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1、t worry.Weve got 20 minutesB.Thank you.No hurryC.Never mind.You go if you likeD.The lecture is usefulA7.I broke my leg when I()skiing in America.A.isB.wasC.(不填)D.would be8.I found myself behind the gigantic truck that had()us.A.overtakenB.taken overC.undertakenD.broken up9.Im tired,I()working very h

2、ard.A.haveB.have beenC.hadD.has10.If the man()succeed,he must work as hard as he going toD.should11.If you asked your father you()permission.A.may getB.might getC.should have gotD.would have got12.In the fifties last century,many new cities()in the desert.A.bring upB.make

3、ew up13.Is this the motel you mentioned?A.It looks comfortable.B.Yes,its as quiet as we expected.C.Youre so considerateD.No,the prices reasonable.14.It is vital that he()accurate records.A.must keepB.keepsC.keepD.may keep15.More and more people in China now()to work regularly.A.driveB.driv

4、esC.droveD.have driven16.Most importantly,if all of us get news and information()from television,there will be a decline in general literacy.A.intensivelyB.inclusivelyC.extensivelyD.exclusively17.Not until most of the people had left the airport()his sister was there.A.that he sawB.had he seenC.did

5、he seeD.that he had seen18.Only when()evidence()admit that she had stolen the money.A.confronting withdid sheB.confronting toshe didC.confronted withdid sheD.confronted toshe did19.Please remind me of it again tomorrow()I case the that case20.The beef I ate at th

6、e restaurant yesterday is delicious.Id like to have it again even if it costs() twice muchB.much as much asD.twice as much21.The boss was unable to()his anger any longer.A.hold upB.hold backC.hold onD.hold out22.The first duty of the state is to()that law-abiding people are protected

7、from crime.A.insureB.ensureC.assureD.convince23.The road()built this year.A.has beingD.were24.The weather was()the delay,or we had been in the city for three hours.A.responsible forB.the result ofC.resulting fromD.responding to25.They are()students that they all performed well in the nation

8、wide diligentB.such much diligentD.such very diligent26.We have our house()every week by a cleanC.cleanedD.cleaning27.Whats the problem,Harry?A.No problem.B.No trouble at all.C.Thank you for asking me about it.D.I cant remember where I left my glass

9、es.28.You can()the second section of the article if time is limited since it is less relevant.A.start overB.go weight onD.miss out29.At the conference he expressed some personal views which later brought him into()with the party leadership.A.actionB.crisisC.conflictD.power30.Dont()to let

10、 me know if there is anything I can do for you.A.rejectB.preventC.hesitateD.refuse31.He was an object of interest simply()being virtue ofB.according toC.based the event of32.Increasing numbers of people in high-powered jobs are suffering from()and stress-related illnesses.A.ass

11、uranceB.fatigueC.expectationD.privilege33.Its not easy to evaluate a childs()powers in an exam.A.competentB.impressiveC.expressiveD.efficient34.Its not worth()your health for your career.A.payingB.devotingC.sacrificingD.describing35.Lets hang up some paintings on these()walls.A.bareB.emptyC.blankD.v

12、acant36.Man must stop()the earths atmosphere.A.fillingB.emittingC.pollutingD.wasting37.No one has yet succeeded in explaining the()of how life began.A.problemB.CauseC.puzzleD.logic38.The old couple decided to move out of town to a quiet(),where they had spent several years immediately after their ma

13、rriage.A.spaceB.suburbC.neighborhoodD.area39.The police managed to gain()through an upstairs window.A.accessB.aspirationC.clueD.manuscript40.The test results are not very().He does well one week and badly the next.A.subsequentB.consistentC.consequentD.continuous41.They discussed the problem three or

14、 four times,but could come to no().A.endB.conclusionC.resultD.judgment42.They have developed techniques which are()to those used in most factories.A.more talentedB.betterC.greaterD.superior43.They stood at a()distance from the president.A.respectableB.respectfulC.respectedD.respective44.They want to

15、 avoid armed()at all costs.A.interventionB.interruptionC.commissionD.boundary45.Unfortunately,very few sheep()the severe winter last year.A.survivedB.enduredC.spentD.remained alive46.Well,lets put our heads together and find()to the answerB.a wayC.a solutionD.a method47.You may borrow t

16、his book()you promise to give it soon long asC.untilD.although48.Help me to()the bedroom drawers ready for our guests.A.give outB.take outC.put outD.turn out49.70,000 tons of()oil has poured out of the damaged tanker into the sea.A.crudeB.rawC.roughD.tough50.After it was all over,it

17、()that both of us were pleased with the bargain.A.ofB.toC.withD.from51.Bill is a journalist who is not content to simply record the()facts.A.frankB.bareC.aliveD.liable52.Canada is one of the countries that are rich in natural().A.sourcesB.environmentsC.originsD.resources53.Cancer is second only()hea

18、rt disease as a cause of death.A.modelB.presentC.distinctiveD.favorite54.Crossing the North Pole on foot was an amazing feat of human().A.alternativeB.suspiciousC.indispensableD.desirable55.He has suffered a()heart attacknothing too serious.A.modestB.mediumC.mildD.mature56.He suddenly felt a(n)()pai

19、n in the lower part of his back.A.intenseB.thoughtfulC.originalD.private57.Hes()to fail the exam if he doesnt do any revision.A.linkedB.attachedC.boundD.fastened58.Hes good but not()for the team no players is.A.availableB.approachableC.attainableD.applicable59.It used to be()impossible to find Chine

20、se restaurants outside the major cities,but its much easier now.A.eventuallyB.physicallyC.willinglyD.virtually60.None of the servants were()when Mr.Smith wanted to send a message.A.improveB.buildC.developD.weigh61.The company()a 12% decline in new orders as evidence that overall demand for its produ

21、cts was falling.A.informedB.reportedC.knownD.announced62.The company()several major changes in the last decade.A.attributedB.distributedC.underwentD.undertook63.The name of the dead man will not be released until his relatives have been().A.turned outB.turned aroundC.turned upD.turned about64.The ri

22、se in violent crime is one of the more worrying()of the current situation.A.functionB.actingC.attemptsD.endeavor65.The store displayed its most()products in the front widow.A.aspectsB.portionsC.mattersD.affairs66.Theyve had to()tomorrows football match because of the bad

23、quireD.fulfill67.Two points in this report are especially()of notice.A.worthB.worthyC.worthwhileD.worthless68.We must()on our reputation to expand the business.A.includedB.affordedC.citedD.offered69.()he said is quite right.A.ThatB.WhatC.Why70.A branch floating in the water()Columbus hopes that land

24、 was stealingC.into stealD.into stealing71.A computer()the most useful of machines.A.thatB.thisC.itD.which72.Bob tried in vain to trick his little brother()some money from their mothers purse.A.gave way toB.gave rise toC.came into beingD.spoke for itself73.Can you turn down the r

25、adio,please?A.Im sorry,I didnt realize it was that loudB.Please forgive meC.Ill keep it down next time74.Dont worry.There is()room for all your books here.A.moreB.muchC.some75.George could not()his foolish mistake.B.orderC.runningD.work76.Given the high price,()its not surprising they didnt buy it.A

26、.andB.but77.Hello,could I speak to Don please?A.Who are youB.Are you JaneC.Whos speaking?78.Hello,may I talk to the headmaster now?A.Sorry,you cantB.No,you cantC.sorry,he is busy at the moment79.Im leaving for New York()three days time.A.(不填)B.atC.in80.Jane was()by the singers sweet voice.A.make up forB.make outC.keep up withD.put up with81.Let me()the case carefully b

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