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1、ll ViSit her SiCk cous in.C.A shopp ing Cen tre.B. DriVe to the party.D.CanCel their dinner.14.A. DiSCUSSing an interesting film.C. Shari ng their favourite music.B. Complai ning about a Ci nema.D. Talk ing about their troubles.C. LiSten to the PaSSage and tell Whether the following StatementS are t

2、rue or false (判断下歹U 句子是否符合你听到的内容,符合的用“T表示,不符合的用 “F表示) (6分)15.By the age of 16, Tony had lived in many countries with his parents.16.Tony and Maureen found a job as tourist guides after they got married.17.It took the couple half a year to travel from London to Australia.18.Tony s first guidebook was

3、 about their trip throuhgsome Asian countries.19.The couple stopped travelling after they started a company called Lonely Planet.20.Today Lonely Planet is a big company with 400 members and over 650 guidebooks.D. LiSten to the PaSSage and complete the following SentenCeS (听短文,完成下歹U句子。每 空格限填一词) ( 10

4、分)21.Whenever someone or needed something, Tom would help that person.22.Jack was a lazy person and hardly put in to grow his vegetables.23.One night Jack to Tom s landde aTnodmitlomsae most of his vegetables.24.s sonTom rode to the town away to find an experienced doctor for Jack25.Jack was by Tom

5、s kindness and started to change himself.(2)青浦I. Listening COmPrehenSiOn (听力理解)(共 30 分)A. Listen and choose the right PiCtUre (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片 )(6分)EFGH1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. LiSten to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听至 U的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案7.A. SPri ng.8.A. In NeW York

6、.9.A. $7.10.A. A waitress.11.A. At a school library. restaura nt.12.A. Hele n.):(8 分)B. Summer.B. In Bost on.B. $9.B. A Iibraria n.B. At a supermarket.B. Lily.13. A. The man SPe nds a lot of money on gas.C. The man is repairi ng his Pare ntscar.C. AUtU mn.C. I n WaShi ngton.C. $5.C. A shop assista n

7、t.C. At a police StatiO n.C. Eddie.D. Win ter.D. In London.D. $2D. A clerk.D. At aD. Fran k.B. The man is SaVi ng money for a new car.GDr.The man is mak ing money for the new14. A. She will Ca ncel her train.C. She will stop her train.B. She will CatCh her train.D. She will get off her train.C. List

8、en to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false ( 判断下 列句子是否符合你听到的内容 ,符合的用“T表示,不符合的用 “ F表示)(6分)15.The military camp ( 军营 ) was built in the village to make soldiers live quietly.16.Mr. Hunt let the soldiers have a holiday because he was ill in bed.17.Mr. Hunt worried abo

9、ut the soldiers because they didn t come back to the camp on time.18.Seven soldiers said their buses broke down and they had to buy horses.19.The last soldier said he was late because the dead horses blocked thebus sawy.20.Although all the soldiers gave their reasons, the officer might punish them a

10、nyway.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听文章,完成句子。 每空格填一词 ) (10 分)21.Ben got a teddy bear from his parents on his first birthday.22.At night, Ben always got to sleep with the teddy bear him.23.The teddy bear was taken to , and even to school when Ben grew up.24.Ben got a

11、job in the and had his own place there.25.The baby boy was so happy to see the old teddy bear which Ben gave him to 松江I.LiStening COmPrehenSiOn (听力理解)(共 30 分)A.LiSten and choose the right PiCtUre (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片 )(6分)(D)(A) (B) (C)(H)(E)(F)(G) Peter s.D) Mike B) YeSterday morni ng.D)

12、YeSterday after noon.B) To JaCk S house.D) To Sam S home.B) Three.D) SeVe n.B) HUSba nd and wife.D) Father and daughter.B) Hobbies.D) Frie nds.B) A rain coat.D) A sweater.B.LiSten to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear 根据你听至 U的7.A) Tom C) Jane 8.A) ThiS morni ng.C) ThiS

13、after noon.9.A) To the museum.C) To the Cin ema.10.A) One.C) Five.11.A) TeaCher and StUde nt.C) Man ager and SeCretary.12.A) Ani mals.C) Sports.13.A) A jacket.C) A T-shirt.14.A) He moved to Beijing When he WaS Very young.B)He will ask someOne else to help the woman.C)He will show the woman around Be

14、ijing.D)He Can PrOVide little USefUI in formati on.C.LiSten to the PaSSage and tell Whether the following StatementS are true or false ( 判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用 “ T表示,不符合的用 “ F表示)(6分)15.We decided to sell our house because We are in great n eed of money.16.The house was still not sold after it was p

15、ut on the market for three weeks.17.The house was kept clean and tidy with my effort so that it could be sold.18.The house agent called me before he came to visit my house with a couple.19.Everything in my house was in perfect order when the three people walked around it.20.The couple bought the hou

16、se probably because it provided the same feeling as their own.D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容。每 空格限填一词 ) (10 分 )21.Nowadays, not many people to enjoy lunch, the midday meal.22.Sometimes, if there is an emergency, we just lunch.23.Long can cause different kin

17、ds of health problems.24.To take a lunch break is to slow down and gain doing.If we sit at a proper restaurant, we are to slow down what we(4)徐汇I.Listening COmPrehenSiOn (听力理解):(共 30 分)II.Listen and choose the right PiCtUre (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片 ):(共6分)A.LiSten to the dialogue and choose the best

18、 answer to the question you hear (根据你听至 U的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案 ):(共8分)St7. A) On the 1 floor.rdB) On the 3 floor.C) On the 6th floor.D) On the 8thfloor.8. A) At the airport.B) At the bus stop.C) At the train StatiO n. D)At the SUbWayStatiO n.9. A) On foot.B) By taxi.C) By bike.D) By bus.10. A) BUying some

19、 cold drin ks.B) Clea ning his room.C) HaVing a barbecue.D) Meeti ng Jenny.11. A) On ThUrSday.B) On Friday.C) On SatUrday.D) On SUn day.12. A) The Orange one.B) The Pinkone.C) The blue one.D) The gree n one.13. A) By USing Some magic.B) By tak ing a yoga course.C) By going On a diet.D) By calli ng h

20、imself Tim.子是否符合你听到的内容,符合的用“A表示,不符合的用 “B表示):15.S first day at his new school.It WaS a Ietter to DaiSy about JaS On16.JaS On WaS excited because there are many StUde nts in the new school.17.JaSOn S class teacher is Mrs. Black and She is a young and friendly lady.18.JaS On has made friends With a n i

21、ce boy from Hong Kong.19.EVery One in the school must lear n SPaniSh as a SeC Ond Ian guage.20.JaS On has to do much maths homework On the Interneton the first day.D.LiSten to the PaSSage and complete the following SentenCeS 听短文,完成下歹U内容。每空格限填一词):(共10分)21.Ron ald Dahl WaS born On , 1916 in South Wale

22、s.22.YoUng Dahl didn t because many teachers Were Very strict.23.EVery few mon ths, chocolate Were Sent to RePt On for the StUde nts to test.24.The happy memory gave Dahl the idea for his novel CharIie and theChocolate Factory.25.DUring the SeCond World War, Dahl in a burning pla ne On his first fli

23、ght.(5)杨浦I.Listening COmPrehenSiOn (听力理解)(共 30 分)B.LiSten to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听至 U的C.LiSten to the PaSSage and tell Whether the following StatementS are true or false ( 判断下 列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容 ,符合的用“ T表示,不符合的用 “ F”示)(6分)19.Nancy and Abby followed all t

24、he traffic signs on their way to the store.20.Actually Abby was a danger on the road.D.Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences (听对话, 完成下列内容, 每空 格限填一词 ) (10 分 )21.David grew up in an of Hong Kong.22.David s mum used to take him and his brother to the at the weekend.23.Walking to s

25、chool with mum and brother was a for David.24.David s father drove amtroan Hong Kong Island for .25.David s father never being bored.(6)宝山Listen and choose the right PiCtUre (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片 )(6分)A.LiSten to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你所听至 U 的对话和问题,选择最恰当的答案

26、)(8分)7. A) To go to the market.B) To See a policema n. C) To go home.D) To find her mother.8.A) At 8:30. B) At 8:9.A) To Say “ hello ”.C) To ViSit her friend.10.A) At a library. B) At a hotel.C)At 8:00. D) At 7:45.B)To ask for help.D)To borrow a book.C)In a bookstore. D) In a school.11.B) High mount

27、ains.D) DeIiCiOUS food.A) TOUriStS all over the world.C) BeaUtifUI beaches.B)Nin ety yua n.D) OnehUn dred yua n and ten.C) Poems. D) Lan guage.C)Tom S SiSte r D) Tom himself.B.LiSten to the PaSSage and tell Whether the following StatementS are true or false (判断下歹U 句子是否符合你听到的短文内容 ,符合的用“ T ”表示,不符合的用“

28、F ”表示)(6分)15.Mike and DiCk work in the Same office.The two young men went to AUStraIia to enjoy their holiday.17.Mike and DiCk couldn t drive any Ionger because they Were too tired.18.The boy told them that there Were no WhaIeS in the river.19.DiCk became afraid because he SaW a crocodile in the water.20.It WaS dangerous fo

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