman把电&话&一砸At this point Saltzmanslammed the phone down电影银幕上最出名的汽车and the most famous carin cinema hi

15、story就快要成一辆捷豹了。was on the verge of being a Jaguar.候选名单上还有一台杰森A Jensen was also considered.一辆雪佛兰And a Chevrolet.不过制&人一直在和阿斯顿洽谈But the Bond producerskept plugging away at Aston,阿斯顿从头到尾都没搞清这帮人是干嘛的who, in the end, still with absolutely no idea ofwhat they were letting themselves in for,只是很小气地借给他们了一辆二手研发

16、用车begrudgingly lent them a second-handdevelopment car.邦德的特技团队着手把他们的创意成为现实And the Bond special effects chaps could go towork making their creation come to life.到最后 改装花费了2万5千英镑In the end, gadgetising the carcost 25,000,是当时DB5实车售价的more than five times the price五倍of an actual DB5.不过老天 这钱花的真值!But boy, wa

17、s it worth it!第一个登场的是 轮胎粉碎器First out of the boxwas the tyre shredder.然后其他机关都陆续登场在And then all the other gadgetswere unleashed与金手指的随从飙车的著名桥段中in the legendary chase sequenceagainst Goldfingers evil henchmen.其实有一些特别没有技术含量Some of it was wonderfully low tech.那从车尾散发的烟雾The smoke coming out of the backof th

18、e car,道理很简单that was very simple把一个矮小的道具男塞到后备箱里We had a very small prop man and weput him in the boot of the car.后备箱有瓶烟雾罐他只用把它打开就行了There was a hole and a smokecanister and all he had to dowas open the thing.烟雾罐散发出的烟雾 从后备箱的孔排出去And the canister was leakingand there was this smoke coming.那可怜的小伙当时都快窒息了!T

19、he poor bugger was practicallyasphyxiated!啊!Aghh!电影中 飙车桥段发生在金手指的工厂In the film, the setting for the car chaseis in the grounds of Goldfingers factory位于瑞士in Switzerland.不过实际上是在这里拍摄的But in reality, the chasewas actually shot here在这片白金汉郡宾伍德制片厂错综复杂的小胡同和建筑物之中amongst the alleyways and buildings ofPinewood

20、Studios in Buckinghamshire.这里就是那位 愤怒的大娘朝007开枪的地方This is where the angry, fatFraulein shoots at Bond.这里则是飙车戏最高&潮&的拍摄地And this is the locationfor the climax of the chase,邦德朝一辆他以为是迎面而来的车射击where Bond fires at what he thinksis a car coming towards him然后猛烈地打方向想要避开and then swerves violentlyto avoid it.事实上

21、撞车片段可谓是恰到好处Actually, its probably a good jobhe crashed,因为当时阿斯顿的4升6缸发动机发生了些小故障because at one point in the chase,the Astons four-litre, six-cylinderengine went a bit dicky只能靠3个缸运行and was only runningon three cylinders!不过这不点火的引擎But the misfiring engine不是导演眼中最清晰的回忆is not the memory that hauntsthe direct

22、or.我看过报道说你当时的确收到了一封学生的信You did get a great letter froma schoolboy, that I read about.谨寄给金手指的导演Addressed to the director,亲爱的先生Dear sir,当阿斯顿马丁离开英国的时候when the Aston Martinleaves the UK,轮胎是倍耐力568s,the wheels are Pirellis 568s,不过但它到达瑞士的油站的时候but when it arrives at the petrolstation in Switzerland,却是邓禄普426

23、s还是什么的theyre Dunlops 426s,or something.我都懒得去让助理去查一下了And I didnt even bother to ask myeditor to have a look and see,因为我知道这小伙是对的!because I knew that the littlebugger was right!那信该不会是是 James May 署名的吧?Was the letter signed James May,by any chance?有可能是他 我想他确实会看得出的!d have been two, but I thinkhe would hav

24、e noticed!小结一下 一辆差点不可能出现的车So there we are. A car that nearlynever happened.装备上大孩子们的创意和梦想以及无数张违章罚单Gadgets dreamed up by overgrown kidswith too many parking tickets,一个在车尾箱受罪的伙计a man suffocating in the boot还有一些只有3缸运行时拍摄的飙车镜头and a chase, sometimes on threecylinders, sometimes not,摄于几条不知名的肮脏小巷里round some

25、 grubby warehouses.这些不像是会大红大紫的因素啊 不是么Hardly the ingredientsfor a Avengers Assemble, is it?不过当196&4&年9月 电影上映的时候But when the lights went downin the cinema in September 196&哇哦!wow!全民为金手指而疯狂The public went mad for Goldfinger.他们也为了DB5而疯狂,And they went equally crazyfor the DB5,到最后演变成DB5全球巡演which ended up

26、goingon its own world tour也为邦德系列赢得了了新的观众群体and opening up Bondto a whole new audience.阿斯顿马丁改变了一切The Aston changed everything.这也带给我们一个重要的问题And this brings us toan important question.为什么是它 力压群雄 被选为邦德之车?Why was it, above all others,chosen to be Bonds car?为了寻找这个答案,Well, to find the answer,翻出原著的语句是个很好的着手点a good place to startis with the Bond books.这辆车 你知道 并不是一辆阿斯顿马丁This, as you may have noticed,is not an Aston Martin.而是一辆1930年款

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